《Fallen Stars》Fallen Stars: Mystery Three; Lone Samurai
Fallen Stars
Mystery Three
Lone Samurai
Draco: (Stay focused, Draco. Stay focused. This could just be a mirage and we’re just seeing things. It's not your fault.)
Wrath: Uhhhh… What do we do guys?
Draco: Let me see something.
Draco takes one step forward and tries to yell over to the samurai.
Draco: Excuse me!?
Samurai: …..
A few seconds go by. Vega whispers to the other two.
Vega: It's clear he’s not responding to us.
Wrath abruptly says….
Wrath: I say we just walk past him.
Draco and Vega: What?
Wrath: It's either that or we fight him.
Vega: Yeah, forget talking or reasoning with someone, right?
Wrath: How can you reason with someone who won't listen or even respond to you?
Vega: How do you know that? We only said one thing to him.
Wrath: Well, try again then.
Vega: Alright.
Vega coughs and tries again to get his attention.
Vega: Excuse me, we’re just trying to pass through, we don't want any problems.
Samurai: …..
Wrath: Alright fuck this, either we’re walking past him or I’m beating this old man’s ass.
Wrath cracks his knuckles.
Vega: Ahhhh, let's walk.
Draco: Just walk to the side of him and don't make him think you're trying to get aggressive.
As the Samurai stands in the middle of the road, the gang tries to walk past him. This is the path they chose and want to keep going that way. They proceed to get closer and closer to him and notice the gourd saying “Mind” on it. Even seeing that they make it past the samurai, no trouble at all. The gang lets out a group Phew.
Wrath: See my plan worked, we need to listen to me more.
Vega: I don't know if that was luck or what.
Draco: Forget all that, let's look ahead. Are we still going to look at the steam?
Vega and Wrath: No.
Vega: Too risky. Why would you even think we would?
Draco: I thought you wanted to see it.
Wrath: Hold on.
Draco and Vega: Hmph?
The gang looks ahead and sees the Samurai still in front of them. They turn around to look and he is also in the same spot where they just passed him.
Draco: Uhhhh, is this a mirage?
Vega: I don't think that's how they work, we may have to fight him to get out of here.
Wrath (excited): Yes!!! This is what I've been waiting on. I wanted to use my powers in a battle for the longest, it would've been against those army soldiers though.
The Samurai overhears them.
Vega: We should be able to beat him three vs one, even if we have a three-minute limitation on our powers.
Draco: Alright, let's get it started.
Vega: Hold on, I have a plan.
Vega whispers to the others.
Thirty seconds pass by.
Wrath: Ok, that sounds easy, c’mon.
Draco: It’s time.
The gang puts down their bags ready for a fight. The samurai notices the top part of their eggs poking out.
Looking straight at him, Wrath blitzes him on the samurai’s left, with Vega rushing the right, all while Draco is still standing where he’s at. Before even getting to his side the samurai makes a move no one in the gang could see and seemingly puts his sword back in its sheath. A second passes and all the buildings near them are cut in half and start flying!! The Samurai smiles.
Draco and Vega are amazed by his swordsmanship, while Wrath is stunned!
Draco: Get out of there!!
Wrath and Vega retreat, running back to Draco.
Wrath: I couldn't even see him swing his sword, is he just that fast. What the hell.
Vega thought to himself.
Vega: I don't know what we’ll do, he’s faster than us, and the way he cuts those buildings... he’s stronger too.
Draco: Hmm, I say we try again, we can't run away, he’ll just appear in front of us again, and we have to get out of this city. No turning back.
Vega and Wrath: Right.
Wrath (smiles): C’mon Vega, to make your plan work you have to keep up with me, let's do it.
Vega (smirks): Don't worry.
Draco: Alright, take two.
The gang readies again. Draco tells them.
Draco: I’m going to set the tone and send the first shot.
Vega and Wrath: Ok.
And again, Wrath blitzes the left, Vega attacks the right. Both ready their hands with their powers.
Draco: (First off….)
Draco holds up his right hand, charges a star, and fires it off at the samurai! The Samurai notices it flying at him and slowly steps to the right to easily dodge it. Vega comes up and sets ablaze his whole right side! Fire erupting from the ground to the air!
Vega: (This fire is crazy, I didn't think it would be this wild, this early on.)
The Samurai sees the fire, dodges it, and jumps into the air when Wrath on the ground was aiming for the sky the entire time and lets off a surge of electricity!
It goes through the samurai’s body.…. He shows a mischievous smile. He puts his hand on his sword, ready to draw it.
Wrath: Uhhh, Draco!!! It didn't work, what do we do!?
Samurai (thinking strongly): (Draco?)
Wrath and Vega jump back and the samurai floats down to the ground.
Wrath: What now? Even if we could find a way to land an attack, clearly our attacks won't even hit him.
Vega thinks.
Wrath: Fuck that, I got this solo.
Samurai: Excuse me….
The gang: (Woah, that's a deep voice.)
Samurai: What did they say your name was?
Wrath and Vega point to themselves.
Vega and Wrath: Who me?
Samurai: No, the one in the middle…
The Samurai points at Draco.
Draco clears his throat, and with a stern voice.
Draco: Since you already heard it. My name is Draco!
Samurai: *pauses* What’s your parents’ name?
Draco (confused): This isn’t weird or anything…, but my dad's name is Draconis and my mom's name is Diadem!
The samurai now realizes.
Samurai: Ah, ok.
He takes his hand off his sword and says...
Samurai: I’ll let you pass, but you aren't ready for The Real World.
Draco: The Real….
Draco is reminded of something. Back when he was younger. When he and his dad were laughing.
**Draco’s younger years**
Draconis: Hahahahahahaha.
Draco: Hahahahaha.
Draconis: See, you're laughing now, but wait till that Real World hits you!
Draco: Whatever, it’ll be nothing!
Draconis: Ok now, when you see it, you're probably going to come back home crying to me!
Draconis mocking his son, making some wimping noises.
Draco: Do you wanna bet!?
Draconis: Sure, let's bet! The usual wager. You can't come back home when you leave for at least five years. Deal?
Draco: *fuming* Deal!!!
**Back To The Present**
Draco (still fuming): I have to win that bet against my Dad!
Wrath and Vega mentally check out.
Wrath and Vega: (Seems he still has his gambling addiction.)
Vega ignores that.
Vega: What do you mean by the Real World?
Samurai: You see how you all have powers? You haven't seen anything like this on this little continent, but when you get to the Mainland. You'll see it all over the place. You'll see so many strong people you won't be able to win, and just die again.
Vega: (Again? How did he… wait he has to know something, he’s cutting buildings off, easily dodging, and immune to our powers.)
The Samurai snickers.
Draco: So what are you suggesting?
Samurai: I’ll be here for Three Months, I can train you guys before you go into the Real World. I can also help you hatch those eggs.
The gang: Hmph? You can?
Samurai: Yes I can, follow me.
He starts to walk towards the steam side of the city.
Vega: Can we trust him? This is a clear path to getting out of the city.
Draco: Even if we do make it out, he said we weren’t ready for the Mainland. What if we run into more people on his level, we wouldn't even be able to hit them. I say we follow along, but still, be on our toes.
Wrath: I say we go too.
Wrath and Draco go to pick up their bags.
Vega: Hmmm. I’m staying very cautious.
Vega gets his bag and walks with them, following behind the samurai. They cross two streets and make it to the steam, blocked off by a big door. The samurai opens it and a big gush of steam comes out. They look in and it's a Hot Spring surrounded by bamboo trees.
Draco: Whoaaa, so this was the steam we saw.
Samurai: Yep. Alright, let me tell you.
The gang ears perk up.
Samurai: First, your eggs have two ways of hatching. The first one is walking constantly for seventy-eight hours or spending six hours a day in Hot Water for two weeks.
Wrath: Seventy-eight hours of walking?? That's gotta be so boring.
Vega: But two weeks to hatch an egg. Hmmm.
Draco: I doubt any of us can walk for seventy-eight hours straight. Plus we get to relax in the Hot Spring. That's gotta be the best option.
Samurai: Ahem, yes, you can relax in the Hot Springs, but I won't allow you to unless you agree to the training regimen.
Wrath: What is it?
Samurai: I’ll be having you guys constantly training for twelve hours, six hours in the Hot Spring, and then eight hours for sleep.
Wrath (disturbed): Twelve hours??? Shoot we might as well walk for seventy-eight hours.
Draco: Just think Wrath, we get to train to get stronger and our eggs will hatch. If we just do the walking we’ll still be this weak going into the continent. We should train.
Samurai: (Oh, he notices it.)
Wrath: You're right…
Vega cuts him off but hesitates to ask the Samurai...
Vega: Can you teach me how to do slashes like you? I couldn't even see you swing your sword.
Draco notices Vega speaking up.
Samurai: Yes, I can teach you that.
Wrath: Well, old man, will you teach me how to easily dodge like you?
Samurai: I can help you with that too.
Draco: Let's get started then. Oh wait, we never asked for your name. What is it, since you asked me?
Samurai: You can just call me, Caffau.
Vega and Wrath: Caffau??
Caffau: Yes.
Draco: (Caffau? That starts with a “C”, right?)
Caffau: (...)
Draco: Anyway, let me introduce the gang then. This is Vega, the aloof serious type.
As Draco slaps Vega’s shoulder.
Caffau: (Ah, He keeps to himself and remains serious.)
Draco: And here we have Wrath, the arrogant-hostile type.
Wrath (upset): Huh??!!! How?!
Caffau: (Ok, the arrogant one.)
Caffau: So what represents you? Draco?
Draco (hesitates): Uhhhh…..
Wrath and Vega (quickly): The mysterious type.
Vega: Sometimes we don't know what he’s planning.
Draco (laughs): Yeah, I guess.
Caffau: (.....)
Caffau: It’s around noon now, let's eat lunch now, and we start at 13 o’clock. I’m putting you all on a diet too.
Wrath: Diet?
Caffau: Yes, wanna be strong right, you have to eat good foods. That means no more candy.
Wrath (mentally angry): (This is outrageous!)
Caffau: (?) Any problems?
Wrath goes to speak… but Draco cuts him off.
Draco: Nope, we understand.
Caffau: Good, let's wipe up some salads for you three. Any things to add to the salad?
Draco: Extra croutons for me.
Vega: Extra ranch.
Wrath: (I don't want any damn salad.) Ahhh, you got some parmesan cheese and onions?
Caffau: You bet I do.
Wrath: Add some extra of that for me.
Caffau: Alright, coming up in twenty minutes.
Caffau walks into the big building right beside the Hot Spring and starts cooking.
Draco: I wonder if it’ll be 20 minutes.
Vega: Wanna bet if it is?
Draco: BET???
Vega and Wrath start laughing.
Vega: I was just joking, I don't want to bet.
Draco (sighs): Way to kill my hype. But we should get serious about this training, the way we got easily beaten by those soldiers and not doing anything to Caffau.
With a face of determination, and he grits his teeth Draco says….
Draco: We have to get stronger!
Vega: Right, I’m committed now!
Wrath: Yeaaaaaah, me too!
Caffau overhears everything as he’s cooking, and the gang goes to sit down, as they admire the bamboo garden. Then the twenty minutes pass by like a breeze. Caffau goes to set the table.
Caffau: Alright, It’s ready. Come eat.
The gang comes over, and they each pick a seat to sit at. Caffau walks to each one with their order and sets it in front of them. They smile over the plates ready to dig in. Caffau takes his seat and says…
Caffau: Ok, dig in. Let’s eat.
The gang takes a whiff, inhaling all the great scents. Then they dig in. And Wrath with the biggest happy expression.
Wrath: This is amazing! When did you learn to cook so well, how can you cook so well?
Wrath fumbling his words while eating.
Caffau after sipping some water, he laughs.
Caffau: Ah, this is nothing special. I had to learn how to cook because I was a single father with two boys.
The gang: Hmph? Really?
Caffau: Yes, and the youngest one was always complaining about my cooking, so I had to get better for him. The oldest one didn't complain too much.
Vega: (A dad that actually cares about his kid…)
Caffau smiles. As they continue to eat, time passes right before thirteen o’clock.
Caffau: Ok, let's finish up, put the dishes in the sink, I’ll get them later. I’ll meet you outside.
The gang: Ok.
Vega: Should we take our eggs with us?
Caffau: No, just leave them here, They’ll be protected, don't worry.
Vega: (Protected? With none of us here?)
They put the dishes in the sink. Wrath takes off his cape, Draco takes off his coat, Vega takes off his cloak, and they head outside. Two minutes pass and Caffau comes outside with two Shinais (Wooden swords).
Vega: (Does he want to spare with me, to test my swordsmanship?)
Caffau: Alright, let's head out the base. Ten-minute walk, this way. Hold these.
Caffau throws one sword at Vega, and the other at Draco. Vega easily catches it, while Draco somewhat fumbles.
Draco: A sword? But I did boxing.
Caffau: I saw your eyes when I did my attack, just hold onto it.
Draco (sweats): Ok.
All four walk to make it out of the city, getting to the exit gate. Walking out all they see is Desert for miles.
Wrath: Geez, it's nothing but sand for forever.
Caffau: It’s The Uninhabited Desert, no animals or anything, it spans in each direction for fifty miles, this is the perfect training environment. Helps you concentrate on balance and to ignore the heat.
Wrath is already sweating.
Wrath: How can you ignore this shit.
Vega: (The heat doesn't affect me.)
Caffau: First Lesson: Always. Stay. Calm.
Draco and Vega: Done.
Caffau (astounded): (Looks like these two are ready.)
Wrath yawns a bit.
Caffau: Well, let's get started. Line up.
The gang goes to line up side by side.
Caffau: Alright, now spread out, far. Let's say sixty yards apart. We don't want your abilities to interfere with each other.
The gang: Ok.
Before they go to separate, Caffau tells them what they will be working on.
Caffau: For Vega, you want to be a swordsman on my level?
Vega: Mhm.
Caffau: Three thousand forward swings a day. You can take breaks in between, and go at your own pace, but you must complete the swings within twelve hours.
Vega: Understood. I’m starting right now.
Caffau: For Wrath, I noticed you seem like the type that wants to use his powers to the fullest.
Wrath: Yup.
Caffau: That's good for starters, but you don't want to only rely on them. You have to be versatile. But I have to get you on that level first to even try to change it up. Just use your power as soon as they come back. That exact moment helps expand the time limit with the tier you're on.
The gang: Tier?
Caffau: (Oh that's right.) I’ll tell you all after the training for the day.
The gang: Alright…
Caffau: Lastly, Draco. You said you took boxing lessons, right?
Draco: Yeah.
Caffau: I can tell, when you tried to attack me, you stayed in the same position not moving. Telling me your hands are good, but not your legs. Boxing is all about stance and balance, how well did you do in classes?
Draco (disturbed): Uhhh…. Not too well. The punching bag I was great in and they said I have power in my punches. I just never got used to always shuffling my feet. I liked standing still and boxing it out.
Caffau: Hmmm. I can try to fix that. I have an idea.
Caffau claps his hand.
Caffau: Alright, disperse, and get to training.
They all spread out, while Caffau goes back and forth checking on each one. As two hours go by, he checks Vega.
Vega as he’s swinging the wooden sword. Up and down.
Vega: (Yak-sha….. Yaksha…..Yaksha.)
With a big swing, out loud he yells.
Vega: Yaksha!
Caffau with a look of concern. Draco looks over to Vega.
Caffau: Hmph? (Where did he get that from? Let me keep moving.)
Caffau walks over to Draco and sees him shadowboxing.
Draco: (Eeesh, Eeesh, Eeesh.)
Caffau: (He has some speed on him, I want to teach him swordsmanship too. I wonder if he’ll go for it.)
Caffau continues to walk to the last person Wrath, he sees Wrath charging up and sending out Electricity to see how far it can go. With it coming back, he sends out another one.
Caffau: (I like it. Out of all of them, I believe he’ll be the most ability-oriented. I want to teach him different things, but he’s not at that level yet. They all are around M7 or M8, they have to keep going. Just to survive in this World.)
Three more hours passed by with Vega sitting down and taking a break.
Caffau: So five hours in a row is your limit?
Vega: I guess so, I’m about halfway done.
Caffau: (Half? He was going strong in a short time for a beginner.) Did you take any lessons before?
Vega: I have done kenjutsu and kendo since I was young, but I could never stay in the same dojo for a long time.
Caffau: (Oh, so he’s not a beginner.) You were that bad of a kid?
Vega: No.
Vega madly gets up.
Vega: I have to get back to it.
Caffau: Ok…. (So serious.)
Caffau sees Wrath jumping up and down.
Caffau: (Is he trying to strengthen his legs or fly with his power? Oh that's right, let me get Draco right.)
He walks back over to Draco. Draco is using his power now, trying to cover his hand with his starlight.
Caffau: You are too focused on your hands, didn't you say your legs were your weak point?
Draco: Yeah, they are.
Caffau: Well, that's your biggest concern. You have to fix that.
Draco confused.
Caffau: Try to hit me, punch me with all you got.
Draco: Uhhhh, ok.
Draco goes to punch Caffau, in a boxing stance ducking his head and throwing haymakers. Caffau easily dodges and sweeps his legs. Draco falls.
Draco: Ahhhh.
Caffau: Get up. We’re doing this for an hour.
Draco gets up and dusts himself off. Goes back to punching and jabbing, then gets his legs tripped from under him again.
Caffau: Again.
Draco: (I have to stop him, watch his movements.)
Draco goes again moving from side to side, seeing which way Caffau will move. Throws out his punches, notices Caffau moving for the legs again, and jumps to dodge it. Going for a quick poke to hit him, Caffau sees it coming and just gets out of the way. Then he kicks Draco's legs again.
Caffau: Improvement. Again.
Draco gets up and is about to wipe himself off.
Caffau: Stop worrying about your clothes. This could be Life or Death and you’re worried about your pants being clean.
Draco: Right.
Caffau: (No resistance? He’ll be a great student.) Again.
Caffau smiles as they keep going. The hour passed by and Draco didn't hit him once.
Caffau: Ok, go back to your training.
With Draco laid out in the sand, tired and drained from the training. Caffau goes to yell at the other two.
Caffau: Guys, six-hour mark! Group break or not?
Wrath and Vega: No.
Caffau: Ok, they're determined. Draco, you ok?
Draco is exhausted and exhaling a lot. But he raises a thumb.
Caffau: Alright, back to it then.
As more hours go by, three to be exact, The sun is going down. Caffau walks back over to Vega as he’s sitting down using his fire. Just gazing at it.
Caffau: Another break?
Vega: No, I finished.
Caffau was impressed.
Caffau: (Hmmm, three thousand in nine hours. Not bad.) So what's next for these three hours?
Vega: I want to use my fire, just test some things.
Vega goes to make a fire ring around him, making Caffau step back.
Caffau: Ok. Tomorrow the number goes up to four thousand.
Vega stands up in the ring of fire.
Vega: That's fine.
He begins to ignite himself! While still swinging his wooden sword!! He then cuts it off, and his clothes are still intact, including the wooden sword.
Vega: (So it doesn't burn my sword.)
Caffau goes to Draco. Draco is finally able to coat his fist in starlight, shadow boxing and moving around a lot with it.
Caffau: Time for something else. Pick up that sword. (C’mon.)
Draco: Ah, ok.
Draco picks it up.
Draco: What next?
Caffau: Same thing as Vega. Just copy his movements. Do one thousand swings before training is over. You have three hours left.
Draco: (Damn this is a lot, but I need this training.) Ok.
Caffau: (You need it, huh. Ok.) Start.
Draco starts swinging, mimicking Vega’s movements. Vega looks over and notices.
Caffau: (He’s a natural.)
Then the sword flies out of Draco’s hands. Caffau picks it up and hands it back to him.
Caffau: (Spoke too soon.) Firm grasp, think as if you're holding onto your life.
Draco: Ok.
Draco is still swinging, and Caffau goes to check on Wrath. Wrath finally was able to get his electricity on his feet and tried to jump up with it.
Caffau: Good, Good. Trying to copy how I jumped into the air and came down?
Wrath: Yup. But it’s so hard.
Caffau: Well, it wouldn't come easy. Hard work and Dedication, will help you overcome most things.
Wrath: I have the dedication, just have to work harder.
Caffau: Imagine you're as light as you can be. That's what I thought when I first started.
Wrath: Alright, I’ll try.
Time passes and midnight comes. Caffau yells.
Caffau: Training day one, complete! Let's go back to the Hot Spring!
Draco laid out after he completed his swings. Vega walked over to Draco as Wrath came too, angrily.
Caffau: Did you ever figure it out?
Wrath: Noooope.
Caffau: Don’t worry you have months to get it. I’m betting you will.
Draco wakes up.
Draco: Bet?
Wrath and Vega laugh. They pick up Draco.
Vega: C’mon, let's go. It’s time to go back.
They walk back to the city, getting to the Hot Spring.
Caffau: Grab your eggs and change into some shorts. I should have some in the drawers. Put your clothes in the washing machine and start it.
Wrath: This is a drying machine too? Washer and dryer in one.
They all do it, starting the washing machine and coming out to the Hot Spring. They have no shirts on, all muscular toned and some trunks on. Getting into the Hot Spring with.
Vega: Are we supposed to get in with our eggs?
Caffau: You can either hold them or leave them on the side next to you. They have to be near you.
Draco: Ok. I’ll keep mine in my hands with me.
Wrath and Vega: To the side for me.
They all look up at the stars shining bright in the sky as they hop in. Draco relaxing.
Draco: Ahhhh, so six hours of this. This will be great!
Even though Draco is in a hot spring, he continues to wear his headband.
Caffau: (Hmm… He wore that throughout his training too.)
Vega's necklace is out, and it has a red stone on it, matching the color of his eyes.
Caffau: (.....!!)
Vega: This Hot Spring feels so good, so relaxing.
Wrath underwater making bubbles. He comes up!
Wrath (refreshed): Soooooo soothing!
On his left shoulder blade, there’s a lightning bolt branded into his skin.
Caffau: (....!)
Caffau comes out walking with some tea. Having his straw hat off, showing off his bald head.
Caffau: Glad you all like it. Always need some downtime and what's better than a Hot spring with some Bamboo Tea. Any takers?
The gang: I’ll have some.
As they drink while looking up at the stars. Caffau under his breath…
Caffau: You all are pretty close to M5, ha. It's wonderful to see, stars are constantly evolving.
All of them quickly react in their heads!!
Draco, Vega, and Wrath (troubled): (M5??! How does he know about that?!)
The Hot Spring water splashing.
Caffau: (Hm…?)
Caffau speaks up this time. Slowly looking at them.
Caffau: You know, God plays favoritism with the stars.
The gang: Hmph?
Caffau: Ahhh, it's nothing.
Wrath: Oh yeah, you said something about some tiers awhile ago, and you would tell us later. What was it?
Caffau takes a sip from his tea and then puts it down.
Caffau: It’s a kill or be killed world out there.
The gang (slightly concerned): ….
Caffau: Are you truly ready to kill?
What Does He Mean?]
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The Song of Swords by InsaneMoonCake
In a world where Songs are Power, Jia Yuan is a young slave with simple yet big dreams. With his goal being to join his elder slave brother in the army watch as his actual fate blows up into striving to become the strongest when he wanders upon """"The Song of Swords"""" (Synopsis is by TheLeecher very sorry for my horrible synopsis) Author is InsaneMoonCake/MoonCake I have gained his permission to post this on RoyalRoadlPower Levels:Absorption (Level 1-10), Manipulation (Level 1-10), True Disciple (Level 1-10), Demi-God of Song (Early, Middle, Late),God of Song (Early, Middle, Late), Emperor of Song (False, Adept, True)Also found on insanemooncakewrites.com and http://forum.wuxiaworld.com/discussion/575
8 184 - In Serial10 Chapters
Baby Gon~ [Completed]
♣A magic spell performed by Hisoka went horribly wrong and turns Gon into a tiny infant. Hisoka now has to find a way to turn him back while figuring out how to take care of Gon. Babies aren't hard to care for... Right? Especially when Killua is trying to track Gon down.♠
8 159