《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 4: Then, there were 2 Blind-girls…


Chapter 4: Then, there were 2 Blind-girls…


THAT NIGHT JANE HAD a-dream of-recurring ‘events’ in her past-life of ‘living’ in the OTHER-PERTH where – she wanted to learn new-skillsets, in-which one-of-it was skateboarding – and she ‘badly-wanting’ to learn-the extreme-sport even-though she ‘was’ blind…

… her one-armed boyfriend, Peter of that-realm surprised her by paying a-visit to her-bedroom ‘when’ her-parents were at work – slipping-by the ‘gatekeeper’ Lola… the rubicund-tween ran-upstairs – and came to her when she WAS SLEEPING…

… she was in the-middle-of a romantic dream-in-a-dream ‘when’ Peter woke-her – and, the blind-girl’s immediate reaction was-to hug-him-tight… Peter-too came-bearing gifts – he had his-old skateboard in his-backpack…

… and offered to teach her the skill she was ‘badly-wanting’ to learn… in her joyous reaction she hugged him-again and kissed his-cheeks. Peter was eating a RED-APPLE at that time, and offered her-a-bite…

… which she took a-nibble… that followed by – HER-FIRST KISS with a boy…

… it was a French-kiss – as they ‘tasted’ the nibbled-apple in each-others’ mouths…

The dream led to ‘another’ KISSING-DREAM… also ‘happened’ in the OTHER-PERTH – where she-and-Alicia visited the Walker-house in their school term-break when the twin’s inspector-mother was at-work…

… while Paul-and-Alicia were playing video-games downstairs – blind-Jane went upstairs to ‘find’ for her-boyfriend…

… her heart was pounding-fast with excitement as she ‘followed’ the-music playing in Peter’s room – when she ‘reached’ the door… her 3rd-eye ‘saw’ a pink-glimmer inside sleeping on the bed. Jane was mesmerised by-it and was drawn to ‘touch’ Peter’s glowing aura…

… when she touched-him – PETER AWOKE… and was glad to-see-her…

… they kissed on his-bed – but did ‘not’ have sex… but she ‘let’ Peter ‘touch’ her-budding breasts…


The blind-girl woke-up with multiple-orgasms – sitting-dazed on her-bed in the darken bedroom and… realised she ‘had’ woken-up minutes ‘earlier’ than the Boyyo’s alarm…

… feeling icky-and-guilty she got-off the bed, switching off the-alarm – in her-pyjamas, Jane walked bowlegged to the bathroom in her-room – to get-rid of her-night-clothing off her-body and take a cold-shower…

As the jets-of cold-water washed her body, but her mind ‘was’ still-thinking OF PETER – it made her-angry… and she shouted at-herself…

“NO! I don’t love you-Peter! I’m ‘not’ the cursed Soulmate-for-2 EITHER – I ‘only’ love Paul! Get-out off my-head, Peter-NOW – I’m ‘warning’ you!!!”

In response, she ‘heard’ A VOICE in-her-head – that was of her-former AI, SIMY… it was provocative and was taunting her…

“… hehehe – but Peter is a ‘way-BETTER’ KISSER… don’t you think-so, Jane…?”

“NO! He’s NOT!!!” Jane shouted…

“… now-now… don’t kid-yourself – ‘ADMIT’ IT… Peter is the better-kisser, right…? Wink-wink-nudge-nudge, hehehe…”

“NO! He’s NOT!!!” Jane yelled…

“…hehehe… but you thought-so, at that ‘moment,’ right-Jane…?”

The blind-girl thought of the-moment which SIMY WAS REFERRING – where in the OTHER-PERTH when she was with Paul ‘after’ Peter’s Perth-Famous-Couple’s breakup…

… where she ‘had’ compared the inexperienced-Paul’s kissing to her ‘first-love’…

“… see… I told-you, right-Jane…? Hehehe…”


“… but you ‘had’ your ‘fair-share’ of practiced-kissing… right-Jane…? Wink-wink… hehehe…”

“What you ‘mean’ by-that!!”

“… hehehe… remember-remember – 2-years-ago with Alicia… nudge-nudge… hehehe”

Jane remembered as her-internal flashback of 2-years ago – of ‘coming’ to SHS from her-former school-for-the-blind… where she befriended Alicia who had hung-around with-her in the Wilson-residence after school as they ‘studied-and-did-homework’…

… both the-girls were 10 back-then, and had a ‘phase’ when-they were ‘interested’ in boys – Alicia ‘suggested’ they should ‘learn’ how-to-kiss… so, behind the locked-door of the bedroom – the girls ‘secretly’ smouched-and-smooched…

… in the ‘sensual’ art-of-osculation…

… Jane who-since came to SHS had been ‘secretly’ admiring Peter who was the inter-schools’ tennis-champ – so-when she-kissed-Alicia… she fantasised Peter…


… while-when Alicia ‘was’ kissing-Jane… she had fantasised Paul – who in-the ‘same’ year won the school’s Family-Day’s dance-competition…

It was just-a-phase, and the girls’ priorities-then ‘had’ changed thereafter – when they were ‘more’ interested in studies and to excel in-class… rather-than ‘dating’ boys…

“… hehehe… Jane, you’re indeed the Soulmate-for-2… don’t lie to yourself – ‘ADMIT’ IT, my-dear…”


“…such-denial… don’t be shy, dear… it’s a ‘normal’ human behaviour to FANTASISE… hehehe…”

“SIMY, I’m ‘warning’ you – get-out of my-head ‘now’!!!”

“… her-mummy’s B-girl is ‘now’ angry…hehehe…”

… angry she was – the cold-water of the shower was now turning-hot… and, the whole-of the bathroom was in streams of heavy-vapour…

… as the blind-girl ‘continued’ TO ARGUE with the taunting-voice in-her-head.


PAUL ‘TOO’ HAD a dream that-night. He-too was in the OTHER-PERTH… post-enacting events of his-love life ‘over-there’ – that was torn by jealousy-and-heartbreaks…

… he was in the Walker-house living-room and was playing the ‘Mortal-Kombat’ videogame with Alicia – while Jane was going upstairs to Peter’s bedroom – who ‘was’ her ‘FIRST-LOVE’ of ‘that’ realm…

He was heartbroken-and-envious that Jane whom he ‘admired-and-desired’ – had ‘chosen’ his-twin, Peter instead of-him. After a moment of Jane’s absence in Peter’s bedroom, the wheelchaired tween’s heart-and-mind wasn’t in the videogame game…

… Paul’s soul-then ‘escaped’ with-his-seated host-body with the joystick-console in-hand competing with the skilled-player, Alicia. The invisible-Paul swooped Casper-the-Ghost-like to the upstairs – heading to the closed-door of Peter’s bedroom…

He remerged ethereally from the wooden-door to ‘peek’ to see the ‘horror’ inside– of a humanoid entity with a long tail on-the-bed. It was the colour of deep-purple with reptile-like scales…

… Paul for the first-time ‘saw’ Iskurr-the-incubus… that ‘had’ taunted Jane ‘before’ with its’ games-of Hide-&-Seek in her-nightmares in the Garden-of-Eden…

The creature was on-its-fours over an-unconscious Jane lying-on the bed. The dark-incubus had a thick-and-long tongue-like Venom… and fetishlike ‘licking’ Jane’s face with sloppy-sounds…

… licking her diamond-shaped scar-on her-forehead…

Paul saw the drooling-saliva that wet his blind-girlfriend’s face – and her lips curved-in a smile… if-though it was her pet-dog, Piper licking-her…

The incubus-then sensed that it was BEING ‘WATCHED’ – rotating its-neck 1-80… it saw the voyeur-Paul at the door. Paul saw its hideous-face with its-large mouth with-rows of fangs – then the-face morphed to his-twin’s likeness…

…. the angered-Peter barked-out…

“You bloody nosy-parker, get OUT-OF my ‘house,’ you-quad – Janey IS ‘NOW’ mine!!!”

The annoyed Paul responded aloud…

“NO! Jane is mine!!!”

The irked-incubus leapt at-him to attack – but Paul warded-it by stepping-away… as his-aura went-back through the door to bring-the-fight from the bedroom to the upstairs-hallway…

… with Jane’s safety-in-mind…

Paul saw the entity crashing from-the splintered-door… landing-on the chipped-wood debris on the carpeted-floor and – was about-to lunge-at him…

The blue-aura stretched-out his-hands – and was about-to electrocute the-beast with-his electro-lightning superpowers… like he had ‘previously’ USED-TO as a quadriplegic to ‘subdue’ his bully-twin with-pain…

“Come-on, you-bloody Defender-of-Perth – let’s see what you’ve ‘got’…”

In the hallway, the incubus roared and came at-him – Paul focused his trajectory for his electro-shots to come from-his finger-tips…

… but was shocked-when ‘nothing’ came-of-it – then, ‘realising’ that he-was superpowerless in his-Dreamworld… leaving the-option TO FLEE-than rather-fight…

“Hahaha, you-fool – in my-nightmares – you’re bloody ‘powerless’ mediocre-quad!”

The aura flew in circles in the passageway as the beast who WAS AGILE as a ninja-pursued Paul… as he wanted to ‘escape’ via flying-down over to staircase – but the creature yanked his right-crippled leg and threw-him sideways…

… the blue-glow crashed on his mother’s bedroom door – and before the-incubus next-strike… Paul ‘escaped’ by morphing-on the wall and was inside Caroline’s bedroom-floor to respite from the cosmic-pain in his-back from Iskurr’s throwdown…


… from a distance-outside, Paul heard the music-and-soundFX from the videogame ‘Mortal Kombat’ playing-downstairs in the living-room…

… before…

… the incubus trashed the inspector-mother’s room-door to come after-him – the injured-Paul GOT-UP to levitate-to-fly as the long-tailed savage-creature leapt at him… catching him mid-air and crashing Paul on the-wall – that made webs-of hairline-cracks because… he’s heavyweight…

… the crippled-aura dropped on his-mother’s bed – he saw the creature in-its berserker-mode as it wrecked-and-smashed items of his-mother’s bedroom as – it howled-aloud in ‘victory’ and pounding its’ chest like King-Kong…

“… hahaha… I’ve-bloody ‘defeated’ Tarzan!!!”

… before rushing-in to the bed and ravaging the mattress with its-talon-like claws… Paul mustered his-strength to fly-and-escape through the open-damaged door – he made a dash…

… but he-was slow…

“Where are you-bloody ‘going,’ Fatty-fats!? We’re ‘ABOUT-TO’ ready-to rumbleee… hahaha!!!”

… from the-back, the incubus leapt and heave-stomping its-feet on Paul’s spine – to crash him-down onto the bedroom floor… the-weary Paul was-up ‘again’ as he levitated in-pain … to blurry-gaze-at the incubus blocking-him by standing in front the door…

Its face morphed into Peter’s likeness… sniggering…

“I’ve changed my-mind, quad – let’s-bloody Mortal-Kombat instead, hahaha – FIGHT!!!”

… from its combat-stance, and-then went into Shaolin-mode – kicking-and-striking the-air displaying its martial-arts poses. The helpless-Paul was in-defence-mode and-was terrified when it rushed-forward… screaming…


In the corner, he was trapped and protected-his face while the entity plummeted-down multiple-blows on his-obese body… and each-time it kicked – he was sent-flying across-like a balloon that had-its-air released… crashing-on the other-corner of the room’s wall…

… lying-weak on the-floor, Paul was spitting-out cosmic-blood from the-injuries ‘sustained’ by the-liver-blows…

“… ooo, my fat-Poe – it’s ‘not’ bloody OVER-YET… hehehe…!”

Iskurr grabbed Paul by-his-hair… to ‘work-on’ his-face – but Paul was ready to ‘fight-dirty’ – as he gave an-UPPER-CUT punch onto the creature’s groin-sack…

… that-worked…

… as-it was stunned IN-PAIN – then-Paul followed-up with a weak sucker-punch on the entity’s snout… which made the incubus dropping-flat on its-tail, growling-in-agony…

It was the ‘only’ opportunity for Paul to ‘escape’ from a fist-brawl with a superior-opponent who was-down ‘momentarily’ – as-the blue-aura staggered-to-levitate… and was out from the-bedroom door…

Outside in the narrow hallway, the bleeding-and-dazed Paul ‘followed’ the sound of the videogame that came-from downstairs… and reached the-foot of the staircase….

Iskurr ‘jumped-him’ from the rear – taking him-down…

“… where are you going, you-quad coward…!? Fight me if you ‘want’ to keep Janey…!!!”

The incubus grabbed him-by his hair – with Paul’s bloodied-face moved towards its-snout as a-stare-down… its face morphed-again to Peter, warning-his-twin…

“FORGET HER, Poe – Janey is ‘now’ mine…!!!”

“… NOooo…” The weakened-Paul muttered-back…

“Yes, HAHAHA!!!”

In-its-maniacal laughter… the incubus-then kicked him square-on his-chest…


The defeated-Paul stumbled-back… falling-down hard-on the-marbled staircase…



In his-bed, Paul screamed as he woke-up in darkened windowless-bedroom – realising-that it WAS ‘ONLY’ a nightmare-illusion of his astral-self who-confronted Iskurr-the-incubus…

… his-half-dazed-mind rephrased ‘what’ Neo-said in the Matrix-movie…

‘… it ‘knows’ Kung-Fu…’

Touching his-face, he ‘was’ glad that it was ‘not’ bruised in-blood…

Immediately, Paul took a quiet-moment into-his YOGIC-MIND to self-reflect… and, to recall ‘more’ of the-dream before he forget-it…stroking his-scar on his-throat he pondered-deep…

… then-remembering…

… Iskurr was licking Jane’s forehead – ‘feeding-on’ the cosmic-dust of her-superpowers from her diamond-shaped scar…

The anxious crippled-teen sighed… realising that he can’t keep-his girlfriend safe from the clutches-of-evil – because Peter ‘was’ too-powerful in the nightmare-world that he ‘had’ created to contain the Defender-of-Perth duo.

Sleeping-in-bed, he clicked his-tongue and shook his head…

Paul decided to-be MORE-PRAGMATIC to deal with the daily-realities which were physically-happening in POST-TREETON – which were more-severe rather than to worry about the Defender-of-Perth’s ‘SHARED-NIGHTMARES’ which-were haunting-them subconsciously…

He had fulfilled his-obligations of reordered the ‘pills’ last-night – which ‘would’ arrive once he was home-alone today ‘after’ school…

Paul-then facepalmed when he realised that tomorrow ‘was’ the weekend… with no-school. Meaning, that Jane ‘would’ be-pregnant for ‘another’ 2 days until the next-Monday…

… then-he came with an-inkling that would extradite Jane’s ‘self-administered-procedure’ during the 2-days-wait – if he WAS ‘PROACTIVE’ as her-partner…

… tonight, I’ll do a Friday ‘fly-by-midnight’ delivery straight-to Jane’s bedroom window – and she would ‘invite’ me into her…”

The sudden alarm-clock ringing at that-moment – ‘had’ put a cold-blanket on his early-morning ‘feel-good’ arousal thoughts-of-Jane…

The unmotivated-Paul groaned in his-bed as his-sprits were low due to his REM-sleep deprivation derived-from Peter’s nightmares – but, he ‘had’ to go-to-school…

He yawned-and-stretched-wide for one last-time ‘before’ getting-out of his comfy-bed – but, felt a sharp-pain in his lower-back…

… recalling-again of the-nightmare where the incubus ‘trashed’ him and thrown him-hard on the wall for ‘more’ than a couple of times in-the-brawl … in-which, he-landed ‘badly’ on his-back…

Paul sighed as he looked-over at the ‘pragmatic’ side-of his backpain – which was pertaining to ‘gravity’ of-the weakened spring-coils of his-mattress due to his-obesity…

Gritting his-teeth, he levitated in-discomfort– grabbing a towel, then-sat on his wheelchair and headed to the-bathroom…

… to-do HIS PRAGMATIC-worrying about ‘weight-loss’ while seated in-the-dunny…

Along with other-problems…

… of-the ‘WHAT-IFS’ of-Jane was ‘caught’ preggo, with-him... ‘accused’ as the ‘father’…


JANE STEPPED-OUT ANGRY from the bathroom – after-arguing with the-SIMY’s voice-in her-head…

… muttering in-displeasure with the ‘thought’ of the ‘existence’ of The Book of Life-and-Destiny… where, Kerubiel the Son of Mercury-and-Venus – who first-mentioned it to-her @The Garden-of-Eden…

“… fish-whoever wrote that fishing ‘nonsense’ book… the Soulmate-for-2 is ‘not’ happening – I’ve the freedom-of-choice…

‘… neither is the-Immaculate-Conception is happening too – it’s my-body… and, I’m ‘not’ allowing-it…” The atheist-girl proclaimed…

Jane was confident that her-boyfriend, Paul reordered the-abortion pills – she-then proceeded to dress-up for school…

… while wearing her-brassieres, her-stomach growled of hunger – she craved for meat-buns which her-BFF bought-her every-morning… for her-breakfast in-the-Uber…

… then she-felt a-kick in-her-stomach – as the-womb was ‘also’ craving for the ‘same’ Char-Siu-bao…

…and ‘it’ kicked-again…

… for the ‘acknowledgement’ of its-existence…

The blind-tween was anxious about its-accelerated growth of 2-weeks womb’s ‘activities’… where the kicking-sensation ‘normally’ was-felt ‘after’ 11-weeks of pregnancy…

“NO! Meat buns for you!” Jane shouted…

Instantly, the womb ‘retaliated’ with a 3rd-kick… leaving Jane with morning-sickness of nausea…

… but…

… she refrained-herself from going to bathroom-to throw-up…

… a mental-toughness message to ‘not’ buckle her-knees ‘to’ the unborn-and-unwanted child – that it…

… ‘would-not and could-not’ control-her…


In her SHS-uniform, the blind-tween was standing the outside of Wilson-residence when the Uber ride-came. Alicia opened the back-door of the-Hyundai from-inside and – ‘guided’ her-BFF to the backseat…

… while Jane grinned as her nostril caught the-delicious scent-of the meat-buns ‘nearby’…

… where-both the mother-and-child ‘craved’ the same-food… were mesmerized-hypnotically in anticipation – of the nourishment-bonding between the child-and-mother…

Meanwhile, the rapt-Alicia was ecstatic at that moment – with a ‘great-mystery’ event that happened to-her… that was out of her-universe… and-mind ‘crazy’…

“Janey, do you know who was the visitor whom we picked at the airport?”

“… huh-donno… does Ken-Chan has a brother…?” Jane replied while eating-up the-bun fast…

“… no-silly… it was MY ‘SISTER’!!!” The Chinese-girl said – anticipating-and-expected her-BFF to be SHELL-SHOCKED like her…

But hungry-Jane wasn’t ‘not’ paying attention as she WAS HIGH in the cosmic mother-child ‘foodie-bonding’ – with both-were enjoying the Char-Siu-bao ‘gastronomically’ to a fine-dining-level…

“Janey-gee, are you listening – It is MY-SISTER…!!!”

“… huh-what…? Did Mummy-Robin give birth…?”

“Correction, ‘GAVE-BIRTH’ – ya, 12-years-ago in Singapore… Janey, she’s my-twin!!!”

“… huh, that’s crazy…” Finally, Jane paid-attention…

“Yes, I was shocked too! I was like ‘way-no-way’ when-I first heard Auntie-Siobhan ‘who’ told my mother that my twin-sister Maggi WAS SEPARATED from birth… and a distant-relative raised her in KL, Malaysia – then, the rello passed-away ‘recently’…

“… and only-then, ‘after’ some-months… another distant relative-of-my mother ‘contacted’ Aunty Siobhan – and-then the big-secret of 12 years finally was out-of-the-bag and it ‘exploded’ in Southeast Asia from-the Wong-relative-side to Perth… that I have a twin-sister…

“… its-like the Book of Life-and-Destiny had made-us meet @the-airport after all-these-years…”

“WAIT-ALI, how do you ‘know’ about the Book-of-Destiny…?” Asked the dumbfounded-and-curious Jane…

“Haiyah! It was in some TV-show in Netflix – and it’s beside-the-point… but I used it as a reference to my-fortunate luck to ‘finally’ meet my long-lost-twin…”

“… oh-I-see…” Jane nodded to the ‘information’…

‘… maybe what-was said in The Garden-of-Eden by Kerubiel – who ‘QUOTED’ FROM that fishing-book was a ‘total’ BS – like the ‘fiction-world’ of Netflix…’

The Chinese-girl was ‘still’ blabbering in-conversation that was going go on-and-on …

“Now, my-life like a ‘badly-written’ movie-sequel with shit-load of coincidences left-and-right – of-what were the-odds that MAGGI HAS a SIMY-tech ‘too’…?

“… Janey, my-sister is a blind-girl LIKE-YOU…”

The-BFF was explaining to Jane that Kimura-Star ‘gave’ blind-Maggi THE-SAME learning-and-self-guiding device when she was 10-year-old in-Malaysia…

Jane was quiet-and-astounded as she ‘listened’ and eating her last meat-bun…

… while in-thoughts…

‘… how many-more blind-girls did Uncle Jack ‘GIFTED’ the SIMY-devise-to…?’

Alicia was in-euphoria-and-emotional state as she cried and hugged-Jane who was still eating…

“Now I’ve 2 sisters – with Maggi ‘COMING’ TO our-class next-Monday MAKES-US 3 sisters!”

… she was ‘still’ hugging-Jane while ranting…

“Janey, I have ‘always’ considered-you as my ‘sister’ from-ANOTHER-MOTHER – and, I’m soo-sad to see-you in loneliness since your-mummy took your-baby brother from-you and lived-separately…

“… no-worries, dear – me and my-sister ‘would’ ALWAYS BE THERE for ‘you’…”

As she sobbed, Alicia-then kissed blind-Jane’s cheek several-times – while Jane didn’t know ‘how-to’ respond as her hands were messy from eating the meat-buns… she let her-BFF to hug her while Jane licked her-fingers to clean-it ‘before’ wiping’ with-a-tissue…

Alicia had-stopped talking and remained hugging-her BFF – where she-too had the similar-fate when both of her younger-brothers were separated from her – by the father whom she ‘hated’…

… where, Albert took the-BOYS ‘AWAY’ – to live with their-patriarch grandmother of the Wang-clan…


MEANWHILE @THE-MERCY-CLINIC – Dr Shelley Wilson was sitting in her ‘empty’ medical-office-room ‘waiting’ for her-first customer patient to-come… but ever-since the Zombie-pandemic ‘broke,’ it had-been ‘bad’ for business…

… changing ‘behavioural-patterns’ by-the ‘fear’ in Perth-city – where, people were staying-indoor @home for their-safety…

… even self-medicating themselves @home instead of ‘coming’ to-clinic for ‘treatments’ – ‘treatments’ where the-medical professions ‘would’ charge an-arm-and-leg… therefore, this-Zombie-Virus with its lockdown-and-curfews was-indeed ‘bad’ for business…

Then at mid-morning, her-Facebook-friend, Ira visited and came with 2-Matcha hot-cups of green-tea – and a copy-of the Herald-Sun – that headlined the deep-fakes-arrest…

After reading-the-print, with Ira’s parroting words in her-ear… the doctor-mother was fuming-and-boiling with-anger… that ‘had’ stressed Shelley that early-morning – being the ‘mother’ of the-B-girl’s… whose ‘likenesses’ would be circulating in many child-porn-sites in the Dark-web – hype-famed as the ‘anticipated’ VIRAL SEX-VIDEO of Perth’s Famous-couple…

… Tarzan-&-Jane…

… Shelley naturally blamed the-usual-suspect, Anthony – as the useless father-and-husband…

Ira rejoindered…

“Principal Tom-Harris ‘should-BE ‘BLAMED’ too!!! He is-simply ‘useless’ and he’s ‘not’ been-doing a good-job since they had their ‘free-and-easy’ Family-Day @the-beach where his-students were immorally-frolicking behind their-teachers’ back…

“… listen-Shelley, you as the humiliated-mother should ‘contact’ the PTA-board – to set-up a ‘hearing’ to get ‘bloody’ Principal HARRIS FIRED for the disgrace-he-brought to SHS!!!”

The FB-friend-then ‘poked’ by-saying…

“… I have to-admit-it… out-of my ‘curiosity’ I HAD ‘CLICKED’ the-link and I’ve seen it… OH-MY-GOD, the video-looked so-real-and-convincing – Jane with her braid-locks… and that fat sweaty-and-tan-oily ‘naked’ son-of-the Inspector-of-Perth was-on ‘top’ of-her…”

It riled-up the doctor-mother who infuriated…

“I should file a-police report and get ‘both’ the mother-and-son arrested for besmirching my-name as a reputable doctor-in-Perth… that-Caroline-Walker should-be fired-too from-her inspector-of-Perth job for being a ‘bad-mother’ raising 2-incorigible criminal-sons – and, she’s also ‘currently’ dating the-bloody principal-too…!”

… Shelley also believed that ‘either-one’ of the criminal-twins ‘broke’ into her-house during the black-panther attack – that happened more than 2-month ago…

Facebook-Ira deterred the doctor-mother from-making ‘any’ police-report’ because:

Mayor-Blake ‘owned’ the police-departments in HIS-CITY that ‘employed’ misfit-employees like inspector-mother … where her boyfriend, Principal Harris… ‘is-also’ A ‘FRIEND’ of the mayor – who recently held the ‘Mayor’s Bravery-Award’ for Jane-and-Paul @SHS for media-popularity attention-for John-Blake’s ‘next’ city-election Paul too would-be exonerated as A MINOR for the deep-fake porn, where it wasn’t ‘him’ who was in-the-video – but his-likeness ‘being’ superimposed to-a fat-midget porno-actor… perhaps

After meticulously weighing their-options, both the-woman decided that the PTA-board should-contact the mayor’s office to-be ‘present’ in-the-hearing of Principal Tom-Harris’ unfit-tenure that led-to child-porno sex-scandal…

… to-be dismissed-immediately from his-duties…


IN THE NOISY CANTEEN during-recess – the quiet-Paul sat alone… beside the senior-students table while Philip-the-monitor eagle-eyed the wheelchaired junior-student…

… Paul wasn’t ‘bothered’… as he ate a ‘mediocre’ ham-and-cheese – where he ‘felt’ the-sanger had used the ‘wrong’ cheese – knowing-so, while being home-alone – he ‘had’ made-himself excellent ham-sandwiches… where his ‘fave’ was with blue-veined cheese – of-the grilled melted-Gorgonzola dripping-on the meat in-between 2-wedged buttered toasted-slices of bread… and, its sweet-aroma of the pungent-smell – that ‘could’ him a foodie-hard-on…

He was people-watching… observed Jane-and-Alicia on the far-end ‘boundary’…

… which he ‘shouldn’t’ cross…

Noticing that Peter-and-Bella were sitting in KC’s seniors-group…

… that gave him flashback-memories of-PERTHLAND…

… where the ‘sore-loser’ Ken-Chan and his biker-gang had beaten-him-up… all-because Paul ‘won’ the dance-competition in that-realm.

Paul was ‘watching’ his-twin in-the-canteen…

… where Peter ‘bragging’ at the-table – with his robotic-arm holding the new-expensive Rafa-tennis racquet that Principal-Harris – who-used the school-fund to buy-it as his-birthday prezzie…

‘… see, what good-LUCK HAD the-principal dating-mom ‘brought’ to-Peter… while all-I-got is a crummy-chess set, which I bloody-donno ‘how-to’ play…’

Paul noticed-too that the ‘rest’ of the Cursed-trio WERE EXPOSING their-scars… ‘gotten’ in the thunderstorm lightning-strike – during the field-trip @Treeton dairy-farm:

Jane was ‘not’ wearing her-beanie for her-forehead-scar…ever-since her ‘new’ short hair-cut Peter too did ‘not’ hide his-scar in his right-palm with the single-glove… which he-used to ‘conceal’ in the other-realm

… but ‘NOT’ PAUL – where ‘scars’ WERE UGLY to-him…

… where FOR 3-YEARS since he was crippled… and had to wear in-compliant to the SHS’ uniform-dress code of dark-green SHORT-PANTS which exposed ‘many’ of-his ugly scars-and-scar tissues on both of his crooked-legs to ‘staring’ eyes…

… but he was glad to be in-his seniors-now – where he wore-a black long-pants.

Straightening his-loosen uniform’s neck-tie… to ‘ALWAYS’ CONCEAL the cursed-scar in his-throat in-school – where, even at home, his preferred-fashion was turtlenecks and occasionally Bohemian-scarfs in the-outdoors.

After-had ate his-sanger with his chocolate-milk… just waiting-idle for the recess-bell to ring. Feeling-poignant for ‘not’ having any-friends and with the-loneliness, Paul can’t focus in class, constantly being mentally-tired…

… he ‘used’ to have the-window-seat behind-Jane in the A-class… looking-out at SHS’ main-gate and ‘daydreaming’ occasionally where he’ll walkout the gate when-graduated – now, in B-class sitting beside front-door which-was always ‘closed’…

… feeling trapped-and-demotivated – and with-strong thoughts that he-WOULD ‘NOT’ graduate were ‘growing’… ever-since the-5-days he had-been-transferred to the B-Class…

Paul remembered in his-office – Principal-Harris ‘had’ advised-him – to focus-on-studies where he had the ‘potential’ to be the Top-Student of the-B-Class…

‘… I don’t THINK-SO I can… I’m developing ‘short-term’ memories from my sleep-deprivation – my-retention is poor, and I forget when I get-home… where-also I’m lazy do-my homework… I’ll rather play GB-in-Nintendo – to ‘forget’ my life…’

He was distracted by his-twin’s hyena-laughter from across the mess-hall in the Chinese-seniors’ table – glaring in-hatred, Paul was angry with Peter for-giving THE NIGHTMARES from the-2-manistafations – that haunted-and-taunted…

… of Nurse-Joker and the long-tailed Venom-incubus…

‘… now, the-devil is ‘sitting’ @my-desk ‘behind’ Jane – ‘claiming’ that she is his-soulmate … and I ‘should’ forget-her… cos’ JANEY IS-HIS… and I can’t ‘protect’ her-too…’

He was ‘grateful’ for-Kitty’s disobedience-too – where the-dog ‘had’ forced-him… TO USE his-supe-abilities ‘again’ to-subdue it… from jumping-over the Walkers’ backyard-wall to ‘escape’ outside…

… where…

… initially, he-had vowed to GIVE-UP ‘using’ his-superpowers – and, to ‘boycott’ his-duties of the Defender-of-Perth altogether…

… but-come to THINK OF-IT…

… being a-cripple ‘sucks’ in his-prison-world of POST-TREETON – so, Paul ‘decided’ to-use it until his-superpowers were ‘TAKEN’ AWAY’ from-him…

… by-who-ever had ‘bestowed’ IT TO HIM, in-the first-place…

‘… maybe I’ll get to-kill the-devil ‘again’ – just-as I ‘murdered’ him ‘before’ in-PERTHLAND…’


THE DOCTOR-MOTHER AND her-trusted Facebook-friend had organised an emergency PTA meeting to discuss the dismissal-and-removal of Thomas Harris as the Principal of Stamford High-School…

… the PTA-members met – and the meeting was held in the school’s meeting-room… where Mrs Mary Palmer, the chairperson representing the parents – was in discussion with the opposite-side of Mrs Ayn Burnell, the VP who represented the-teachers…

… the mayor’s spokesperson, Ms Marla Gibson was present too – to give the ‘final’ decision of whether principal stayed-or-expelled from the school after his 5-years-service…

After a half-hour of back-and-forth angry arguments-and-confrontations between Palmer-and-Burnell had-ended – Gibson ‘gave’ her conclusive-verdict…

… that Thomas Harris ‘should’ remain in-his position as the-headmaster of SHS – as there were no-implication that ‘should’ punish-him based-on the current ‘deep-fake’ criminal-case of the Child-Pornography, that was ‘hot-topic’ talk-of-Perth City…

Both Shelley-and-Ida were shocked by the mayor’s representative giving them an unfair-and-unfavourable judgement – where Tom-Harris ‘remains’ to-sit behind the principal’s desk…


The doctor-mother was severely stressed by the disastrous outcome of the PTA meeting and the ramification of her-reputation ‘tarnished’ by the deep-fake video of her B-daughter…

… she felt woozy-and-wobbly by the severe-stress – that ‘caused’ her temporary-blindness that she ‘couldn’t-drive her-Mazda SUV…

Ira drove her to the-emergency-department of Perth Hospital… and Shelley was ADMITTED…

The orthopaedic surgeon-specialist, Dr Mark Ferguson diagnosed that Shelley ‘had’ suffered a rare-glaucoma condition…

… and should-go for an immediate surgery – OR ELSE, her ‘right’ eye would go-blind permanently.


Dr Mark-Ferguson was the youngest son of John Ferguson Sr. – who was the ‘designated’ panel-doctor the business-companies of Wilford Cooperation – where he had 4-SONS named Luke, Matthew, Mark and John Jr…

… where 3 of his-sons worked as specialists in 3 ‘different’ leading hospitals in Perth – except for the eldest, John Jr who remained in the family-practice – partnering-with his father in their FERGUSON-&-SONS medical flagship-business…

… and, all the 5-men were ‘devoted’ disciple-followers of the Moloch CULT-CABAL…

Dr Mark-Ferguson would-transplant a-cornea lens with a Blackmagic spell, so that…

… the Moloch-cult led by Grand-wizard Tophet Jared-Wilford could ‘infiltrate’ the daily-life of Jane-Wilson… BY-USING the doctor-mother…

… as a ‘possessed’ vessel – to GO-AGAINST her-rebellious B-daughter.

people are reading<BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON>
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