


After staying in homeroom for a long time, everyone moved to first period. The hallways were even more crowded than middle school. I ended up almost being late for class, but I doubt that matters on the first day.

I had Ms. Campbell for English, which was my first period class.

When I finally got there, almost all of the seats were filled. Actually, there was only one seat that wasn't.

Woe. Is that-? No. I hate him. Why is he here? I haven't spoke of him since he tried to go too far with Angela. He's the worst person you'll ever meet.

In case you didn't catch on, I am talking about Alex.

I realized I had no other choice, so I walked to that seat without looking at him. And I didn't talk to him that whole class.

"I hope you picked the right seats," said Mr. Campbell, "because this will be your permanent seats for the rest of the year."

This was so annoying. I am not going to sit next to him for the rest of freshman year. There's no way.

Oh, and guess who else is in my English class? Andrew, who I have liked for almost two years. I hate him so much because he's always so rude to me, but I still like him for some reason. I always think about him everyday. Everyone says we'd be a cute couple, and I know its true. We would be.

My goal for high school is to get over him and move on. But now, it'll be kind of hard because I'll be seeing him everyday in English.

I guess things weren't exactly going as planned.

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