《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 3: Lucky Pete
WHILE TROUBLING BAD-LUCK was brewing for his-twin downstairs in the windowless bedroom – the one-armed Peter on the-other ‘hand,’ was celebrating his good-luck victories derived from his Kissing-video ‘scandal’ that was going smoothly-in-motion to ruin his adversary-twin, Paul’s character in POST-TREETON…
… it’s his PERTHLAND’S REVENGE, where Peter had the ultimate streak-of good-lucks in-that-realm as a teenager, who struck the motherlode ‘jackpot’– of the opportunity to migrate to the-UK and be a ‘blood-bag’ – to the billionaire, Lord Stamford-Crowley… where Peter’s sales-of his-Golden-Blood…
… was the ‘cure’ to the centurion-aged ailing-man TO-HEAL…
… but…
… his ‘good’ fortune-dreams were in devastation-and-shambles when his ‘evil’ twin, Paul ... shot-and-killed him-and-Jezebel in the Stamford-Hotel suite-room – on the eve-of his-departure to London…
In the hot-sun wearing his-sunnies, Peter was riding his-bike to Maccas ‘after’ school – he craved for-meat of his juicy-hamburgers. And, he had-refused Bella’s Uber-rides for the past 3-days because of his ‘after’ school-lunch problems…where his vegan-girlfriend’s ‘pick’ of restaurants that-had served him vile-and-disgusting tofu mock-meat burgers…
… but he lived in-give-and-take to his-vegan-people – as-long-as they gave him the ‘space’ to be a carnivore when his-meat eating-desires arise. And, he also ‘noticed’ there were 2 kinds of vegans: like Bella, who ate seafood – and the hardcore-extreme like his inspector-mother, Caroline who was a ‘total’ herbivore for health-reasons…
For 3-days, with his uniform sweating in the blazing afternoon-sun, Peter peddled his-bike in panting-thirst and pangs-of-angry hunger – plotting his revenge…
… which were ‘succeeding,’ so-far…
… with his-takeover ‘plan’ since he-had dethroned Paul’s online-fame of Tarzan-&-Jane with his ‘own’ YouTube Kissing-video… that got his-twin transferred to B-Class…
… all-was going-good, as planned…
… but on the 2nd day, was-when Zoey Williams came back to class ‘after’ being quarantined a-month for attacks by a ‘zombie-monkey’ during-when she went to the BTS concert with her BFF Charlotte Thompson. Zoey returned to class that-day but Charlotte didn’t… where the latter was still in hospital…
That morning, Peter doesn’t want to sit beside Zoey – while he had-been sitting in the-absent Charlotte’s desk for ‘more’ than a month. The one-armed teen also disliked Zoey because he WAS JEALOUS of her-fame of being the #1 tennis-singles Girls-champion…
… where-else, in POST-TREETON, his tennis campaign had ‘not’ started yet – but it ‘would’ soon in the next 2-weeks, when the SHS’ selections began…
… where he would ‘compete-and-shine’ in by playing the Boy’s singles-category with his augmented-leftie – his robotic-arm which he nicknamed-as ‘Smasher’…
Peter moved ‘again’ in the-classroom – AND SAT at the vacant Paul’s desk that-morning – but was ridiculed by Terry-Donovan who sat in the rear of the class with the Irish-backbenchers … who-then badmouthed that Peter was playing musical-chair ‘again’…
…by-moving from the middle-of the class TO THE front – behind Jane-Wilson – ‘kept’ going further-away from the backbenchers-pack…
Peter was mad when they mocked-and-laughed at him – led like an orchestra by the class-clown, Terry… whom Peter ‘dark’ wished…
… he COULD ‘USE’ his-robotic leftie to crush-in his-skull…and mash his puny-brains like Jell-O – with both-of Terry’s eyeballs prodding-out of his-nostrils… and dangling-down via the 2-optic nerves like wet-boogers.
Ever-since coming to POST-TREETON 7-months ago, Terry-Donovan was a thorn-on-his side… who green-eyed envied that Peter who was dating Bella and – began to c***block…
Terry was disrespecting him-too by flirting with Bella in front of-him…
… ever-since the Bella-Terry friendship-with-alcohol related Irish-bonding which they had during Quakka-hunting expedition the SHS’ Family-Day outing @Rotto Island. Later-back in school during recess, Terry began his-play by coquetry-and-trifling with dirty-derogative jokes with Bella – while asking for-trouble by staring at-Peter mockingly…
… the boyfriend in-return WAS-OFTEN annoyed when Bella-too – who responded-back to the-advances by talking-and-joking dirty… and acting slutty to be ‘popular’ with the Irish-boys…
But the bad-blood between Peter-and-Terry went way-before-that IN PERTHLAND – where ‘both’ of the teenagers were ‘eyeing’ Jezebel… the grand-niece of Lord Stamford-Crowley…
… where-eventually, Peter ‘got’ the girl…
Ever-since then, the ‘possessed’ Peter:
… acted-as a lustful-and-possessive ‘playboy’ when it came to every-girl HE DESIRED – in whichever realm he ‘had’ time-travelled-to…
AT THE traffic-junction, the light was red with no-passing vehicles – the impatient Peter wanted to traverse before the-light turned green… the robotic-armed teen crossed when there was no-oncoming traffic…
… the waiting yellow Toyota behind-him horned at his dangerous behaviour – the rebellious-teen ‘retaliated’ by flipping his ‘metal’ middle-finger and shouting-out profanities at the driver…
AT THE other-end of the road, he raced towards McDonalds – but he was ‘still’ angry with Bella Lorena Beaulieu ‘who’ picked the wrong side and was ‘not’ supportive in his goals-and-dreams…
‘… you’re full of shit, Frenchie – with your ‘EMPTY’ PROMISES too…’
He recalled more-than a couple-of months-ago, ‘when’ the school-peon had-caught him with his pants-down – where he-and-Frenchie were discovered showering together in the Boys Gym-bathroom…
EVER-SINCE that-incident, they were-then a ‘couple’ – and the girlfriend ‘had’ promised to-be his-doubles tennis-partner… that got him excited to mirror-and-duplicate his ‘former’ successes…
… where in the-OTHER-PERTH, he was ‘famed’ to-be one-part-of the Perth’s Famous couple along with blind-Jane.
THEN-THE zombie-pandemic SCARE CAME – and, the school suspended all ‘after-school’ activities and forced the students to return home before the 6 o’clock-curfew… which-meant no-tennis and other-sports trainings on the school-grounds…
… at least he practiced at home during the lockdown by hitting-tenno on the house-wall – but Bella ‘had’ her-priorities changed… and she was more interested in saving stray animals in the streets….
… with the fellers-of the ‘mediocre,’ Hateful-8…
Even Peter’s priorities ‘had’ changed… and he ‘no’ longer cared for the-doubles team up with-Frenchie… but to-only focus on Boys’ singles-selection…
… and, to be ‘famous’ again by winning matches – by using his-robotic leftie…
Gradually his-behaviour changed, that-he doesn’t love Bella as-much any-more ever-since the House-of-Walker’s deed was transferred to his name on his-birthday – and was contemplating of breaking-up with-her…
‘… yep, the sex was ‘great’ – and, other than-that… nada…
‘… nice doing-business, Frenchie…and-now, you go-on to-be Terry the-bloody clown’s b**** – you ‘both’ pathetic-souls deserve each-another…’
During the last 2 days sitting behind Jane, he was emotionally-drunk by the invisible-cosmic energy emitted by her that WAS MATERNAL – where Peter’s ‘only’ thoughts in the classroom was of his future with a family-of-superhero babies…
…and, the time was ‘right’ to woo her-back – since his-adversary twin was ‘kicked-off’ to the B-Class…
‘… she is mine…!’
… anyways, she was his first-love in the OTHER-PERTH multiverse…
Unbeknownst to Peter… and the-horde of evil entities which had possessed-him – that Jane was ‘already’ pregnant…
… where Venus-and-Mercury had tricked-her to BE THE VESSEL of delivering the Seed-of-Apollo...
… soon.
At the ‘next’ traffic-light, Peter stopped… and the yellow-Toyota was-again stationary ‘behind’ his-bike. Peter once-again wanted to cross the road ‘when’ the light-was-red…
… and-when he did the dangerous-move – the Toyota’s driver horned ‘again’ at his-life risking-action… the RAGED-PETER turned his-head at glared-at the Japanese-made car…
… the teen’s eyes glowed-red, as he ‘cursed’ aloud…
“F*** YOU!”
Automatically, the electrical-car’s batteries ‘died’ – causing chaos of a traffic-stall in a traffic-junction… Peter laughed maniacal as he crossed the-road – leaving noises of blaring-horns behind-him…
The teenager calmed himself down… and-his…
… pleasant thoughts were-back of his-first love in the A-Class, Jane, where he sat behind her – who was intoxicating-him… with her radiant-cosmic emotion-auras of ovulation…
… triggering mating-call instincts of Peter’s animal-senses…
… also, sending-him mixed signals that Jane was ‘wanting’ him TO-WOO her again – to-be his-girlfriend… now-that Paul was transferred-out to the B-Class…
‘… is that ‘what’ you-want, Janey…?’
But Peter-too was having-his self-doubt…
… ever-since, HE ‘LOST’ in the Game-of Hide&Seek @the Garden-of-Eden… where she-last ‘hurt’ him with her-superpowers by shooting at-his private-part with her supe-blast from her-forehead…
… in-fact…
… for the most of the 7-months he had been-in POST-TREETON, he had hardly-to-never spoken to her – ‘since’…
… she had chosen to be Paul’s girlfriend…
Now. the tides-have-changed…
‘… you lame-sucker… stay in B-Class… Janey’s all-mine…’
He knew he had screwed up ‘once-before’ in the OTHER-PERTH with her… in their first-relationship as his-first-love – but-now…
… Peter ‘wanted’ a 2ND-CHANCE to get it right…
… even-though knowing that Jane would reject him-here in POST-TREETON…
… that WAS ‘WHY’…
… he had to use Blackmagic ‘spells’ of his-dad, who was a devotee to the dark-art of Asmodeus – even-though Iskurr HAD ‘WARNED’ him ‘not’ to – as they were in allegiance to serve a ‘new-Master,’ Baal’ Zebub…
Peter recalled ‘BEING’ ABDUCTED by the-incubus in his dreamworld… journeyed and went to ancient-Jordon – going to Tartoros, the prison that once held-Satan on Earth…
… where-over there, Iskurr told Peter to kill the ‘captured’ Red-demon, Mercury – to PROVE HIS-loyalty to the new-Master…
… ‘by’ then-there WAS CHAOS…
… when the-monk SeeIn and the-Archangel Michael intervened-AND-RESCUED the one-armed Mercury…
That OBE-incident happened A WEEK-AGO, and Peter had ‘not’ seen-nor-heard of the incubus ever-since… AND-NOW, he desperate to use Blackmagik TO ‘GET’ his-girl back – so, he ‘disobeyed’ Iskurr’s threatening admonition…
… he has lots OF OTHER pending-tasks to-accomplish that ‘depended’ of the dark-mystic art – and bringing back his ‘lucky-charm,’ pet-Quakka from the-dead was one-of-it.
PETER WAS REACHING McDonalds – and was thirsting for a chilled-coke. There was a 7-Eleven convenient-store in the street – he stopped-over and parked his-bike. Wiping the sweat on his-brow with the sleeves of his school-blazer – he removed the-coat and stuffed-it in his backpack…
… and changed into a black-jacket with hoodie – as he wore-back his-Oakley … while-still maintaining his one-glove fashion – but used it to cover his-robotic hand-instead…
The teenager stepped into the store and headed to the cooler-fridge to get-a-coke – he had a change of mind when he saw rows of tall-cans of RedBull in the-chiller…
… realising-that in POST-TREETON he did ‘not’ drink much of the energy-drink… and even at-home, the-Caroline of this-realm did not’ stock-up the-house’s fridge with any any-caffeinated drinks… omitting it totally…
… from the Walkers’ grocery list due to health-reasons…
‘… this stingy-poker vegan-mom – mind-you, I’m a tennis-player and I need my energy-drinks… but-yet you told me drink mediocre tap-water whenever I’m thirsty in this weather – if you can’t bloody-buy-it, I’ll buy it-myself…’
His metallic-hand grabbed 2 RedBull – while thinking that he-can drink coke-later at Maccas when he had his-burgers…
Peter swaggered over to the check-out counter and stood behind a large-woman who was paying for her-Marlboro… the Herald-Sun tabloid in the newsstand caught his attention BUT the view of the headlines…
… was blocked BOTH BY the TattsQuick lottery-machine and the large-woman… Peter peeked over the woman’s buttocks to-read:
‘Man arrested for ‘deep-fake’ sex-video of Tarzan&Jane’
Peter-then read the subheading:
‘Charged under Child-pornography Act’
Peter snickered as he saw how his mastermind Kissing-video from the YouTube had escalated INTO PORN – further mud-raking his twin’s name to the-ground…
‘… hehehe… wait till Mom hears about this, Poe… you’re ‘not’ her-bloody Good-Son anymore, hehehe – my-plans have digitally-castrated you ‘forever’ in Perth…’
Going downhill on the road-to-Maccas, he was hands-free off the bike’s handle-bar… as he drank the cold-RedBull while he manured the Polygon…
… someone nearby spotted the hoodie-teen as he was heading to McDonalds…
“Hey-Boss… I’m coming-over… wait-up…!”
The teenager grin to see Jimbo running-over – the ‘minion’ who washed his-bike during his Maccas-visits…
…and his-bike needed some-clean makeover though… as it was looking-like his inspector-mom’s grubby-stained ‘pathetic’ Audi parked – at the house-porch in ‘his’ house-porch.
The mentally challenged homeless-man was still talking-cracko when Peter ‘deliberately’ spoke of the 80’s TV-series, ‘The Night Rider’ – that got Jimbo-talkative on the roll – with his-recalling memories of car-chase episodes ‘which’ he recalled growing-up in his hometown, Lenora…
… Jimbo jabbered if-though ‘smart’ technological ‘talking-and-thinking’ cars ‘actually’ exist – and KITT in that TV-series was ‘ACTUALLY’ REAL…
Peter chuckled as he had a ‘throwback’ to the MCU’s Mandarin ‘impersonator’ character who was a drug-addict actor… who thought the ‘apes’ in the movie, ‘The Planet of the Apes’ were ACTUALLY REAL-too…
Sipping his RedBull, he chucked again when Jimbo kept calling his-Polygon Siskiu D7-bike as the-DeLorean where someday COULD ‘TALK’ like KITT of ‘The Knight Rider’…
… Peter did ‘not’ judge the homeless-man’s ‘sanity’ – in-fact, he was entertained by ‘looking-into’ the crazy-realities of Jimbo the-meth-addict’s mind-space… displayed in his extreme-ridiculous jabbering…
But most of all he was ‘grateful’ to Jimbo – for ‘not’ being a stool-pigeon and did ‘not’ rat-him-out…
… during-where @the-OTHER-PERTH, the meth-head took a fall for him…when he was ‘arrested’ during the Perth’s Great-Fire for Peter’s ‘attack’ on Chinatown-Wong – as he tricked the mentally-challenged Jimbo by-saying that the Chinese-girl’s bicycle could talk like-KITT and he could-have it to go to Lenora to see his-sister….
… where he was ‘later’ unfortunately captured… and, sentenced to the looney-bin…
… it was a tragic-ending for ‘that’ Jimbo-variant of the other-realm – who jumped from the roof of the mental-institute that he tried-to ‘escaped’ from…
… but
… he was ‘alive’ again IN PERTHLAND – where he was a teacher in SHS – who taught geography in the SOSE-class…
Peter was hungry after a while listening to the babbling homeless-man who was washing his ‘DeLorean’ with a mineral water-bottle of tap-water and rag… for a dollar. He drank-up his RedBull and tossed-over the tall-can that landed perfectly into the trash-bin. He felt generous and took-out his-wallet… and gave a tenner to the-minion…
“Boss, this is Ten-Dollars – I don’t have-the-change…” The black-toothed man-said…
… Peter burped before-saying…
“… keep the-change, mate – go have yourself an extra-chicken flipping-tweak on me…”
The drug-addict was rapt in his-thank-yous… for the extra 9-dollars he-got for his next-fix – and-almost worshiped the ground that Peter-stood… The sarcastic-teen then said…
“… no-worries, Jimbo – you’re my ‘good’ minion – and-while you’re at it… give the tyres of my-DeLorean a good-massage, yea – she deserves some of your-love too…”
Peter walked to the door of the McDonalds – while he heard Jimbo laughing to-his-joke…
… he felt-good…
… ‘after’ his Paying-Forward gesture to the Jimbo of-this POST-TREETON… for the ‘fall’ of the other-Jimbo ‘took’ in the OTHER-PERTH.
Peter ordered the Double-quarter-pounder burger-meal set – he guesstimated his-appetitive and-then ordered a 2nd-meal of a Big-Mac Bacon…
… why-not – he ‘was’ celebrating his good-lucks and fortunes in defeating his nemesis twin-brother in POST-TREETON…
Wearing his-hoodie, he walked with his-tray of a double meal of burgers, fries and-cokes… and found a seat among the-hungry fast-food lunch-goers. Peter wolfed the quarter-pounder with several big-bites while glugging on the coke… he burped and slowed-down before ‘attacking’ the Big-Mac next…
… eating his French-fries, he people-watched…
… and, his mind-drifted as his heart-swelled in victory over Paul’s downfall with his genius-masterplan of the Kissing-video ploy in YouTube…
… and vengefully recalled THE DAY ‘WHEN’ his-twin returned home after going to the-principal’s office. Their inspector-mother scolded him as she sat him in the living-room. While in the kitchen, Peter was-rapt in silent-laughter at the background…
… he did ‘not’ interfere when Caroline was reprimanding Paul of being irresponsible as a school-boy with a ‘scandal’ of a possible sex-video in Perth. He peeked-and-saw the quiet-Paul was sobbing in shame… while gloating in the kitchen, that he got-away from-the-law with his mischief in POST-TREETON…
… it was his 2nd-time lucky – recalling-back ‘when’ he got-away from-the-law with his good-luck in the OTHER-PERTH too… when he-then clobbered Chinatown-Wong and left her in a ditch with her brain-dead coma-state…
Therefore, Peter thought he was ‘now’ the GOOD-SON in their mother’s eyes in the Walker-house – while her focus WAS ON-POE with him off-her-radar… and would ‘not’ be suspicious of him IN-CASE OF his ‘future’ mischiefs…
His reveries ‘poofed’ when his iPhone on the table vibrated-and-dinged a notification. He checked his screen – of his ‘new’ contact whom he saved-as reference to ‘another’ 80’s TV-icon:
‘Bionic-Woman B****’
Peter had been avoiding Renee-Osborne for a week since she cornered him in the Jim-Wong Trail, off the abandoned old-road. And, she had been-then calling-and-leaving messages to him every-day for a meetup – which Peter avoided of-course… as his priorities were to maximise his freedom to ‘roam’ in the afternoons after school ‘before’ the 6 o’clock curfew…
He ignored her-threats too that she would-tell Caroline about his-mischief of posting the Tarzan’s Kissing-video in YouTube…
‘… she’s not that-dumb to tell on me to my-Inspector-mother – or-else the policewoman-Dickinson would reprimand that yank-bionic-Jamie Sommers for charges of extorting a minor…’
But he had to give her ‘something’ so that the time-pressured Osbourne would get-off his-back… as-she was leaving soon to HQ @D.C. now that Hiro-and-Taro would-be discharging from their quarantine soon @Perth-Hospital after a month-treatment… ‘for’ both-being bitten by a zombie-virus-ed monkey…
His ‘only’ trump-card was to expose that Paul ‘has’ superpower as he was caught by the Walkers’ security camera – the footage of Paul levitating upstairs that-one-night…and entering Peter’s bedroom…
‘… was Poe trying to kill me…? The bloody-quad was soo-daring in this-realm– ‘knowing’ for a-fact that mom is sleeping in the other-room…’
Peter felt his life was in danger ‘again’ in POST-TREETON… where his-twin had ‘murdered’ him before in the PERTHLAND-realm. So, he decided to leak the footage to Renne-Osbourne…
… then…
… he thought of the implication of his action that pointed-him as the…
… MAIN-SUSPECT of the leak… that ‘happened’ in the Walker-house…
‘… then Angie-Dickinson mom would suspect that I leaked the YouTube Kissing-video too… and, Poe ‘would-then’ get-away scotts-free – becoming Mom’s Goody-good-Son again…’
In quagmire of his decision of ‘EITHER’ PRIORITISING his-safety or being a ‘suspect’ was troubling him as he was unconsciously masticating on his Big-Mac, with deep-thoughts…
… and he-decided TO LEAK the footage…
… but…
… under the T&C that it SHOULD ‘NOT’ be leaked to the general news-media – and, ‘strictly’ NO-MEDIA…
… after seeing the Herald-Sun tabloid just-now – where there was arrest-made for deep-fake videos…
… So…
… the paranormal-finding was ‘strictly’ for Dr Jack-Turner’s EYES-ONLY – for his scientific ‘research-purpose’ of the ‘EXISTENCE’ OF SUPERHEROES in earth-realm…
Fearing for his-safety… he ‘would’ rather EXPOSE HIS twin’s secret identity – BUT ‘NOT’ Jane’s…
… who also ‘has’ her own set of superpowers…
… even-though, he had ‘mentioned’ about-it to Dr Turner in-the-past in his emails-and-phone call that his-niece was a ‘supe’ herself – but those were ONLY-HEARSAY ‘now’… as the-uncle ‘has’ no-evidence as his-proof that Jane was StarGirl…
‘… but Gemini-Blue ‘should’ fall… he should-be ‘TAKEN’ AWAY and be-probed in the-a** in-a-lab… to see ‘how’ he flew-over the-coocoo’s nest… AND-YET ‘SECRETLY’ maintaining his supe-identity for 7-bloody months here in POST-TREETON…’
The one-mystery that Peter can’t figure-out was ‘how’ he had sleepwalked… and ended-up sleeping beside Paul in his bed…
… waking-and-escaping from-the windowless-bedroom later…
… with fragments of a-weird dream…
… that his-apostate father ‘was’ a white billy-goat – which ‘SELF-SACRIFICED’ itself in a Bollywood movie…
… which ‘was’ down-right silly – that don’t make ANY-SENSE to him…
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