In Serial

A Mildly Odd Reality Breaker

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Author: Type:Male

Omar receives an unexpected visitor who comes baring a gift—a "registration ticket"—in the form of a small metal card. The ticket is itself an offer to participate in the game, "Reality Break."

Accepting this offer means that Omar will be able to perceive the true nature of reality where there is not one, but two dimensions of time, and in this second dimension history changes (and somewhat "frequently"). Along with this, he will also gain access to the "chronopause"; another reality that is not so much parallel to our own as it is perpendicular, which acts as both a place and the natural boundary between non-sequential points on the timeline. Using the chronopause, Omar will become a chrononaut with the ability to travel through time, and as a player, he will be given a cybernetic interface and his own portable extradimensional storage space.

It's a strange conversation, but due to Omar's dismally short attention span, he only consciously hears that last bit about the portable pocket space, and that's only after the physics-defying void is opened in his living room and literally waved in front of his face.

Reality is certainly stranger than most people realize, but then again, so is Omar. Thankfully, he responds well to shiny things, and for better or for worse, his chronic inattentiveness is the least of his psychological issues. Omar also has a mild form of "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" which presents itself as an occasional, arbitrary need to disobey others (especially authority figures).

However, his oddest psychological issue by far is his "abnormally hyperactive" subconscious mind. Outwardly and consciously, Omar is a lazy, apathetic man-child prone to mildly asinine behavior. Subconsciously, he's some sort of genius capable of extraordinary feats of cognition.

Most of the time, Omar is a (technically) functioning adult, but in order to live as such, he must rely entirely upon unusual abilities he's completely unaware of, despite the fact that he uses them regularly.

Up until now, his life had merely been ridiculous, but now it was also a game.

Note: The narrative style is that of a reliable narrator with a "3rd-person sarcastic" POV.

This story takes place in the Reality Breakers/Chronopause universe.

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