《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 7


Behind us on the forest floor it looked to be about 20 rogue wolves heading towards the pack's bonfire, I can't let them reach there though who know if there's kids out there that might get injured in their attack or worst ,die

I just couldn't let that happened, we were now onto a tree which gave us a clear view of the bonfire that was taking place at the pack house where everyone is at enjoying themselves waiting for our arrival

Laying low there, we saw Chelsey entering the yard with the car, parking it in the corner before coming out , to be welcomed by non other than Blake or should I say alpha blake cause I think he's alpha now , they started talking so I adjust my ears to hear them

"Hello you must be the assassin hunters that the council said there sending, my name is alpha Blake"

"Hello alpha Blake my name is Chelsey and I'm not the....."

Before she was able to finish a wolf was ready to attack Blake but with my super speed I aimed for his head with my rifle, then pulled the trigger before his teeth could connect to Blake's neck

The rogue fell on the ground with a loud tug and from there on the rogue's started to emerge one after the other sending the whole evening into a chaos

Luckily we were very skilled for situations like this killing our enemies with little to no casualties

Moving with speed of our supernatural abilities I aimed my rifle at any rogue in sight while chris moved with his teleportation speed to take down those in close range so that the pack won't get hurt

Quickly we wiped out all rouge sparing mercy to non of the them, the yard was filled with rogue lying around the place , but chris quickly piled them up in a corner before moving beside Chelsey to introduce him self to the alpha, while I was still up in the tree scouting the area to be certain they had all been dealt with, where I was no one could see me using there enhance vision due to a potion that the institute's hunter witch gave us, it blocks out smell or sight for a werewolf so one would know it's me


Unless me and Blake make skin contact that is, she couldn't make a potion to stop that I guess

"You can come down now I think we got rid of them " chris spoke, so jumped off the tree and headed to where they were

"I had to double check you know" I rolled my eyes at him as I approached closer

"Yes I know, but dont worry I took care of most of them

"No you didn't I got the most of them not you , so dont try hyping up yourself "

"I just stacked them up there, do you want us to count them then to see who got the most"

"Ehmm", we heard a throat being cleared "can you guys stop bickering among yourselves" , Chelsey turned staring us down like we're five year old that challenge each to see who ate the most candy

With that we stop talking immediately and got serious about the task at hand, but I couldn't help it, if I didn't kept myself busy I would have to come to terms sooner than later of where I was again

"Like I was saying alpha Blake, I'm not the assassin hunter they are I'm just there companion" she said while nudging chris in the side

We then turned back to the alpha in all seriousness , "my name is chris " Chris introduced himself then shook hands with Blake

"Alpha blake, it's a pleasure to meet you both and I thank you for coming when you did or the site of my pack won't have been a pretty one with this unexpected attack"

"The pleasure is all mine" chris replied back

I tried to avoid all interactions with him , but luckily I was saved, because as soon as he was about to come to shake my hand a blond bimbo that had her hands around her slightly pregnant belly, came out from out of the pack house calling after him, when she reached to where we were she interlocked her hand with his, as they stood side by side


"Oh I'm sorry, this is my mate and Luna Cassandra"

At that moment I almost threw up, but thankfully I had my masked on or I wouldn't have been able to control myself , I can't believe that he actually marked and mated another she wolf, well it's not like I would expect him to wait on me but still, I felt a little jealous and angry at the same time, luckily chris was by my side trying to give me comfort which did not help at all

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, it is such a big help that you can lend us your hand in ours trouble " she said sounding like a nice person but I somehow still didn't like her

"The pleasure is all mine, miss" Chris said plastering a fake smile on his face to not offend our host

"Well shall we head inside then" , blake spoke then turned entering the house, not before telling everyone to continue with the bonfire and his men to take the rouge's body away.

We left, then entered his office and sat down in the seats that where there

"So let's get down to business before I show you to your rooms" we just nod and let him to continue. "as you know these rouge's are being more and more of a problem for myself and the pack, we can't handle it in our own anymore, I've asked for your help so that, you can help our pack's strength by training them and also to help fend off any attack that might occur again

"We already spoke to our leader and know what's the details of our mission" Chris spoke first, I was glad that he took the lead in this mission, cause I really wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone here, I just want to complete our assignment and get out of here.

"I also was told that you have a werewolf in your group, but I don't sense the wolf, is the individual here" blake said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yes, this is Eli , she's also an assassin hunter like myself "

"Nice to meet you, we did not get to introduce ourselves earlier " , I just give him a stiff nod , not feeling the need to talk to him, but him not getting the hint he asked me another question

"How come I cannot sense your wolf" , he asked like it was an interesting topic

"Well alpha if I weren't skilled in hiding something as my identity I wouldn't be called an assassin hunter" , I told him drily hoping he'd take the hint that I don't wanna talk

Thankfully he just nod and showed us to our room after he finished with the meeting , we each got our own room since the house was more of a mansion with its many rooms, coming back here bring back unwanted memories that I really didn't wanted to deal with .

I had already unpacked my clothes and was laying on the bed when I heard someone at the door, it was one of the houses keepers, inviting me to the bonfire but I had to decline, my heart wasn't in it, and I would hate running into anyone i know right now , although I look like a totally different person than four years ago, with my dyed hair, contact lens and freckles on my face I know some might still remember me like my parents for one or maybe they won't , but anyways maybe when the time comes we'll see how that plays out

I sighed and just laid in bed, beat from the events that happened today, eventually after hours of trying my eyes got heavy and a few minutes later I was fast asleep

A/n : please vote and comment, so I can hear your thoughts on the the story so far

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