《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 5: Enjoy Your Problems


THAT-FRIDAY, PAUL returned to-be home-alone after-from a-boring day in-school. He headed to the backyard and fed-the-dog, that was tied to its-leash – after eating, Kitty wanted to-poop… it enthusiastically ‘begged’ to be ‘released’ from-its-leash…

… but the-Master refrained its-privilege…

… Paul took Kitty-on-leash to the-grass for-it to-do its-business… as he was reasoning to the-dog that it was the ‘NEW-NORMAL’ condition imposed – for-the-both of ‘them’… if they wanted to continue to live ‘under’ the roof-of the House-of-Walker…

He received a ping on his-iPhone… followed by a-notification from the Deliveroo-service. Paul went back indoors to access the front-door. He was in the front-yard on his wheelchair… acting like a-cautions ‘thief’ from-the-house and looked-around as he waited at the front-gate to ‘receive’ the package of ABORTION-PILLS…

… the motorbiked-rider came… and the ‘transections’ was-made after confirmation of the-recipient, ‘Paula-Abdul’ – Paul ‘paid’ the delivery-fee through the bars of the main-gate and – fled ‘guilty-and-afraid’ into the-house…

‘… the irony-is-that, I have ‘not’ bought any sanitary-pads for-Jane in-the-past… but-now, I’m ‘paying’ for her-ABORTION-PILLS…’

Taking his-responsibilities for his-role as a ‘MIDDLE-MAN/BOY’ had its ups-and-downs too – Paul sighed as he recalled…

… the FAILURE OF the first-batch of the-pills – and the-doctor’s daughter mentioned ‘those’ were fake Abortion-pills…

‘… was she implying that I ‘bought-it’ cheap in a shady-website…? How am I to ‘know’…? It cost the ‘same’ $17.50 every-on every-website…’

Another ‘score’ Paul KEPT-WAS of his-intensive-research on organic-food that ‘could’ aid-abortion – and he had diligently-spent a couple of afternoons… forgoing doing-his homework…

… only-to…

… it-turned-out that the doctor’s daughter was a fussy-eater – and held her-nose to ‘most’ of the suggested-food in-the-list…

Paul sighed-deep, shaking his-head…

… of-her asking all-the-Qs as she depended on him – like he ‘had all-the-As…

‘… come-on, I’m A GUY – I don’t know ‘shit’ about every ‘woman’ related-problems…’

Nevertheless, her-problem was their ‘shared’ problem – ‘as’ the Defenders-of-Perth duo…

He hid the small package in the windowless bedroom…

‘… hope this ‘batch’ works the 2nd-time, Jane… OR-ELSE ‘both’ of us would-be screwed if-the-world FINDS-OUT you’re pregnant…’

Before his-mind dwelled-deeper into his anxiety-related problems – he-then ‘switched’ to his fleeting ESCAPISM-MODE…

… by playing Ghostbusters-Afterlife in his-Nintendo…


2-hours later of levelling-up in the virtual-world, the young-teen heard the purr of the Audi’s engine at the front-gate – indicating the inspector-mother was ‘back’…

… he ‘was’ surprised that she ‘was’ ‘not’ working today – rarely-that Friday being her off-day at-work.

Paul switched-off the Nintendo… and pretended to sleep tummy-up… and-instantly engaging rapid-and-shallow coo-snores…

… in the windowless-bedroom, he-heard Caroline entering the-Walker-house… and placed something(s) and the marble-kitchen-counter that-clanked…

… with eyes-closed, Paul assumed that his mother ‘DID’ HER-weekly grocery-shopping – and a-definite ‘confirmation’ that it was her-DAY-OFF today…

Caroline entered her-son’s room… with ‘something’ in her-hand – and called his-name…


He pretended to sleep – while recalling the last-time she entered his windowless-room was on-the afternoon of his birthday – where he ‘had’ the nightmare-of Nurse-Joker ‘amputating’ his-gangrene-legs with a-chainsaw…

“Hey-Poe, wake-up!”

Paul had-to wake – as he-gradually opened-his squinting eyes and faked a-yawn… and he-answered…

“… huh! What is-it, Mom…?”

He glanced at Caroline’s hand tossing something at his-feet-on the bed – where he slowly sat-up to see a copy of the Herald-Sun – disclosing 2 texts which stuck-out from the bold headlines…

‘… Deep-Fake-&-Child-Pornography…’

“Poe! Look what have you-done!? Your Kissing-video had led-to these disgusting people making lewd-porn in-the-name of this-family – I can lose my job because of this!”

Paul was actually stunned by the news… that the-gossip had ‘not’ reached-SHS that-morning cos’ it was an-evening edition-circulation – but come-ON-MONDAY, after the weekend…


… he would SURELY-BE mocked-and-laughed at by all-of the bullies-of-his school…

“Hey! Are you listening to-me…!? You bring-me shame like your bloody-father!”

Paul lowered his-head and took the-scolding…

… it-was an ill-fated ‘bad’ luck… of-being videoed by some-peeping-tom @South-Beach…and it became Tarzan’s Kissing-video – that-NOW HAD-EVOLVED to its sequel of Tarzan’s Deep-fake Sex-video…

… with a-production budget ‘for’ CGI…

…he understood the gravity of the situation that Caroline was facing – although it ‘was’ a bogus-video… and there ‘no-way’ too-that he could ‘prove’ to-her his innocence-nor-establish the ‘claim’ that he was a virgin 13-year-old boy…

Tears flow as he did ‘not’ make any-eye-contact with the rebuking inspector-mother – Paul remained ‘quiet’ and refrained to-talk-back…

… his-mind was running-haywire thinking of the end-game in POST-TREETON that was ‘about’ to transpire – when the-inspector-mom would ‘find-out’ soon that his-girlfriend was pregnant-too…

… by-then, he had lost the ‘fight’ – and the only-option was to ‘flee’…

… he would runaway from home with his-dog – and, live under the bridge downtown… with the starving-and-destitute homeless-community…


At that-moment, Peter returned-home from-school after loitering-a-bit following his-Maccas’ lunch – and-did stopovers to some illegal street gambling-machines to try his-good luck…

… he was surprised-too knowing that it was the inspector-mom’s day-off when he entered the front door… and heard Caroline yell at his-quad-twin in his-bedroom…

In the kitchen, Peter sniggered as he was ‘enjoying’ the fruits-of-his masterplan mechanisms coming-to the fruition-results from his-posting of YouTube Kissing-video that the was causing the ‘Sparta-fall’ of his-twin…

… he was hungry after his Maccas’ lunch 2-hours-ago…. he put-in a slice-of-bread in the toaster for a peanut-butter sandwich – and while the bread was browning – he unpacked the grocery-bags on the kitchen-counter. Putting the canned-food in the cupboard-shelf and the fresh-produce in the fridge…

… by-being the-Good-son…

He saw the bottle of Barilla’s bolo-sauce… and presumed that they were having pasta for-dinner, so Peter boiled a pot-of-water to cook-it. The toasted bread ‘popped’ – he-then spread a generous-amount of peanut-butter to it and next-took a big-bite… while enjoying-it and-also ‘listening’ to-the sweet-scolding happening in-the windowless bedroom…

Peter wanted to-do more, and put a kitchen-towel on his-shoulder– as he prepared the mise-en-place for spag-bolo by chopping the garlic and fresh-basil with the large kitchen-knife. Caroline entered the kitchen and saw her-elder twin with a-sharp-object…

“… hey, put the knife-down – you might-cut yourself…”

“No, I won’t, hehehe…” Peter chuckled-and-teased as he waved his black-metal-fingers…

“… no… even-so, knifes-are dangerous… step-away…”

“… come-on, Mom… let me ‘help’ you prepare your delicious-spag-bolo by-being the junior-chef…” Peter pleaded…

“… no-scoot… get-away from my-kitchen – I like to cook-alone…”

“… okay-then… I’ll finish-my toast and ‘start’ my outdoor training – hey-Mom, the school tennis-selections are next-week… I’m definitely-in…” Peter bragged…

“… good-for-you…” Caroline ‘kept’ it-short…

… as she was still-troubled by her ‘other’ younger-twin’s deep-fake sex-video that might besmudge her-reputation as Perth’s Inspector-of-Police – and probably LOSE HER-JOB of being… a disgraceful-image of a failed-mother…

Peter scoffed when his-mother SHOWED-NO INTEREST to his-sports career-and-goals – where in the OTHER-PERTH, she didn’t 'even' attend any-of his SHS-matches…

… ‘always’ playing her-Angie Dickinson POLICEWOMAN-ROLE in-a-pants… and ‘hunting’ the most-wanted criminal, Hajji AT-LARGE IN that-city-of the other-realm…

The teen with a robotic-arm looked out of the kitchen window as he ruminated his-other ‘glamourous’ life in-the-other world…

… then…

… something caught his-eye…

“Mom! Come here-quick…!”

… Caroline came-over after dropping the-pasta in the-hot water – looking-over the-window to the direction of Peter’s pointing metal-finger…

“Look-Mom, there is a SINGE-MARK on the backyard-wall – WHAT COULD-have caused-it…?”

The mother looked at the white-wall with a prominent-black mark… that-of the-size of a dinner-plate BLOTCH-ON top…


“… I donno – probably’ a lightning struck-it…”

“… come-on, Mom – there was NO-RAIN for the past 2-weeks…”

Caroline walked away to-do her-cooking – as she was ‘not’ interested in the maintenance- nor-the wellbeing of the Walker-house since the house-deed WAS ‘TRANSFERRED’ in-Peter’s name…

Peter stood alone – and stared at the black-spot… just-like the-peanut-butter toast ‘stuck’ in the roof-of his-mouth – a-memory stuck in his head of…

… the OTHER-PERTH, ‘during’ the-night of ‘kidnapped’ Jaheem @the-South Perth Zoo, where – Peter confronted Paul for ‘throwing’ him from-the-air into the-pool of ‘hungry’ crocodiles… to-leave him-to-die…

… but he ‘survived’…

… and ‘when’ faced-him – his-twin ‘backed’ him-off with his electro-blast shots at his feet… which ‘left’ similar singe-marks on the bitumen-road…

“… that bloody-Poe is ‘destroying’ MY-HOUSE…!’

His reveries ‘were’ poofed by his-mother’s voice…

“Aren’t you GOING-OUTSIDE to practice…?” Caroline said as-she ‘wanted’ her-privacy to be-alone…

Peter turned-around – pointing at the-stove and-exclaimed…

“Mom! Don’t ‘overcook’ the-pasta… it’s ‘not’ chow-mien…!”

“You don’t TEACH-ME ‘how-to’ cook – I ‘know’ what I’m doing…”

Peter-next pointed at the Barilla-bolo-sauce bottle, saying…

“… anyways, a gentle-reminder – add a lot of red-wine to the bolo-sauce to-reduce it for a-rich-taste before adding the ground-beef – I like it spicy-too… don’t be a stingy-vegan – ‘add-in’ lots of chili-flakes, kay…?”

“GET-OUT from-here!” Shouted the annoyed-mother…

… and, Peter-left…


PAUL EAVESDROPPED FROM his-bedroom of the conversation outside in the-kitchen…

… he regrated that he was now a public-figure in POST-TREETON – where there was-no Dr Strange to conjure-magic to reverse-time TO UNDO his ‘first-mistake’… which-was @South PERTH-ZOO…

… of him ‘fighting’ a rhino just-like his-superhero ‘did in the Amazing-Spiderman-2 – that THE-MAGIC would-be erased of his-heroic-feat from the Perth’s citizen’s mind…

His phone rang… Paul sprang-up as he smothered the iPhone with his-palms to muffle-it… and picked it-up on it’s-first ring, so that his-mom in the kitchen wouldn’t ‘hear’ the ringtone…

… it was Jane who FaceTimed … he put-on his-earphone buds fast-and-whispered…

Blind-girlfriend sensed something ‘WAS’ WRONG with his voice…

“… why are-you whispering…? Have you-been crying…? What’s wrong, Pauly…?”

“… my-mom is in the kitchen-now…”

‘… should I hang-up – and call you tomorrow…?”

‘… err… no – stay-please…”

He has so much to inform-and-update to his-FELLOW POST-TREETON’S time-travel passenger – while he was explaining to his ‘blind’ girlfriend about the deep-fake sex-video that ‘involved’ their Tarzan-&-Jane status…

… Jane chuckled in disbelief…

“…no-way… are you ‘sure’ that-technology exist…? I thought the trend-today is for boys-and-girls to ‘exchange’ dicks-and-boobs pictures among themselves – and-now they ‘can’ send make-believe sex-videos too, hahaha… this is crazy…!”

“…yes-Jane, as a-crazy as it is – deep-fakes ‘DO-EXIST’ – and it’s a crime too…”

An-enthusiastic Jane-then went into her-storytelling mode…

“Pauly, did you know… ‘after’ the night of your birthday, when me-and-Ali went home – Terry Donovan sent Ali his-dick picture and later, when he was ‘drunk’ he left ‘voice-messages’ that – Ali looked ‘pretty-and-hot’ in the party and he-sent his-dick-picture to her…

“… Ali ‘deleted’ it-all and told-me the ‘next’ day – I told-her… why didn’t she have it as-evidence to-report it to Principal Harris –so he WOULD ‘PUNISH’ Terry, right? But Ali-said she don’t-want to be the ‘first’ student-in-school who ‘complained’ about it as-a sexual-harassment – I told her-that she’s stupid ‘not’ have-done-so…”

Paul distracted her…

“Hey, Jane-listen – I don’t want to hear about Terry’s bloody dick-pic – LET’S FOCUS on this ‘deep-fake’ sex-video… it’s in the tabloids and-soon everyone’s GONNA TALKING about-it – so, what are we-both going TO DO ‘about’ it…?”

“We ‘just’ ignore-it – we were ‘only’ kissing, yea…? It’s ‘not’ that we had ‘real-sex’ – so, why ‘worry’ about-it, right…?”

“No-Jane, we are ‘public-figures’ in-this Perth – this IS SERIOUS – we should be worried, dear…”

Blind-Jane laughed…

“I don’t care – B-girls don’t watch ‘fake’ videos, hahaha!”

Paul sighed-deep at her naïve-viewpoint… as the B-girlfriend DOESN’T KNOW-nor-comprehend the severity-ramification of the deep-fake in THE SOCIAL-MEDIA…

… where ‘fake-news’ were perceived as REAL-TRUE-FACTS…

… where-soon, everyone in-Perth would-perceive that the Tarzan-&-Jane ‘deep-fake’ video as REAL-TRUE-FACTS…

Jane-then changed the topic – and enthusiastically spoke-about…

“Pauly! Do you know Ali has A TWIN-SISTER – her name is Maggi… they were ‘separated’ since birth 12-years-ago – and, she’s ‘blind’ like-me!”

“… good-for Ali…”

At that-moment…

… Paul WAS ‘NOT’ interested whether Alicia had a ‘twin’ sister – nor ‘triplet’ sisters who were both-blind-too…

… as-he was ‘still’ devastated by the deep-fake sex-video’s implications TO HIS-LIFE as an accidental Tarzan-SUPERHERO ‘FATHER’…

… where JANE WAS ‘PREGGO’ too…

… for a moment, he was quiet and listened to her rapt-eager voice saying that Maggi-too had-been ‘given’ a SIMY-AI tech-device by her-uncle-Jack of Kimura Star ‘when’ she was-back in-Malaysia…

“… good-for Maggi…”

Paul-then distracted Jane by-saying…

“Jane, GOOD-NEWS – the abortion pills arrived this ‘afternoon!”

“… oh-okay, dear – pass it to-me on Monday…”

The boyfriend was disappointed with her-lack of-sense of urgency…

“… what-Monday… YOU DO-IT tonight – I’ll come ‘over’ to-your bedroom window after-midnight and ‘deliver’ it – and ‘stay’ with-you for emotional-support… and ‘HELP-YOU’ in what-ever possible-way I can…”

Jane sighed-and-replied…

“… err… I don’t think-so that I’M-UP TO it-tonight…”

Paul was ‘firm’ with-her…

“… what…? I saw you in pain last-evening – the womb kangaroo-KICKED YOU – so-Jane, do your-honestly ‘still’ want ‘that-thing’ growing in your-belly…?”

“… but I manage TO ‘TAME’ it, dear – it doesn’t kick any-more… and I’m ‘fine’…” Responded-Jane – that it astonished her-boyfriend…

“… how… in-God’s world did you tame-it…?”

“… when I eat my-favourite food, I notice that the womb stops kicking – even-so, this morning in the Uber with Alicia… when I ate the Char-Siu-Bao and it was less-restless and was pacified by the ‘taste’ of the meat-bun…” There was-a dreamy-hypnotic tranquillity-of-a mesmerist in herself when she replied to him…

Paul-then scoffed…

“Look-here – that Seed-of-Apollo is ‘NOT’-A-PET like Piper… for you to bloody feed-it-treats and throw-a pacifying chew-bone for peace-making – IT’S AN abomination ‘sin’…

“… please, Jane – eat the ‘pills’ and LOSE IT…” The Catholic-boyfriend said…

“… now I’m feeling ‘guilty’ by the thoughts of killing-it…” The atheist-girlfriend sobbed…

Paul-then suggested…

“How about an abortion clinic…? Are you willing TO GO TO-one… now that you-backed off the abortion-pill to do-it-yourself – how about-it, Jane – WE GO TO-the clinic then…?”

“… I don’t know… it’s my-mummy – she’s pro-abortionist – and have friends who are doctors in abortion clinics…” Blind-Jane’s voice broke-in-fear…

Paul sighed-and-scoffed at the iPhone-screen – as he saw the pixie-haired blonde girlfriend ‘who’ was-full of excuses…

He voiced-out…

“… but-Jane, I can’t go to-back to school and ‘become’ a-pariah with you-preggo… that-proofs that we had sex like the deep-fake video – and I can’t stay home either and be ‘tortured’ by-my-mom – I wanna RUNAWAY FROM-home… I ‘think’ I can survive out-there by the money I get when’ I pawn-or-sell a ‘rare’ gold coin that I have…” The emo-Paul ranted-and-fulminated his-mind…

“That’s crazy! Don’t runaway… and leave me…”

“… but you are wishy-washy – leaving me no choice… Jane, shall WE BREAKUP and go ‘our’ separate ways… and-staying-away from each-others’ lives – LIKE-NOW… that I’m bloody in the B-Class…?”

“NO! Please don’t go… I love you, Paul – you’re my-beacon…” The blind-tween pleaded…

“Then choose between EITHER ME OR that abomination-child… who do you want, Jane? And, Peter-the-incubus too… you ‘choose’ either him-OR-ME AS your-soulmate…”

Paul-then told her of the recent-nightmare where he was brutally-beaten by the incubus – where the entity was with the unconscious-Jane on his-bed… where Peter-the-incubus placed his ‘scarred-palm’ onto the cataleptic-Jane’s forehead-scar…

… feeding on her cosmic-energy … while saying a Blackmagic-incantation…

“… you’re aware that that Peter wants TO ‘CLAIM’ YOU as his-soulmate, right? He’s now ‘sitting’ behind you in class… either FEEDING-OR-CORRUPTING your cosmic energy which is thru your scar-in YOUR-FOREHEAD, yea…”

“… yes, I know that he ‘WANTS’ ME – but-Pauly… I ‘choose’ you…” Jane ‘confirmed’…

“… then, why the bloody-hell did you STOPPED WEARING your-beanie ‘after’ your short hair-cut…? The way I see-it your-fashion change in-school IS ‘EXCITING’ the lustful ‘beast’ in Peter…”

“… okay-Pauly, I’ll wear my beanie in school on Monday…” Jane corroborated…

Unbeknownst to Paul… he ‘had’ given her a-similar decree just-like in the Abrahamics’ Islamic-faith of its women-and-girls who-wore Hijabs on their heads to ‘ward-off’ sexual-thoughts of its Muslim men-and-boys…

“… so-dear, should ‘we’ decide on the abortion…? Are you willing TO GO-TO a-clinic…?”

The blind-blonde girl sobbed-and-nodded…

“… say-it – I want to ‘have’ the-abortion and go to a clinic…” Paul insisted-on a-confirmation…

“… yes… I want-to GO-CLINIC – on the condition… I’ll have the-abortion in a clinic ‘outside’ Perth so that my doctor-mother wouldn’t find-out about it…”

Paul planned a-strategy…

“… okay – we take an-Uber and go to Leederville or somewhere else – I research where and how-much they ‘charge’…”

“… okay… you do-that for me…” Jane sniffled as she approved…

At that ‘same’ moment, the door-opened and Anthony walked-into Jane’s bedroom – where the B-daughter wasn’t aware that his-Mercedes ‘had’ came-in earlier…

“… Jane, why are you crying…? Who are you talking-to…?”

“… huh-Ali… I got to go – my-daddy is back…” She hurried to hang-up…

“.. who were you talking to? Give me your phone…”

“It’s Alicia, Daddy…” Cringing, Jane lied…

… Anthony looked in the Samsung-list AT ‘WHO’ the ‘recent’ caller-was –

“… WHO’S Gemini-Blue…?”

“That is Alicia’s nickname… I’m Gemini-Pink…” She ‘lied’ again…

“Listen to me – you DON’T-EVER contact Paul-Walker-again… understood!?” The father warned…

“… okay-Daddy, I WON’T – what you ‘bought’ for-dinner…?” Jane changed the-subject…


In his-windowless bedroom, Paul sighed in-relief as he ‘was’ ALMOST-CAUGHT’ by his-girlfriend’s dad – ‘since’ the mandatory-ruling of Stamford-High that ‘forbided’ him to-be in-contact with his-daughter, Jane…

He said a brief mental Hail-Mary-prayer so-that Jane ‘too’ had managed to ‘escape’ from her-father’s suspicion…

… remembering ‘very’ well-too…

… where Anthony-had ‘SEEN’ JANE-kissing-him in the Wilson’s backyard-gazebo – during the-Walker-family’s invitation to the Wilson’s luncheon…


After Anthony left her-bedroom – Jane was still seated on the Queen-sized bed… and she was in-reflection of ‘what’ she had discussed with her-boyfriend…

… of going to an-abortion clinic ‘OUTSIDE’ PERTH – and be-done with her-Immaculate Conception problem… without the knowledge-of both-of her-daddy and her doctor-mother suspicion…

She was terrified to the thought that the abortion-doctor WOULD ‘KNOW’ her-mother – and ‘hell’ would break-loose in her blind-world…

The Samsung buzzed-and-vibrated beside-her on the bed… where she-had ‘muted-off’ her ringtone to ‘receive’ her-calls in secret…

… it was a call from her ‘least’ expected-caller – LOLA…

“Jane, your mummy had been ‘admitted’ in Perth Hospital – she’s going for her eye-surgery tomorrow morning…

“… huh… Lola, what happened…?”

… the ‘former’ housekeeper informed that Shelley had suffered ‘temporary’ blindness and was admitted soon-after-that…

The B-girl was flabbergasted-and-gobsmacked when she remembered-that in the Garden-of-Eden – where Kerubiel TOLD HER way-before that her doctor-mother ‘would’ undergo the eye-operation because it was ‘written’ in the Book of Life-and-Destiny…

‘… so, is the Book-of-Destiny ‘not’ A-FICTION like Netflix…?’

“Jane, DON’T WORRY – it ‘just’ glaucoma-op… your mummy will-BE FINE…”

“… huh, okay…”

“… tell your father, I called – and-COME VISIT your-mummy, okay-dear…?”

“… okay…”

“I’ll light a candle and pray for-her – don’t worry about-it, Jane… she’ll be fine, okay-bye…”

“… bye-Lola…”

The Samsung went silent – blind-Jane was ‘envisioning’ Shelley going-through her-moments of temporary blindness…

‘… ‘after’ all-of-your bullying-and-nagging as-a-sighted person – welcome to ‘my’ world, Mummy… the world-of your B-girl … hope you ‘like’ what you’re SEEING…’

Her stomach-then growled in-hunger… but Jane ‘ignored’ the urge – as she thought-back of ‘options’ of places where she ‘could’ get a safe-abortion…

Then, the womb ‘kicked’…

“… oouchh…”

… it wanted its-share of the takeaway lamb-chops that Anthony bought for-dinner – it kicked ‘again’…

“AAOWW! Stop kicking, you greedy-pig… I’m going…!”

The blind-tween got-out from her-bed… and headed downstairs for her-dinner…

… and, Jane ‘did-not’ bothered to tell Anthony that Shelley had-been ‘admitted’ for-surgery…

In the father-daughter table-conversation, Anthony casually asked ‘about’ his-adopted ‘son’…

“… have you ‘heard’ what your-little brother had ‘BEEN-UP-TO’ in Uncle-Christopher’s house…?”

“… no-Daddy… Lola DIDN’T CALL-today…” Blind-Jane ‘lied’ …

…as she bit the-meat off-from the lamb rib-bone held in-between her-fingers.


THAT EVENING, PETER WAS in the-grass hitting the tenno with his robotic-arm in his self-practice session – in his DIY lawn-tennis ‘practice’ court in the front-yard of the House-of-Walker’s side-wall. He wanted to ‘season-up’ his new-Rafa Babolat racquet in-time for his grand-comeback in SHS’ upcoming Singles-selection…

… and, each-time Peter smashed the-ball on the wall… the tied-up Belgian Malinois @the-backyard grew agitated…

… and its barking-got louder…

… there was ‘no-love’… between ‘both’ dog and the ‘other’ twin…

In the windowless bedroom, unbothered by the barking-dog… Paul was at his-study-desk googling for abortion-clinics ‘outside’ Perth…

… he grew ‘anxious’ when he ‘read’ that the ‘law’ which stated that patients ‘BELOW-16’ should ‘get’ PARENTS’ CONSENT for the-surgery…

… and his-tender-aged girlfriend was ‘only’ 12-years-old – but-now…

… ‘suffering’ as a consequence of HIS-FAULT as she ‘bit-and-ate’ the bad-apple that he was ‘tricked’ into offering… in the Garden-of-Eden…

Paul ruminated possibilities as he was under-pressure… with his-dog barking its-head-off @the-backyard…

‘… what other-options are there – where our-parents SHOULD ‘NOT’ know of-what we ‘both’ are-doing behind their-back…?’

A fretful thought came of a video he-saw in YouTube – of-the illegal abortion-technique that used a wire from clothe-hanger…

‘… NO! Jane had suffered-enough… furthermore… it ‘could’ kill her…”

Kitty’s barks grew intense from his-devil twin ‘provoking’ it – followed by-Peter’s shouting-voice in the front-yard…

“SHUT-UP, You-DINGO! Or-else I’ll bloody ‘poison’ you with mom’s dark-chocolates!”

… it was time for Paul to GET-OUT of his-bedroom… before his-mom would ‘giveaway’ his-dog – cos’ he could ‘not’ tame a ferocious-breed of canine which he ‘had’ for a-pet…

… anyways…

… he WAS DONE googling solutions of the-abortion – as the outcomes were ‘coming’ to blocking-walls… he-now ‘needed’ his-escapism by playing videogames to ‘calm’ his-mind – and, break-the cycle…

… to thinking ‘solution’ outside-the-box – which-may ‘come’ out of-it…

… in the-meantime…

‘… life is-short… enjoy-your-problems…’

Putting-down his iPhone… Paul-then grabbed his-Nintendo – and wheelchaired-out of his bedroom…


At the kitchen, Paul saw his-mom was ‘still’ cooking the-pasta while drinking her-red wine – she was ‘multitasking’ too-by speaking to her-boyfriend on-her iPhone…

… Caroline was surprised to see the crippled-son approaching – they made eye-contact and the inspector-mother commented on-the-fly…

“Poe, Shut your-dog up…!”

Paul just nodded-back… and went to the backdoor… thinking…

‘… I guess your-boyfriend is ‘NOT’ COMING for dinner tonight – Principal Harris ‘only’ came for mom’s Sunday-dinners… where I ‘had’ to dress-up in my-Sunday-best…’

Kitty stopped her-barking when it saw its-Master coming-out the-door in his-wheelchair – the rapt-dog stood in its hindlegs and practically ‘was’ dancing-to-welcome him…

… it ‘knew’ the time of-the-day ‘when’ MASTER ‘PLAYED’ with-it in-the-evenings…

Paul ‘read’ Kitty’s mind as it WANTED HIM to-put its snout-muzzle and expected-to wrestle-and-tumble with-her in the grass – or – ‘play-catch’ where he flew around-the-backyard with the-Malinois chasing him around…while it jumped-in-mid-air to get him – where he does his awkward backflips to duck-and-dodge the dog…

He wanted his-dog to remain ‘active’ – as it came-from a-vigorous line-of-breed of security-trained dogs…

…and, in a ‘way’ Paul got his-exercise-too…

… where he broke a-sweat-or-2 – but nothing-significant to HIS-WEIGHT-LOSS… when he compared himself to his athletic-twin…

… who had been breaking-sweat in ‘training-hard’ for his SHS’ tennis-selections – when Peter removed his-shirt… there were 6-pack-abs – ‘compared’ to his one-barrel fat-belly…

That was ‘why’ HE LOST the fight with Peter in his ‘recent’ nightmare – where the incubus ‘pulverized’ him into-a-pulp because he was obese-and-slow to duck-and-dodge the creature’s attacks…

… he ‘knew’ he doesn’t have his electro-blast superpowers in Peter’s nightmares… but he could-sill fly – next, he wanted to ‘LEARN’ TO FIGHT… when he faced mano-a-mano with the incubus, if there was-a ‘future’ Round-2…

… a HEAVY-PUNCHING BAG was the next option in-purchase… hanging @the-backyard for his exercise-regime to his weight-loss…

‘… it ‘maybe’ old-school… but IN HIS-MOVIE – Captain America ‘crushed’ the punching-bag to-powder…”

Feeling tall-and-motivated, Paul released the short-leashed Kitty – and the dog was excited to anticipate either-with the wrestling-or-chasing ‘exercise’ in the backyard grass…

“… ‘not’ today, girl – mom-and-the devil are ‘at’ home – we can’t ‘play’ rough-today… sorry-dear…”

Paul ‘threw’ a rubber-ball over – Kitty was thrilled to play-fetch… and retrieved the ball and ran to the Master for the next-toss…

Each-time Kitty brought him-the-ball, Paul was talking his-mind to her of the moribund-options which he was facing in-regarded to his pregnant-girlfriend… where it ‘needed’ her-parent’s consent in the surgery @the-abortion clinic – with the-possibility of the Master ‘running-away’ from-home because of it…

… the Belgian-Malinois didn’t understand ‘what’ its troubled-Master was ‘saying’ – but when THE ‘TIME’ came… it ‘knew’ what-to-do…

After 10-minutes, Paul was ‘bored’ and he-then played Ghostbusters Afterlife… while ‘keeping-an-eye’ so-that his-dog would ‘not’ jump-the-wall and escape-outside – but Kitty-was a ‘lady’ and she behaved after the yesterday’s ‘scare’ he gave-it… by ‘shooting’ an electro-blast in-the-top-corner of backyard wall…

… while levelling-up, he noticed the evening was getting-dark when a streetlight ‘outside’ the backyard-wall lit-up – although it was time for-him to go-in and take a shower… but he was engrossed in the ghostbusting level he-was-in…

After lost-minutes in-his capitative moment, the teenager looked-up to see that his-dog was running in-circles – noticing that it wasn’t chasing its-own-tail…

… but a fleeting ‘small’ shadow in-the-grass…

… casted-by a ‘fruit-bat’ flying under the streetlight…

… the chiroptera flew towards the ground and the excited dog was charging-at it – Paul was worried if the nimble-and-agile canine caught-and-bit-it… that would cause serious rabid- disease …

… just like the Popobawa-sickness that Piper suffered in the OTHER-PERTH…

Paul called his-dog several times to no-veil – as Kitty was in its-world of its-own ‘trying’ to parkour and get-its-prized-catch… leaping vertically 8-feet up-in-the-air to get-a-bite at the-dodging critter – the-anxious boy looked around at the backdoor…

… ‘when’ he saw that no-one was-watching – he-then ‘shot’ an electro-blast of blue-fireball upwards to ‘scare’ the small-bat away from his-backyard…

… ending Kitty’s playtime of the-evening…

Paul tied-up the dog – fed its-dinner… and wheelchaired back-into the house.


After his hot-shower, a dripping-wet Paul in-a-towel, wheelchaired to his-bedroom. He heard Peter’s voice loudly exclaiming-out in rejoice @the-living-room…

“It’s over, Mom! We can have ‘OUR’ LIVES back! Hahaha!”

Paul heard from the kitchen, of the 7 o’clock news on-the TV reporting…

… that Perth would NO-LONGER UNDER lockdown from the Zombie-epidemic… and the 6 o’clock curfew TO-BE LIFTED – and citizens could-go back to their-everyday life…

His initial-thoughts were…

‘… have they ‘captured’ Hajji…? He’s Patient-Zero – did the Army ‘get’ him…?’

He WOULDN’T KNOW because as the Defenders-of-Perth duo – he-&-Jane did ‘not’ INTERFERE WITH the authorities’ search-and-destroy of ‘hunting’ Hajji… where ‘his’ infected-followers were ‘CITIZENS-OF-PERTH’…

… who would-be killed if the-duo ‘turned’ their superpowers on them…

… the only close-encounter they ‘BOTH’ HAD with zombies-were ‘when’ they-rescued Kitty from being ‘euthanised’ @the-dog Pound…

Since then, Paul and Jane have let the mayor, John Blake to-make his-own administrative decisions of running his-city – while Gemini-Blue and StarGirl ‘took’ their backseats and ‘looked’ the-other-way…

… of ‘whatever’ measures-and-tactics the government had utilised – in their-military ‘after’ the 6 o’clock lockdown…

‘… if the Army had ‘captured’ Hajji – bravo-and-kudos, Mayor JB… I salute-to-you…’

Peter in the living-room brayed-in-joy…

“Mom, you DON’T HAVE TO work nightshifts any-more! Me too… I can go-back for afternoon trainings in school AS THE GYM WOULD be-opened for all-sport-trainings, hahaha!!!”

Paul sighed as he went to his-bedroom… where the curfew lift wouldn’t have ANY-IMPACT on his straight-from-school to home-alone lifestyle – he scoffed-too when he ‘saw’ his devil-twin bonding with the inspector-mother…

… to ‘be’ her Good-Son.

people are reading<BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON>
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