


First period I had algebra 2 with Mr. Reynolds. I heard about this guy. He was also the wrestling coach for HHS.

Every Sophomore said he was a pretty good teacher, so I hope they're right.

There was a girl who I've never seen before sitting in the back. She had black hair with red highlights. She wore a bright pink bow in her hair, and she had almost as much eyeliner as me on. Judging from what she wore, I'd day we'd get along pretty well. We were both what was considered "gothic" or "scene".

"Ok, everyone please sit down so I can take attendance," started Mr. Reynolds. He said a few names, then I came along. "Angela Baker?"

"Hi!" I said.

"Kasey?" the girl in the back raised her hand. She seemed pretty quiet, which I am the opposite of. I'm usually pretty perky, even if I do get mad. Also, I don't care what people say about me. I know my shirt is a completely different pattern than my checkered pants. Then again, being judged all the time doesn't feel great either.

That's why I hang out with people like Kasey, who seem like they don't do any of that judging stuff.

That's another reason why I don't hang out with people like Mackenzie Walker, who is also in my algebra class. We used to be good friends, but then she started to change. It seemed like she just one day woke up and said, "Hey, today I'm going to start hating Angela." but I didn't let her bother me.

"Ok, well I won't give you work on the first day of school," explained Mr. Reynolds, "So you can walk around and get to know each other better." I don't think he meant that, I just think he was too lazy to teach. But it works for me; I'd have a perfect opportunity to meet and befriend Kasey.


"Oh, hey, are you new to Hadley?" I asked Kasey casually.

She gave me a friendly look, "Yeah, I moved here from Rhode Island. Are you new?"

"No, I lived here since I was four." We both laughed a little, and talked for the rest of the class. We hit if off immediately. Maybe I'd have a new friend for Freshman year. Who knows.

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