《Fallen Stars》Fallen Stars: Mystery Two; Fort Luna
Fallen Stars
Mystery Two
Fort Luna
[The Walk To Luna!]
As we continue, the gang starts the walk to Luna.
Draco lets out a whew.
Draco: How long did you say the walk is?
Vega: I think it's like a 40 or 50-minute walk, from Gib Gnab.
Wrath with a loud pfft.
Wrath: Another long walk, and we have to walk on this dirt road. We need to go ahead and buy a car.
Draco (laughs): With what money?
Wrath: Well shit, let's just steal one.
Draco: Hmm, we'll take a raincheck on that one, but we’ll consider it if the distance starts getting crazy.
Wrath: Alright then.
The gang has to walk on a two-lane highway that is surrounded by Eridanus-Fir trees (Trees that can range from 100-150 feet in height), while the clear blue river is running behind the trees.
Draco looks around, up and down.
Draco: These are Eridanus trees too, right?
Wrath: Yeah, they are, I heard she has found and named over ten thousand tree species.
Draco: What? Ten thousand?
Wrath: Yup, she has put in a lot of work.
Draco: A lot is an understatement.
Wrath: They call this place the Mellow Forest.
Vega: Yo, not to interrupt but Luna should just be a straight shot from here.
Wrath: Well, since we have so much time I'm going to use my powers to see the limitations.
Vega nods his head.
Vega: Yeah, I wanted to test mine too.
Draco: Dang, I wanna go too. Hold my egg, Vega.
Draco hands his egg off to Vega, while Draco concentrates for a star in one hand. Then it forms slowly but surely. A bright shining orange-red star comes to completion. Draco becomes mesmerized by the gleaming star, looking into it and having an unexplainable excitement in his head.
Draco: (Hahaha. With this... I can truly become God!!!)
The gang goes through exploring their powers. Seeing Vega light himself on fire to test his clothing, and it was not being burned. To Wrath shooting electricity out of the palm of his hands.
[After 40 minutes]
A light bulb goes off in Draco’s head.
Draco: I thought of something.
Vega: Hmph?
Draco: Let's try to guess what will hatch from each other's eggs. We still have a 10-minute walk.
Vega: Sure, I’m down.
Wrath nods with agreement.
Wrath: Same.
Draco: Alright, I guess Wrath’s, Vega guesses mine, Wrath guesses Vega’s. That’s good?
Wrath and Vega: Yup.
Draco: I’ll go first.
Draco starts thinking while walking.
Draco: Ah, I got it. Wrath, I see you as an ape, like a silverback.
Wrath (frantic): What??? A fucking ape? What the hell do you see me as?
Draco and Vega laughing. Wrath seems mad then realizes.
Wrath: Now that I think on it, an Ape would be strong as fuck, I wouldn’t mind that as my partner. Ohhhh, if it had electricity covering it too, and throwing hands! Alright, now I can't picture my animal being anything other than an ape!
While Wrath is holding up his egg and daydreaming about his partner.
Draco: Takes us back to that Middle School motto.
Wrath: Oh man, yeah. But out of anyone, I wouldn't be the one with an ape.
Draco (laughs): Haha, yeah, it’ll probably be him.
Wrath (triggered): And why even say that, you know I hate Apes.
Draco laughs loudly, but Vega thinks of Draco's partner.
Vega: Let me guess. Hmm, with you Draco, I’ve always seen you as a dragon.
Draco: Really?
Vega: Yeah, the superior type, and can get ferocious at any time. Especially after our Middle School days. It was like you were a whole different person.
Draco starts jokingly blushing.
Draco: Vega! I never thought you thought so highly of me!
Vega (weirded out): Uh...
Draco getting back to serious.
Draco: But yeah, I can't see myself with anything other than a dragon too. (I don't know about that different person thing though.)
Vega (smug): It’s cool.
Vega goes to yell at Wrath, who is still daydreaming.
Vega: Snap out of it Wrath, and tell me my animal!
Wrath back to paying attention.
Wrath: Oh, yeah. Hmmm.
Wrath starts really thinking hard.
Vega: Is it really that hard?
Wrath: Nah, I got it. (I don’t got shit, what should I say that’ll make him happy.)
Vega: Well hurry, the city is coming up, if you want to figure it out before then.
Wrath: Alright! I got it.
Vega and Draco: Ok.
Wrath: To me, I would say you resemble a Wild Boar.
Vega (confused): HUH???
Draco: Hahahahaahahahaahah, I can see that too!
Wrath: Yeah, you see it too, right, Draco? Plus you now have fire, you're definitely the Wild Fire-type.
Vega: Pick something else, I don't want that shit.
Draco: What about a dog? For your loyalty aspect.
Vega thought.
Wrath: Nah, A boar is perfect. It fits your personality.
Vega (baffled): How??? You're wilder than me.
Draco: That is true. He has a point, you're definitely the wildest one in the group, Wrath.
Wrath: Don't be offended by it, Vega. A flaming boar running at someone would be so cool!
Vega: *thinks about it* It's still a pass for me.
Wrath (phew): I can't even lie, that was pretty tough, but I found the perfect fit.
Vega is very dismissive.
Vega: You didn't, but ok.
Wrath spins electricity around his fingertips. As the trees start to go away as they come upon the city. The scenery changes, no more trees, it goes to a sandy and dusty open area.
Draco: No more trees, huh.
Wrath: That’s fine, I'm still going to use my powers.
Vega: Hey, it looks like we’re here.
Draco and Wrath: Woahhh.
As the gang looks ahead they see steam coming from the right side of the city, also seeing Luna’s Entrance, a sign…..
**Welcome To
Fort Luna
Wholesome Army Base!**
Wrath clenches his fist with electricity.
The gang: Oh no.
The gang stands at the entrance staring at the sign and doesn't go through the Desert Army Base yet.
Draco: Vega, did you know this was an Army Base?
Vega was surprised.
Vega: No, I didn’t know.
Wrath is heated. While raising his left hand, his electricity goes out.
Wrath: Fuck those guys, what are we scared about? We have powers now, we should pay them back for what they did!
Vega: Hold on, let's think this through. Do you honestly think we can beat twelve people with the limitations on our powers? We can barely use them for two minutes. We can't just rush in all willy willy.
Draco: …All what? Nevermind. Vega is right, we should plan things out. Scope things out and if we see them we head a different way.
Vega: This is the only way, once we pass through this city we can break off into different directions, but we have to go through Luna, from what I remember.
Draco: Damn, well like my Dad always says…
Draco’s Dad: Always watch your surroundings! Keep your head on a swivel.
Vega: He’s right, we just have to stay on our Qs and Ps, and we’ll be fine. (Hopefully….)
Draco puts his egg in his book bag.
Draco: …Our what?
Vega: You know, our “Qs and Ps”.
Wrath: That’s clearly not how it goes.
Vega: Sounds right to me.
Draco readying his hands.
Draco: Gotta have my hands clear just in case.
The others do the same, each putting their eggs in their bags. All of their eggs' top part is poking out of the bag.
Wrath: Alright, let's keep pushing forward!
Steam is coming off of Wrath like he’s excited. While his power comes back.
Vega: Are you happy we might see them?
Wrath: Hell yes! I have to pay them back for shooting and killing me! Shit, for killing us!
Draco: I’m with Wrath, we can't just let that slide. C’mon, let's go!
The Gang walks into Fort Luna.
Draco: Pay attention to your surroundings and keep going.
Vega: ...
Wrath looks around.
Wrath: Why is this Fort so hot and steamy?
Vega: The map I had didn't give any description of each city, just a walkthrough, so I don't know. (It’s fine in here for me.)
Wrath and Draco wiping sweat off them.
Draco: Well it is a Desert Base, but we just entered the city and it's terribly hot. I have to fan myself, sheesh.
Draco fanning himself, Vega sees up ahead.
Vega: Hold on, stop.
The gang looking forward sees three pathways to walk through. One going left, one keeping straight, and one going to the right of the city.
Wrath: We shouldn’t separate, just in case we run into those guys.
Draco: Ohhh, I thought you were ready for them? You can handle it, right?
Wrath: Shut up, even I know I'm not beating them one vs twelve.
Draco (laughed): You're right, I was just joking anyway.
Vega: Keep paying attention. Which pathway are we walking?
Draco thinks, he looks around, but there are barely any buildings.
Draco: Hmmm, weren't you the one that knew the map, Vega? We should be going off your word.
Vega: Yeah I know, but everyone should get a say on which way we go. We can vote. I say we go right.
Wrath: I say left, it looks like the shortest route, we can get out of here quickly.
Draco: Hmm.
Draco is reminded of the past in the first city, Gib Gnab.
**Draco: “Ok, we go this way right through here. We cut between these two buildings.”**
Draco: (The last time I picked a direction to go through we all died.)
Draco lets out a Hmph.
Draco: (But... I had to do it.)
Vega: Draco?
Draco is surprised, then comes back to himself.
Draco: Huh? Oh, uhhhh. *coughs* Alright, I have this feeling that we should go straight forward, that's the only thing I can think of.
Vega: So we all decided to pick a different route, but we won't split up. *shakes head* You guys sometimes…
Wrath comes back.
Wrath: Wait! I say right! No, I’m staying with the left!
Vega: You can’t ever stick to anything…
Wrath (cheerful): Forget all that, Draco said he had a feeling, right? When were we able to ever go against the feeling he gets. Yahaha, we already died once. What's the worst that can happen?
Vega: That is the worst reasoning ever.
Wrath: Well, what about your reason to go to the right? That's where all the steam is coming from.
Vega clears his throat and looks suspiciously.
Vega: I, uhh… wanted to check it out.
Wrath and Draco laugh loudly.
Wrath: Oh, that's the best reason I have ever heard.
Vega: Yeah, whatever.
Wrath: So, which way are we going? I say it's between you and Draco. I’ll retract my vote.
Vega and Draco looked at each other. While taking off their book bags, sitting them easily.
Draco: Feeling vs Reasoning. Which team will win?
Both raised their hands, laying their left-hand flat. Then make a fist with their right hand. It’s rock, paper, scissors! Who will win!! They begin to stare.
Draco (smirks): I’m throwing Rock.
Vega (silent): ...
Then both of them chant, “Rock… Paper… Scissors!!” Throwing out their choice!! Vega’s hand reveals Scissors, while Draco reveals Rock.
Vega clicks his teeth.
Vega: (Dammit.)
Draco (excited): Yes! You know I'm the best at rock, paper, scissors!! C’mon, let's go guys. (I have to make up for that other thing.)
Vega: Fine, you got this one. But next time we really will decide.
So the gang picks up their bags and continues the walk down the straight path.
Wrath: You always lose rock, paper, scissors, huh.
Vega (annoyed): It's not my strong suit...
Draco: How about this? If this pathway takes us right out of the city, we’ll turn back and check out that steam, to see what's happening.
Vega: I say we just keep going, but if the pathway is cut off, we go to the right.
Draco: Ok, deal.
The gang passes by some grocery stores and a post office.
Vega: Huh… No one is here? Aren't these the busiest places usually in a city, especially if it's an Army Base?
Draco: You're right, what if an event is happening right now? It is still early.
Vega: Yeah that could be true... But everyone in the city, even the workers?
They proceed to pass by a Gas Station.
Wrath: Woah, this is empty too.
Vega and Draco: Hmph?
Wrath: Hold on, let's stop. I need some snacks.
Draco: What, you're just about to steal some?
Wrath: I mean, it’s empty, we get in and get out. No problems.
Draco: Alright, hurry.
They rush into the gas station, stopping for a quick bite.
Vega: Ok, now this is weird. I know the grocery store being empty is bad, but the gas station too? These are some of the most-watched spots by cashiers, stealing snacks, coffee, and even the gas itself.
They walk into the station.
Wrath: C'mon, it'll be quick. I just want some ButterThumbs. Nice and thumb size and not too much chocolate.
Wrath rampaging through the chocolate aisle.
Vega and Draco walk in and are completely stunned.
Draco: It has a few snacks but wow this place is completely dead. It's so run down.
Vega notices a Slushie Machine and rushes over.
Draco: You said in and out.
Wrath with a ButterThumb in his mouth.
Wrath: Huh? Do you see someone coming?
Draco shakes his head.
Draco: (He’s still addicted to candy and chocolate, huh.) Nothing, just get all the snacks you want, and let’s go.
Wrath: Alright, I can't carry much because of my egg but I’ll get some, don't worry.
Draco exhales.
Draco: I’m not worried at all Wrath. (Let me check on Vega.)
Draco turns to look at Vega and sees him kicking the Slushie Machine.
Vega: Fuck this thing! It's completely broken!
Draco: Did you think a slushie machine would still work in an abandoned Gas station?
Vega: No... not really.
Vega with a face of disappointment.
Vega: I just haven't had a slushie in 2 yrs.
Draco (laughs): (It seems he still has his slushie addiction too. Haha.) Don’t worry about it, I promise we will get you a slushie, Vega. What, your Granny made you quit it?
Vega (sighs): Yeah, she said it was ruining my behavior in school and I wouldn't pay attention without a slushie, so she made me quit, Cold Ham.
Draco: (Cold… Turkey…?) Wow, that sucks.
Wrath is all packed up.
Wrath: C’mon, let's get out of here before someone sees us.
Vega and Draco: Alright.
The gang steps back outside and continues forward.
Draco: Alright, let's keep it going!!
Vega and Wrath: Yeaaaah!!
While they walk by all the abandoned buildings something is noticed….
Draco: This town….. It's empty. I don't see anyone in sight, no cars driving, and even the traffic lights don't work.
Vega also recognizes.
Vega: I thought something was off, there isn't an event going on, this is an abandoned Army Base. It's a Deserted Desert.
Wrath (yelling with happiness): AHHHH!!!
Vega and Draco are caught off guard.
Draco: You... ok?
Wrath: Yeah, of course, I was just ready for something to happen, so I bundled up everything, now that it's an empty city, I can let all of my jitters out.
Vega: And you said I was the boar, right?
Wrath: Shut up. But that's whatever, it's time to explore this place!
Vega: You just want something to happen, the best option would be to keep going forward and not looking back.
Wrath: You say that, but didn’t you want to explore just a while ago??
Vega looks away.
Vega: Lah-de-dah-da-dah.
Wrath (frustrated): Don’t ignore me, Vega!! Let's check some things out, it'll be quick, I promise.
Draco: I don't see the problem, now we can check out the steam too, Vega.
Vega with a Hmph.
Vega: Oh, you're right, we can.
As Vega smiles secretly.
Draco: I knew you would be happy.
Wrath: So, are we splitting up to cover more ground? We can meet back up right here in 15 minutes.
Draco: I’m fine with that, but no exploring the steamy part of the city, Vega.
Vega: Why?
Draco (laughs): Because I want us all to go there as a group, to see it together. Cause we’re friends!
Vega and Wrath: Boooo!
Wrath: Let him do what he wants.
Something comes to Vega’s mind.
Vega: Hold up guys. What if this city is abandoned because of that group of wild soldiers. They took over and kicked everyone out of the city, that's why it looks so worn down.
Draco and Wrath think about it.
Draco: Hmm, You could be right. Let’s just stick together, in case they’re here and this is their base.
Vega: Alright, sounds good. Then where are we going?
Wrath: If we’re going to be together, then we should go there...
Wrath points to an Army Building. The sign reads…
**Fort Luna’s Armory**
The others look confused.
Draco: Huh? Do you want to check out the Armory?
Vega: You don't think that's the most guarded place by them? That's where they will most likely be.
Wrath: I know.
Wrath (angrily): I want to see them! Do you think I was joking when I said they have to be paid back?!
Wrath with a face of determination.
Draco: Alright, I’m with it too!
Wrath: Vega, you coming? Cause I'm going with or without you.
Wrath starts walking on his own.
Draco looks towards Vega while walking.
Draco: You coming, we were going to see them eventually, might as well make it now.
Vega: We could at least check around the building, or plan something out if we do see them.
Vega exhales but has to rush up to catch up with them.
Vega: But of course, I’m going.
The gang crosses the street to get to the Armory. The Armory is a brick building with two windows on both sides. Also doors with glass windows.
Vega and Draco are ahead of Wrath. They walk up the steps and look through the glass windows on the door to see if they find anybody. Then Wrath comes up angrily and kicks the door open!
Wrath (energetic): WOOOOO!!! IT'S SHOWTIME!!! We’re here bitches!!
His cape flaps. Vega and Draco both facepalm.
Vega (sarcastic): And I’m the boar, right.
Wrath (enthusiastic): Gotta make a grand entrance, let them know we’re here. C’mon, we go through the building, it isn't even that big, it's only one floor.
Draco: Aren't these places usually two floors? One for the main, and a gun range.
Wrath: (Gun range?) Whatever, like the Gas Station, get in, get out.
Draco: Yup, no distractions.
The gang walks through the first floor not finding anything or anyone.
Draco: Dang this place doesn't have anything in it.
Vega: So this is just a Ghost Base? No one in sight.
Wrath: Guys, I’m checking downstairs.
Draco: Hold on, wait for us.
Wrath gets downstairs….
Wrath: What???
Wrath halted. The others follow.
Wrath: This floor is empty too, nothing at all.
Wrath runs through all the firing lanes.
Draco: Well, we can get out of here, nothing to be seen. Nobody is here either, so no reason to stay.
Draco and Vega turn back towards the stairs.
Wrath is mad, but notices….
Wrath: (Wait, is that..)
Wrath sees a pistol off to the side on the last slot in the firing line.
Wrath: Uhhh… I’ll catch up with you guys. I’ll meet you upstairs.
Draco walked up the stairs behind Vega.
Vega: Why? Just c’mon.
Wrath: I wanted to look at the gun range a little bit more, nothing serious. *grins*
Draco: Alright, we’ll see you up there. Go up, Vega. I’m behind you.
Vega: Yeah, yeah.
While Draco and Vega are upstairs, Wrath looks at the pistol.
Wrath: This thing is so old like it's been left here for a while. Does that mean this city has been empty for a long time? Whatever, I’m taking this with me.
Wrath stands in a slot and starts to aim it at the other end of the firing range.
Wrath: (Yeah. I’ll definitely get them back.)
Wrath puts down his bag to fit his newly found pistol in.
Wrath: Wait, I don't want it firing on my back hitting me or my egg. These things have a safety switch, don't they?
Wrath looks for it—fumbles around a minute.
Wrath: Alright, found it. It shouldn't go off now. (Safety first.)
Wrath packs his bag and laughs while walking upstairs. Draco and Vega are waiting on the steps outside. Draco is sitting and Vega is standing.
Draco: So the Original Plan, huh.
Vega with a convincing voice.
Vega: Yup.
Draco: Alright, I’m still down.
Draco thinks for a second and under his breath.
Draco: This place is so great, you can just be alone…
Wrath: *burst out* Yooooooo! Are you guys ready to get out of here?
Draco and Vega: Nope.
Wrath: Huh?
Draco: We said we were going to check out the steam, remember?
Wrath: *recalls the convo* Oh yeah, I remember now. Well, let's go.
Draco gets up and dusts his pants off.
As the gang all smile they look ahead to see where the steam is coming from.
Draco: Welp, we continue the straight path and just cut to the right when we’re right besi-
Out of nowhere, a lone samurai with an amigasa (large straw hat), a double gourd sake bottle hanging on the right side of his hip, and two swords on the left side of his hip, standing in the middle of the road. All while having a single bamboo leaf in his mouth. Unclear of seeing the person’s face.
A chill goes down the gang’s spines.
The Gang: Oh no.
Draco: (This is the second time I picked a way to go and someone appeared.)
[A Mysterious Figure Appears!!!
Who Is This???]
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