《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 4: Then, there were 2 Blind-girls…
Chapter 4: Then, there were 2 Blind-girls…
THAT NIGHT JANE HAD a-dream of-recurring ‘events’ in her past-life of ‘living’ in the OTHER-PERTH where – she wanted to learn new-skillsets, in-which one-of-it was skateboarding – and she ‘badly-wanting’ to learn-the extreme-sport even-though she ‘was’ blind…
… her one-armed boyfriend, Peter of that-realm surprised her by paying a-visit to her-bedroom ‘when’ her-parents were at work – slipping-by the ‘gatekeeper’ Lola… the rubicund-tween ran-upstairs – and came to her when she WAS SLEEPING…
… she was in the-middle-of a romantic dream-in-a-dream ‘when’ Peter woke-her – and, the blind-girl’s immediate reaction was-to hug-him-tight… Peter-too came-bearing gifts – he had his-old skateboard in his-backpack…
… and offered to teach her the skill she was ‘badly-wanting’ to learn… in her joyous reaction she hugged him-again and kissed his-cheeks. Peter was eating a RED-APPLE at that time, and offered her-a-bite…
… which she took a-nibble… that followed by – HER-FIRST KISS with a boy…
… it was a French-kiss – as they ‘tasted’ the nibbled-apple in each-others’ mouths…
The dream led to ‘another’ KISSING-DREAM… also ‘happened’ in the OTHER-PERTH – where she-and-Alicia visited the Walker-house in their school term-break when the twin’s inspector-mother was at-work…
… while Paul-and-Alicia were playing video-games downstairs – blind-Jane went upstairs to ‘find’ for her-boyfriend…
… her heart was pounding-fast with excitement as she ‘followed’ the-music playing in Peter’s room – when she ‘reached’ the door… her 3rd-eye ‘saw’ a pink-glimmer inside sleeping on the bed. Jane was mesmerised by-it and was drawn to ‘touch’ Peter’s glowing aura…
… when she touched-him – PETER AWOKE… and was glad to-see-her…
… they kissed on his-bed – but did ‘not’ have sex… but she ‘let’ Peter ‘touch’ her-budding breasts…
The blind-girl woke-up with multiple-orgasms – sitting-dazed on her-bed in the darken bedroom and… realised she ‘had’ woken-up minutes ‘earlier’ than the Boyyo’s alarm…
… feeling icky-and-guilty she got-off the bed, switching off the-alarm – in her-pyjamas, Jane walked bowlegged to the bathroom in her-room – to get-rid of her-night-clothing off her-body and take a cold-shower…
As the jets-of cold-water washed her body, but her mind ‘was’ still-thinking OF PETER – it made her-angry… and she shouted at-herself…
“NO! I don’t love you-Peter! I’m ‘not’ the cursed Soulmate-for-2 EITHER – I ‘only’ love Paul! Get-out off my-head, Peter-NOW – I’m ‘warning’ you!!!”
In response, she ‘heard’ A VOICE in-her-head – that was of her-former AI, SIMY… it was provocative and was taunting her…
“… hehehe – but Peter is a ‘way-BETTER’ KISSER… don’t you think-so, Jane…?”
“NO! He’s NOT!!!” Jane shouted…
“… now-now… don’t kid-yourself – ‘ADMIT’ IT… Peter is the better-kisser, right…? Wink-wink-nudge-nudge, hehehe…”
“NO! He’s NOT!!!” Jane yelled…
“…hehehe… but you thought-so, at that ‘moment,’ right-Jane…?”
The blind-girl thought of the-moment which SIMY WAS REFERRING – where in the OTHER-PERTH when she was with Paul ‘after’ Peter’s Perth-Famous-Couple’s breakup…
… where she ‘had’ compared the inexperienced-Paul’s kissing to her ‘first-love’…
“… see… I told-you, right-Jane…? Hehehe…”
“… but you ‘had’ your ‘fair-share’ of practiced-kissing… right-Jane…? Wink-wink… hehehe…”
“What you ‘mean’ by-that!!”
“… hehehe… remember-remember – 2-years-ago with Alicia… nudge-nudge… hehehe”
Jane remembered as her-internal flashback of 2-years ago – of ‘coming’ to SHS from her-former school-for-the-blind… where she befriended Alicia who had hung-around with-her in the Wilson-residence after school as they ‘studied-and-did-homework’…
… both the-girls were 10 back-then, and had a ‘phase’ when-they were ‘interested’ in boys – Alicia ‘suggested’ they should ‘learn’ how-to-kiss… so, behind the locked-door of the bedroom – the girls ‘secretly’ smouched-and-smooched…
… in the ‘sensual’ art-of-osculation…
… Jane who-since came to SHS had been ‘secretly’ admiring Peter who was the inter-schools’ tennis-champ – so-when she-kissed-Alicia… she fantasised Peter…
… while-when Alicia ‘was’ kissing-Jane… she had fantasised Paul – who in-the ‘same’ year won the school’s Family-Day’s dance-competition…
It was just-a-phase, and the girls’ priorities-then ‘had’ changed thereafter – when they were ‘more’ interested in studies and to excel in-class… rather-than ‘dating’ boys…
“… hehehe… Jane, you’re indeed the Soulmate-for-2… don’t lie to yourself – ‘ADMIT’ IT, my-dear…”
“…such-denial… don’t be shy, dear… it’s a ‘normal’ human behaviour to FANTASISE… hehehe…”
“SIMY, I’m ‘warning’ you – get-out of my-head ‘now’!!!”
“… her-mummy’s B-girl is ‘now’ angry…hehehe…”
… angry she was – the cold-water of the shower was now turning-hot… and, the whole-of the bathroom was in streams of heavy-vapour…
… as the blind-girl ‘continued’ TO ARGUE with the taunting-voice in-her-head.
PAUL ‘TOO’ HAD a dream that-night. He-too was in the OTHER-PERTH… post-enacting events of his-love life ‘over-there’ – that was torn by jealousy-and-heartbreaks…
… he was in the Walker-house living-room and was playing the ‘Mortal-Kombat’ videogame with Alicia – while Jane was going upstairs to Peter’s bedroom – who ‘was’ her ‘FIRST-LOVE’ of ‘that’ realm…
He was heartbroken-and-envious that Jane whom he ‘admired-and-desired’ – had ‘chosen’ his-twin, Peter instead of-him. After a moment of Jane’s absence in Peter’s bedroom, the wheelchaired tween’s heart-and-mind wasn’t in the videogame game…
… Paul’s soul-then ‘escaped’ with-his-seated host-body with the joystick-console in-hand competing with the skilled-player, Alicia. The invisible-Paul swooped Casper-the-Ghost-like to the upstairs – heading to the closed-door of Peter’s bedroom…
He remerged ethereally from the wooden-door to ‘peek’ to see the ‘horror’ inside– of a humanoid entity with a long tail on-the-bed. It was the colour of deep-purple with reptile-like scales…
… Paul for the first-time ‘saw’ Iskurr-the-incubus… that ‘had’ taunted Jane ‘before’ with its’ games-of Hide-&-Seek in her-nightmares in the Garden-of-Eden…
The creature was on-its-fours over an-unconscious Jane lying-on the bed. The dark-incubus had a thick-and-long tongue-like Venom… and fetishlike ‘licking’ Jane’s face with sloppy-sounds…
… licking her diamond-shaped scar-on her-forehead…
Paul saw the drooling-saliva that wet his blind-girlfriend’s face – and her lips curved-in a smile… if-though it was her pet-dog, Piper licking-her…
The incubus-then sensed that it was BEING ‘WATCHED’ – rotating its-neck 1-80… it saw the voyeur-Paul at the door. Paul saw its hideous-face with its-large mouth with-rows of fangs – then the-face morphed to his-twin’s likeness…
…. the angered-Peter barked-out…
“You bloody nosy-parker, get OUT-OF my ‘house,’ you-quad – Janey IS ‘NOW’ mine!!!”
The annoyed Paul responded aloud…
“NO! Jane is mine!!!”
The irked-incubus leapt at-him to attack – but Paul warded-it by stepping-away… as his-aura went-back through the door to bring-the-fight from the bedroom to the upstairs-hallway…
… with Jane’s safety-in-mind…
Paul saw the entity crashing from-the splintered-door… landing-on the chipped-wood debris on the carpeted-floor and – was about-to lunge-at him…
The blue-aura stretched-out his-hands – and was about-to electrocute the-beast with-his electro-lightning superpowers… like he had ‘previously’ USED-TO as a quadriplegic to ‘subdue’ his bully-twin with-pain…
“Come-on, you-bloody Defender-of-Perth – let’s see what you’ve ‘got’…”
In the hallway, the incubus roared and came at-him – Paul focused his trajectory for his electro-shots to come from-his finger-tips…
… but was shocked-when ‘nothing’ came-of-it – then, ‘realising’ that he-was superpowerless in his-Dreamworld… leaving the-option TO FLEE-than rather-fight…
“Hahaha, you-fool – in my-nightmares – you’re bloody ‘powerless’ mediocre-quad!”
The aura flew in circles in the passageway as the beast who WAS AGILE as a ninja-pursued Paul… as he wanted to ‘escape’ via flying-down over to staircase – but the creature yanked his right-crippled leg and threw-him sideways…
… the blue-glow crashed on his mother’s bedroom door – and before the-incubus next-strike… Paul ‘escaped’ by morphing-on the wall and was inside Caroline’s bedroom-floor to respite from the cosmic-pain in his-back from Iskurr’s throwdown…
… from a distance-outside, Paul heard the music-and-soundFX from the videogame ‘Mortal Kombat’ playing-downstairs in the living-room…
… before…
… the incubus trashed the inspector-mother’s room-door to come after-him – the injured-Paul GOT-UP to levitate-to-fly as the long-tailed savage-creature leapt at him… catching him mid-air and crashing Paul on the-wall – that made webs-of hairline-cracks because… he’s heavyweight…
… the crippled-aura dropped on his-mother’s bed – he saw the creature in-its berserker-mode as it wrecked-and-smashed items of his-mother’s bedroom as – it howled-aloud in ‘victory’ and pounding its’ chest like King-Kong…
“… hahaha… I’ve-bloody ‘defeated’ Tarzan!!!”
… before rushing-in to the bed and ravaging the mattress with its-talon-like claws… Paul mustered his-strength to fly-and-escape through the open-damaged door – he made a dash…
… but he-was slow…
“Where are you-bloody ‘going,’ Fatty-fats!? We’re ‘ABOUT-TO’ ready-to rumbleee… hahaha!!!”
… from the-back, the incubus leapt and heave-stomping its-feet on Paul’s spine – to crash him-down onto the bedroom floor… the-weary Paul was-up ‘again’ as he levitated in-pain … to blurry-gaze-at the incubus blocking-him by standing in front the door…
Its face morphed into Peter’s likeness… sniggering…
“I’ve changed my-mind, quad – let’s-bloody Mortal-Kombat instead, hahaha – FIGHT!!!”
… from its combat-stance, and-then went into Shaolin-mode – kicking-and-striking the-air displaying its martial-arts poses. The helpless-Paul was in-defence-mode and-was terrified when it rushed-forward… screaming…
In the corner, he was trapped and protected-his face while the entity plummeted-down multiple-blows on his-obese body… and each-time it kicked – he was sent-flying across-like a balloon that had-its-air released… crashing-on the other-corner of the room’s wall…
… lying-weak on the-floor, Paul was spitting-out cosmic-blood from the-injuries ‘sustained’ by the-liver-blows…
“… ooo, my fat-Poe – it’s ‘not’ bloody OVER-YET… hehehe…!”
Iskurr grabbed Paul by-his-hair… to ‘work-on’ his-face – but Paul was ready to ‘fight-dirty’ – as he gave an-UPPER-CUT punch onto the creature’s groin-sack…
… that-worked…
… as-it was stunned IN-PAIN – then-Paul followed-up with a weak sucker-punch on the entity’s snout… which made the incubus dropping-flat on its-tail, growling-in-agony…
It was the ‘only’ opportunity for Paul to ‘escape’ from a fist-brawl with a superior-opponent who was-down ‘momentarily’ – as-the blue-aura staggered-to-levitate… and was out from the-bedroom door…
Outside in the narrow hallway, the bleeding-and-dazed Paul ‘followed’ the sound of the videogame that came-from downstairs… and reached the-foot of the staircase….
Iskurr ‘jumped-him’ from the rear – taking him-down…
“… where are you going, you-quad coward…!? Fight me if you ‘want’ to keep Janey…!!!”
The incubus grabbed him-by his hair – with Paul’s bloodied-face moved towards its-snout as a-stare-down… its face morphed-again to Peter, warning-his-twin…
“FORGET HER, Poe – Janey is ‘now’ mine…!!!”
“… NOooo…” The weakened-Paul muttered-back…
“Yes, HAHAHA!!!”
In-its-maniacal laughter… the incubus-then kicked him square-on his-chest…
The defeated-Paul stumbled-back… falling-down hard-on the-marbled staircase…
In his-bed, Paul screamed as he woke-up in darkened windowless-bedroom – realising-that it WAS ‘ONLY’ a nightmare-illusion of his astral-self who-confronted Iskurr-the-incubus…
… his-half-dazed-mind rephrased ‘what’ Neo-said in the Matrix-movie…
‘… it ‘knows’ Kung-Fu…’
Touching his-face, he ‘was’ glad that it was ‘not’ bruised in-blood…
Immediately, Paul took a quiet-moment into-his YOGIC-MIND to self-reflect… and, to recall ‘more’ of the-dream before he forget-it…stroking his-scar on his-throat he pondered-deep…
… then-remembering…
… Iskurr was licking Jane’s forehead – ‘feeding-on’ the cosmic-dust of her-superpowers from her diamond-shaped scar…
The anxious crippled-teen sighed… realising that he can’t keep-his girlfriend safe from the clutches-of-evil – because Peter ‘was’ too-powerful in the nightmare-world that he ‘had’ created to contain the Defender-of-Perth duo.
Sleeping-in-bed, he clicked his-tongue and shook his head…
Paul decided to-be MORE-PRAGMATIC to deal with the daily-realities which were physically-happening in POST-TREETON – which were more-severe rather than to worry about the Defender-of-Perth’s ‘SHARED-NIGHTMARES’ which-were haunting-them subconsciously…
He had fulfilled his-obligations of reordered the ‘pills’ last-night – which ‘would’ arrive once he was home-alone today ‘after’ school…
Paul-then facepalmed when he realised that tomorrow ‘was’ the weekend… with no-school. Meaning, that Jane ‘would’ be-pregnant for ‘another’ 2 days until the next-Monday…
… then-he came with an-inkling that would extradite Jane’s ‘self-administered-procedure’ during the 2-days-wait – if he WAS ‘PROACTIVE’ as her-partner…
… tonight, I’ll do a Friday ‘fly-by-midnight’ delivery straight-to Jane’s bedroom window – and she would ‘invite’ me into her…”
The sudden alarm-clock ringing at that-moment – ‘had’ put a cold-blanket on his early-morning ‘feel-good’ arousal thoughts-of-Jane…
The unmotivated-Paul groaned in his-bed as his-sprits were low due to his REM-sleep deprivation derived-from Peter’s nightmares – but, he ‘had’ to go-to-school…
He yawned-and-stretched-wide for one last-time ‘before’ getting-out of his comfy-bed – but, felt a sharp-pain in his lower-back…
… recalling-again of the-nightmare where the incubus ‘trashed’ him and thrown him-hard on the wall for ‘more’ than a couple of times in-the-brawl … in-which, he-landed ‘badly’ on his-back…
Paul sighed as he looked-over at the ‘pragmatic’ side-of his backpain – which was pertaining to ‘gravity’ of-the weakened spring-coils of his-mattress due to his-obesity…
Gritting his-teeth, he levitated in-discomfort– grabbing a towel, then-sat on his wheelchair and headed to the-bathroom…
… to-do HIS PRAGMATIC-worrying about ‘weight-loss’ while seated in-the-dunny…
Along with other-problems…
… of-the ‘WHAT-IFS’ of-Jane was ‘caught’ preggo, with-him... ‘accused’ as the ‘father’…
JANE STEPPED-OUT ANGRY from the bathroom – after-arguing with the-SIMY’s voice-in her-head…
… muttering in-displeasure with the ‘thought’ of the ‘existence’ of The Book of Life-and-Destiny… where, Kerubiel the Son of Mercury-and-Venus – who first-mentioned it to-her @The Garden-of-Eden…
“… fish-whoever wrote that fishing ‘nonsense’ book… the Soulmate-for-2 is ‘not’ happening – I’ve the freedom-of-choice…
‘… neither is the-Immaculate-Conception is happening too – it’s my-body… and, I’m ‘not’ allowing-it…” The atheist-girl proclaimed…
Jane was confident that her-boyfriend, Paul reordered the-abortion pills – she-then proceeded to dress-up for school…
… while wearing her-brassieres, her-stomach growled of hunger – she craved for meat-buns which her-BFF bought-her every-morning… for her-breakfast in-the-Uber…
… then she-felt a-kick in-her-stomach – as the-womb was ‘also’ craving for the ‘same’ Char-Siu-bao…
…and ‘it’ kicked-again…
… for the ‘acknowledgement’ of its-existence…
The blind-tween was anxious about its-accelerated growth of 2-weeks womb’s ‘activities’… where the kicking-sensation ‘normally’ was-felt ‘after’ 11-weeks of pregnancy…
“NO! Meat buns for you!” Jane shouted…
Instantly, the womb ‘retaliated’ with a 3rd-kick… leaving Jane with morning-sickness of nausea…
… but…
… she refrained-herself from going to bathroom-to throw-up…
… a mental-toughness message to ‘not’ buckle her-knees ‘to’ the unborn-and-unwanted child – that it…
… ‘would-not and could-not’ control-her…
In her SHS-uniform, the blind-tween was standing the outside of Wilson-residence when the Uber ride-came. Alicia opened the back-door of the-Hyundai from-inside and – ‘guided’ her-BFF to the backseat…
… while Jane grinned as her nostril caught the-delicious scent-of the meat-buns ‘nearby’…
… where-both the mother-and-child ‘craved’ the same-food… were mesmerized-hypnotically in anticipation – of the nourishment-bonding between the child-and-mother…
Meanwhile, the rapt-Alicia was ecstatic at that moment – with a ‘great-mystery’ event that happened to-her… that was out of her-universe… and-mind ‘crazy’…
“Janey, do you know who was the visitor whom we picked at the airport?”
“… huh-donno… does Ken-Chan has a brother…?” Jane replied while eating-up the-bun fast…
“… no-silly… it was MY ‘SISTER’!!!” The Chinese-girl said – anticipating-and-expected her-BFF to be SHELL-SHOCKED like her…
But hungry-Jane wasn’t ‘not’ paying attention as she WAS HIGH in the cosmic mother-child ‘foodie-bonding’ – with both-were enjoying the Char-Siu-bao ‘gastronomically’ to a fine-dining-level…
“Janey-gee, are you listening – It is MY-SISTER…!!!”
“… huh-what…? Did Mummy-Robin give birth…?”
“Correction, ‘GAVE-BIRTH’ – ya, 12-years-ago in Singapore… Janey, she’s my-twin!!!”
“… huh, that’s crazy…” Finally, Jane paid-attention…
“Yes, I was shocked too! I was like ‘way-no-way’ when-I first heard Auntie-Siobhan ‘who’ told my mother that my twin-sister Maggi WAS SEPARATED from birth… and a distant-relative raised her in KL, Malaysia – then, the rello passed-away ‘recently’…
“… and only-then, ‘after’ some-months… another distant relative-of-my mother ‘contacted’ Aunty Siobhan – and-then the big-secret of 12 years finally was out-of-the-bag and it ‘exploded’ in Southeast Asia from-the Wong-relative-side to Perth… that I have a twin-sister…
“… its-like the Book of Life-and-Destiny had made-us meet @the-airport after all-these-years…”
“WAIT-ALI, how do you ‘know’ about the Book-of-Destiny…?” Asked the dumbfounded-and-curious Jane…
“Haiyah! It was in some TV-show in Netflix – and it’s beside-the-point… but I used it as a reference to my-fortunate luck to ‘finally’ meet my long-lost-twin…”
“… oh-I-see…” Jane nodded to the ‘information’…
‘… maybe what-was said in The Garden-of-Eden by Kerubiel – who ‘QUOTED’ FROM that fishing-book was a ‘total’ BS – like the ‘fiction-world’ of Netflix…’
The Chinese-girl was ‘still’ blabbering in-conversation that was going go on-and-on …
“Now, my-life like a ‘badly-written’ movie-sequel with shit-load of coincidences left-and-right – of-what were the-odds that MAGGI HAS a SIMY-tech ‘too’…?
“… Janey, my-sister is a blind-girl LIKE-YOU…”
The-BFF was explaining to Jane that Kimura-Star ‘gave’ blind-Maggi THE-SAME learning-and-self-guiding device when she was 10-year-old in-Malaysia…
Jane was quiet-and-astounded as she ‘listened’ and eating her last meat-bun…
… while in-thoughts…
‘… how many-more blind-girls did Uncle Jack ‘GIFTED’ the SIMY-devise-to…?’
Alicia was in-euphoria-and-emotional state as she cried and hugged-Jane who was still eating…
“Now I’ve 2 sisters – with Maggi ‘COMING’ TO our-class next-Monday MAKES-US 3 sisters!”
… she was ‘still’ hugging-Jane while ranting…
“Janey, I have ‘always’ considered-you as my ‘sister’ from-ANOTHER-MOTHER – and, I’m soo-sad to see-you in loneliness since your-mummy took your-baby brother from-you and lived-separately…
“… no-worries, dear – me and my-sister ‘would’ ALWAYS BE THERE for ‘you’…”
As she sobbed, Alicia-then kissed blind-Jane’s cheek several-times – while Jane didn’t know ‘how-to’ respond as her hands were messy from eating the meat-buns… she let her-BFF to hug her while Jane licked her-fingers to clean-it ‘before’ wiping’ with-a-tissue…
Alicia had-stopped talking and remained hugging-her BFF – where she-too had the similar-fate when both of her younger-brothers were separated from her – by the father whom she ‘hated’…
… where, Albert took the-BOYS ‘AWAY’ – to live with their-patriarch grandmother of the Wang-clan…
MEANWHILE @THE-MERCY-CLINIC – Dr Shelley Wilson was sitting in her ‘empty’ medical-office-room ‘waiting’ for her-first customer patient to-come… but ever-since the Zombie-pandemic ‘broke,’ it had-been ‘bad’ for business…
… changing ‘behavioural-patterns’ by-the ‘fear’ in Perth-city – where, people were staying-indoor @home for their-safety…
… even self-medicating themselves @home instead of ‘coming’ to-clinic for ‘treatments’ – ‘treatments’ where the-medical professions ‘would’ charge an-arm-and-leg… therefore, this-Zombie-Virus with its lockdown-and-curfews was-indeed ‘bad’ for business…
Then at mid-morning, her-Facebook-friend, Ira visited and came with 2-Matcha hot-cups of green-tea – and a copy-of the Herald-Sun – that headlined the deep-fakes-arrest…
After reading-the-print, with Ira’s parroting words in her-ear… the doctor-mother was fuming-and-boiling with-anger… that ‘had’ stressed Shelley that early-morning – being the ‘mother’ of the-B-girl’s… whose ‘likenesses’ would be circulating in many child-porn-sites in the Dark-web – hype-famed as the ‘anticipated’ VIRAL SEX-VIDEO of Perth’s Famous-couple…
… Tarzan-&-Jane…
… Shelley naturally blamed the-usual-suspect, Anthony – as the useless father-and-husband…
Ira rejoindered…
“Principal Tom-Harris ‘should-BE ‘BLAMED’ too!!! He is-simply ‘useless’ and he’s ‘not’ been-doing a good-job since they had their ‘free-and-easy’ Family-Day @the-beach where his-students were immorally-frolicking behind their-teachers’ back…
“… listen-Shelley, you as the humiliated-mother should ‘contact’ the PTA-board – to set-up a ‘hearing’ to get ‘bloody’ Principal HARRIS FIRED for the disgrace-he-brought to SHS!!!”
The FB-friend-then ‘poked’ by-saying…
“… I have to-admit-it… out-of my ‘curiosity’ I HAD ‘CLICKED’ the-link and I’ve seen it… OH-MY-GOD, the video-looked so-real-and-convincing – Jane with her braid-locks… and that fat sweaty-and-tan-oily ‘naked’ son-of-the Inspector-of-Perth was-on ‘top’ of-her…”
It riled-up the doctor-mother who infuriated…
“I should file a-police report and get ‘both’ the mother-and-son arrested for besmirching my-name as a reputable doctor-in-Perth… that-Caroline-Walker should-be fired-too from-her inspector-of-Perth job for being a ‘bad-mother’ raising 2-incorigible criminal-sons – and, she’s also ‘currently’ dating the-bloody principal-too…!”
… Shelley also believed that ‘either-one’ of the criminal-twins ‘broke’ into her-house during the black-panther attack – that happened more than 2-month ago…
Facebook-Ira deterred the doctor-mother from-making ‘any’ police-report’ because:
Mayor-Blake ‘owned’ the police-departments in HIS-CITY that ‘employed’ misfit-employees like inspector-mother … where her boyfriend, Principal Harris… ‘is-also’ A ‘FRIEND’ of the mayor – who recently held the ‘Mayor’s Bravery-Award’ for Jane-and-Paul @SHS for media-popularity attention-for John-Blake’s ‘next’ city-election Paul too would-be exonerated as A MINOR for the deep-fake porn, where it wasn’t ‘him’ who was in-the-video – but his-likeness ‘being’ superimposed to-a fat-midget porno-actor… perhaps
After meticulously weighing their-options, both the-woman decided that the PTA-board should-contact the mayor’s office to-be ‘present’ in-the-hearing of Principal Tom-Harris’ unfit-tenure that led-to child-porno sex-scandal…
… to-be dismissed-immediately from his-duties…
IN THE NOISY CANTEEN during-recess – the quiet-Paul sat alone… beside the senior-students table while Philip-the-monitor eagle-eyed the wheelchaired junior-student…
… Paul wasn’t ‘bothered’… as he ate a ‘mediocre’ ham-and-cheese – where he ‘felt’ the-sanger had used the ‘wrong’ cheese – knowing-so, while being home-alone – he ‘had’ made-himself excellent ham-sandwiches… where his ‘fave’ was with blue-veined cheese – of-the grilled melted-Gorgonzola dripping-on the meat in-between 2-wedged buttered toasted-slices of bread… and, its sweet-aroma of the pungent-smell – that ‘could’ him a foodie-hard-on…
He was people-watching… observed Jane-and-Alicia on the far-end ‘boundary’…
… which he ‘shouldn’t’ cross…
Noticing that Peter-and-Bella were sitting in KC’s seniors-group…
… that gave him flashback-memories of-PERTHLAND…
… where the ‘sore-loser’ Ken-Chan and his biker-gang had beaten-him-up… all-because Paul ‘won’ the dance-competition in that-realm.
Paul was ‘watching’ his-twin in-the-canteen…
… where Peter ‘bragging’ at the-table – with his robotic-arm holding the new-expensive Rafa-tennis racquet that Principal-Harris – who-used the school-fund to buy-it as his-birthday prezzie…
‘… see, what good-LUCK HAD the-principal dating-mom ‘brought’ to-Peter… while all-I-got is a crummy-chess set, which I bloody-donno ‘how-to’ play…’
Paul noticed-too that the ‘rest’ of the Cursed-trio WERE EXPOSING their-scars… ‘gotten’ in the thunderstorm lightning-strike – during the field-trip @Treeton dairy-farm:
Jane was ‘not’ wearing her-beanie for her-forehead-scar…ever-since her ‘new’ short hair-cut Peter too did ‘not’ hide his-scar in his right-palm with the single-glove… which he-used to ‘conceal’ in the other-realm
… but ‘NOT’ PAUL – where ‘scars’ WERE UGLY to-him…
… where FOR 3-YEARS since he was crippled… and had to wear in-compliant to the SHS’ uniform-dress code of dark-green SHORT-PANTS which exposed ‘many’ of-his ugly scars-and-scar tissues on both of his crooked-legs to ‘staring’ eyes…
… but he was glad to be in-his seniors-now – where he wore-a black long-pants.
Straightening his-loosen uniform’s neck-tie… to ‘ALWAYS’ CONCEAL the cursed-scar in his-throat in-school – where, even at home, his preferred-fashion was turtlenecks and occasionally Bohemian-scarfs in the-outdoors.
After-had ate his-sanger with his chocolate-milk… just waiting-idle for the recess-bell to ring. Feeling-poignant for ‘not’ having any-friends and with the-loneliness, Paul can’t focus in class, constantly being mentally-tired…
… he ‘used’ to have the-window-seat behind-Jane in the A-class… looking-out at SHS’ main-gate and ‘daydreaming’ occasionally where he’ll walkout the gate when-graduated – now, in B-class sitting beside front-door which-was always ‘closed’…
… feeling trapped-and-demotivated – and with-strong thoughts that he-WOULD ‘NOT’ graduate were ‘growing’… ever-since the-5-days he had-been-transferred to the B-Class…
Paul remembered in his-office – Principal-Harris ‘had’ advised-him – to focus-on-studies where he had the ‘potential’ to be the Top-Student of the-B-Class…
‘… I don’t THINK-SO I can… I’m developing ‘short-term’ memories from my sleep-deprivation – my-retention is poor, and I forget when I get-home… where-also I’m lazy do-my homework… I’ll rather play GB-in-Nintendo – to ‘forget’ my life…’
He was distracted by his-twin’s hyena-laughter from across the mess-hall in the Chinese-seniors’ table – glaring in-hatred, Paul was angry with Peter for-giving THE NIGHTMARES from the-2-manistafations – that haunted-and-taunted…
… of Nurse-Joker and the long-tailed Venom-incubus…
‘… now, the-devil is ‘sitting’ @my-desk ‘behind’ Jane – ‘claiming’ that she is his-soulmate … and I ‘should’ forget-her… cos’ JANEY IS-HIS… and I can’t ‘protect’ her-too…’
He was ‘grateful’ for-Kitty’s disobedience-too – where the-dog ‘had’ forced-him… TO USE his-supe-abilities ‘again’ to-subdue it… from jumping-over the Walkers’ backyard-wall to ‘escape’ outside…
… where…
… initially, he-had vowed to GIVE-UP ‘using’ his-superpowers – and, to ‘boycott’ his-duties of the Defender-of-Perth altogether…
… but-come to THINK OF-IT…
… being a-cripple ‘sucks’ in his-prison-world of POST-TREETON – so, Paul ‘decided’ to-use it until his-superpowers were ‘TAKEN’ AWAY’ from-him…
… by-who-ever had ‘bestowed’ IT TO HIM, in-the first-place…
‘… maybe I’ll get to-kill the-devil ‘again’ – just-as I ‘murdered’ him ‘before’ in-PERTHLAND…’
THE DOCTOR-MOTHER AND her-trusted Facebook-friend had organised an emergency PTA meeting to discuss the dismissal-and-removal of Thomas Harris as the Principal of Stamford High-School…
… the PTA-members met – and the meeting was held in the school’s meeting-room… where Mrs Mary Palmer, the chairperson representing the parents – was in discussion with the opposite-side of Mrs Ayn Burnell, the VP who represented the-teachers…
… the mayor’s spokesperson, Ms Marla Gibson was present too – to give the ‘final’ decision of whether principal stayed-or-expelled from the school after his 5-years-service…
After a half-hour of back-and-forth angry arguments-and-confrontations between Palmer-and-Burnell had-ended – Gibson ‘gave’ her conclusive-verdict…
… that Thomas Harris ‘should’ remain in-his position as the-headmaster of SHS – as there were no-implication that ‘should’ punish-him based-on the current ‘deep-fake’ criminal-case of the Child-Pornography, that was ‘hot-topic’ talk-of-Perth City…
Both Shelley-and-Ida were shocked by the mayor’s representative giving them an unfair-and-unfavourable judgement – where Tom-Harris ‘remains’ to-sit behind the principal’s desk…
The doctor-mother was severely stressed by the disastrous outcome of the PTA meeting and the ramification of her-reputation ‘tarnished’ by the deep-fake video of her B-daughter…
… she felt woozy-and-wobbly by the severe-stress – that ‘caused’ her temporary-blindness that she ‘couldn’t-drive her-Mazda SUV…
Ira drove her to the-emergency-department of Perth Hospital… and Shelley was ADMITTED…
The orthopaedic surgeon-specialist, Dr Mark Ferguson diagnosed that Shelley ‘had’ suffered a rare-glaucoma condition…
… and should-go for an immediate surgery – OR ELSE, her ‘right’ eye would go-blind permanently.
Dr Mark-Ferguson was the youngest son of John Ferguson Sr. – who was the ‘designated’ panel-doctor the business-companies of Wilford Cooperation – where he had 4-SONS named Luke, Matthew, Mark and John Jr…
… where 3 of his-sons worked as specialists in 3 ‘different’ leading hospitals in Perth – except for the eldest, John Jr who remained in the family-practice – partnering-with his father in their FERGUSON-&-SONS medical flagship-business…
… and, all the 5-men were ‘devoted’ disciple-followers of the Moloch CULT-CABAL…
Dr Mark-Ferguson would-transplant a-cornea lens with a Blackmagic spell, so that…
… the Moloch-cult led by Grand-wizard Tophet Jared-Wilford could ‘infiltrate’ the daily-life of Jane-Wilson… BY-USING the doctor-mother…
… as a ‘possessed’ vessel – to GO-AGAINST her-rebellious B-daughter.
Reborn as a Magic Firefly, Help?
A rural farmer's boy is unknowingly reincarnated into a world of magic and monsters as just a wee little larva, not even considered a monster at all. But through grit and a passion for surviving, he will eventually evolve into something truly powerful and maybe, just maybe, find a way home. If that means defeating powerful foes and becoming a powerful monster himself, maybe, just maybe, that's what he needs to do. Popcorn easy-going typical "reincarnated as a monster" fic. Expect evolution trees, rare evolutions, small twists, a generally unaccepted main character who just wants to meet a human, the works. In this story, the main character is reincarnated as a larva, but his evolution will lead him down a path to become a will 'o wisp firefly hybrid, since that is what the fellows over on light novel amino requested, and it sounded cool. I'm just writing this to keep my fingers moving, so it won't have too much effort in it, but if you like stories like the beginning of the (good) reincarnated-as-a-dragon light novel, I'm sure you'll like this one. Popcorn isekai fic. The cover, drawn by yours truly, will reflect the current evolution of the main character. Also, he'll be pretty weak-to-strong, since, well, maggots are kind-of-really weak.
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Naruto Retsuden: Toru
[SI/OC Third Shinobi War]Well fought and well done. All of us fight as one. It took me three years to be able to properly read the faded out kanji of the flimsy poster that I keep in my back pocket. The illustration is colourful, bright reds and yellows. Colours that would definitely catch the attention of a child. The poster was carefully placed along the walls and fences of my village, level with the height of a four year old. I thought enlisting to become a Shinobi was a heroic deed, something I needed to do to save my family from poverty and to serve my country at the cusp of war. Then I graduated early to be deployed to the front lines.I am sadly and sorely mistaken. Warnings:Slow-burnNO OP-NESSRomance? What romance? It'll take at least 40 chapters or more before anything romantic happens.Realistic depictions of War from a child's perspectiveBlood and goreChild SoldiersPTSDRealistic character developmentTragedy. A lot of tragedy. Critiques much appreciated!
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How About Heresy?
Jeffrey's a guy who's most certainly a heretic but likes to believe he's not. Like we all do. Though, being a villain, there are many do gooders that'd like to exchange a strong word— or rather fisticuffs with him. Doing the deeds of villains, he places his own strange lens of justice over it, all the while, being an absolute fool. How will Jeffrey fare against the might of the good? —————————— "You tryin' ta shill me heresy?" "Ye- I mean yesn't," That's absurd why would I shill heresy? I'm not a heretic godsdamnit! In a realm of heretics and apostles alike, what to do? Well, I'm not sure of that myself. Though I have a feeling joining a cult may not be the best action... "No way. Are we being clapped by the power of friendship?" "Indeed we are," Shite. NOTE: - Don't expect an overpowered main character, nor a weak character. Strength isn't a plot point. - This is mainly a comedy, so it ain't as dark as you think it'd be despite the numerous mentions of cultists, heretics and murder... - There isn't going to be any face slapping scenes.
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Anime/Webtoon Oneshots
Basically the title. Requests will be explained in the story. Please, enjoy :)
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Sharing Materi with IWF
"Jika ingin menjadi seorang penulis pertama sekali kena membaca, kedua kena membaca, ketiga, membaca, keempat membaca dan kelima baru menulis." - A. Samad Said.
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When does the hero himself becomes the villain of his story? When he feels that the most precious thing in his life is getting snatched away, for which he can take anyone's life. *****************************************" Shivaay please.. I don't even know whether she likes me or -"" Dare you ask her. " Shivaay cut him off by grabbing his collar and pushed away. " Shivaay listen to me. Everyone out there is not to hurt you. Some are with you to heal you. To make you happy. To take you to the places where all happiness belongs to you. To love you like there is no tomorrow. So please... Listen to me. Talk to her, sought out everything, every misunderstandings, clear out everything. Before....Before its too late. " Shravan said to his brother who was taking out his anger and frustration on the punching bag. Shivaay grabbed Shravan's collar and pinned him on the wall almost startling him. " SHUT UP..! Just shut up. Stop lecturing me. It's my life and I will fucking live it in my way. Don't tell me what to do and what not. And one more thing.. If you weren't my brother, I would have ripped your head the secound I spotted you with my girl. " Shivaay yelled at him and pushed him away. " Shivaay don't. You are on the wrong track. Don't turn your love into some kind of obsession and madness. You will only end up hurting her and loosing her forever. " Shravan shouted back. " Huh.! Love without obsession is a waste of time for me. And about madness, she has only seen Shivaay's limitless love. Now she will get to know, up-to which extend I can go for her. " " And one more thing. What's mine is mine. Keep it in your pretty little mind. "*****************************************There is no limit in love. It's just a passion.But it is not a matter of everyone's bass to have such love. Will Amaya be able to appreciate Shivaay's outspoken love or will choose the Simplicity of Shravan?Cover credits : Myself.! Aesthetics credits : @heyhurgun
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