《From An Omega To A Hunter》chapter 6


4 years later

Lizzy POV

I was seated across from Roger in his office while Chris sat besides me. Roger looked at both of us then spoke

" I have an assignment for the both of you that consist of training the pack members and strengthening of a pack borders from continuous rogue attacks, since y'all are assassins hunters and your also a wolf Eli I think this task should be a breeze" I nod and waited for him to continue

"The council contacted us to take care of this problem for them since we owe them for the help they assist us the last time and also because we have a werewolf in our institute which is you, tomorrow you shall be leaving , this should also last but a month two the most depending on how bad things are there, so any questions " he looked between the both of us

"What is the name of the pack" I asked as chris kept to him self

"River moon pack"

"Wait!! What" I stood from my seat "Roger why would you send me back there" I look at him shock that he called my old pack name

"Sorry eli but that's the task we were given, remember your the one that screwed things up on that mission with the alpha king so I'm just passing on the message to you and beside your a tuff girl y'all manage " I just nod and sat back down looking at him with a blank expression on my face, praying to just be out of this room already

"Ok if there isn't anything else, your both dismissed " he waved his hand as he went back to looking at his papers

We both got up and headed through the door and went straight to our rooms, i was about to open my door and head in but was stopped by Chris

"Hey you ok about going back there "

"I knew the day's gonna come when I'll have face them again, so I think I'll manage"


"Well if you need anything I'm always here for you "

" Thank you, Chris I seriously dont know what I would have done without you "

"Sure just take it easy and be ready to face your worst nightmare like you called it " he chuckled then left for his room

My worst nightmare huh I smiled remembering I told him that as a joke once, I entered my room and head straight for my suitcase preparing for the long trip ahead of us

When I was finished I layed on my bed wondering how everyone back home was doing, my mom, dad, my bestfriend that's if we're still bestfriends since I ditch her and ran away

I sighed thinking about Blake wondering if he every thought about me and what we could have been if he'd just gave me a chance, no no stop think about him he rejected you and that's that. I angrily bald my fist ready to punch something anything, especially his face

I started taking deep breaths to calm my self down but nothing helped, loosing my patience I got up and headed to chris room , when chris and I grew close I was skeptical about about having sex with him since I did have a mate but then I felt it, about two years ago I felt the undying pain that one feels when their mate is cheating on them, with that I had reached my breaking point and got drunk one night with chris as my partner in crime, that night things got out of hand and I woke up the next morning and found myself lying naked in bed next to him in the same state.

So after coming to terms with that we made an agreement that our relationship wouldn't be one of romance, were just partners that have sex with each and we both like it that way.

Since I also think that he has a mate out there as well and don't want to take him away from her , I knocked and he open the door letting me in like he had already expected me.


Throughout the night we had intercourse taking our minds off of the mission that we're supposed to go on tomorrow, before drifting off to sleep.

The next day we were inside Rogers's office set and ready to go , I wore an all black assassin suit with my black mask covering half of my face, my hair that I had dyed black was pulled back in a ponytail and my long range rifle swung around my back, on the other hand chris was wearing the same clothing as me but he wasn't covering his face neither did he had a rifle, he mostly specializes in close range combat

"Before you go I've kinda altered the mission a bit , I'm sending someone else to assist if needed "

"But we dont need anyone else"

"I differ from that , you might need her trust me, anyways she's already outside besides the car waiting on you guys so good luck"

"Yea ok then I'll see you when I'm back then "

We left the office then headed to the car outside, waiting there was non other than my friend Chelsey

"Hey girl" she yelled as she ran up to hug me

"Hey chelsey haven't seen you in a while"

"yeah I know I've been on couple missions that took long "

"So how come your tagging along with us this time" I asked as I packed my luggage into the car

"Well you all know how badly I want to become an assassin hunter, so Roger said if I did a good job here he might consider "

"Well my dear try not to get your Hope's up cause he might be fooling you "

"Yea I know but a girl can only hope now can she" , she nudge my side

"Yea I guess that's true, well let's get going its a long way there"

2 hours later

We were on the road driving to river moon pack which was a 5 hours ride since they were on the other side of the country. 4 years ago I would have never thought I'd be so far away from home, but look at me now,

"Oh yea I forgot to tell you guys their kinda having a bonfire to welcome you guys here so don't be suprise if you end up meeting the whole pack tonight " she looked at me from at the back seat

"Sure ok" I replied keeping my emotions in check and my face stoic

"Are you sure your ok " chris asked

"This is a mission I will not let my personal feelings over ride what I'm being sent to do now stop asking me if I'm ok"

"Ok I won't "

"Good thank you" after that we remained quiet for the rest of the afternoon. We were now minutes away from the pack house but I somehow felt uneasy so I looked around a bit through the forest and that's when I saw them heading towards the pack house

" Chris stop the car" I told him signaling to the Forrest

"Yea I figured " we both jumped out of the car readying our self

"What's going on why are we stopping" Chelsey asked us

"Chelsey you'll have to drive, the house is not far from here me and chris will catch up to you "

"What is going on tho ,can't you tell me" she asked while heading to the front seat

"There's rogue heading towards the pack house and it looks like there quite a number of them

"Oh ok then I'll head there while you guys take care of them" I just nodded at her and took off into the woods running at a very fast pace while chris was right beside running at equal pace, silent as possible so they wouldn't here us coming.

A/n :) hope its getting interesting

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