《Fallen Stars》Fallen Stars: Mystery One; The End
Fallen Stars
Mystery One
The End
On the moon, craters all around. The warm milky glow of the moon looked beautiful. Someone sits on it, looking down at the red seas. The person is shrouded in darkness. He has on a dark-colored cloth headband, covering his forehead. Wearing a hoodie, it is up on his head. On the back seeing the phrase, “M5”, circled by 7 different creatures symbols.
An atmosphere of unexplainable depression surrounds him...
Anti: *sigh* Anti. Listen… devour every single star...
Suddenly, a gigantic monstrous darkened creature comes flying past the moon…!!
Anti: *smirks* So, you’re finally here... Dragon of Destruction…
As Anti slowly stands up, not being able to tell his height, the atmosphere changes around him to dangerously intense, it pans to his star-shaped eyes…
Anti: I did it… but, there’s one thing left to do…
A light gleams in space. He raises his hand like he’s reaching for something….
[Let's go back some years.]
**At The Graduation Center**
**Back Hallway Side-B**
Tyler: Are you nervous?
Draco is seen smiling, brown skin with wild black hair, with black eyes. Wearing a black and blue cloth headband, underneath his cap, covering his forehead.
Draco: Of course I am, but I can't show it, haha.
Tyler: You’re a better man than me, I’m still shaking, look.
Tyler puts out his hand, showing that it's shaking.
They both laugh about it.
Ray: What are you two punks laughing about?!
Draco with a calm tone, and a wisecrack smirk.
Draco: Nothing, don’t worry about it.
Ray: Well, y’all don’t sound pumped up. Are y’all ready?! We finally get out of this shithole!!
Rest of the students: YYYYYYEEEEEEAAAA!!!!!
Teacher Sam: Alright, calm down, it's time. Line up and let’s go.
**Pomp and Circumstance Graduation Song Starts Playing**
*School Symbol is an Eight-Headed Dragon*
All the students walk out. They were wearing their cap and all blue gowns. Cameras are flashing. Parents yelling at the top of their lungs!
*Cut to right before Draco gets his diploma.*
Principal Mr. Black: Draco S.!
Draco walks across the stage grabbing his diploma, and walks off, no jumping around, just cool, calm, and collected while smiling.
*Time goes by and the graduation is over!! Everyone throws up their caps!!*
Draco's family is snapping pics with tears in their eyes. The students walk to the hallway.
Tyler: We did it, finally!!!
Draco: Yep, we did.
Draco lets out a sigh of accomplishment.
Walking outside the center, Draco’s family gathers with his little cousins bomb rushing him.
Aunt Lapis: Draco we’re so proud of you. You must be feeling amazing finally graduating.
Draco (happy): Yeah, I’m so glad that I’m done, now it's time to keep moving.
Aunt Lapis: Moving? What do you mean by that?
Aunt Garnet: What do you plan on doing after High School? Going to College? Getting a job?
The atmosphere changes around Draco with a sinister feeling as he has a smug look.
Draco: Nah, I'm going to Change the World.
The Family (slightly confused): Huh???
Uncle Topaz: Well, that’s fine and all Draco, but we don’t even know what that means.
Draco: Haha, I know. I can't tell everyone everything.
Uncle Copal: You have always been a secretive person.
Uncle Copal shakes his head.
Draco’s Dad (energetic): C’mon everyone, let’s not get caught up in this. It’s a celebration! Draco graduated!
Draco’s Mom: Yes, let’s cherish this night and always remember it!
The Family all cheer him on, and party!
Draco’s Dad: Woohoooo!!!
**The Next Morning**
Draco is barely up, scratching his eyes. He puts on his clothes, the room is filled with trophies and first place medals across the walls. His ceiling has a star pattern. But, he’s ready to go with his bookbag, getting to the front door. He has somewhere to go on his mind. As he walks out, his parents come to the door to stop him.
Draco’s Dad and Mom: Stay safe out there son.
Dad: There are some dangerous people out there, so always watch your surroundings, keep your head on a swivel!
Mom: I would try to stop you, but I can feel your determination, just like your father. There’s no convincing you.
Draco (smiles): Don't worry, Mom. I'll be back to check on both of you... eventually.
Whilst Draco walks away laughing….
Draco’s Mom: Do you think he’ll be safe? You know how crazy this world can get.
Draco’s Dad (smiles): Oh, Draco will be alright, he is our kid. Even if he does get in some trouble, I’m sure he’ll help him out.
Draco’s dad laughs a bit.
Draco’s Dad: And what’s to worry about? He’s enlightened!
Draco: (Well, I can't make any moves without those two, let me go get them. We promised to meet there after High School.)
Draco walks down to the old broken-down playground, smiling. Now wearing a light, all-black coat, over a white tee, and black pants. Same headband as always. His sneakers are luxurious metallic gold, white, and black. Draco has a smile so bright, that it can light up a room.
Age: 17
Height: 6’2
At The Playground]
Vega has light brown skin, short black hair with red eyes. He’s wearing a light, black cloak, worn-down red collar, and black pants. He’s wearing a red sleeveless undershirt beneath the cloak. And a necklace, tucked into his shirt. Vega’s sneakers have a black and red color scheme. He stands while going down the slide, arms in his pockets. Vega has an extremely calm demeanor, with an expressionless face.
Age: 17
Height: 5’6
Vega: *Sigh*
Wrath has darker brown skin, and he has an afro, with different colored eyes. Left eye blue, right eye orange. His canine teeth are enlarged. With a closed mouth, you can see both his fangs hanging out a little bit. He’s wearing a black long sleeve shirt and black shorts, with a blue design going over both of them. He also has on a hooded cape, the color is Heaven’s blue (resembles navy blue). His sneakers have a white and volar blue color scheme. He’s standing on the swings, arms crossed. Wrath has a grin so crazy, it's damn near scary.
Age: 17
Height: 6’0
Wrath: I wonder what's taking him so long, hopefully, he didn't forget.
Vega: Nah, Draco wouldn’t forget. He’s the one who asked us.
Wrath: Are you even still up for the challenge?
Vega looks intensely at Wrath, in his direction with a face like someone just tried him.
Vega: I’m always ready, Ze-
Wrath stops him.
Wrath (gets mad): I thought I said never call me that!
Vega (laughing): C’mon, you know I wasn’t going to, just joking around, Ahaha.
Wrath: Yeah, whatever.
Wrath and Vega laugh about it together.
Draco, arriving at the playground. Sees Vega and Wrath. He yells out with happiness!
Draco: VEGAAAAAA!!!!!!!! WRAAAAATH!!!!!!!!
Draco runs to hug them.
Draco: I haven’t seen you guys in 4 years! It’s been sooo long.
Wrath slightly pushes him off.
Wrath: What took you so long?
Draco is huffing and puffing.
Draco: I woke up kinda late, I had to play games with a few friends on Play-Box. It's probably going to be the last time I speak to them so we just kept gaming.
Wrath: Oh, well it has been a long time. Are you good?
Draco: Don't worry, I would never forget. Are we all still going to Change The World!?
Wrath and Vega: ??! Of course, we are!
Draco: Well then, let's head out into the world!!
Vega and Wrath gather all of their stuff to start the walk and...
[The Adventure Begins!!
Onward to the first city,
Gib Gnab!!]
The gang walked to the next city.
Vega: It's about a 10-minute walk to the next city.
Wrath: Ahhhh, I guess that isn’t terrible.
Draco (smiling): Of course it isn’t, we get to catch up now. How were y’all since we’ve been apart?
Wrath: Honestly, I missed you guys. High School was such a pain, with teachers nagging and always yelling at you.
Vega: Maybe you were just a problem child, Wrath. Ever thought of that?
Wrath (ticked off): No, of course, I wasn't the problem, they were just yelling just to yell!
Vega: Yeah, that's what every problem child thinks. But anyway my years weren't that terrible, but they weren’t the best either. Let alone having to move every other month because of house fires.
Draco (shocked): Dang, Vega. I didn't know of all that, our parents kept us out of contact cause we were so crazy during middle school.
Wrath (laughing): They made us all go to separate High Schools. My Aunt wasn’t having it.
Vega: My grandma did not want us talking, at all...
Draco: Well, it’s all good now we won’t lose contact again.
Wrath: Yup.
Draco (looks Wrath up and down): So, you’re wearing capes now, Wrath?
Wrath: I am an adventurer. I also heard my ancestor used to wear one.
Draco: Oh, that’s dope. Well, we’re here.
[Welcome To
Gib Gnab!!!]
Vega: This is just the next city over and it looks so worn down.
Vega: Hmmm, let's just get through here, the next city isn't that far either.
Draco: You studied the map, huh.
Vega: Yeah, I could only get a map of the cities, but it’ll help us in the short run.
Wrath (smirks): Look at Vega always prepping, but you can never predict the random events that may happen.
Vega (amused): We’ll see, all I know is the city’s locations, but not the exact direction. I know we should head to the northeast.
Draco: Ok, we go this way right through here. We cut between these two buildings.
Vega and Wrath nod and agree.
Vega and Wrath: Alright.
Walking between the buildings 6 people are standing over someone kicking him.
Draco: Are they robbing him?
The Gang sees 6 people with masks and green army uniforms.
Vega (irate): (Tck. The Army...)
Then the squad pulls out a gun and shoots the man!
Wrath: Holy shit! Let’s just go the other way we can’t save him.
The Gang proceeds to turn around quickly to get out of danger.
Vega: I agree, we need to take the best and safest way, let’s go.
The gang goes to walk toward where they came from, and that’s when they see 6 more people come from the other side walking towards them without masks.
Draco (startled): Oh shit.
The gang sees them wearing green army uniforms just like the other guys. A tall man stands in front of the group.
Zosma: *smirks* Be not afraid.
Zosma stands 8 feet tall, with spiky blonde hair. Very intimidating look. In a sleeveless green uniform. A muscular man, with yellow eyes, and shades on his head.
Zosma: It seems that you’ve seen everything, even my face.
Draco: Now that we know everything, you’re probably going to kill us, huh?
Zosma: Yep, masks on boys!
Zavijava: Well, isn’t that kinda redundant?
Zavijava is a beautiful lazy looking woman, with a long brown ponytail. Standing around 6’5. Slim with a strong muscle tone. Light blue eyes.
Wrath: (Damn she’s tall.)
Zosma looks to Zavijava.
Zosma: What?
Zavijava: If we were going to kill them anyway. Why do we have to put on our masks?
Zosma (irritated): Shut up, just do what I say!
Everyone conceals their faces.
Wrath (readies): *showing his fangs, as he grins* Welp, the only thing we can do now is fighting our way out.
Vega and Draco: Yeah, it’s time.
Lackey #1 (chuckling): Is this kid wearing a cape?? Bahaha!
Wrath gets mad at the guy laughing at him, the gang starts to fight. Darkness covers the alley suddenly.
Vega: (Why did it get so dark?)
Draco: (I took boxing, I should be somewhat alright.)
Draco throws the first punch to hit Zosma, but it’s caught by a lackey, and another one punches Draco. Then they pick him up and throw him across the alley!
Vega and Wrath both throw punches to hit a few lackeys, their punches landing, starting a struggle.
Vega: (I took both kenjutsu and kendo, but I don't have a sword, not even a wooden one.)
While another lackey is standing off to the side he gets out his gun and shoots Wrath in the shoulder!
Wrath: Aaahhh!!! (Fuuuuuuckkk! That karate won’t help me dodge a bullet.)
Zosma: This will be quick, kill them all.
The squad starts to beat the gang up brutally, worse than anything they’ve experienced. The lackeys start kicking them! The lackeys stomp on all of their heads!
Lackey #1: H-Town stomp!
Zosma: No need for all that, we still have plans. Hand it to me.
As Zosma aims at them, Draco and Wrath notice his Golden Beetle Tattoo.
Zosma starts to aim at Vega!! Bang! Bang! Vega shot dead!
Holding his bleeding arm. Wrath becomes furious and angrily yells out!
Wrath: Is no one going to save us?! Curse the world!! Curse those damn nobles!!
Then Wrath is shot! Bang! Wrath died!
Draco gives an enraged look at Zosma.
Draco: You better watch your back, cause I…..
Draco reaches his arm towards Zosma as he’s on the ground. Zosma feels Draco’s dark presence growing around him and his squad. Draco's pupils start to turn into the form of a star.
Zosma’s lackeys' fear grows. But Zosma still pulls the trigger. Bang! Bang!
Zosma: Excuse me, say what?
Zosma laughs it off, holding his ear to Draco.
Draco dies off, seeing one last glimpse of life and it’s Zosma saluting him with only his pinky raised, still saluting, he starts laughing maniacally.
Instantaneously, as if Draco wakes up, his tone changes to a very vile one.
???: I should thank you.
Then he dies off again.
MC Kill Count: 3
Draco closes his eyes, then suddenly opens them, and sees himself standing in a black room with smoke flowing on the ground.
Draco: (Woah, am I dead?! Did I survive that?! Everything seems to be ok, I’m alive.)
Draco starts to touch his face and body.
Draco: (Where are Vega and Wrath?)
Draco turns looking to see where he is, and notices someone on his right, sitting on a throne. The throne is covered in gold and diamonds, and around the throne is a rainbow that had an appearance of an emerald. At his feet was like a bedrock made of lapis lazuli, clear and bright blue like the sky.
Before Draco can even say anything.
???: You know, There’s only One Throne, right?
Draco is alarmed. The person on the throne is shrouded in darkness.
???: I already know your goal is to Change the World. If I gave you the power, would you do it?
Draco: *looks directly at him* Of course I would! Give me the power and I would easily!
??? (smirks): Ok, what power do you most desire?
Draco (smiles): Give me the power of a star!
???: I knew it, good luck.
Draco (quick reply): I don't believe in luck.
???: Oh, too cool for school, huh? Here, also take this with you, It’s an egg that will grow into what represents you. It will hatch into your pure self, with your real ideals.
Draco looks in confusion….
Draco: Ah ok, sure, but besides that what can I call you?
??? (stunned): You know, people rarely ask me, just call me M.
Draco: Just M?
Vega and Wrath: Draco! Draco! Draco!
M (smiles): Yeah, just M is perfect. Better go, your friends are calling you, Draco.
Draco wakes up to Vega and Wrath yelling and calling him.
Vega and Wrath: Draco! Wake up!
Draco (still dazed): Yo, I just got done talking to someone.
Vega and Wrath: We did too.
Vega: *puts out his hand* Look at this.
His hand ignites with a burning flame.
Wrath: *puts out his hand* Look.
While his hand starts to spark and a discharge of electricity covers his hand.
Draco (in awe): So cool. *lightbulb* Oh yeah.
Draco puts out his hand and starts to concentrate, a gleaming star in the form of a small ball appears.
Draco: Yes! So we really got powers!
[In the same instant of finally achieving the power of a star, impressions start pouring into Draco’s mind. Surrounded by a barren wasteland filled with corpses. The atmosphere has a heavy presence of despair, completely engulfed in a shadow casted by the moon. People in cloaks walked over bodies, stabbing them with spears. Blood spewing everywhere, painting the entire battlefield. Rivers become tainted dark crimson red after blood drains to them. The final thing he sees is the corpses having a symbol on their sleeves, a star, within another star…]
All of their powers go out. Draco touches his face with his hand, covering only his right eye, having an intense face after seeing everything, looking as if he’s going insane.
Draco: (What the hell was that…??! Was that… my family-)
Wrath: That was short-lived.
Vega: *shaking his hands* (My hand doesn’t even feel hot.) We didn't lose them, we probably just have some time restraint or a limit on the power’s usage.
Vega looks at Draco and sees his expression.
Vega: Everything ok, Draco?
Draco: Ah... yeah. Where is my egg? *looks to his left* Ahhhh, good, don't want to lose you. You got one, right? You said you spoke to someone. Did he give you an egg?
Vega and Wrath show their eggs. Draco’s is black with white spots, Vega’s is red with black spots, and Wrath’s is blue with black spots.
Draco: *realizes* Oh yeah, how did the talk with him go?
Vega: Well, my talk went….
**Vega’s Talk**
Vega is scoping out the location, looking for anything to stick out, until he sees something… the throne of gold and diamonds, emerald rainbow… then someone...
M: Yo.
Vega: Yo.
M: It’s good to see you, Vega.
Vega (alerted): (??) How do you know my name?
M: I know everything.
Vega: Oh?
M: So, what’re your ambitions?
Vega: You already know that, don't you?
M: Yeah, well, what power do you most desire?
Vega: You know that already too.
M smiles, seeing the fire in Vega’s eyes. Vega notices a Koala Bear next to him.
M: Alright here you go, also take this. It’s an egg that will grow into what represents you. It will hatch into your pure self, with your real ideals.
Vega wakes up in a cold sweat. He sees Wrath and Draco still asleep, but the army squad is gone and the person they were beating up has disappeared too.
**Back To The Present**
Wrath: Well, your talk went well. It seemed like I was about to fight whoever that was…
**Wrath’s Talk**
Wrath: *checking his body* Oh Wrath, what the fuck just happened? Did we die?!
Then a voice speaks….
M: Wrath, It’s good to see you.
Wrath (confused): Who the fuck are you? I don’t know you.
M: Hmph. That’s fine. What are your goals?
Wrath: To Destroy the Foundation.
M: Haha, I’ll give you the power to accomplish just that. What do you want, any power?
Wrath (grins): I want the power to get anyone to surrender to me!
M: (I knew he would say something crazy, but it isn't as crazy as that guy from last week.) I can't give you that power.
Wrath: You can't do it?! You can’t do shit! What about…
Wrath begins to mock M’s voice.
Wrath: “Any power you want” and “I can help you accomplish that.”
M with an aggressive tone.
M: I could just give you nothing and just let that be it. Do you want that, punk?!
Wrath (getting angry): So be it! If I can’t have what I want, then fuck it!
M (facepalms): How about this….
M shows him his hand.
Electricity sparks from his hand.
Wrath (excited): Yahaha, that was my second choice, I’ll take electricity.
M: Also take this. It’s an egg that will grow into what represents you. It will hatch into your pure self with your real ideals.
Wrath wakes up and sees Vega up, and holding his head.
Wrath: Vega, did we just die….
Vega: Yeah, and my head still hurts. My bullet wounds are completely gone, what happened?
Wrath (fuming): *stands up* We’ve been through a lot, but this is way worse than anything before...
Vega is still shaken up by it.
Vega: Yeah, this is just another event added to a whole group of others... *sigh* (Can the world even get better, this has only strengthened my convictions. I just want to see the whole world burn.)
Wrath: *looks around* Wait. Where are the soldiers at?! What did you ask for? Where is your egg? Oh shit, where is my egg?
Vega (agitated): It’s right behind you, let’s get Draco up, I’ll tell you afterward.
Vega: Seems to me like you wanted to fight him.
Wrath: I was, don't say, “Anything you want” then restrict me or us from getting anything.
Vega: *concerned face* (.... He cussed out the person who gave us powers...) Who was that?
Draco stands up and lets out a sigh of relief.
Draco: I’m so glad we’re all safe. *checks himself for any wounds* He told me to call him M.
Vega and Wrath: M?
Draco: Yeah, just M, nothing else.
Wrath: That’s not weird...
Draco: So, we’re still going, right? Still, pushing forward?
Wrath: What?! After all that, that's all you can say? We just died and came back to life.
Draco: I understand, but we’re not going to just turn around and go back home, are we? We’ve been thinking of leaving and exploring the world since middle school, this is the only chance we have. We’ve even been in tough situations like this before, this isn't new to us.
Wrath is deliberating in his head.
Draco: Wrath, come on, imagine getting defeated by this one hurdle. What, are you going to think of quitting every time we go through a struggle?
Wrath: This is not a hurdle. We died. Don’t you get that?
Draco: I get it, but we can't just quit now in the first city we made it to on our own.
Wrath: No one said anything about quitting, just let me think about it.
Vega: You don't want to tell our parents about what happened?
Draco (flustered): Hell no. Do you want to tell your grandma, or Wrath, do you want to go back and tell your Aunt?
Wrath and Vega: Nope.
Draco: Me neither, I can't tell my dad that I died in the first city we entered. He would lose so much faith in me, and I definitely can't tell my mom, she would just stop me from ever leaving Proto City again. We’ll tell our family when the time is right. When we’re prepared and ready to get yelled at. Now we have to keep going! THIS CAN’T HOLD US BACK!
Wrath: *Wrath stands there considering it, somewhat moved by his words.* Vega, thoughts?
Vega: I agree with Draco, 100%. My Grandma would force me to always be in her sight if she heard about this incident.
Draco: (Yes, I have Vega on my side.)
Wrath: Well, if you're both so adamant about still going, then I'm going too! I’m gonna pay those guys back!! What's the next city, Vega?
Vega: *holds his forehead* From what I remember… the next city is Luna.
Draco: Alright, get your eggs, and let’s move. To the next city, Luna!!!
Wrath: Yeah! Let's get going, I’ll lead the charge!
Vega: *Vega pulls Draco to the side and whispers* But Draco, I’m going back to the original plan.
Draco: Hmph?
[After All That Struggle.
The Adventure Begins!
Onward, To The First City, Luna!!]
Mystery 1 Fin
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