《BOOK 7: THE DAUGHTER OF ASMODEUS ~ (A Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL2.3 POST-TREETON》Chapter 2: 3 Days Later… [Part 1]
THE NISSAN ALMERA ARRIVED at the front-gate, and the Uber driver, Gary helped Paul into his wheelchair. The teen was embarrassed that he had gained extra-weight since his 13th birthday… where ‘not’ only he had overgrown in his-clothing but-into his wheelchair too…
… Paul waved Gary goodbye – as he unlocked the front-gate to notice that his inspector-mother’s Audi was ‘not’ parked at the patio… which left him home-alone. Even Peter was ‘not’ home too… as he left riding his bike to schools in the morning – and ‘not’ sharing an-Uber ride with Bella…
… but he welcomed the early-afternoon of loneliness in his father’s house… that was now regrettably ‘optioned’ in-his twin’s name, as Bella’s birthday-present to her-boyfriend…
All he remembered was his belated birthday-present of a hard-and-tight slap from his-mother in the principal’s office 3-days-ago – ‘when’ Caroline suspected that Paul was lying that he ‘had’ sex with Jane…
… ‘based’ on the SHS’s Family-Day’s KISSING-VIDEO…
… which-now, Caroline distrusted him like the-other 2.1 million of Perth’s population that anticipated a ‘Tarzan-sex-tape’ would emerge soon in the internet. And, Paul-and-Jane’s popularity of the mayor’s award-winning bravery at the zoo during the rampaging-rhinos incident was-gradually forgotten…
… now, the only curiosity-focus of the social-media and the tabloids were the gossips of the sex-tape of the Perth’s infamous-and-underaged couple… labelling them-too as degenerates of youths’ declining moral-and-decency…
But Paul was ‘not’ bothered with the hearsays of the social-media – as there was ‘no’ sex-tape…
… as he-and-Jane were caught kissing by some-peeping-tom at the South-Beach… as the-soulmates did ‘not’ have sex – and, they both were-pure virgins…
… but who couldn’t prove THEIR-INNOCENCES…
It was the cumbersome emotions of going to-school for the past 3-days as a pariah was distressful-and-humiliating – from the-high media hero-of the South-Perth Zoo that he-was… to the-low porn-Tarzan, which was-like-zooming to the-ground from…
… hero-the-zero…
At school. Paul had lost the respect from the primary junior-students who shun him, while he was – and the ridiculing-and-bullying by the secondary senior-students each-time they encountered-him.
Just like-the incident that happened yesterday…
… when the bell rang for-recess, and-he came-out from the B-Class and headed to handicap-elevator… in the 2nd-floor hallway, Terry Donovan from the A-Class shouted from his-back…
“Look-at there-Tarzan… swinging tree-2-tree… as he caught the ‘scent’ of his-Jane – soon, he’ll pick her-up in his-shoulder… and ape-climb on-top of the highest-tree to root-rat her, hahaha!”
Everyone in the busy hallway-exit laughed while staring at Paul on his-wheelchair. The loudest hyena-cackle was from his-own twin, Peter… who was ‘enjoying’ his-downfall of his-demotion to the B-Class. The perturbed cripple-teen then glanced-back IN-IRE at Terry with the rowdy-backbenchers, amused at-his-expense…
… he wished he could put-out his arm – AND SHOOT an-electric-bolt at the loudmouth… just-like he had electrocuted previously ‘before’ in the ‘OTHER-PERTH’…
… but it was ‘not’ worth to hurt-and-injure someone in a fit-of-anger and expose his hidden superhero secret-identity – ‘not’ to be like his-twin, Peter – when the-devil had-then harmed a-dozen students by his-untamed toxic negative-emotions – where in the ‘OTHER-PERTH,’ had caused cellphone-explosions, resulting bodily injuries-and-fires in Stamford-High…
… during his-Jane’s breakup with him as the Perth’s Famous Couple…
Instead, Paul lowered his-head and wheelchaired-away from the laughter-and-mockery… and headed to the elevator. He breathe-out more to calm himself as he had-been practicing his Transcended-meditation that Adiyogi had taught him in Samsara-dimension, in the Dreamworld-realm…
… where in the state of the highest-yogic Mahasamadhi, HE COULD calm himself of anger by substituting with loving thoughts-and-feelings…
Like a portal, the door of handicap-elevator opened… as he escaped-and shut-off from the deleterious-and-harmful people from the 2nd-floor… and in-the-moving lift, he was still doing the breathing-technique while pondering…
‘… this is your new-normal in SHS, Poe – just man-up and don’t be sensitive when they make crude-and-obscene porn-remarks… you’ve ‘been’ in YOUR-WORST before – when they laughed at you for ‘being’ a-cripple…’
He was composed when the door-dinged at the Ground-floor – and, was ready to go-and-eat at the-canteen… when the door opened to many rushing hungry students passing the hallway… as Paul got-out from the lift…
… his eyes caught a ‘familiar’ face of the-waiting Philip Basinger…
… that made Paul sighing-inwards…
… since the B-Class doesn’t have a prefect, Principal Harris had appointed the senior-class student, Philip-Basinger to ‘monitor’ Paul’s movement in the canteen-break… so that he wouldn’t approach and be-in contact-with Jane Wilson in the cafeteria…
Paul feel-that Philip was taking his ‘policing-assignment’ as a prefect a little too-seriously… when he walked behind his wheelchair to the-cafeteria… and-also stood-behind in the canteen’s food-line, and accompanying right-up to the mess-hall tables…
‘… this bloke would make an excellent prison-guard as his-career…’ Paul thought…
… but Philip would ‘not’ sit with him as he was left to eat-alone at a table… while the-prefect sat in the next table with his classmates – but facing-Paul…
Paul lowered his head while-he ate his meatball-pasta… and listened to their conversation and when Philip spoke… Paul would have a peek – but Philip’s gaze was locked-in Paul’s whilst talked to his-mates…
‘… wow… bug-eyed Philip, you’re good… you’ll someday be the-bloody Warden of HMP-Prison…’ Paul sighed…
Paul ignored them as he-ate…
… while putting his aura-feelers out-to cosmically reach to THE OTHERSIDE of the mess-hall – where his blind-girlfriend sat with Alicia eating…
… when his blue-aura ‘locked-in’ with Jane’s golden-glow – for a YinYang unity…
… where the soulmates were in a ‘singularity’ zone in the canteen-hall – and would-be comforting each-other since they haven’t spoken to each-other… for the past few-days…
… they could ‘not’ mentality-communicate telepathically in this-POST-TREETON realm – but could do-so ‘before’ in the OTHER-PERTH, as they did-so during their missions together as superheroes to fight-evil…
… nevertheless, for the time of 20-minutes their auras emerge into-unanimity for that brief-moment on a school-day…
… the feelings-of so-near ‘yet’ so-far were there – until the recess-break BELL-RANG.
Paul too ‘had’ been observing Philip’s canteen-break routine – and, when the bell-rang, the prefect ‘clocked-out’ on him… as he was ‘not’ policing-him any-more… and headed-back to his-classroom with his-mates…
… but Paul could ‘not’ approach his-girlfriend without hundreds of curious eyeballs scrutinising Tarzan-and-Jane if he-did… and-with some glory-seeking ‘busybody’ might inform the-principal.
Paul chanced-upon Alicia departing from the table-alone to go to the Girl’s-room… leaving Jane behind to get-there by-herself using her AI-navigation device…
The wheelchair-then ‘followed’ the Chinese-girl as she exited the canteen...
In the hall-passage way, Alicia heard a voice-calling her…
“… Ali, wait-up…”
The Chinese-girl froze when-she saw Paul Walker – whom Vice-Principal, Mrs Burnell had-told her-and-Jane to ‘not’ to-speak-to… since Paul had ‘been’ transferred-to the B-Class…
… she saw Paul wheelchairing towards-her… as he was concealing something in his-hand…
“… Ali, give this to Jane…” Paul said in-urgency…
“… huh… what is it, Pauly…?” Alicia responded in-reluctance…
“… just take-it – give it to Jane… please…” Paul pleaded in-beseech…
The dreadful-looking Alicia glanced at her surrounding – before receiving that ‘something’ wrapped in his-blue handkerchief… and, when students passing-by weren’t looking – Alicia put the-bequeathing ‘item’ fast into her blazer-pocket…
… she saw Paul wheelchairing away to the handicap-elevator…
PAUL WAS STILL SITTING outside the Walker’s house – reluctant to enter the house. He was still thinking-of Alicia from-yesterday… when he ‘had’ passed the ‘package’ to the Chinese-girl to-give-to Jane…
… which, the package was the ONLINE-ORDER of the abortion pills…
… in-which Paul had the small package delivery to his-pseudonym ‘Paula Abdul’ the day-earlier – and, he-then peeled-off the address sticker-labels on the envelope-cover… and put the wrapped small-cardboard box into his-handkerchief and bundled-it tight…
‘… did Ali give it to her…?’
… the pessimistic Paul was having self-doubts – as the possibility of events going sideways were slowly seeping into negative thoughts-and-fears in him. But he calmed himself with his TM-yogic breathing-techniques, to energise positive energy into his-system… with feelings of optimistic-and-confidence…
‘… Ali… I ‘trust’ that you gave the package to-Jane… but…’
… that was YESTERDAY…
…and, he SAW JANE at the canteen-TODAY…
‘… I thought you’ll take a sick-day today – Jane, did you take the-pills last night…?’
Paul too had done extensive research on the SIDE-EFFECTS of taking abortion-pills… that were the discovery of scary thoughts of-the state that his-girlfriend would-endure…
‘… didn’t you feel any nausea, migraines, vomiting, and diarrheas…? What about high- fever and execrating-pain…? The severe cramping to empty your uterus, that-Misoprostol would MAKE YOU bleed large-clots, the size of a lemon… yikes!’
… HE SAW Jane was up-and-about @the canteen today… even spotting a ‘new’ hairstyle…
The hairs in the back of the neck of the cripple-teen stood… and he exclaimed-and-ranted…
“OH-MY-GOD! You did DIDN’T TAKE the pills last night! But-Jane, didn’t we both agree to get rid of the Seed-of-Apollo… so that the Roman-Gods would ‘not’ invade-earth again with their Old-religion…?
“… and-also, we were BOTH ‘TRICKED’ by the deceits of our betraying-allies, Venus-and-Mercury – who ‘MADE’ YOU eat the cursed-apple… err… sorry, they ‘tricked’ me to give you the apple TO EAT – and-now, you’re pregnant…!
“… but…
“… we CAN’T RAISE a child – ‘when’ we both are kids-ourselves…”
Paul started shivering in-paranoia on his wheelchair – and no-amount of his yogic-meditation ‘could’ calm his-nerves-now…
‘…oh-shit-shit-shit… ‘FORGET’ ABOUT the sex-video… soon, mom-and the whole of Perth would ‘know’ Jane would-be-pregnant – and, THEY LOOK-at-us… that we ‘indeed’ had-SEX IN the-Kissing-video… oh-nooo…
‘… they’ll ‘BLAME’ ME…
‘… that I’m ‘THE’ FATHER…’
Paul-then looked-below… and-stared at the floor of the porch… at the black-oil stain patches of his inspector-mother’s Audi…
… it reminded him of his stained-Catholic soul would-be… if the SIN-OF-ABORTING was carried-and-judged in the end-times…
Now in-guilt, he was terrified to-his-spine – of the balance of good and-bad…
… both-of his-reality and his-religion…
… he wanted to run-away from the WATCHING WORLD of men-and-God that were looming-and-prying on-him – Paul decided to ‘hide’…
… in the Walker-house…
He was hyperventilating as he tried-and-failed to open the front-door – the keyhole seemed to be tinier-and-invisible for his-housekey… Paul was fumbling as he struggled to get the door-open…
At the backyard, Kitty barked as-soon IT HEARD the rattling keyhole-sound…
… finally, Paul was in the house and slammed the-door-shut. He was panting in-cold-sweat and tried mentally to calm-down – but was annoyed by the dog-barks…
“Shut-up, Kitty… I’m coming!”
The housedog was as attention-seeker – Kitty wanted to-welcome who-ever came home… wanting who-ever TO OPEN the backyard-door and ‘greet’ her – whether it was Paul-or-Caroline…
Normally, when Paul was home-alone he would levitate to the kitchen where the backdoor-was to see his-dog – but since he made a vow with-Jane, 3 days-ago in the school-canteen…
… to ‘NEVER’ USE their-superpowers again TO-BE the Defenders-of-Perth AFTER THEIR CONFIDE-ALLIES had betrayed THEIR-TRUST…
… the BOYCOTT stayed…
Paul wheelchaired-over to the kitchen to-go-to his dog frantically barking outside…
“Quiet-Kitty! The neighbours would complain, you-silly girl…!”
He opened the backdoor and saw the woofing Belgian Malinois jumping-wild tugging-on a tied leash to a post…
Kitty was angry with its-master for leashing her-up for the last 3-day – denying the freedom of roaming in the yard and ‘outside’ the wall – the dog-then yelped-out scolding-barks and grit-her teeth at the approaching wheelchair…
Paul too shouted-back to-argue…
“Oii! Look here – I don’t make the rules around-here in this-house, okay…? That is the jurisdiction of the inspector-mom!
“Go blame Halle-Berry too – she gave you-all Malinois a bad reputation of ‘being’ dangerous fighting-dogs in that John-Wick movie!”
Paul noticed the synthetic-leather leash had ‘several’ deep chew-marks in its-length…
“Hey-you, did you ‘DO’ THAT? Do you know how bloody-expensive ‘this’ is…? I’ll get you-next a chain-leash – and you go ‘chew-on that and break your bloody-teeth!
“Come-on, Kitty – CUT ME some slack-here… how can I ask mom to buy me a ‘new’ leash when she is ‘not’ talking to-me… and ignoring my-existence…!?
“… the way I SEE-IT… I can’t live in this-house anymore as a ‘big-big shit’ is about to blow-up soon – when the ‘whole’ of Perth would ‘know-and-see’ Jane is prego… and ‘blame’ me for it – the fact that we-both ‘DID-NOT’ for once had sex…
“… WHETHER ‘physically’ @the beach – nor ‘mentally’ in the dreamworld @the Garden-of-Eden…
“… ooo-shit… MOM WOULD hit-the-ceiling-mad if she ‘finds-out’ about Jane’s pregnancy – she would definitely shoot-me-dead…
“… before that happens, I should RUN-AWAY… and, you’re coming with me, Kitty… you’re a ‘Wanted’ dog-yourself, remember…? You were to be euthanized at the dog-pound for attacking your-trainer… and Jane-and-I rescued-you… remember…?
“… be-prepared, girl… when’ the time-comes – WE RUN…”
The teenager felt silly ranting-reasons with his dog which was whining in the discomfort of its-bowel movement. He unhooking the leash from the collar – Kitty dashed-away…
“Go – do your-business in the grass…”
Paul did some home-improvement on the damaged leash as he tied several knots to secure the bitten-portions from snapping – but by doing-so it had shortened the length of the leather strap that was tied to the post…
‘… I next-got to save up to-buy a metal-chain leash…’
He looked-up and saw the dog that was attempting to scale-the-wall – he shouted-out a verbal-warning…
“NO! Don’t go outside!”
With her-tongue-out, Kitty gave a tacit-look at its-master… ignoring his-warning…
As of her security-guard dog training, she-then jumped on her first failed-attempt to reach-up the over 3-meter high-wall
‘… oh-shit – parkour dog…’
Paul was worried-of how is he going to chase after his-dog outside the-wall on a wheelchair… as he saw Kitty making her 2nd attempt…
“NO! Bad-girl…!”
It-too was a failed jump – Paul got-off his wheelchair and lunged to levitate-forward towards the grass… the dog saw him flying-over but – she was determined-going for her-3rd attempt over the 13-feet wall… and jumped-up vertical…
The canine was hampered-and it-fell on the grass… while terrified by a sudden loud-blast of an electric bolt hitting the tip of the wall top – leaving sparks, smoke and a black-singe spot on the pastel-coloured painted backyard-wall…
Paul levitated over the wall as he looked-at Kitty from above…
“Change! This is your NEW NORMAL – NO, going-outside anymore!”
The cripple-teen descended on the grass… and stood akimbo in front of the frightened-dog –Kitty had her tail-between her leg… and finally-obeyed…
And, the dog circled the-grass and then-squatted… and defecated her bowel…
Paul regretted that he HAD USED his superpowers to resolve his domestic-problem – after 3-days of abstinence from it… and living his ‘own’ new-normal as a disabled-teen…
He was angry at himself for ‘breaking’ the vow which he-had with Jane – which-was to boycott the duties as superheroes of the Defender-of-Perth duo…
He did-so to Venus-and-Mercury who made his girlfriend ‘pregnant’ supernaturally – and ‘blaming’ him to-be as the ‘FATHER’ OF THE SEED-of-as abomination Roman-Old-God…
He diverted his ire on the dog who had finished pooping – and was using it-paws to bury its ordure…
“You, bad-dog, come-here – do you ‘know’ Jane locks Piper in a metal-caged kennel like a prisoner… and you-Kitty, I gave you all-the-freedom… and ‘look’ at what YOU-DID…? You ‘stepped’ on my bloody-head…
“It’s your fault, that I ‘had’ used my superpowers ‘JUST-NOW’ – if you ‘had’ only behaved – I gave you the freedom to only roam in backyard-and ‘not’– to-do your John-Wick dog-stunts by jumping over the wall!”
The levitating Paul dragged Kitty by its-collar… and tied his-pet to the post with DIY-modified leather-leash…
He was still pissed with the dog-and his unfortunate-life – after ‘being’ trapped for 7-months in the ‘prison’ of the POST-TREETON realm that…
… was consistently rained-daily by bad-luck curses…
He next dragged his wheelchair to the backdoor, saying-out…
“NO lunch for you – eat grass and drink water – Bad-dog!”
The door-slammed to the lone-Kitty in-the-backyard.
Life is not a game. Nor is it something to enjoy. No. What it was is a challenge. A challenge to us, to see who can live longer. My first work, if you have suggestions as to writing style, please tell me in the comments. I also wont update that regularly. I am after all simply a normal person writing his first story, please be lenient.
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