《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 5: Enjoy Your Problems
THAT-FRIDAY, PAUL returned to-be home-alone after-from a-boring day in-school. He headed to the backyard and fed-the-dog, that was tied to its-leash – after eating, Kitty wanted to-poop… it enthusiastically ‘begged’ to be ‘released’ from-its-leash…
… but the-Master refrained its-privilege…
… Paul took Kitty-on-leash to the-grass for-it to-do its-business… as he was reasoning to the-dog that it was the ‘NEW-NORMAL’ condition imposed – for-the-both of ‘them’… if they wanted to continue to live ‘under’ the roof-of the House-of-Walker…
He received a ping on his-iPhone… followed by a-notification from the Deliveroo-service. Paul went back indoors to access the front-door. He was in the front-yard on his wheelchair… acting like a-cautions ‘thief’ from-the-house and looked-around as he waited at the front-gate to ‘receive’ the package of ABORTION-PILLS…
… the motorbiked-rider came… and the ‘transections’ was-made after confirmation of the-recipient, ‘Paula-Abdul’ – Paul ‘paid’ the delivery-fee through the bars of the main-gate and – fled ‘guilty-and-afraid’ into the-house…
‘… the irony-is-that, I have ‘not’ bought any sanitary-pads for-Jane in-the-past… but-now, I’m ‘paying’ for her-ABORTION-PILLS…’
Taking his-responsibilities for his-role as a ‘MIDDLE-MAN/BOY’ had its ups-and-downs too – Paul sighed as he recalled…
… the FAILURE OF the first-batch of the-pills – and the-doctor’s daughter mentioned ‘those’ were fake Abortion-pills…
‘… was she implying that I ‘bought-it’ cheap in a shady-website…? How am I to ‘know’…? It cost the ‘same’ $17.50 every-on every-website…’
Another ‘score’ Paul KEPT-WAS of his-intensive-research on organic-food that ‘could’ aid-abortion – and he had diligently-spent a couple of afternoons… forgoing doing-his homework…
… only-to…
… it-turned-out that the doctor’s daughter was a fussy-eater – and held her-nose to ‘most’ of the suggested-food in-the-list…
Paul sighed-deep, shaking his-head…
… of-her asking all-the-Qs as she depended on him – like he ‘had all-the-As…
‘… come-on, I’m A GUY – I don’t know ‘shit’ about every ‘woman’ related-problems…’
Nevertheless, her-problem was their ‘shared’ problem – ‘as’ the Defenders-of-Perth duo…
He hid the small package in the windowless bedroom…
‘… hope this ‘batch’ works the 2nd-time, Jane… OR-ELSE ‘both’ of us would-be screwed if-the-world FINDS-OUT you’re pregnant…’
Before his-mind dwelled-deeper into his anxiety-related problems – he-then ‘switched’ to his fleeting ESCAPISM-MODE…
… by playing Ghostbusters-Afterlife in his-Nintendo…
2-hours later of levelling-up in the virtual-world, the young-teen heard the purr of the Audi’s engine at the front-gate – indicating the inspector-mother was ‘back’…
… he ‘was’ surprised that she ‘was’ ‘not’ working today – rarely-that Friday being her off-day at-work.
Paul switched-off the Nintendo… and pretended to sleep tummy-up… and-instantly engaging rapid-and-shallow coo-snores…
… in the windowless-bedroom, he-heard Caroline entering the-Walker-house… and placed something(s) and the marble-kitchen-counter that-clanked…
… with eyes-closed, Paul assumed that his mother ‘DID’ HER-weekly grocery-shopping – and a-definite ‘confirmation’ that it was her-DAY-OFF today…
Caroline entered her-son’s room… with ‘something’ in her-hand – and called his-name…
He pretended to sleep – while recalling the last-time she entered his windowless-room was on-the afternoon of his birthday – where he ‘had’ the nightmare-of Nurse-Joker ‘amputating’ his-gangrene-legs with a-chainsaw…
“Hey-Poe, wake-up!”
Paul had-to wake – as he-gradually opened-his squinting eyes and faked a-yawn… and he-answered…
“… huh! What is-it, Mom…?”
He glanced at Caroline’s hand tossing something at his-feet-on the bed – where he slowly sat-up to see a copy of the Herald-Sun – disclosing 2 texts which stuck-out from the bold headlines…
‘… Deep-Fake-&-Child-Pornography…’
“Poe! Look what have you-done!? Your Kissing-video had led-to these disgusting people making lewd-porn in-the-name of this-family – I can lose my job because of this!”
Paul was actually stunned by the news… that the-gossip had ‘not’ reached-SHS that-morning cos’ it was an-evening edition-circulation – but come-ON-MONDAY, after the weekend…
… he would SURELY-BE mocked-and-laughed at by all-of the bullies-of-his school…
“Hey! Are you listening to-me…!? You bring-me shame like your bloody-father!”
Paul lowered his-head and took the-scolding…
… it-was an ill-fated ‘bad’ luck… of-being videoed by some-peeping-tom @South-Beach…and it became Tarzan’s Kissing-video – that-NOW HAD-EVOLVED to its sequel of Tarzan’s Deep-fake Sex-video…
… with a-production budget ‘for’ CGI…
…he understood the gravity of the situation that Caroline was facing – although it ‘was’ a bogus-video… and there ‘no-way’ too-that he could ‘prove’ to-her his innocence-nor-establish the ‘claim’ that he was a virgin 13-year-old boy…
Tears flow as he did ‘not’ make any-eye-contact with the rebuking inspector-mother – Paul remained ‘quiet’ and refrained to-talk-back…
… his-mind was running-haywire thinking of the end-game in POST-TREETON that was ‘about’ to transpire – when the-inspector-mom would ‘find-out’ soon that his-girlfriend was pregnant-too…
… by-then, he had lost the ‘fight’ – and the only-option was to ‘flee’…
… he would runaway from home with his-dog – and, live under the bridge downtown… with the starving-and-destitute homeless-community…
At that-moment, Peter returned-home from-school after loitering-a-bit following his-Maccas’ lunch – and-did stopovers to some illegal street gambling-machines to try his-good luck…
… he was surprised-too knowing that it was the inspector-mom’s day-off when he entered the front door… and heard Caroline yell at his-quad-twin in his-bedroom…
In the kitchen, Peter sniggered as he was ‘enjoying’ the fruits-of-his masterplan mechanisms coming-to the fruition-results from his-posting of YouTube Kissing-video that the was causing the ‘Sparta-fall’ of his-twin…
… he was hungry after his Maccas’ lunch 2-hours-ago…. he put-in a slice-of-bread in the toaster for a peanut-butter sandwich – and while the bread was browning – he unpacked the grocery-bags on the kitchen-counter. Putting the canned-food in the cupboard-shelf and the fresh-produce in the fridge…
… by-being the-Good-son…
He saw the bottle of Barilla’s bolo-sauce… and presumed that they were having pasta for-dinner, so Peter boiled a pot-of-water to cook-it. The toasted bread ‘popped’ – he-then spread a generous-amount of peanut-butter to it and next-took a big-bite… while enjoying-it and-also ‘listening’ to-the sweet-scolding happening in-the windowless bedroom…
Peter wanted to-do more, and put a kitchen-towel on his-shoulder– as he prepared the mise-en-place for spag-bolo by chopping the garlic and fresh-basil with the large kitchen-knife. Caroline entered the kitchen and saw her-elder twin with a-sharp-object…
“… hey, put the knife-down – you might-cut yourself…”
“No, I won’t, hehehe…” Peter chuckled-and-teased as he waved his black-metal-fingers…
“… no… even-so, knifes-are dangerous… step-away…”
“… come-on, Mom… let me ‘help’ you prepare your delicious-spag-bolo by-being the junior-chef…” Peter pleaded…
“… no-scoot… get-away from my-kitchen – I like to cook-alone…”
“… okay-then… I’ll finish-my toast and ‘start’ my outdoor training – hey-Mom, the school tennis-selections are next-week… I’m definitely-in…” Peter bragged…
“… good-for-you…” Caroline ‘kept’ it-short…
… as she was still-troubled by her ‘other’ younger-twin’s deep-fake sex-video that might besmudge her-reputation as Perth’s Inspector-of-Police – and probably LOSE HER-JOB of being… a disgraceful-image of a failed-mother…
Peter scoffed when his-mother SHOWED-NO INTEREST to his-sports career-and-goals – where in the OTHER-PERTH, she didn’t 'even' attend any-of his SHS-matches…
… ‘always’ playing her-Angie Dickinson POLICEWOMAN-ROLE in-a-pants… and ‘hunting’ the most-wanted criminal, Hajji AT-LARGE IN that-city-of the other-realm…
The teen with a robotic-arm looked out of the kitchen window as he ruminated his-other ‘glamourous’ life in-the-other world…
… then…
… something caught his-eye…
“Mom! Come here-quick…!”
… Caroline came-over after dropping the-pasta in the-hot water – looking-over the-window to the direction of Peter’s pointing metal-finger…
“Look-Mom, there is a SINGE-MARK on the backyard-wall – WHAT COULD-have caused-it…?”
The mother looked at the white-wall with a prominent-black mark… that-of the-size of a dinner-plate BLOTCH-ON top…
“… I donno – probably’ a lightning struck-it…”
“… come-on, Mom – there was NO-RAIN for the past 2-weeks…”
Caroline walked away to-do her-cooking – as she was ‘not’ interested in the maintenance- nor-the wellbeing of the Walker-house since the house-deed WAS ‘TRANSFERRED’ in-Peter’s name…
Peter stood alone – and stared at the black-spot… just-like the-peanut-butter toast ‘stuck’ in the roof-of his-mouth – a-memory stuck in his head of…
… the OTHER-PERTH, ‘during’ the-night of ‘kidnapped’ Jaheem @the-South Perth Zoo, where – Peter confronted Paul for ‘throwing’ him from-the-air into the-pool of ‘hungry’ crocodiles… to-leave him-to-die…
… but he ‘survived’…
… and ‘when’ faced-him – his-twin ‘backed’ him-off with his electro-blast shots at his feet… which ‘left’ similar singe-marks on the bitumen-road…
“… that bloody-Poe is ‘destroying’ MY-HOUSE…!’
His reveries ‘were’ poofed by his-mother’s voice…
“Aren’t you GOING-OUTSIDE to practice…?” Caroline said as-she ‘wanted’ her-privacy to be-alone…
Peter turned-around – pointing at the-stove and-exclaimed…
“Mom! Don’t ‘overcook’ the-pasta… it’s ‘not’ chow-mien…!”
“You don’t TEACH-ME ‘how-to’ cook – I ‘know’ what I’m doing…”
Peter-next pointed at the Barilla-bolo-sauce bottle, saying…
“… anyways, a gentle-reminder – add a lot of red-wine to the bolo-sauce to-reduce it for a-rich-taste before adding the ground-beef – I like it spicy-too… don’t be a stingy-vegan – ‘add-in’ lots of chili-flakes, kay…?”
“GET-OUT from-here!” Shouted the annoyed-mother…
… and, Peter-left…
PAUL EAVESDROPPED FROM his-bedroom of the conversation outside in the-kitchen…
… he regrated that he was now a public-figure in POST-TREETON – where there was-no Dr Strange to conjure-magic to reverse-time TO UNDO his ‘first-mistake’… which-was @South PERTH-ZOO…
… of him ‘fighting’ a rhino just-like his-superhero ‘did in the Amazing-Spiderman-2 – that THE-MAGIC would-be erased of his-heroic-feat from the Perth’s citizen’s mind…
His phone rang… Paul sprang-up as he smothered the iPhone with his-palms to muffle-it… and picked it-up on it’s-first ring, so that his-mom in the kitchen wouldn’t ‘hear’ the ringtone…
… it was Jane who FaceTimed … he put-on his-earphone buds fast-and-whispered…
Blind-girlfriend sensed something ‘WAS’ WRONG with his voice…
“… why are-you whispering…? Have you-been crying…? What’s wrong, Pauly…?”
“… my-mom is in the kitchen-now…”
‘… should I hang-up – and call you tomorrow…?”
‘… err… no – stay-please…”
He has so much to inform-and-update to his-FELLOW POST-TREETON’S time-travel passenger – while he was explaining to his ‘blind’ girlfriend about the deep-fake sex-video that ‘involved’ their Tarzan-&-Jane status…
… Jane chuckled in disbelief…
“…no-way… are you ‘sure’ that-technology exist…? I thought the trend-today is for boys-and-girls to ‘exchange’ dicks-and-boobs pictures among themselves – and-now they ‘can’ send make-believe sex-videos too, hahaha… this is crazy…!”
“…yes-Jane, as a-crazy as it is – deep-fakes ‘DO-EXIST’ – and it’s a crime too…”
An-enthusiastic Jane-then went into her-storytelling mode…
“Pauly, did you know… ‘after’ the night of your birthday, when me-and-Ali went home – Terry Donovan sent Ali his-dick picture and later, when he was ‘drunk’ he left ‘voice-messages’ that – Ali looked ‘pretty-and-hot’ in the party and he-sent his-dick-picture to her…
“… Ali ‘deleted’ it-all and told-me the ‘next’ day – I told-her… why didn’t she have it as-evidence to-report it to Principal Harris –so he WOULD ‘PUNISH’ Terry, right? But Ali-said she don’t-want to be the ‘first’ student-in-school who ‘complained’ about it as-a sexual-harassment – I told her-that she’s stupid ‘not’ have-done-so…”
Paul distracted her…
“Hey, Jane-listen – I don’t want to hear about Terry’s bloody dick-pic – LET’S FOCUS on this ‘deep-fake’ sex-video… it’s in the tabloids and-soon everyone’s GONNA TALKING about-it – so, what are we-both going TO DO ‘about’ it…?”
“We ‘just’ ignore-it – we were ‘only’ kissing, yea…? It’s ‘not’ that we had ‘real-sex’ – so, why ‘worry’ about-it, right…?”
“No-Jane, we are ‘public-figures’ in-this Perth – this IS SERIOUS – we should be worried, dear…”
Blind-Jane laughed…
“I don’t care – B-girls don’t watch ‘fake’ videos, hahaha!”
Paul sighed-deep at her naïve-viewpoint… as the B-girlfriend DOESN’T KNOW-nor-comprehend the severity-ramification of the deep-fake in THE SOCIAL-MEDIA…
… where ‘fake-news’ were perceived as REAL-TRUE-FACTS…
… where-soon, everyone in-Perth would-perceive that the Tarzan-&-Jane ‘deep-fake’ video as REAL-TRUE-FACTS…
Jane-then changed the topic – and enthusiastically spoke-about…
“Pauly! Do you know Ali has A TWIN-SISTER – her name is Maggi… they were ‘separated’ since birth 12-years-ago – and, she’s ‘blind’ like-me!”
“… good-for Ali…”
At that-moment…
… Paul WAS ‘NOT’ interested whether Alicia had a ‘twin’ sister – nor ‘triplet’ sisters who were both-blind-too…
… as-he was ‘still’ devastated by the deep-fake sex-video’s implications TO HIS-LIFE as an accidental Tarzan-SUPERHERO ‘FATHER’…
… where JANE WAS ‘PREGGO’ too…
… for a moment, he was quiet and listened to her rapt-eager voice saying that Maggi-too had-been ‘given’ a SIMY-AI tech-device by her-uncle-Jack of Kimura Star ‘when’ she was-back in-Malaysia…
“… good-for Maggi…”
Paul-then distracted Jane by-saying…
“Jane, GOOD-NEWS – the abortion pills arrived this ‘afternoon!”
“… oh-okay, dear – pass it to-me on Monday…”
The boyfriend was disappointed with her-lack of-sense of urgency…
“… what-Monday… YOU DO-IT tonight – I’ll come ‘over’ to-your bedroom window after-midnight and ‘deliver’ it – and ‘stay’ with-you for emotional-support… and ‘HELP-YOU’ in what-ever possible-way I can…”
Jane sighed-and-replied…
“… err… I don’t think-so that I’M-UP TO it-tonight…”
Paul was ‘firm’ with-her…
“… what…? I saw you in pain last-evening – the womb kangaroo-KICKED YOU – so-Jane, do your-honestly ‘still’ want ‘that-thing’ growing in your-belly…?”
“… but I manage TO ‘TAME’ it, dear – it doesn’t kick any-more… and I’m ‘fine’…” Responded-Jane – that it astonished her-boyfriend…
“… how… in-God’s world did you tame-it…?”
“… when I eat my-favourite food, I notice that the womb stops kicking – even-so, this morning in the Uber with Alicia… when I ate the Char-Siu-Bao and it was less-restless and was pacified by the ‘taste’ of the meat-bun…” There was-a dreamy-hypnotic tranquillity-of-a mesmerist in herself when she replied to him…
Paul-then scoffed…
“Look-here – that Seed-of-Apollo is ‘NOT’-A-PET like Piper… for you to bloody feed-it-treats and throw-a pacifying chew-bone for peace-making – IT’S AN abomination ‘sin’…
“… please, Jane – eat the ‘pills’ and LOSE IT…” The Catholic-boyfriend said…
“… now I’m feeling ‘guilty’ by the thoughts of killing-it…” The atheist-girlfriend sobbed…
Paul-then suggested…
“How about an abortion clinic…? Are you willing TO GO TO-one… now that you-backed off the abortion-pill to do-it-yourself – how about-it, Jane – WE GO TO-the clinic then…?”
“… I don’t know… it’s my-mummy – she’s pro-abortionist – and have friends who are doctors in abortion clinics…” Blind-Jane’s voice broke-in-fear…
Paul sighed-and-scoffed at the iPhone-screen – as he saw the pixie-haired blonde girlfriend ‘who’ was-full of excuses…
He voiced-out…
“… but-Jane, I can’t go to-back to school and ‘become’ a-pariah with you-preggo… that-proofs that we had sex like the deep-fake video – and I can’t stay home either and be ‘tortured’ by-my-mom – I wanna RUNAWAY FROM-home… I ‘think’ I can survive out-there by the money I get when’ I pawn-or-sell a ‘rare’ gold coin that I have…” The emo-Paul ranted-and-fulminated his-mind…
“That’s crazy! Don’t runaway… and leave me…”
“… but you are wishy-washy – leaving me no choice… Jane, shall WE BREAKUP and go ‘our’ separate ways… and-staying-away from each-others’ lives – LIKE-NOW… that I’m bloody in the B-Class…?”
“NO! Please don’t go… I love you, Paul – you’re my-beacon…” The blind-tween pleaded…
“Then choose between EITHER ME OR that abomination-child… who do you want, Jane? And, Peter-the-incubus too… you ‘choose’ either him-OR-ME AS your-soulmate…”
Paul-then told her of the recent-nightmare where he was brutally-beaten by the incubus – where the entity was with the unconscious-Jane on his-bed… where Peter-the-incubus placed his ‘scarred-palm’ onto the cataleptic-Jane’s forehead-scar…
… feeding on her cosmic-energy … while saying a Blackmagic-incantation…
“… you’re aware that that Peter wants TO ‘CLAIM’ YOU as his-soulmate, right? He’s now ‘sitting’ behind you in class… either FEEDING-OR-CORRUPTING your cosmic energy which is thru your scar-in YOUR-FOREHEAD, yea…”
“… yes, I know that he ‘WANTS’ ME – but-Pauly… I ‘choose’ you…” Jane ‘confirmed’…
“… then, why the bloody-hell did you STOPPED WEARING your-beanie ‘after’ your short hair-cut…? The way I see-it your-fashion change in-school IS ‘EXCITING’ the lustful ‘beast’ in Peter…”
“… okay-Pauly, I’ll wear my beanie in school on Monday…” Jane corroborated…
Unbeknownst to Paul… he ‘had’ given her a-similar decree just-like in the Abrahamics’ Islamic-faith of its women-and-girls who-wore Hijabs on their heads to ‘ward-off’ sexual-thoughts of its Muslim men-and-boys…
“… so-dear, should ‘we’ decide on the abortion…? Are you willing TO GO-TO a-clinic…?”
The blind-blonde girl sobbed-and-nodded…
“… say-it – I want to ‘have’ the-abortion and go to a clinic…” Paul insisted-on a-confirmation…
“… yes… I want-to GO-CLINIC – on the condition… I’ll have the-abortion in a clinic ‘outside’ Perth so that my doctor-mother wouldn’t find-out about it…”
Paul planned a-strategy…
“… okay – we take an-Uber and go to Leederville or somewhere else – I research where and how-much they ‘charge’…”
“… okay… you do-that for me…” Jane sniffled as she approved…
At that ‘same’ moment, the door-opened and Anthony walked-into Jane’s bedroom – where the B-daughter wasn’t aware that his-Mercedes ‘had’ came-in earlier…
“… Jane, why are you crying…? Who are you talking-to…?”
“… huh-Ali… I got to go – my-daddy is back…” She hurried to hang-up…
“.. who were you talking to? Give me your phone…”
“It’s Alicia, Daddy…” Cringing, Jane lied…
… Anthony looked in the Samsung-list AT ‘WHO’ the ‘recent’ caller-was –
“… WHO’S Gemini-Blue…?”
“That is Alicia’s nickname… I’m Gemini-Pink…” She ‘lied’ again…
“Listen to me – you DON’T-EVER contact Paul-Walker-again… understood!?” The father warned…
“… okay-Daddy, I WON’T – what you ‘bought’ for-dinner…?” Jane changed the-subject…
In his-windowless bedroom, Paul sighed in-relief as he ‘was’ ALMOST-CAUGHT’ by his-girlfriend’s dad – ‘since’ the mandatory-ruling of Stamford-High that ‘forbided’ him to-be in-contact with his-daughter, Jane…
He said a brief mental Hail-Mary-prayer so-that Jane ‘too’ had managed to ‘escape’ from her-father’s suspicion…
… remembering ‘very’ well-too…
… where Anthony-had ‘SEEN’ JANE-kissing-him in the Wilson’s backyard-gazebo – during the-Walker-family’s invitation to the Wilson’s luncheon…
After Anthony left her-bedroom – Jane was still seated on the Queen-sized bed… and she was in-reflection of ‘what’ she had discussed with her-boyfriend…
… of going to an-abortion clinic ‘OUTSIDE’ PERTH – and be-done with her-Immaculate Conception problem… without the knowledge-of both-of her-daddy and her doctor-mother suspicion…
She was terrified to the thought that the abortion-doctor WOULD ‘KNOW’ her-mother – and ‘hell’ would break-loose in her blind-world…
The Samsung buzzed-and-vibrated beside-her on the bed… where she-had ‘muted-off’ her ringtone to ‘receive’ her-calls in secret…
… it was a call from her ‘least’ expected-caller – LOLA…
“Jane, your mummy had been ‘admitted’ in Perth Hospital – she’s going for her eye-surgery tomorrow morning…
“… huh… Lola, what happened…?”
… the ‘former’ housekeeper informed that Shelley had suffered ‘temporary’ blindness and was admitted soon-after-that…
The B-girl was flabbergasted-and-gobsmacked when she remembered-that in the Garden-of-Eden – where Kerubiel TOLD HER way-before that her doctor-mother ‘would’ undergo the eye-operation because it was ‘written’ in the Book of Life-and-Destiny…
‘… so, is the Book-of-Destiny ‘not’ A-FICTION like Netflix…?’
“Jane, DON’T WORRY – it ‘just’ glaucoma-op… your mummy will-BE FINE…”
“… huh, okay…”
“… tell your father, I called – and-COME VISIT your-mummy, okay-dear…?”
“… okay…”
“I’ll light a candle and pray for-her – don’t worry about-it, Jane… she’ll be fine, okay-bye…”
“… bye-Lola…”
The Samsung went silent – blind-Jane was ‘envisioning’ Shelley going-through her-moments of temporary blindness…
‘… ‘after’ all-of-your bullying-and-nagging as-a-sighted person – welcome to ‘my’ world, Mummy… the world-of your B-girl … hope you ‘like’ what you’re SEEING…’
Her stomach-then growled in-hunger… but Jane ‘ignored’ the urge – as she thought-back of ‘options’ of places where she ‘could’ get a safe-abortion…
Then, the womb ‘kicked’…
“… oouchh…”
… it wanted its-share of the takeaway lamb-chops that Anthony bought for-dinner – it kicked ‘again’…
“AAOWW! Stop kicking, you greedy-pig… I’m going…!”
The blind-tween got-out from her-bed… and headed downstairs for her-dinner…
… and, Jane ‘did-not’ bothered to tell Anthony that Shelley had-been ‘admitted’ for-surgery…
In the father-daughter table-conversation, Anthony casually asked ‘about’ his-adopted ‘son’…
“… have you ‘heard’ what your-little brother had ‘BEEN-UP-TO’ in Uncle-Christopher’s house…?”
“… no-Daddy… Lola DIDN’T CALL-today…” Blind-Jane ‘lied’ …
…as she bit the-meat off-from the lamb rib-bone held in-between her-fingers.
THAT EVENING, PETER WAS in the-grass hitting the tenno with his robotic-arm in his self-practice session – in his DIY lawn-tennis ‘practice’ court in the front-yard of the House-of-Walker’s side-wall. He wanted to ‘season-up’ his new-Rafa Babolat racquet in-time for his grand-comeback in SHS’ upcoming Singles-selection…
… and, each-time Peter smashed the-ball on the wall… the tied-up Belgian Malinois @the-backyard grew agitated…
… and its barking-got louder…
… there was ‘no-love’… between ‘both’ dog and the ‘other’ twin…
In the windowless bedroom, unbothered by the barking-dog… Paul was at his-study-desk googling for abortion-clinics ‘outside’ Perth…
… he grew ‘anxious’ when he ‘read’ that the ‘law’ which stated that patients ‘BELOW-16’ should ‘get’ PARENTS’ CONSENT for the-surgery…
… and his-tender-aged girlfriend was ‘only’ 12-years-old – but-now…
… ‘suffering’ as a consequence of HIS-FAULT as she ‘bit-and-ate’ the bad-apple that he was ‘tricked’ into offering… in the Garden-of-Eden…
Paul ruminated possibilities as he was under-pressure… with his-dog barking its-head-off @the-backyard…
‘… what other-options are there – where our-parents SHOULD ‘NOT’ know of-what we ‘both’ are-doing behind their-back…?’
A fretful thought came of a video he-saw in YouTube – of-the illegal abortion-technique that used a wire from clothe-hanger…
‘… NO! Jane had suffered-enough… furthermore… it ‘could’ kill her…”
Kitty’s barks grew intense from his-devil twin ‘provoking’ it – followed by-Peter’s shouting-voice in the front-yard…
“SHUT-UP, You-DINGO! Or-else I’ll bloody ‘poison’ you with mom’s dark-chocolates!”
… it was time for Paul to GET-OUT of his-bedroom… before his-mom would ‘giveaway’ his-dog – cos’ he could ‘not’ tame a ferocious-breed of canine which he ‘had’ for a-pet…
… anyways…
… he WAS DONE googling solutions of the-abortion – as the outcomes were ‘coming’ to blocking-walls… he-now ‘needed’ his-escapism by playing videogames to ‘calm’ his-mind – and, break-the cycle…
… to thinking ‘solution’ outside-the-box – which-may ‘come’ out of-it…
… in the-meantime…
‘… life is-short… enjoy-your-problems…’
Putting-down his iPhone… Paul-then grabbed his-Nintendo – and wheelchaired-out of his bedroom…
At the kitchen, Paul saw his-mom was ‘still’ cooking the-pasta while drinking her-red wine – she was ‘multitasking’ too-by speaking to her-boyfriend on-her iPhone…
… Caroline was surprised to see the crippled-son approaching – they made eye-contact and the inspector-mother commented on-the-fly…
“Poe, Shut your-dog up…!”
Paul just nodded-back… and went to the backdoor… thinking…
‘… I guess your-boyfriend is ‘NOT’ COMING for dinner tonight – Principal Harris ‘only’ came for mom’s Sunday-dinners… where I ‘had’ to dress-up in my-Sunday-best…’
Kitty stopped her-barking when it saw its-Master coming-out the-door in his-wheelchair – the rapt-dog stood in its hindlegs and practically ‘was’ dancing-to-welcome him…
… it ‘knew’ the time of-the-day ‘when’ MASTER ‘PLAYED’ with-it in-the-evenings…
Paul ‘read’ Kitty’s mind as it WANTED HIM to-put its snout-muzzle and expected-to wrestle-and-tumble with-her in the grass – or – ‘play-catch’ where he flew around-the-backyard with the-Malinois chasing him around…while it jumped-in-mid-air to get him – where he does his awkward backflips to duck-and-dodge the dog…
He wanted his-dog to remain ‘active’ – as it came-from a-vigorous line-of-breed of security-trained dogs…
…and, in a ‘way’ Paul got his-exercise-too…
… where he broke a-sweat-or-2 – but nothing-significant to HIS-WEIGHT-LOSS… when he compared himself to his athletic-twin…
… who had been breaking-sweat in ‘training-hard’ for his SHS’ tennis-selections – when Peter removed his-shirt… there were 6-pack-abs – ‘compared’ to his one-barrel fat-belly…
That was ‘why’ HE LOST the fight with Peter in his ‘recent’ nightmare – where the incubus ‘pulverized’ him into-a-pulp because he was obese-and-slow to duck-and-dodge the creature’s attacks…
… he ‘knew’ he doesn’t have his electro-blast superpowers in Peter’s nightmares… but he could-sill fly – next, he wanted to ‘LEARN’ TO FIGHT… when he faced mano-a-mano with the incubus, if there was-a ‘future’ Round-2…
… a HEAVY-PUNCHING BAG was the next option in-purchase… hanging @the-backyard for his exercise-regime to his weight-loss…
‘… it ‘maybe’ old-school… but IN HIS-MOVIE – Captain America ‘crushed’ the punching-bag to-powder…”
Feeling tall-and-motivated, Paul released the short-leashed Kitty – and the dog was excited to anticipate either-with the wrestling-or-chasing ‘exercise’ in the backyard grass…
“… ‘not’ today, girl – mom-and-the devil are ‘at’ home – we can’t ‘play’ rough-today… sorry-dear…”
Paul ‘threw’ a rubber-ball over – Kitty was thrilled to play-fetch… and retrieved the ball and ran to the Master for the next-toss…
Each-time Kitty brought him-the-ball, Paul was talking his-mind to her of the moribund-options which he was facing in-regarded to his pregnant-girlfriend… where it ‘needed’ her-parent’s consent in the surgery @the-abortion clinic – with the-possibility of the Master ‘running-away’ from-home because of it…
… the Belgian-Malinois didn’t understand ‘what’ its troubled-Master was ‘saying’ – but when THE ‘TIME’ came… it ‘knew’ what-to-do…
After 10-minutes, Paul was ‘bored’ and he-then played Ghostbusters Afterlife… while ‘keeping-an-eye’ so-that his-dog would ‘not’ jump-the-wall and escape-outside – but Kitty-was a ‘lady’ and she behaved after the yesterday’s ‘scare’ he gave-it… by ‘shooting’ an electro-blast in-the-top-corner of backyard wall…
… while levelling-up, he noticed the evening was getting-dark when a streetlight ‘outside’ the backyard-wall lit-up – although it was time for-him to go-in and take a shower… but he was engrossed in the ghostbusting level he-was-in…
After lost-minutes in-his capitative moment, the teenager looked-up to see that his-dog was running in-circles – noticing that it wasn’t chasing its-own-tail…
… but a fleeting ‘small’ shadow in-the-grass…
… casted-by a ‘fruit-bat’ flying under the streetlight…
… the chiroptera flew towards the ground and the excited dog was charging-at it – Paul was worried if the nimble-and-agile canine caught-and-bit-it… that would cause serious rabid- disease …
… just like the Popobawa-sickness that Piper suffered in the OTHER-PERTH…
Paul called his-dog several times to no-veil – as Kitty was in its-world of its-own ‘trying’ to parkour and get-its-prized-catch… leaping vertically 8-feet up-in-the-air to get-a-bite at the-dodging critter – the-anxious boy looked around at the backdoor…
… ‘when’ he saw that no-one was-watching – he-then ‘shot’ an electro-blast of blue-fireball upwards to ‘scare’ the small-bat away from his-backyard…
… ending Kitty’s playtime of the-evening…
Paul tied-up the dog – fed its-dinner… and wheelchaired back-into the house.
After his hot-shower, a dripping-wet Paul in-a-towel, wheelchaired to his-bedroom. He heard Peter’s voice loudly exclaiming-out in rejoice @the-living-room…
“It’s over, Mom! We can have ‘OUR’ LIVES back! Hahaha!”
Paul heard from the kitchen, of the 7 o’clock news on-the TV reporting…
… that Perth would NO-LONGER UNDER lockdown from the Zombie-epidemic… and the 6 o’clock curfew TO-BE LIFTED – and citizens could-go back to their-everyday life…
His initial-thoughts were…
‘… have they ‘captured’ Hajji…? He’s Patient-Zero – did the Army ‘get’ him…?’
He WOULDN’T KNOW because as the Defenders-of-Perth duo – he-&-Jane did ‘not’ INTERFERE WITH the authorities’ search-and-destroy of ‘hunting’ Hajji… where ‘his’ infected-followers were ‘CITIZENS-OF-PERTH’…
… who would-be killed if the-duo ‘turned’ their superpowers on them…
… the only close-encounter they ‘BOTH’ HAD with zombies-were ‘when’ they-rescued Kitty from being ‘euthanised’ @the-dog Pound…
Since then, Paul and Jane have let the mayor, John Blake to-make his-own administrative decisions of running his-city – while Gemini-Blue and StarGirl ‘took’ their backseats and ‘looked’ the-other-way…
… of ‘whatever’ measures-and-tactics the government had utilised – in their-military ‘after’ the 6 o’clock lockdown…
‘… if the Army had ‘captured’ Hajji – bravo-and-kudos, Mayor JB… I salute-to-you…’
Peter in the living-room brayed-in-joy…
“Mom, you DON’T HAVE TO work nightshifts any-more! Me too… I can go-back for afternoon trainings in school AS THE GYM WOULD be-opened for all-sport-trainings, hahaha!!!”
Paul sighed as he went to his-bedroom… where the curfew lift wouldn’t have ANY-IMPACT on his straight-from-school to home-alone lifestyle – he scoffed-too when he ‘saw’ his devil-twin bonding with the inspector-mother…
… to ‘be’ her Good-Son.
Memory Lane
Five child prodigies are invited to an elusive tech CEO's private island. Surrounded by enigmatic geniuses, Daniel is forced to face his past through everlasting, haunting, memories. Unravel the mysteries of the island along with the characters inside, but try not to get killed. How does one move on? Must you forget about your past to truly overcome it? If this is going to be the future, why live in the present? Complete
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I woke up in the field confused. My memories seemed blurry. This doesn't seem to be like the world I know. Where exactly am I. Our main character finds herself in another world confused as to how she got there. Her last memory on earth was her talking to a friend in the classroom.
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An Otherworldly Tale: The Apocalypse/A School Saga
The origin story of The god and The Demon. While technically the third installment I've written, and first that I've ever shared, it is chronologically the first saga. An apocalypse, the school saga. "Do you like limes? I do. Quite a lot. They are the sweetest dessert I can think of. And I love my desserts. As it always has been." Evan said, upon being asked his favorite thing in the world. "The best lime comes from a world destroyed. An apocolyptic world. That is the only place you can find sweet limes. Or, at least, limes as sweet as the one I love so very much." Evan said, upon being asked where to find sweet limes.
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(Un)Prophesied Heroes
A regular guy in his 20s gets sucked into a world full of levels, monsters, gods, and propchecies with nothing but his ukulele and the clothes on his back. Uke in hand, Wesley made his way to the local branch of the Bard College to pick up a few levels and hit the road to travel the new world. For a while its all magic forests and incredible sights, but as time goes on it seems more and more likely that Wesley is actually one of these "prophesied heroes" that the lore on this world is full of. Fortunately for him, whatever Dark Lord he was supposed to duel didn't seem to get the memo and the world seems to be at peace. So it's probably nothing, right? This is the story of Wesley's adventuring party as they do their best to get him to fulfull his destiny. A power-hungry [Rogue], a slightly evil [Cleric], a [Mage] that just wants to go home, and a [Lord] who just wants to study the blade. Hopefully destiny is on their side, because the gods seem content to watch them struggle. Author's Note: This story should update once per week, but it might update more. Please leave any constructive criticism/typos I might have missed in the comments. Please enjoy, and let me know what you think!
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Hopeful Start
DROPPED: Decided to drop this one, I didn't properly think through a lot and as i started making chapters i found myself aiming for a word count and adding things or characters that i probably wouldn't use later, same with the system, i awas making it convoluted. Sorry! Transported to another world? Maybe to defeat the demon king or defeat a evil god! However for our protagonist he wasn't quite as lucky, working day in day out to pay off the debt his parents left him only to go home and get transported to another world where he is attacked by a unknown creature. Hello! This is my first time writing a story and i most likely won't do the best job at doing so. Some constructive feedback and tips would be fantastic.
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Haruhi's Cousin (Hikaru and Kaoru x f!Reader)
(Reader is described as female and uses she/her pronouns and Japanese (being haruhi's cousin), sorry if this doesn't fit your description.)Haruhi has a wealthy cousin that the hosts never knew. well, she never told them anyway. until one day, she decided to visit Haruhi and the boys, and of course. the Twins met her.-started 5th of March 2017--I do not own any of the characters inside this book-- 2021 edited-- 2022 revisited and authors note -
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