《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 19


Lizzy POV

My talk last night with Alexander was refreshing, I woke up this morning feeling excited about today. I went and took a shower , brushed my teeth, then pulled on one of my tracksuit, when I was done I pulled my hair in a ponytail then headed down stairs for breakfast

When I got there everyone was seated at the island chatting and eating, even Alex was here (I started calling him that for short), anyways I got myself a plate from the cook then joined them

"So Eli congrats on finding your mate" Cassandra spoke giving me a smile that I could see was fake

"Thanks I guess" I told her then looked at alex and shrugged

The tension felt a little thick after that statement and I bet the cause of that was Blake, that was staring dagger at Alex

"So Eli your joining us for training today right", Chris asked trying to clear the tension between these two alphas

"Of course I am, why would I miss it", I looked at him skeptically

"No reason I was just asking" he said giving me a weird look

Ohhh I get it now, he thinks i was gonna skip to run off with my mate, but too bad for him I was sent here on a job so I intend to see it through

"Well if you say so" I answered back

Breakfast for everyone ended shortly after that and we all went our separate ways doing what we must. Chris, Chelsey and myself went to the training ground to start training for the day

But what caught me by surprise was the sight of both Blake and Alex joining our training session. 'Wait didn't they had stuff they had to take care of' , sighing I just went ahead trying not to get distracted by my ex mate and mate in front of me with their half naked bodies

We started with some warm ups then took couple laps running around the field, but my focus was slightly slipping away by how hot Alex looked, blake had his own looks but could not compare, especially in the physic department

'Stay focus' I tried to tell myself but it simply wasn't helping, nor were my wolf that was busy purring inside my head about her mate


As if sensing my stress Chris came up to me "hey Eli are you ok, do you want to take a break"

I shook my head, I did not want to take a break, that would only send my brain into overdrive if I stood still, i had to keep on running maybe i could get my head off them if I do so

"Ok then, let's keep up a few more laps before we start with hand to hand combat " he continued

"Ok cool" we ran a few more laps after that, then stopped and got ready for the combat training, we placed everyone with a partner except for the two alphas then spread out giving the first two challengers space to start. Everyone already knew the drill and the rule, the first one down more than five seconds with a hand to their throat losses

Everyone took their turns going one at a time , while I waited to spare with Chris last, we haven't done an all out fight since we were back in the institute and I was dying to get my hands dirty, 'he knows what I mean'

When the last two had finally finished fighting and it was our turn going head to head , my excitement grew and the assassin hunter that everone is afraid of was finally going to show her face again, when it came to me and my wolf we somehow had a special case, instead of changing into a wolf to take control, she can completely take over my body and stay in command in human form , but not for a long time a day the most ,but that's all it takes for men to fear my little Eve

We stood facing each other waiting for Chelsey to tell us begin " I think you might want step back everyone " I heard Chelsey spoke and couldn't help the smirk that graced my face as she tried putting distance between us and everyone else

"" eve spoke to me, my wolf the one that helped me get the title of the most skilled female fighter at the institute, I might be skilled at guns but when it came to hand to hand combat that was her thing

"You may begin". said Chelsey, at that moment I just stood still waiting for eve to fully take over, chris how ever had already started his movements disappearing into thin air



I heard the gasped of some people while I stood my ground waiting for him to make his move , a second later I felt his presence drawing near before it made contact, he was at my back about to knock me down but I spun around in a split second and caught his arm then threw him over my head only for him to land on his feet

With my golden eyes blazing staring down my target, I made my move using my supernatural speed to attack him, this time he didn't disappear but instead welcomed my attack by blocking it with his own then headed for my legs to knock me off the ground, I quickly back flipped away from him , drawing my canines and claws to let him know I'm getting serious ,he did the same knowing that this fight is about to get brutal

We circled each other watching to see who will make the first move , waiting no longer we both attack at the same time going at it as if we were enemies, to those who were watching we looked like the wind moving through with the speed we went at

Minutes had passed but the fight was still going on between us neither of us backing down, some might wonder why we're going all out at combat training but to us this was a competition to see who was stronger between us , and that's what fueled my passion to win even more

He knocked me down on the ground ready to give me a serious blow but I got up before it hit my face and give him an elbow uppercut combo, then a series of punches to his face before he had the chance to block.

He returned the favor with a head butt, then a punch that sent me couple inches back

I heard a growled that came from one side of the field but couldn't pay attention to it at the moment

I ran to him giving him a hard kick to the nuts before I rapped my hands around his neck for a brutal choke slam causing him to cough up blood , he got out of my hold a second later, not wanting to lose to me,

But little did he know I had a trick up my sleeve, over the years I've observed his movements, and though he won every time we fought I wasn't about to lose today

He stood to his feet and circled me again still a little fazed about what just happened, using that as my opportunity I charged at him with full force slashing the side of his face then held on tight to his silky brown hair that he loved so much, using his weakness to my advantage I smashed his head onto my knees, then punched him in the throat to keep him down,

1.. 2.. 3..4 ..5

The seconds had pass with my hands gripping tightly on his throat before I let go and was declared the winner, 'that's right mother fucker don't ever try to mess with this bitch again '

My body ached all over but not as much as I know it would ache him, I was breathing hard so I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down but was no use, what drove me even more wild was when I saw Cassandra there rubbing up against Blake, that bitch, it's not that I feel jealous but I felt as though he could have chosen better , and to think that Roger told me to keep an eye on this bitch makes me want to kill her even more

Before I got the chance though Blake pulled her away, while I felt the hands of my mate trying to calm me down, which worked by the way

"why don't we get you cleaned up and call it a day huh" hearing his voice made me all but purred, but our moment was cut short by lizzy trying to force her way back to the front, sighing to myself I gave in and went back inside of her

Lizzy POV

My head was pounding when I took back control luckily I had a front row seat and saw everything that went down , but felt too exhausted to deal with anything else, Alex had helped me up to my room before I finally took a well deserved nap.










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