《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 2: 3 Days Later... [Part 2]
FOR 3 DAYS ALICIA HAS SPENT HER afternoons at the Wilson’s residence after school. It was where she followed her blind-BFF back to her ‘lonely’ house – where her father was at-work and her baby-brother was staying in her uncle’s house… since Jane’s mother moved-out and was separated from her husband…
… Alicia-and-Jane would spend the afternoons doing their homework together and were study-buddies engaging in their school subject-discussions… until Anthony returned from work in the early evening – and Alicia would-then call an-Uber to go-back home ‘before’ the 6 o’clock city-curfew lockdown…
On their 3rd afternoon together, Alicia received an-emergency phone-call from her-mother and had to go-back… leaving Jane ‘home-alone’ for 2-hours…
The blind-tween was tired and laid on her Queen-size bed waiting for a phone call from Lola. The housekeeper called HER DAILY to ‘check-on’ her ever-since she had been working in the uncle’s house and taking-care of the baby-brother over-there…
Lola finished her work @uncle Christopher-Turner’s house the moment Dr Shelley came back from the clinic – and Lola would later ‘secretly’ call Jane and cheer-her up by telling of what the 3-year-old Samuel had been doing since…
… Jane was ‘CLOSE’ WITH the baby-boy…
… the blind-sister waited…
The loneliness had set the solitude-girl to her-biggest depressing-thoughts… that happened recently in – Day-Zero @the Principal Thomas Harris office…
… where the humiliating-and-mysterious Kissing-video surfaced ‘after’ the SHS Family-Day @the South Beach, happened ‘prior’ a-couple of months-ago…
… implicating a SEX-VIDEO in-the-making, ‘was’ set into the mislead imagination-of her doctor-mother where – Shelley argued-and-insisted her B-girl to take a pregnancy-test…
… which Jane rebelled-and-refused…
The-moment she was-home from school that-day, Anthony scolded her next…
“How could you be so-damn irresponsible at the AGE-OF-12 by having sex with that-boy and bring ‘shame’ to me… this video happened 2-months-ago – which-means you lived a secret-and disgraceful-life yourself by having sex with him all-along ‘behind’ my back…
“Now, I feel like a-fool for ‘giving’ you THE PERMISSION to attend his-birthday-party!
“And, your mother is having the last laugh-here since she moved-out – now, she’s laughing at-my-damn-face that… I’m an irresponsible-and-incompetent father to LOOK ‘AFTER’ a 12-year-old daughter ‘who’ is sexually-active…
“Soon I have to move-out ‘when’ your-mother pushes-FOR-DIVORCE and gets ‘this’ house – she would want custody-over you too – and I can’t ‘protect’ you once that happens…”
Blind-Jane was sobbing and didn’t argue – she was too distressed-and-heartbroken to ‘reason’ back…
… when the father whom-she loved-had mistrusted her – and also was a ‘believer’ that the hoax sex-tape exist…
On that-day, Anthony also blocked Paul’s mobile-number in her-Samsung as-per Principal Harris’ directive…
The next-day, in the A-Class – Zoe Williams returned to school after a month of hospital treatment from the disaster @BTS-concert…
… where @the Blake-Tower, she-and-Charlotte Thompson were attacked by a monkey with the zombie-virus – but the latter was ‘still’ in quarantine.
After Zoe moved to her desk… PETER-WALKER ‘too’ changed his sitting-place by occupying Paul’s seat behind Jane…
…which was-left ‘vacant’ EVER-SINCE Paul moved to the B-Class.
… it was UNNERVING for the blind-tween when his-aura WAS INVADING her-space…
After recess, Alicia gave Jane Paul’s ‘prezzie’ wrapped in a blue-handkerchief – the curious BFF asked-her ‘what’ it-was… but Jane doesn’t ‘want’ to disclose the-content…
During the History class, she felt Peter was ‘disturbing-her’ – by touching her dreadlocks from behind…
… then through-out the lesson, she felt his lustful-vibes were distressing-her… as Peter was fantasizing ‘ABOUT’ HER in his daydreaming…
… so, she deliberately knocked her-back hard-to her-chair… to hit Peter’s desk – to ‘jolt’ him-out from his carnal-desire reverie…
Immediately after school, she told Alicia that wanted to cut her hair – and their-Uber went to the Matahari hair-salon owned by Alicia’s mother…
During the ride, Alicia said that Jane was making a right-move to change her-appearance – ‘after’ the Kissing-video scandal online, involving-Paul…
… but the blind-tween doesn’t CARE ‘ABOUT’ her-looked – she just-wanted to cut her-hair to spite Peter… where her-blonde dreadlock-looks was popularised-online by Peter’s Perth’s Famous-Couple online-campaign…
… ‘when’ being his tennis-partner in the ‘OTHER-PERTH’…
Alicia-then ask ‘what’ hairstyle fashion she wanted...
Jane replied a-short boy-cut.
At Matahari, Robin-Wong suggested a Pixie-cut would ‘suit’ her-looks…
After the cut, Robin complemented Blind-Jane that she ‘looked’ like Mia Farrow…
… the actress in the 1968’s psychological-horror movie – ‘Rosemary’s Baby’
That evening, Jane had a takeaway-dinner with her father at home. She excused herself to go-upstairs to her-bedroom. Jane was ‘preparing’ to SELF-ADMINISTER the medical-abortion procedure on herself…
… that would-take 6 hours of ‘repetitive’ steps to ‘GET’ the-results…
As-being the daughter-of-a doctor, Jane on several-occasions had ‘over-heard’ the pro-abortion Shelley giving on-the-phone detailed-instructions… of the ‘process-steps’ to the recipients – on how-to dispense it successfully…
… so, she roughly ‘remembered’ the steps…
The tween went to her closet, and took out her school-blazer on-the-hanger – then-getting from-the-pocket Paul’s package… that was bundled in-the-handkerchief…
On her-bed, the blind-girl opened the-bale of the-cloth to retrieve the small cardboard-pack inside…
… of kit-of the Mifepristone-and-Misoprostol of-12-pills…
She had eavesdropped her doctor-mother’s medical-advice ‘before’ – learning that medical-abortions were performed on the first-11-weeks trimester… that can cause pregnancy-related high blood pressure and its complications…
… of blood-loss – as she ‘would-be’ bleeding for the next-2-weeks…
But Jane was ‘prepared’ to take the health-risk – all she wanted to do is the ‘right’ thing which is to get rid of the-thing ‘growing’ in her womb… that the deceitful Venus…
… had ‘implanted’ into her ‘body’ supernaturally by the decree of The Immaculate-Conception…
… which was fraudulent-move to get a virgin to be pregnant… by eating-a ‘cursed’ apple – to bear a child for Venus’ All-Women Trinity religion…
Even an-Archangel had appeared to Jane – where Gabriel had told-her to abort the ‘unholy’ pregnancy…
Jane had also standby some-Ibuprofen for the pain… and several sanitary-pads for the chunk-clot bleeding – before ‘starting’ with her-medical abortion-procedure…
She took the first strip of pills from the cardboard-box – and took a Mifepristone pill with water… next, she placed 3 Misoprostol tablets below her-tongue to let it slowly dissolve in-her-mouth…
She had to repeat the PROCESS TRICE – for a total of 12-pills…
On her voice-command Samsung, Jane set a timer of 2-hours… switched-on her-AI, Boyyo – and she carried on with revising her-class History lesson…
The first alert buzzed on the mobile-phone @past-8… Blind-Jane felt ‘normal’ – without the feeling any symptoms of nausea-or-vomiting… nor cramping-or-bleeding…
‘… maybe it would ‘happen’ in the next-course of-pills…’
She turned her-Boyyo ‘off’ – as she DID NOT’ want her ‘busybody’ interactive-AI to know ‘ABOUT’ HER secret-medical abortion-procedure.
Jane popped-in her 2nd course of-4-pills…
‘… this time it ‘should’ work – hope-so…’
Next, she studied her Chemistry’s periodic-table – and, Boyyo ‘coached’ her in the-memorization…
The 2nd alert buzzed on the Samsung @past 10… it’s time to sleep on a school-night – but Jane felt ‘normal’ – without any sign of ‘being’ sick, as-per her doctor-mother’s medical advice to her-patients…
… that she ‘overheard’ numerous-times while her pro-abortion mother spoke on the-phone in her-car-ride and at-home…
‘… ‘why’ is ‘not’ happening – are the online-pills ‘fake’…!?”
But her morning-sickness was there – since returning from the Hilton-hotel… a week ago…
She asked…
“… Boyyo, what is my blood-pressure?”
The AI-calibrated and answered…
“It mildly high 140/90, Jane… it ‘might-be’ you’re anxious with your studies – don’t worry, Jane… you’ll do well – or…
“… is there any-problems bothering you…?”
“No, Boyyo – I’m fine… I’m going to-sleep – wake-me-up @6:30…”
“… okay, Jane…”
The blind-tween ran her-finger in her-hair… to realise she had ‘cut’ her hair that-afternoon – and Alicia’s mom mentioning Mia-Farrow…
“… just-a-minute, Boyyo… before-you-go – what is the movie ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ about…?”
The AI-calibrated and replied…
“… the film is about a pregnant-woman who ‘suspects’ her elderly-neighbours who are members of a Satanic-cult are GROOMING-HER… in order to use her-baby as-the role of The Anti-Christ…”
… Jane trembled to her-spine when she heard the-synopsis…
… her-life was ‘imitating’ art…
“Jane, do you want to hear an-audiobook on Ira Levin‘s ‘Rosemary’s Baby’…?”
“NO! That won’t be necessary… I have MY ‘OWN’ nightmares to-deal with – Good-night, Boyyo…”
“… good-night, Jane… pleasant-dreams…”
Jane scoffed while she-thought…
‘… somewhere ‘between’ the sacred-silence of sleep… is disorder…’
Jane switched-off her AI device – and she was-back angry…
… specifically, AT-VENUS – the mother-of her-disorder…
“Fish-you, Venus… do you think you’re ‘grooming’ me…!? This is my-body – and I won’t allow it!”
The blind-tween cracked open the medical-strip and popped-in the pills of her 3rd-course… to spite-at the Roman-Goddess who had ‘betrayed’ her…
Her heart-beats were fast… and she tried-to calm-down her-escalating blood-pressure…
… she thought of positive-thoughts to motivate…
‘… this 3rd-course ‘should’ work…’
Before she went to-bed – she wore a sanitary-pad… and anticipated the ‘process’ would happen in-her-sleep…
She was still anxious-and-angry at Venus who-had messed-up her life-in POST-TREETON – as she sat on her-bed… craving for red-wine to calm-her-nerves…
… but she had none in her bedroom – but after ‘knowing’ that her-daddy was ‘disappointed’ in her-behaviour… she decided ‘not’ to steal his bottles-of-wine any more.
Jane laid in-bed a-long-time, and was waiting for any symptoms of pain to-begin… but she had none…
‘… fish! I think the medication is fake…’
Worried, touching her-belly to feel for if it was-showing ‘any’ sign-of pregnancy… Jane then feared…
‘… soon it would swell… and everyone in school WOULD-KNOW… so ‘would’ mummy-and-daddy – they’ll kill-me…
“… mummy would TAKE ME to the abortion-clinic and ‘terminate-it – then a lifelong lecture of the B-girl getting ‘knocked-up’ because she was rebellious to her-parents…
“… but I’m still a ‘virgin’… who CAN’T PROVE-that a cursed-supernatural apple made me prego…
‘… this is MY ‘MESS’ – no-one should ‘know’ about it… other than-Pauly…’
Jane was willing to-try for a 2nd-time of reordering the medical-abortion pill… and going with the repeated-process – till she ‘bled-out’ the ‘unwelcomed-and-violating’ Roman-abomination from her body…
Paul was the only-one WHO COULD ‘help’ her – and, she terribly-missed him since… he ‘moved’ to the B-Class 3-days ago…
The blind-tween cried herself to sleep – holding-on – securing-her dire-hope… to her-boyfriend’s blue-handkerchief…
Boyyo buzzed to awaken Jane in-the next-morning… she did ‘not’ much-sleep after ‘worrying’ herself till to 2 AM… then slumbering into a dreamless-kip…
… in-between-worlds, she then ‘remembered’ her ‘biggest’ problem…
… where her sanitary-pad was dry – indicating the ‘process’ DID ‘NOT’ occur in her sleep… that she hoped-and-wished for…
With a-bag-of mixed emotions of anxiety, disappointment, and anger – she cursed…
“Bloody-Fish! Online-fake-medicine!
Boyyo ‘immediately’ responded…
“Your blood-pressure is increasing, Jane – ‘why’ are you angry…? Is ‘something’ bothering you – do you ‘want’ to talk about-it…!?”
“Shut-up, Boyyo!!! DON’T ASK ‘stupid’ questions – bloody-switch yourself-off – I don’t want to talk to you!”
The angry blind-tween got off the bed and locked herself in the bathroom…
After a cold shower, blind-Jane returned to the bedroom wearing a-towel… and was drying her short-pixie hair with a smaller-towel…
… her Samsung rang at the bedside-table…
“Boyyo! Who’s it…?”
The AI-reactivated to her ‘voice’ – and replied…
“… Alicia Wong is-calling, Jane…”
“… shoot! Is Ali-coming now – I’m ‘not’ dressed…” She panicked…
… before commanding…
“Boyyo, put her-on speaker!”
“… hello… Hello-Jane – are you-there…?”
“… ya-Ali… are you coming-now…? Give-me a few ‘more’ minutes…”
“… Janey-listen, I won’t-be going to school today – I’ve to go to the-airport… but I’ve ‘arranged’ an-Uber for you…”
“… huh-what…? You’re ‘NOT’ COMING to school…?”
“… sorry-Jane, I did ‘not’ call to inform you last night – we ‘got’ the flight-confirmation from the airport after midnight…”
“… who’s coming to the airport…?”
The Chinese-girl laughed aloud in-delight…
“… hahaha… that’s a ‘surprise’ – ‘when’ I heard the-news about ‘her,’ I was surprised-too…”
“… who’ is that, Ali… tell-me…!?”
“… ‘not’ telling-you, hahaha… that’s a surprise I wanna see myself to ‘believe’…”
Jane sighed at his-BFF’s secrecy… where she had HER ‘OWN’ secret herself – that she self-administered an ‘unsuccessful’ medical-abortion by-herself yesterday-evening…
“… fine, don’t tell me…”
“… Janey-gee, I got to-go – my-uncle will pick you-up later… don’t rush, he’ll wait for you… bye-girlfriend… see you tomorrow…”
The room was silent when her-Samsung call-on-speaker ended… Jane was still figuring-out who was the ‘visitor’ coming @the Perth International Airport… while she continued to dry-her hair…
‘… who could it-be…? But Ali got a lot of rello all-over the-globe – while-me… I’m ‘born-and-bred’ in-Perth and my-people are-here… except for Uncle-Jack who is in the-States…”
The AI-spoke…
“… hurry-up, Jane – Alicia’s uncle is ‘coming’ soon…”
Jane was-then ‘anxious’ and-now in 2-MINDS… after a week of Uber ride with Alicia… but ‘today’ without her-BFF accompanying-her – made-Jane ‘wanting’ to take a sick-day too…
… but Alicia HAD-ALREADY ‘CALLED’ her-uncle to pick-her-up soon…
She motivated-herself…
‘… I don’t want to hide like a-coward in POST-TREETON – I have to face my ‘setbacks’ as a brave B-girl… and go to school…’
The AI-spoke again…
“… Jane, are you ‘okay’? – please hurry-up…”
“SHUT-UP, Boyyo – YOU ‘NAG’ like my-mother!”
Jane had finished drying-up her hair… and threw the towel on her-AI… to cover-up the dark-glasses that was ‘monitoring’ her…
… she didn’t want Boyyo TO SEE HER-change – in-case the device ‘took’ nude-videos of-her…
The tween wore her uniform – with a fresh sanitary-pad – just in-case…
Moments-later, armed with her blind walking-cane – SHE LEFT the bedroom to go downstairs…
PUSHING THE GLASS MAIN-DOOR, SHE stepped into the lounge-area of Stamford High school… tapping her-cane to the-floor as she walked…
… relying ‘less’ assistance of her-AI technology to ‘direct’ her… like she ‘had’ over-relied on in the OTHER-PERTH – and, she ‘was’ proud-too… of her-achievements so-far, of being a handicap-blind student who ‘had’ excelled in the class of ‘normal-sighted’ students…
… proud to be an ‘independent’ B-girl…
The bell had ‘not’ rung yet… with clusters of students chatting…
Walking-along the corridor, the tween ‘heard’ – loud talks reduced to murmurs-of-gossips…
‘… let them talk – I don’t care…’
In fact, everyone was talking about her ‘new’ Pixie-cut – and Jane-too was ‘not’ wearing her-beanie… to-conceal HER SCAR-on her forehead – that struck-out like a 3rd-eye of an Indian’s Bindi.
As gaiting-along, Jane heard a ‘familiar’ voice calling…
“… Jane…”
It was her Science teacher, Ms Costa… remarking as she passed-by…
“… good-job, Jane – you scored the highest this-month in the Physics class test… keep it-up…”
“…thank you, Ma’am…G’day…”
Jane smiled-sheepishly by the motivating-complements – and recalling…
… of her ambition’ in the OTHER-PERTH… of being a scientist as a Quantum-physicist someday, just-like – her uncle, Dr Jack Turner, who-was a Quantum mechanics-engineer residing in Washington D.C.
At the foyer, Blind-Jane walked up-the-stairs to her-classroom on the 2nd-floor – and heard ‘more’ murmuring-mumbles… and giggles at the mention of ‘sex-video’…
… but she ignored them…
The SCHOOL BELL rang….
Again, when she entered the classroom… talking-voice turned to mumbling-whispers…
… ignoring them… and Jane walked to the Red-glow seated ‘behind’ her-desk…
When Peter scoffed…
… Jane chuckled to-herself as she sat-down – and, was amused that Peter doesn’t like her ‘new’ looks…
During English-class, Jane felt her-morning sickness and slight cramps ‘coming’… but she persevered with the-discomfit until…
… the recess-bell…
In the stall of the Girl’s Room – she checked herself… but the-sanitary-pad was normal – she cursed to-herself…
‘… fish! fake-pills…’
Walking to the canteen – she ‘thought’ of her boyfriend… but there was-in no-way she could be with him to inform that the abortion last night-was-A NEGATIVE… and she was ‘willing’ to try it ‘again’…
… but…
… she could ‘not’ because Mia Bradley, the class-prefect was assigned by vice-principal, Mrs Burnell to keep an-eye – so-that Tarzan-and-Jane ‘remained’ separated…
Feeling melancholy, she ate her-tuna sandwich…. ‘watching’ over-with her-3rd-eye at – the dim BLUE-GLOW in the ‘other’ corner of the mess-hall…
… where Paul too was ‘suffering’ from a similar-mandate…
After an uneventful day in Stamford-High – Jane went back straight-home riding on Alicia’s Uncle-Chin’s Uber…
At the Wilson-residence, Jane was home-alone… and went to the kitchen to check-on Piper – standing at the metal-barred newly-renovated kitchen-window… that was renovated recently ‘after’ the baboon-attack…
… the blind-tween ‘heard’ loud-snoring outside… the mixed-Alsatian under it-medication was snoring like a-pug.
Jane let her pet recuperate…
… as it was an 8-year-old dog, ever-since her-days @the Victoria-School for-the-Blind… and, Piper since-then was a faithful-and-loyal dog to its blind-Master – each-time giving its-life TO PROTECT her in-Perth and beyond…
… in the Dreamworld…
Upstairs, in her bedroom, the girl-and-Boyyo did school-homework but…
… her-mind wasn’t there – thinking of Paul doing his-homework…
… where he struggled with Math-and-science…
She wished her-boyfriend had ‘also’ OWNED AN-AI ‘learning-device’ – and-then, was angry with her-Uncle Jack… WHO HAD undeservingly gifted Peter with-one…
A jolting-sneeze, rattled her-skull into headaches and feeling-of-nausea… she took-out the pill-bottle of Ibuprofen from her-pocket – medicating herself from it being a-migraine later…
Strong minty-flavour was numbing her-tongue – she rushed to bathroom-in her-room to spit… and-then vomited her tuna-sandwich into the toilet bowl….
Being a doctor’s-daughter Jane was baffled – where she knew that morning sickness usually ‘occurred’ after 9-WEEKS of conception…
‘… but it’s hardly 2-WEEKS since I returned from the Hilton… how can I be so-prego and sickly…?’
The blind-tween suspected the pregnancy-acceleration was supernaturally-induced – and was back ‘angry’ at the betraying-allies, Venus-and-Mercury…
“Fish you-both! I would ‘NOT’ ALLOW this-baby to ‘happen’!”
She exited the bathroom…
“… Boyyo, I can’t continue – I want to take a nap… we ’study’ later…”
“Okay-Jane – do I need-to set an-alarm?”
“… no-need… I want to catch-up with my sleep…”
Her headaches were still-persistent – and she took a couple-of more Ibuprofen… and went to bed…
… soon…
… she had a mid-afternoon ‘encounter’… in the-Dreamworld…
… where she arrived in school, and pushed the glass-main door…
… just like in PERTHLAND – she was a grown-16-year-old teenager high-school student… who had the ability to-see…
… Jane was passing-through a stream of female-students who WERE ALL-spotting blonde-dreadlocks – but they shunned at her Pixie-cut…
Then, a familiar ‘voice’ called-her…
She looked at her-Science teacher, Ms Costa – who also had long blonde-dreadlocks…
“… go to the gym – and, collect your ‘award’…”
… Jane was puzzled…
“… huh-what…? Is the mayor coming…?”
“Nope… ‘Peter’ is…”
The teacher walked away… leaving the girl in-more bewilderment…
‘… what has Peter got-TO-DO WITH giving awards…?’
… Jane walked to the west-wing of the school building – and pushed the heavy-entrance-gym door…
Above at the staging-area were a dozen suspended metal-cords hung from the ceiling that-each had a member of the 12-female students of her class…
… with Alicia, Chloe Williams-the tennis-player… Mia Bradley-the class-prefect… Tina-Moses who took-over Jane’s #2 position in class – and, 8-other girls…
… in blonde-dreadlocks, crying-out for help from above…
“Jane! Help-us…”
Jane ran to them… who were hanging from their-waists-above at-the stage – and. also realising that like in PERTHLAND, she doesn’t have superpowers to save them…
… she can only ‘reach-and-touch’ their black school-shoes…
Alicia cried-out…
“… Janey, Peter is ‘punishing’ us because you cut-your hair…”
At the same-moment, they heard Peter’s singing-voice…
“… hereee-izzz Charlie-Chainsaw…!!!”
The terrified girls screamed even-more… when they all-saw him wearing a cosplay-costume of Venom… with puffed-up fake-muscles and a long-tail…
… coming towards the stage where Jane was…
“… wham-bam… thank-you, Ma’am, hahaha…” Peter bowed gracefully...
Jane shouted at-him…
“Peter! Stop this!”
Just like Eddie Brock of the Venom-movie… the mask morphed with an-opening – to reveal part-of Peter’s face… as he scorned…
“You arrogant-girl, do YOU THINK you have free-will-as you please in our-domain!? Do YOU ‘THINK’ you’re better than ‘us’…!?”
His left arm ‘morphed-to-transform’ into a loud-buzzing chainsaw… as he pointed to the terrified female-classmates and saying…
“… it’s FEEDING-TIME now, Hahaha….!!!”
Upon hearing the blaring noise of the chainsaw… from the 5-exit entrances to the-gym… crawled a couple-of-scores of large giant crocodiles which-were running towards the stage… even the helpless-Jane was terrified at the massive sizes of their gaping mouths…
The huge reptiles were getting into the podium-stage… Jane along with her classmates screamed – while the singing-Peter sliced the kicking-and-dangling feet hooked-above… with blood-splattering zigzagged on the-platform…
“… I’m a tin-man – I ‘never’ had A HEART…
… I’m a tin-man – but you’ll make me A-STAR…”
… the hungry-crocs feasted-frenzy on the meat of the girls’ legs… with Peter giving-them the free-meals…
Jane fainted-and…
… dropped off head-first from the stage…
Lying-on her-side, the-nauseated TEEN-JANE saw the bloodied-red stage in-horror of her-screaming classmates’ body-parts as croc-chow…
… before her-vision turned from red-to-black…
In her-mind, she heard ‘both’ of her dog-barks… and her-Samsung’s ring-tone…
The disoriented BLIND-TWEEN jumped-and-stood on the bed… like if-though there were crocodiles ‘under’ her-bed, before…
… realising that she had an-awful nightmare in-her afternoon-nap… in her groggy-state she was ‘finding’ for her mobile-phone – and at-the same-time her dog was barking its-head off…
“PIPER! I’m fine – stop-barking there…!”
The dog-then quietened to the ‘voice’ of-its-Master’s command… but Jane ‘still’ couldn’t locate her ringing-phone – she voice-activated her-AI…
“Boyyo! Answer that!”
The ‘first’ person she thought calling-her was her BFF… after receiving the-visitor from the airport…
“Boyyo, who is it…?”
Her ‘guess’ was wrong, when her-device replied…
“… it’s Lola calling…”
“… okay… put her on-speaker…”
Blind-Jane found the-Samsung on floor-rug – and accidently ‘switched’ on the Facetime-mode when she picked it-up…
… Lola complimented on seeing the-Pixie-cut…
“Wow! Jane, you look so-cute – when did you cut-it…?”
“… err, yesterday…” Jane chuckled…
“… you look like Demi Moore…”
“… huh, who...?” Jane was puzzled…
Lola laughed ‘realising’ her age…
“… hahaha, this is before ‘your’ time – Demi-Moore was in a love-story movie called ‘Ghost’… your boy-cut looks like hers…”
Jane just smiled-and-nodded… while thinking…
‘… I’m ‘not’ going to look-up ‘who’ Demi-Moore is in a love-story CALLED-GHOST – Mia Farrow of Rosemary’s-Baby is already a nightmare on-her-own…’
Lola Flores’ purpose of calling Jane was to ‘check’ on her when she’s home-alone… and to keep in-touch – since the girl ‘trusted’ her. To-get her out of her-loneliness, Lola would-tell her-stories of Jane’s-younger brother’s antics-and-wits ‘while’ living in Uncle-Topher’s house…
… while Jane-too accommodated the chitchat of the housekeeper…
… who-was employed for 3-years in the Wilson-household ever-since Samuel-Jaheem was ‘adopted’ from-Kenya…
Jane grinned-wide as she listened – but IT WAS a ‘fake’ façade…
… deep-down, the blind-tween ‘wished’ she could-trust Lola EVEN-MORE of the ‘bigger’ problem she’s currently-facing of being prego – where, there were ‘questions’ that she was dying to ask but… would raise ‘red-flag’ suspicions whether it was Lola-and even… her AI, Boyyo…
… which she CAN’T RISK – then, her-parents ‘WOULD’ KNOW…
… but Jane was willing to RISK HER-LIFE with Paul in-POST-TREETON… in their-hidden-secrecy of the medical-abortion attempts…
Jane was stumped when Lola casually asked…
“… is Peter ‘still’ disturbing you in your-sleep…?”
… the housekeeper had-asked because UNBEKNOWNST to the Wilsons, she-and her Catholic priest had ‘exorcized’ Lilu from Jane’s bedroom – when Jane stayed @the Hilton ‘while’ the house was under-renovation…
“No … Peter, doesn’t disturb-me anymore…” Jane LIED…
… the tween-too was stupefied on how she had a Peter-nightmare A-MOMENT AGO – ‘when’ she had defeated the-incubus A FORTNIGHT-AGO in the Garden-of-Eden when she had blasted and shot-at its manhood… from her NEW-SUPERPOWER coming from her-forehead scar…
Jane did ‘not’ want to SAY-MUCH to Lola – of Peter who-was ‘presently’ sitting behind her-desk in the classroom – that it had ‘somehow’ impacted her-supernaturally… of him terrorising her during the-afternoon nap.
Jane also had-told countless-lies to her loved-ones to ‘hide’ her secret-double life…
…as to protect them from evil…
… that targeted whoever was close to both Jane-and-Paul in the POST-TREETON realm…
Jane wished that Lola would-end the-call – but the Filipina was still engaging in-small talks… and asked…
“… how is Paul doing…?”
“… err-Paul is fine…” Jane lied AGAIN…
… the blind-tween also assumed that Lola together with the majority of the 2-million of Perth’s citizens would have ‘known’ of the South-Beach’s Kissing-video incident by-now…
… BUT ‘NOT’ the consequences of it – ‘WHEN’ PAUL was transferred to the B-class…
… which Jane did ‘not’ disclose to the housekeeper… but-thinking…
‘… you’ll ‘know’ it soon, Lola – my-mother is no-stranger who leaves no-stones-unturned in her-pursuit of put-the B-girl-down stories to the-world…’
Lola then received an ‘incoming’ call…
“Jane, my son Ryan is calling… sorry, I’m hanging-up now – see you again-tomorrow… take care, ya…”
“… you-too… bye-Lola, thanks for the call…”
There was silence in the bedroom once the call-ended – sitting at the edge of her-bed, the blind-tween was ‘still’ DISTURBED BY her-nightmare in her-nap, where…
… the ‘possessed’ Peter-in-black who used a chainsaw and sliced her-dangling classmates’ legs like doner-kebab…
… to ‘feed’ a bask of wild-and-hungry crocodiles…
The hairs-at the back-of-her head-stood… as she ruminated her dreaded-thoughts…
‘… after 10-over days, he’s back ‘again’ – despite I’d WARNED HIM to ‘not’ disturb-me… when I hurt-him-bad in the Garden-of-Eden…
‘… but…
‘… I had NO POWERS just now when Peter came with-his-crocs… I couldn’t safe Alicia-and-the girls… I was helpless-and-useless…’
Jane felt-terrified and was trembling… and, with a ranting-mind…
‘… is Paul having nightmares too…? He lives under the ‘same’ roof with Peter… what-if Pauly don’t have his ‘Gemini-Blue’ powers – could Peter ‘kill’ him in-his-sleep…? I must ‘warn’ him, to-save-him…”
In a state of trepidation… Jane decided to call her boyfriend whom she haven’t ‘spoke’ for the past 4-days…
“Boyyo, SEARCH-ME Paul Walker’s number…”
“But-Jane, your father HAD ‘BLOCKED’ him…”
She was annoyed when her request was-denied… and she rebelled…
“What are you going-to do… betray-me like-SIMY…!? Are you going to send a-fishing email to daddy and, tell about it, hah…!?”
The AI-paused for-a moment, and replied…
“How did my-predecessor prototype-SIMY BETRAY YOU, Jane…?”
The tween did ‘not’ reply to-the-question… but mockingly-warned…
“Look here, you-bad decision-making dummy… all of YOUR KNOWLEDGE of me-and-Paul in the social-media is either false-or-lies brewed in Google’s popularity and-fake-news algorithms…
“BOYYO! Hei-are you going to help-me or ‘what’…!!?”
“But Jane… I need to ‘protect’ you as-you’re ‘still’ a-minor – I don’t want you to get into any ‘more’ problems… it’s ‘best’ that you SHOULD OBEY the rules-and-boundaries that your parents have set…”
“See… you-dummy – you are judging-and-disobeying me ‘again’ by basing-on fake-news of some fishing sex-video rumoured online… which by-the-way, DID ‘NOT’ happen, okay…!?”
… there was a radio-silence for the moment as Boyyo calibrated the logic-and-reasons of Jane’s ‘request’ to its-database – before replying…
“I’m ‘NOT’ HERE to disobey-you… I’m here to serve you, Jane…”
“… serve-me-how, Boyyo – you’re a mirror-image of my-mummy… always dictating my life as her-B-girl… fish-you-all…”
… the AI ‘heard’ her-cry… and it comforted…
“… please-please… don’t cry, Jane… I’ll HELP YOU… but ‘under’ one condition…”
… there was no response from the sobbing tween on-the-bed – so, Boyyo-cajoled…
“… I’ll HELP YOU contact Paul…”
… the-AI finally ‘got’ a response from the-sobbing-Jane…
“… what…? You-would…”
“If you give me full autonomy in your-privacy setting… IN THAT-WAY, I can serve you ‘better’ and ‘not’ be-judgy in my-decisions rendered to your ’request’…”
Jane remembered her uncle-Jack’s T&C of using-Boyyo tech… to give it maximum-access of her personal security-info… ‘which’ the tween did ‘not’ comply in POST-TREETON…
… fearing that her supernatural-superhero SECRET IDENTITY along with-Paul’s – would be ‘compromised-and-known’ by Dr Jack Turner…
… where his scientific-knowledge SHOULD ‘NOT’ KNOW ‘about’ the paranormal-mystic of the Defenders-of-Perth…
Jane was in-crossroads:
If she ‘disagreed’ – Boyyo wouldn’t help her… and she would-be left-out ‘alone’ … as-a ‘helpless-victim’ B-girl If she ‘agreed’ – Boyyo would have ‘accesses’ to her personal life-info that ‘might’ compromise hers-and-Paul’s Defender-of-Perth’s secret-IDs … but she ‘had’ to agree – where the ‘abortion’ was the Top-Priority of the mission of the Defender-of-Perth duo… and let the consequences of their hidden-IDs to be ‘secondary’ problem-to-worry about-later
Jane voiced-out…
“… okay, I ‘agree’ to your T&C request – now, contact Paul for-me…”
“Okay-Jane, I’ll restore him as-a ‘NEW-CONTACT’ in your Samsung – do I ‘change’ HIS-NAME…?”
Jane’s enthusiastic-voice answered…
“Yes, CHANGE THE-NAME – and put it as ‘Gemini-Blue’ – and, thank-you, Boyyo…”
FOR 3 HOURS, PAUL was in his windowless bedroom playing his Nintendo – but he could ‘not’ focus-on his gaming with his guilty-pricking on his-mind to the point-that he could ‘not’ level-up. He sighed… and put the device-console on his lap…
… he was ‘feeling’ blameworthy for ‘punishing’ his-dog for its-disobedience of jumping-the-wall to leave the backyard – where Paul had to-then ‘FORCE’ HIMSELF to utilise his abstained-use of his-superpower to ‘prevent’ it from-escaping…
He-then had ‘punished’ Kitty by ‘not’ feeding her-lunch…
‘… where is my cow-sense innit FOR ‘PUNISHING’ a-dog for its toilet-habits…?’
He had troubled-thoughts of Kitty dying of starvation – where he-himself can’t endure the pain-of-hunger… and need to eat every-meal on-time every-day…
‘… what if I was CHAINED TO a post – and LEFT TO-DIE of famine…’
Paul decided to ‘spy’ on his-dog without it ‘sensing’ him-coming…
… and, certainly ‘not’ in his creaking wheelchair he could-not… which he had-been ‘too-lazy’ to service it with WD40 to eliminate its skreiching-sounds – and, since there was no-one home…
… Paul levitated from his-room to the kitchen…
Playing his cat-and-mouse hide-and-seek, the teen peeked out the kitchen-window – to see his tied-to the post dog napping…
…and, felt sad into his-own depression…
The soft-hearted emo-Paul doesn’t want to lose BOTH-GIRLS that he loved – with Jane who-had been separated from-him in school for 3-days… and Kitty dying of hunger for 3-hours…
Opening the backdoor, the levitating Paul rushed-out to the backyard – it surprised Kitty to see its-Master’s presence, who…
… grabbed-on her, and started rolling on-the-floor – hugging-and-apologising…
“… sorry-Kitty, I was ‘mean’ to you … sorry, I’ve mistreated-you… forgive-me…”
Wagging-its frantic tail like an-overworked pendulum, the-fervent Belgian Malinois licked his-face…
“… you must-be famished, you poor-girl – let me feed-you…”
Paul got-up… and filled Kitty’s bowl with lamb-flavoured dried-food…
… for his-penance-of his-guilt… he put an EXTRA-SERVING pile for his dog – that it was chowing-fast…
… Paul stepped-aside to watch Kitty-eat her late-lunch – ‘remembering’ the dog-feeding manual video on YouTube… to ‘NOT’ PET any-dog ‘while’ it-ate…
… as it would bite… THINKING THAT the-master was ‘stealing’ its food…
The teenager-then heard his iPhone rings in his bedroom – he flew to the door…
“… you eat up, girl… I got to get to-my-phone… see you… we go-wrestle-later… I need my-exercise… Ciao, my-pretty girl…”
‘… who’s it calling...?’
The first-person Paul thought was ‘calling’ was Alicia – who occasionally called him @odd-hours in-the-day … but he did ‘NOT’ SEE the Chinese-girl in SHS-today… but-only Jane – who came to school ‘alone’…
At the 7th-ring, Paul grabbed his iPhone on the bedside-table… flicked the screen to-answer…
… Paul’s jaw-dropped to his-girlfriend facetiming…
“… hello… Paul, you-there…?”
… Paul was tongue-tied… mesmerized of the closeup-of the-Pixie haircut on the blind-tween…
… he found his-voice to complement…
“WOW-Jane… your hair looks gorgeous!”
… hearing his avid -voice…Jane giggled-and-said…
“… hehehe, I love you too, Paul – but I’ll kill you if you compare me to-either Demi Moore or Mia Farrow…!?”
“… huh…. who ‘are’ they…?” Paul was confused…
Jane laughed-out…
“… hahaha, you ‘tell’ me, dear – I thought you ‘watch’ Netflix…!”
Paul too laughed-out… hearing a Netflix joke-on-him – where he ‘presumably-told’ her that sightless-visually-impaired girls don’t watch Netflix…
… that only the hearing-impaired-do…by reading the subtitles…
“… did you-go to Matahari…?” Paul asked…
“… ya, Ali’s mom styled my-hair – I was sick-of the fishing-dreadlocks I-had… it was soo-OTHER-PERTH…”
They laughed-again… Paul-too thought of his ‘own’ experience of the hair-salon – where Robin-Wong gave him a K-pop-cut…
.. he wanted to ask Jane ON ‘HOW’ she managed to-contact-him – ‘after’ her-father blocked-him since the emergence-of ‘their’ Kissing-video online – but-instead Paul heard his-girlfriend rambling about the ‘Peter-nightmare’ she had just-now…
… he listened to the details of ‘how’ the-devil had terrorized her-and-the girls… when Peter ‘chain-sawed’ their limbs to feed the crocodiles – and, Jane’s frustrated-that she ‘was’ superpowerless to help-and-fight back to stop-Peter in his-attack…
Paul was speechless in-deja-vu…
… having a ‘similar’ terror-attack during his nap before his-birthday – where he-too didn’t have superpowers to fight Peter, who was in a-Joker’s nurse’s uniform with a chainsaw… and sliced-off both of his-crippled legs…
Jane then was telling him that – ‘since’ he moved to B-Class, Peter WAS SITTING in Paul’s former desk behind-her…
Paul was angered…
‘… bloody-fool… you have your-girlfriend-Bella – why are you ‘disturbing’ mine…!?’
… the crippled-teen summed-up that his-twin was an erotomaniac – having delusional thoughts that Jane ‘was-still’ in loved-him… like in the OTHER-PERTH…
Jane rambled-further telling that while Peter sat behind her – the blind-girl ‘heard’ Peter whispering chants in a foreign-language…
“… is that Black-magic, Pauly…?” Jane asked…
Paul was puzzled-too-to the-question of the knowledge of his twin have learnt the mystic-arts…
“… I don’t know… but it’s possible – as he has an-incubus in POST-TREETON, hasn’t-he that protects him…? And, ‘they-attack’ us-both IN OUR-SLEEP. Peter is powerful in the dreamworld and… while in-waking-hours too, cos’ we can’t USE OUR SUPERPOWERS to hurt him… as he’s protected by-the-law…
“… if only-that my-mom WASN’T THE Inspector-of-Perth… I’ve would have-long ‘killed’ him…”
The girlfriend cautioned…
“Hey, don’t say that… Peter is ‘possessed’ …and, we’re ‘NOT’ MURDERERS – we don’t want his-blood in our-hands…”
Paul sighed – and was equally-clueless OF ‘HOW-TO’ defeat evil in this-realm… without the-act of ‘killing’…
… but…
… neither did-both of the Defenders-of-Perth duo KNEW OF Peter ‘was’ learning-up the Sumerian Blackmagic-spells from THE JOURNALS-OF the late-Solomon Walker… that he was ‘found’ in the underground BUNKER OF their father’s house…
… where Solomon-himself – was an Asmodeus-WORSHIPPER BEFORE he-died…
… WHERE EVEN in the ‘afterlife’ – Solomon had gambled-and-lost the Walker-house property in a poker-game @the-Underworld.
Paul was thinking ‘about’ the how-to strategies-of defeating evil and ‘sparing’ his-twin’s life… without ‘killing’ the devil in-the-process…
… he was distracted by-Jane’s voice in-urgency…
“Pauly, I don’t know how to say this – the ‘abortion-pills that you-ordered did ‘not’ work… I’m STILL PREGNANT… and didn’t feel ‘any’ symptoms of the miscarriage when I took the-pills… why is-that, Paul – are the pills fake…?”
Paul’s jaw-dropped that he ‘had ‘forgotten all-about the bigger-picture of his motherlode-worries of the main-problem…
… which-was the unholy-and-diabolic-Roman-Gods’ Immaculate Conception…
… if Jane ‘got’ pregnant – it would-be WW3 @the-House-of-Walker…
“… err, fake-pills…? I don’t ‘know’ about that… but I bought it on a respectable website – and-Jane, I’m totally’ sorry that the pills did ‘not’ work… I’m totally-am…”
Jane replied…
“… no-worries, dear… I’m ‘NOT’ BLAMING-you – you’re a kid ‘just’ like-me… how would you fish-know if the pills were real-or-fake…? But I’m willing to try-it again – Pauly, can you reorder…?”
“… okay, I’ll buy-it from another-site…” Paul responded…
He would rather ‘pay’ for her-abortion, so that Jane WOULD ‘NOT’ be-pregnant – and, to further-prove to the-citizenry – that the Tarzan-&-Jane’s sex-video WAS A HOAX…
Paul said…
“You should ‘CHANGE’ YOUR diet-too – some food ‘encourages’ miscarriages…”
“… is-it…? What ‘should’ I eat…?” Blind-Jane replied…
… and also, was impressed ‘with’ her-boyfriend who-had taken the-extra-mile… to research information regards-to her-pregnancy – with Paul having her-back to-help in-her-dilemma…
Paul suggested ‘high-mercury-content’ fish…
“Yeay… I can eat more-tuna sangers…” Jane responded-cheery…
Paul next-suggested anything trans-fat – like chips-and-crackers that were deep-fried-or-baked…
“… I love that… I snack a-lot-at times…” Jane chuckled-and-answered…
Paul’s other suggestions were low-fat milk, yoghurts that contain androgens – and unpasteurized soft-cheese…
“… Eww… I ‘hate’ that – cos’ I’m lactose-intolerant…” Jane said with a disgust-tone…
… as a cheese-lover, Paul’s heart-sank… that Jane would ‘not’ be-serving him-his favourite ham-and-cheese sandwiches once they-were married…
“… what else, Paul…? Tell-me more…” Jane asked…
Paul’s next on the suggestion-list were raw-eggs and liver…
“… Eww – Yucky! Who eats those…?” Jane gagged…
… Paul sighed-inwards noticing that his girlfriend was a fussy-eater who cherry-picked what she-liked… who was ‘not’ a willing-trooper WHO DID ‘whatever-it-took’ to end-the-pregnancy…
… and, furthermore he ‘was’ too-young to be a ‘father’…
“… anything-else more…?” Jane asked with enthusiasm…
Paul hesitated with the-next suggestion – which-was alcohol… fearing that his-girlfriend would binge on the Wilsons’ storage of red-wine…
… as he had ‘seen’ her chuggling before straight-up from-the-bottle…as her ‘escape’ strategy in Peter’s Hide-and-Seek hunting-game…
Paul instead suggested her to eat ‘more’ acidic-fruits like grapes, papayas – and especially, pineapples … which has an enzyme, bromelain that can cause the cervix to soften… resulting an-early labour…
“… but they don’t serve those fruits at the canteen…” Jane replied-disappointed…
The boyfriend put his foot-down, saying…
“… come-on, Jane – be ‘pro-active’ – go-ask Alicia to buy you-fruits, yea…?”
… he saw Jane nodding in-agreement…
Paul did ‘not’ want to suggest the ‘extreme’ methods – of self-inflicted deliberate accidents… like falling down-the-stairs and causing miscarriage…
… and he even saw a gory-video of an illegal-clinic that performed an-abortion by using a metal-wire clothe hanger…
… but he doesn’t want-nor-wish his-Jane to take-part in those dangerous-and-deadly approaches…
Still-nodding, Jane told…
“… ya, I can ask Ali to-buy me pineapple-fruit and bags-of-chips… ooo-Pauly, I love you so-much… and appreciate WHAT-EVER help you’re coming-up with – I’m willing to cooperate in whatever way to get-rid of this-trickery plans-of Mother-Venus’ invasion of my body…
“… we’ll get through this-together – and WE’LL ‘PURGE’ this fishing-cursed-child growing-inside my-belly…!”
The moment the-enthusiastic blind-Jane CURSED… SHE felt sharp-pain in her-belly – and CRIED-OUT…
… the horrified boyfriend saw-through of the shaky-camera trips of the bedroom ceiling… and, Jane’s voice crying-in-pain off-camera…
“JANE! Jane… what’s happening…!!?”
The tween picked-up the phone – sobbing to-Paul…
“… I don’t know ‘what’ is happening-to-me… Arrggghh…I feel ‘terrible-pain…”
“… is it cramps… are the last-night’s pills finally-working…!?” He asked…
“… Arrggghh… I don’t know – it’s-like the womb-is-kicking like a clapper-in-a-bell…!” She replied…
Paul was baffled – as her pregnancy was hardly 10-days old – but… as-per Google… the womb ‘kicking’ sensations often-occurred at-about 20-weeks later…
“… Jane, should I CALL Emergency-service…?”
“NO-dummy! We’ll get caught IF YOU-DO-that!” Jane yelled-in the shaky-camera…
“How-now…? What you’re gonna-do…?”
“… I don’t know… probably take pain-killers…”
At that same-moment, Anthony’s Mercedes pulled-up at the Wilson’s driveway – Jane panicked-even more…
“Paul, I got to go – my-daddy’s home… see you in school…”
The ‘sentient’ womb was in its SELF-PRESERVATION-mode…
… once IT ‘SENSED’ the host was ‘abandoning’ her sole-purpose of being-a conduit in the Immaculate-CONCEPTION MECHANISM…
… and-also, the Blind-One was maliciously ‘accepting’ suggestions in her further-ATTEMPTS of abortion – where-else…
… its-own SOLE PURPOSE was…
… to BE BORN as the Saviour-Daughter to the-world…
… so, it RETALIATED…
… by hurting her.
The Fallen
In a world where magic has begun to lose its wonder and might, where the dragons of old have been gone for more than 10,000 years. The last strand of ancient magic forms itself on a young boy. Follow Raiden and watch as the strings of fate bring a child Fallen to the depth of life rise once more and shake the Dacia Continent.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello, well this is my first fiction, so while I would love opinions and criticism to better my writing, please take into account that English is not my first language. The tags can be submitted to change. I hope you guys enjoy this story. Hopefully I'll be posting once every week is my hope. I'm coming back after having had to set my life in order and now I can dedicate more time and effort to pursuing this passion.
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Warware Damudo
What would you do if you had survived the unthinkable?What if everyone you once knew and loved had gone, just dissipated into thin air?How would you feel?A Nuclear Implosion should kill everyone within a 200 mile vicinity... not this time. Students are enduring a normal, boring, math class when the unthinkable happens. A Nuclear Implosion siren sounds. They were dead men living. But they survived...They will set out on a gripping quest to find out the true answer, are they truly the last people? Are there others? What has happened? and most importantly, What happens next?Only you can find out...
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My Best Friend
Copyright © 2015 by VICMAD -All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereofmay not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.Dr. Elizabeth (Lizzy) Johnson and Sean Gipson have been friends since birth. They were born the same day, were next door neighbors and even attended the same schools until Sean was drafted to the NFL and Lizzy went to medical school. They have been there for each other but now that they are older, Sean's feelings are no longer of a brother and sister love but more of a life partner.Unfortunately in walks Aries Wilson, Sean's arch nemesis. Aries plays for the team that beat Sean in the Super Bowl the previous year and now he is after Lizzy. Aries is pulling out all the stops to win Lizzy's heart that he eventually ask her to marry him.What is unknown to Lizzy, is that Aries has secrets that could not only destroy Lizzy and Sean's friendship but it could also determine the fate of their lives. How far does friendship last and can Sean and Lizzy save each other before it's too late?This is a mature story so there will be adult themes. Each chapter has a song that inspired me to write it. Hope you enjoy. ❤️**disclaimer- please read my profile page if you issues with the mature situations*****Currently Editing***
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Dungeon Boss Player
In the near future, gaming changed quickly and now a real Virtual Reality was created and games soon appeared and one of the newest was Dungeon King World, a game where the player is a Dungeon Boss and has the full control all over the dungeon domain of how to make it grow and how it will interact with the outside world.Inside a dungeon, the boss is the King, or Queen, and the monsters inside will follow their command without questioning it. If you want to acquire the first book without waiting for the releases, here is the link: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B07D55X1MT
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Frozen II (Elsa x Fem Reader)
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Kiss It Better?
Work at the coffee shop closes up per usual late on a Monday evening. With a heavy head and dreary eyes, Y/n waves goodbye to her coworker and begins to head home in the downpour. Running into a peculiar Doctor that goes by the name of Henrik who shelters you from more than just the rain.
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