《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 16


Lizzy POV

The next morning I felt pretty beaten up, from my injured shoulder to the pain I felt after accepting the rejection ,

I couldn't even move around properly but I had to get up, there was a pack to train and a war coming up I can't be slacking off now. After I took my time getting up I went and take a shower then got dressed in a comfortable track pants and a sports bra

I left my room and headed to the training ground, Chris and Chelsey had already started the training when I got there but I followed suit in helping them

"You should take It easy, you had been injured during the attack yesterday" chris said as he stood beside me

"Nah, I'm feeling fine maybe when I'm at my limit I'll take it easy but for now we have a pack to train, I cannot afford to take rest and a war is upon us "

"Yea your right, we need all the help there is , to take out these rouge's and their leader "

The rest of the day went by as quickly as it started, but we did get to push in a lot of work today.

Since I wasn't using the potion anymore i felt that it was more than time that I went and visited my family especially my dad since he doesn't know that I'm here

After I went back to my room, i got changed in a simple flower dress paired with a flat sandal and did my hair a bit, when I left I headed to there house using the car instead of walking cause I didn't wanted to dirty up my dress before I reached there

I got there in less than two minutes, but stayed in the car for a couple more preparing myself to face my father after four years of being missing , I sighed one last time then got out of the car and headed to the door before I rang it, it took a couple seconds but when someone did answer I was greeted by my mother in her apron and a mitten on her hands


"Oh my, lizzy I so glad you finally decided to visit the house, now come give your mother a hug " she said as she pulled me in for one of her bone crushing hugs

"Carla who is at the door" I heard my father voice calling from inside

"Come see for yourself Jonathan " as she spoke I heard his footsteps getting near and couldn't help but feel nervous about this reunion

"Who could it be- " as stood at the door way his face expression looked as if he had seen a ghost

"Is it really you Elizabeth" he spoke as a single tear slid down his face

I somehow felt as though my voice had cease working , but I did manage to nod my head at his question, standing in front of him now I felt guilty and ashamed about what I did, my father and I were close so imaginings what he went through when his baby girl ran away was something I could not do cause I don't know what they went through after I was gone

I only hope that they can forgive me for putting them through it . I was soon engulfed in strong arms holding me tight as if I will disappear if he lets go

"I've missed you so much lizzy" hearing those few words the dam that I was trying to keep under control broke and my tears fell as if there were no tomorrow

"I'm so sorry dad," I sobbed in his chest feeling like a little girl again rapped in her father's embrace

"Don't be sorry sweetheart, I felt as though it was our fault that caused you to leave" , he said holding me at arms length to look me in the eyes

"I didn't mean to cause you to worry and stress "


"No matter where you go, we will always worry , but now that we know that your safe it would be less stressful"

"I love you dad" I said as I wipe my eyes and calmed my breathing from sobbing so hard

"I love you too lizzy, so don't think that would ever change even, if your miles away from me" he once again pulled me in for a hug before letting go

"Ok you two let's get inside, my bake macaroni is almost complete, I'm glad you came today lizzy , I guess my instinct that pushed me to cook a fancy food was right after all " my mother spoke leading us inside

The place didn't really change much though, everything looked the same as it did four years ago, well maybe except for the curtains and carpet but other than that I can't really say it have change much . I looked around a bit , then went up stairs to my old room, when I stepped in it looked and felt the same as it did four years ago strangely I felt as if I was home , and didn't want to leave although I've created a life for myself with the hunters association .

I stayed up there for a while lying on my bed thinking back on the fun times, which reminds me to ask my parents what happened to my bestfriend jenna , after all these years I still kinda miss her

"Lizzy the food is ready so come down and eat something " my mom yelled from downstairs

Without thinking twice I got up and rushed down stairs to enjoy my mothers delicious cooking , minutes later we were all surrounded at the table talking and laughing as though nothing had changed between us

"Mom, dad I was to ask, what happened to jenna?"

"Well she had found her mate but he belonged to a different pack, so she left about two years ago " my mom answered first

"Ohok thanks, I guess that explains why I haven't seen her around"

"But dont worry she usually visits often to see her parents or comes to check us out in case we heard anything about you " my father said

Once again as he spoke I felt the guilt creeping back up

"Don't feel sad love I'm sure she'll be delighted to see you the next time she visits

"Ok then, I hope to see her too"

After that the rest of the evening went on with smiles and laughter as we ate as a family once again.








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