《Fallen Stars》Fallen Stars: Mystery Four; Stars and Darkness
Fallen Stars
Mystery Four
Stars and Darkness
Caffua: Are you truly ready to kill?
Vega and Wrath: (Kill...)
Draco: Why?
Caffua: It’s good you asked. Ok, let me try to break this down for you. As soon as you got your powers, you were put on a tier. It's like a ranking. Right now, you're on the M tier, maybe around M6 or M7. They call it your Stellar, whatever tier you’re in. Cosmic Path refers to the power you asked for.
Draco, Vega, and Wrath: (That’s what he meant by M5.)
They all let out a sigh of relief.
Draco: But, Cosmic Path?
Caffua: Yes, Cosmic Path. For example, Vega’s Cosmic Path would be controlling and creating Fire.
Vega: Hmm.
Caffua: As soon as you got those powers, you were placed in a Stellar. You three happen to be at the M level. It’s the lowest one.
Wrath: Lowest? Damn.
Caffua: On super rare occasions someone might be placed into a different one, but the majority of people start in M.
Draco and Vega: (M? It has to have some connection to him.)
Wrath: So how do we go up the tiers?
Caffua: Even though I only know about a few, the first tier I know, you have to kill to get to the next tier, which is K.
Draco: So we have to kill someone to get stronger, basically to survive?
Caffua: Yes. Are you guys truly ready for that?
The gang with a strong-willed…
The gang: Yes!
Caffua: (Wow, they are ready without a doubt.)
Draco: If we have to do it to accomplish our goals, then so be it. But, what about the other tiers? How do we climb them?
Caffua: I do not know, but I’m sure when you go explore the continent, you will find an explanation. Finding the answer to your questions.
Vega: What about these eggs? What will they hatch into?
Caffua: Hmm… It can be random-
Vega: I have a theory.
Wrath: Oh, a Vega theory.
Vega: Yes. Do you guys remember the koala bear next to M?
Draco and Wrath: Nope.
Vega: Of course not… I’ll tell you what I’m thinking. I remember M saying “It’s an egg that will grow into what represents you. It will hatch into your pure self with your real ideals.”
Wrath: Yeah, I remember that.
Vega: From what I got out of that comment is that “your egg will hatch into an animal that represents you”. My hint was the koala bear next to him.
Draco: Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
Caffua: (Vega’s pretty smart…)
Vega: I also remember reading about some war general from old wars that was always on the battlefield with a Parrot, I forgot his name though, dang. If he had powers then this world got even crazier.
Wrath: Yahaha, I remember you were obsessed with studying wars in middle school. Did you keep studying more?
Vega: I did, but it was tough with the fires, some of my textbooks or books I bought from the library would get caught in them and burned away forever.
Wrath: Damn. That sucks.
Vega: I even had this limited edition, one of fifty books ever printed about war strategies, but it burned too. Right before I got halfway through it too.
Vega hurts thinking about it.
Draco splashes some water on Vega.
Draco: C’mon Vega, those things suck, but cheer up, we’ll find you one of the other ones. Don't dwell on it too much.
Vega looks at Draco, while Draco is standing there smiling.
Vega: You're right, I'll definitely get another one.
Caffua: That’s a good theory, Vega… I wonder what’s right.
Draco: Alright, we can't do anything until we finish this training anyway. Let's focus on that.
Vega: (He knows more than that, I wonder why he’s not telling us.)
Caffua smiles, and Vega notices it.
Caffua: But, to enjoy the Hot Spring. The best way is through silence. During this silence try to concentrate, and focus on what you want to do with your power next.
Wrath: (Hmmm, I’ll be fast with this power, just have to work it right.)
Vega: (I have to get stronger to accomplish the goal. The difference in our level was too much. I wonder if I can destroy buildings like that.)
Draco: (The stars look so beautiful in the night sky.)
They all gaze up while the six hours pass by. Their clothes dried, ready for the night's sleep.
Caffua: You each get a room. There’s a bed in each one, I’ll be on the pull-out couch.
Draco: We can switch if you want, I rarely sleep anyways.
Caffua: Are you sure?
Draco: Yeah, It’s ok. I’ll sleep in the front room for three months.
Draco and Caffua switch rooms for the night’s rest.
Caffua: Thank you, this old back probably couldn't handle that couch.
Draco: Ok, I’ll see you guys in the morning, well it's morning now, I’ll see you in the afternoon.
Vega and Wrath close their doors to sleep. Also Caffua.
[The Afternoon comes.]
Caffua walks out of his room seeing Vega and Wrath’s door open. Walking into the front room he sees them all sitting in the room watching TV. The Host says...
**Kraz with another forty-point game,
People say he’s unstoppable.
But he doesn’t look happy about it.**
Draco: ...
The Host: What is going on with Kraz? Is he unhappy with his contract? We ask T.A.T.
T.A.T: Nothing is wrong with him, he’s a competitor, and he wants to be the best! The look doesn't matter, he is so happy on the inside, he just wants everyone around him to be better, to give him a challenge.
The Host: If that's the case then-
Caffua cuts off the TV.
Caffua: Don’t watch that poison. After we eat, we train again. What do you want for lunch? Another big salad?
Draco and Vega: I’m fine with that.
Wrath: Do you have anything else? Like Beef or Pork?
Caffua: Hmmm, I have some Ground Beef. I can make you some Chili if you want?
Wrath: I’ll take that.
Caffua: Alright, coming up.
Caffua cooks the meals, they eat and they walk to the desert. Making it there, Caffua makes them spread out again and tells them to start. Twelve hours on the clock. As they start he walks over to Draco.
Caffua: I know something that can strengthen your legs.
Draco: Ok, let's do it.
Caffua: It's Kickboxing. It’ll be tough for three months to learn, but I can teach you the basics. One can never fully learn anything to its fullest. Learning is a continuing process that never ends. So even after this period, you have to keep practicing.
Draco: Ok, noted.
Caffua: Let me show you what you’ll be doing.
Caffua goes to show Draco front kicks and sidekicks. Showing him the motion he should go in. Draco grasps it and starts.
Caffua: Two thousand of each by the end of training time.
Draco: Ok!
Vega is still doing his sword swings, Wrath testing his powers to the limit to be quicker with electricity and fly, and finally, Draco, who is so top-heavy, is now training his legs. The daily training comes to an end. Walking back to hop in the Hot Spring. Finally making it there, changing clothes, and hopping in...
Draco and Wrath: Aaaaahhhhhhh…
Vega: Mm-
Wrath: Finally some downtime.
Draco: Wrath, what have you been doing? I've been too focused to even look your way.
Wrath: Oh, I've been seeing how long I can keep my powers going. It seems the time limit as of now is ten minutes.
Caffua: (Ten minutes, huh. So they're closer to M5.)
Wrath: I’m going to keep testing it and using it as much as I can.
Wrath with a cheesy smile.
Draco: You're having too much fun, huh.
Wrath (laughs): Yes I am, I really wanted this power out of anything. I was just seeing if I could get that surrendering thing, Yahaha.
Draco: Yeah whatever, you know you wanted that.
Wrath: Hmm, maybe.
The six hours pass by, meaning it's time for sleep. The gang is about to get out.
Caffua: Just so you know, with the Hot Water method you can't go over six hours. It's like a cap for your eggs per day.
Vega: Hmmm, good to know.
They all go to their rooms, they do the same routine for the next few days. Every other day, Caffua increases the amount Vega and Draco have to do.
With Draco learning different kicks and Vega learning different slashing techniques. Wrath is getting taught, while also doing his own thing, self-teaching. After completing another training session and a Hot Spring rest, Caffua comes out of his room while everyone is sleeping.
Caffua: (They are doing well in this gravity, I guess everyone is used to it by now.)
Caffua walks past the rooms and sees Vega's door open and his room empty, he goes to Wrath’s room and it's open with him knocked out snoring, with his egg on the shelf above him. He laughs and walks to the front room and it's empty too. He starts to react, till he hears the sound of a sword-swinging on the roof. He goes to check it out, getting upstairs. He sees Draco sitting on the edge of the roof staring at the stars and the moon. He also sees Vega still practicing his sword swings. Vega grunting while swinging his sword sees Caffua.
Draco: This place is too quiet...
Vega: It's great for me because I just want to keep to myself.
Draco: I know it's perfect for you. When we first met we barely talked.
Vega: Ahaha, yeah... good times.
Draco (provoked): Good?? Not talking to me, was a good time?
Vega: I'm joking.
Draco: Hahaha, ok.
Vega notices Caffua.
Vega: Oh, sup.
Draco is still staring at the stars, he can't take his eyes off of them.
Caffua: Don't let me stop you, you want to keep practicing, keep going.
Vega keeps going with more strikes. Caffua goes to sit down with Draco.
Caffua: I guess you guys don't sleep.
Draco: Nah, sleep is for the weak.
Caffua: Well then. Are you three truly ready?
Draco: Yes, we already told you, Old Man C.
Caffua (is confused then laughs): Old Man C? Hahaha. But, to surpass where you are, you have to kill stars.
Draco looked out of the corner of his eyes.
Draco: Stars?
Caffua: Yes, you’ll see soon enough and notice it yourself. You two should figure it out. Don't forget to always let Wrath know things.
Vega is still swinging the sword in the back grunting.
Vega: (Hmph, Hmph, Hmph.)
Draco: Of course we will, Wrath is one of us. I just want to know about this city.
Caffua: What?
Draco: It's an Army Base, but no one is here. We thought we would even see those guys again.
Draco is thinking back on the incident and clenches his fist.
Caffua: This continent is protected from the Army, they wouldn't be here.
Draco: What protects this continent from the Army?
Caffua: Me, that's who. I ran Zosma and his little group out of here.
Draco and Vega are caught by surprise. Vega stops for a second.
Darco and Vega (both furious): Zosma? That was his name?!
Both of their eyes light up.
Caffua: Yep, you should probably see him when you get over to the Main Continent.
Draco and Vega smile with readiness.
Caffua: Before that. Do you think you’ll change when you kill?
Draco: Nah, I don't think so. Change is for the weak too. Change is for those who didn't start strong.
Caffua is stunned, but says…
Caffua: Hahaha, you say that, but didn’t you guys die? You were pretty weak.
Draco (laughs): Yeah, we know, but I had a feeling we would get a chance to pay them back. I just knew it.
Draco lifts his hand and makes a star form. Vega finishes his extra training and walks off. Draco sees him leaving and just keeps talking.
Draco: I should've asked for moon powers or something.
Caffua: Why? Your power is great.
Draco (smirks): Oh, I know….
As Draco gazes back up at the moon and stars.
Draco: But, I love looking at the moon, and all the stars complementing it, makes it even better!
Caffua: (I’m sure you’ll get both.)
Caffua turns around and sees Vega missing.
Caffua: I guess he didn't want to talk.
Draco: Oh nah, that's just Vega. It surprised me when he asked you something in the first place. He rarely talks to other people he doesn't know.
Caffua: Mm. Since we’re alone, explain to me your thoughts on your friends. What describes them?
Draco: Well, I truly believe Vega is an introvert. He always keeps to himself, even after I met him and became friends. We share that quality. But Wrath, he thinks so highly of himself, we share that. He's also the most conceited, but I also think he’s mysterious, like me too.
Caffua: Oh, so you know you're mysterious?
Draco: It's not even that. We all at one point in time, kept to ourselves until we became friends. Then we just kept it to our little small circle. We all share the characteristics -- insane, unpredictable, conceited, cynical, and mysterious. But, one of our best qualities is that we’re all competitive. We compete with ourselves the most, trying to surpass each other.
Caffua: So, what do y’all plan on doing?
Draco flashes back to when Vega said the original plan.
Draco (smiles): Oh, a lot of things. You know, Change The World.
Caffua: Care to explain?
With a face of conviction….
Draco: It's confirmed for me now, you need power, for power. I read this book on how to get power and keep it. But... I still need some time. I can’t wait.
Draco slightly smiles, he is picking something up off the roof and throwing it.
Caffua: (Am I creating a monster, or was he already made. There has to be more than what he’s saying.) Draco, let me see something.
Draco turns as Caffua reaches and puts his hand on his forehead. Going into his mind, before fully getting in, Caffua is greeted by a creature with one hundred heads, and sending vile energy toward him. He can’t see anything, everything is pitch black, with a wicked feeling. Then, fires spark, revealing an area that goes up, with a throne at the top. Sitting on top is someone, with four different chains wrapped around him. The man is covered in nothing but pure darkness. He’s the only thing in the room. But he speaks having a dark tone...
???: Do you want to die?
An eerie feeling comes onto Caffua, he starts to sweat in fear. The darkness looms on Caffua, instilling more fear into him.
Caffua: W-Who are you?
???: Anti. You could say, I’m “Draco’s Darkness.”
Caffua: Anti...?
Anti: I was locked away a long time ago, but…..
He starts laughing.
Anti: I’ll be back, stronger than ever….. soon. Tell “Draco.” The stronger a light you seek, the stronger darkness will be born.
Anti opens its eyes, revealing its star-shaped eyes.
Anti: I’ll let you in here once, just because I want someone to tell “Draco”. But, don’t ever do this again. I’ll kill you, you weak-minded star. Now leave.
Caffua is thrown out of his mind, while Anti is laughing it all off.
Draco: Uhhhh, why are you touching my face?
Caffua snaps back to himself and takes his hand off of Draco quickly. Caffua still flustered and Draco looking out of the corner of his eye, they both moved on from the incident. A few minutes go by with no one talking.
Caffua: Sorry, I just wanted to see something.
Draco with a slightly mad expression.
Draco: (That word again…)
Caffua: ? What’s your full name?
Draco: *looks down with a smirk* I don’t know.
Caffua: Is that really what you want to do? Change the world? How?
Draco: *exhales* Yeah, but I wanna do more than just change the world, I want to be a legend, I want my name to go down in history as one of the greatest of all time. No. Not one of the greatest. I want to be “the greatest!” I want to inspire a whole generation, I want it after I’m gone, people keep talking and mentioning my name! I want to become -!! (Ah, I’m saying too much, haha.)
Draco exhales again. Laughing into the sky.
Draco: I guess changing the world, I can get all of those titles and things, but I want more. I want to start organizations, and have people under us. For all that I need power! No one will listen to a weakling. I have to get stronger and keep training. (I just want to be at the top. All alone.)
Caffua: (Oh, he knows about titles.) I completely understand what you're saying.
Draco: You do? Sometimes it just feels impossible for other people to get it besides my friends.
Caffua: Impossible? Ahhhh, that word resonates with me a lot. Draco, listen you can do anything you want if you just keep going and putting your mind to it. But why do you think you need power to have people follow you?
Draco: It’s pragmatic. To lead a group like this, I need to establish my dominance. True power is absolute. As long as I have it, people will believe in me.
Caffua (worried): (....) You know, I have a few titles myself.
Draco (excited): Really? What are they?
Caffua: Well, one is the “Protector” because of this continental protection situation, and another one is the “Wandering Samurai.” I tend to go wherever I want, from time to time.
Draco: Ok, ok. Those sound soooo cool.
Caffua acting refined.
Caffua: They are great if I say so myself. You probably know this yourself, but make sure you tell your friends. Titles mean a lot in this world, it determines what type of recognition you’ll get. Get a bad title, you’ll get no respect amongst your peers.
Draco: I’ll be sure to tell them, but I'm sure they already know themselves. I’m just thinking about my dad. He probably knows about the real world, the way he kept talking about it.
Caffua: (Hmmm.) Do you have any siblings?
Draco: Yeah, just one brother. But I barely knew him, too much of an age gap. He left when I was young and I never saw him again.
Draco looked sad, then a quick spurt of happiness.
Draco: ...But, then I met…. uh, Vega.
Caffua: I’m sure he’s doing fine. You’ll see him again.
Draco: Yeah, I wonder what he’s doing.
Draco continues talking from morning to afternoon with Caffua about his family and life before meeting him. Draco and Old Man C laugh about all the stories until the next training session.
Then the day comes and they're back at it. Draco is now able to do two feet alternate kicks and side kicks, he keeps training. With Vega and Wrath both concentrating on their powers. More days go by with even more intense training.
[Then, the end of the first week came.]
Wrath has his shirt off and wrapped around his head. Vega walks over to where Draco and Wrath are sitting….
Vega: Yo, Draco.
Draco: Yeah?
Vega (smiles): Let's fight.
Wrath and Draco (jumbled): Huh?
Vega: It’s one week into our training, let’s see who’s improving.
Draco jumps up.
Draco (eager): Ok, I’m game.
Vega: Let’s put a wager on it.
Draco (intensity grows): You wanna bet???
Vega: Yeah, whoever wins gets to pick whatever direction we go during our travels.
Draco grins. Wrath raises an eyebrow.
Wrath: Why is it only between you two?
Vega: Wrath, you already know we wouldn't listen to your directions.
Wrath fuming. Draco pats Wrath’s shoulder.
Draco: Hahahaha, well, he does have a point.
Draco walking in front of Vega.
Draco: Let's go then, Vega. Let’s have a friendly wager.
Caffua: Hold on, let’s make this official. Stand face to face, three feet apart.
They walk to the distance and face each other.
Caffua: Swords or not?
Vega: Yeah.
Draco: Yup, anything.
They both hold their wooden swords ready. Waiting on Caffua to count them in.
Caffua: Nothing too far, the first one to admit defeat or unconscious, loses.
Draco and Vega: Ok.
Caffua raises his hand and yells...
Caffua: Alright, start!
Dropping his hand. They both run towards each other...
[Vega vs Draco???
Who Will Win?!]
Mystery 4 Fin
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