《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 18


Alexander POV

Two days ago I had gotten a call from alpha Blake of the river moon pack about the situation that they find themselves in, so here I am getting ready to visit the pack for a meeting to discuss things futher

I was already packed and ready to spend about two to three days the most , I had left my beta in charge of things while I took my head warrior to accompany me on my trip .

"I'll be leaving for only a few days make sure you look after everything while I'm gone", I said to john, my beta

"Don't worry alpha I'll make sure everything goes smoothly" I nod to his reply, then headed straight into the car, while I waited for Frederick my top warrior to drive us there

It had been a good two hour before we had finally arrive, and I just couldn't wait to get this over with. My wolf on the other hand was anxious about something that I couldn't figure out

'What's wrong Dex ' I asked my wolf

'I don't known I just started feeling nervous all of a sudden, somehow this feels like de ja vu'

' Maybe its nothing at all, anyways let's just get this over with' I got out of the car and headed to the front of the house ,same time alpha Blake was coming out to greet me

"Hello alpha Alexander thank you for coming"

" I'll be glad to give you my assistance in anyway possible after all your father did do me a huge favor before "

"Let's get right too it then, this way" he gestured, while I followed behind him

As I walked with him to his meeting room, an unfamiliar scent drifted to my nose, which smelt like lavender


' What could it be ', as I entered a room behind the alpha, i caught sight of the person the scent was coming from and saw a breathtaking woman standing a few feet away from me, her black hair was pulled up in a ponytail, and her light green eyes were staring right back at me


The word echoed in my head, was I dreaming our was this happening did I really get the chance at having a second mate, I've heard stories about it happening but didn't know if it was true or not

Without wasting time, I went straight to her embarrassing her in a gentle hug while sniffing her neck

"MINE ", I growled letting everyone in the room know that she was now taken , when i felt satisfied i pulled her with me then took a seat placing her on my lap

"My name Alpha Alexander and this is the head warrior of my pack Frederick" I said to the rest of the members at the table , "Now shall we start I don't have time to waste"

"Yes let's begin " blake said but for some reason didn't look please, what's his problem a minute ago he was glad I had arrived now it looked as those he wanted to burn me alive with his eyes

"Here with us we have two assassin hunters and a regular hunter, to help us train the pack and also to lend us a hand in the war ahead" , blake said

After that one by one they introduced themselves, when they were finished I then turned to my mate to hear her name

"What's your name love" I asked softly, while , rapping my hand around her waist

"My name Elizabeth Wilson-n" she spoke stuttering a little bit by how nervous she felt


"Don't be shy I don't bite" I smiled so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable with me , but when I turned back to everyone else I put up my blank expression that I usually wear most of the time

The meeting then went on with us planning our strategy, which basically lead us to agree and disagree on some options we had, in the end we made the decision of our attack plan and the safety of the people

When it come to an end , I asked Elizabeth if she could join me outside for a stroll so we could talk a little bit

"So, what do want us to talk about first" I asked her as we walked along the forest

"Well" she placed a finger on her chin then tilt her head like she was thinking "how old are you for starters"

"I'm 28, but I'll be 29 in the next four months , what about you?" I asked

"I'm 22 years old"

"Ohok, may I asked how come you joined up with the hunters association "

She sighed at the mention of that but spoke anyways " well its a long story but to sum it up, I found my mate at eighteen but he rejected me , so I ran from home then got attack, Chris ended up saving me and took me in to join then , four years later here I am"

"May I also ask who was this person you said rejected you" I tried asking nicely as possible but my anger was seeping out of my calm expression

"Maybe some other time, I wouldn't want you to hunt the man down then beat him up" she chuckled slightly

"Your right, it would be better if I didn't know" I laughed a bit at the thought of beating her ex mate up

Our conversation went on smoothly without any interruptions but the night was soon upon us and the day ahead of us was full of tasks to take care of but I didn't want our little talk to end so soon, I've learned a few things about her and her past and realized that she didn't want to rush into anything so I plan to move things slow for her sake

"I never knew that wolves had second chance mate" she spoke softly , as we sat on a log besides a lake

"I've heard of it before but never believed it was true" I sighed "after my mate had died, I buried myself in work and the well being of the pack

"I'm sorry to hear about your mate, how long has it been since her death"

"Next month will make it five years now "

"That's a long time I guess that's what made you the alpha that leads his pack with an iron fist "

I chuckled at that comment, I never meant to scare my pack our anyone else, but I just couldn't stand the thought of my pack loosing there love ones after I lost mine, so I made some stern rules and even stern punishment for those who wanted to be rebellious

"I think its getting late don't you, let continue our conversation tomorrow" I said

"Sure that would be ok" she spoke and yawned at the same time

"Let's go back then", we then headed back to the pack house and went separate ways to our room








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