《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 23


You throw the file that you just finished on your desk and sigh tired.

You have been working like crazy trying to not think about all the problems that you have with your life and mostly about Jimin.

But he seems to not have any desire to make it easy for you as you see him enter your office.

"Do you need help with something ?" You tell him without looking at him and grab again some papers pretending to be working.

"Y/n-ah, Sujon said she is pregnant ,did you know about it ?" Nervousness grew inside you understandig that if you said yes he might understand that you did all that to open the road for your sister to be back with him.

"She informed me about it today.Congratulations" You tell him as you can feel your tears threatening to make their way to your eyes.

"You are serious ?!!Y/N-ah,don't you understand what that means?!!" He speaks again his voice weak and that made you not want to look at him more since you would surely break if you hold gazes at this moment.

"It's an innocent life that needs you Jimin.A baby that you will love by time and he will love you back. I am with Taehyung now , so to me it doesn't matter. I wish you happiness with your new family." You clench your chair while letting these poisonous words out of your mouth. Feeling your own words stabbing you ,you turn your head to glance at him and once you see Jimin's expression you regret doing so ,as his face made you feel ten times worse.

"Y/N-ah,i have never said it and it seems it doesn't matter to say it now but hear me out." Jimin says and takes a step nearer to your office.

His eyes firm and serious and your heart stopped at every moment that was passing with him just looking at you and not talking .

"The first time i met you , you were just a one night stand to me. The second time you were the ticket for my revenge but in someway , as time passed you became something more. The times you supported me , the times you hugged me and comforted me, all this without even me knowing made you someone that i wanted to have by my side. Not because of the sexual part only . I fell in love with you, your silly words, your panicking moments , your clumsy ones too, the smiles you gave me, your logic and the way you treat people..."


"Please stop!"You tell him and get up trying to get away from him as you couldn't take this confession that Jimin was making.

These were the words you always wanted to hear coming out of his lips but unfortunately this is not the time. You can not fall, you are not allowed to love him any more.

"Y/N-ah, i really have feeling for you.I don't want anyone else but you by my side. I need only your words and your touch to calm me down. How should i say it?! I really...I can forget everything that happened between my cousin and you , just come and tell me that you love me too and that i wasn't the only one that has all this feelings ." Jimin now is standing before you , only a step keeping you away from one another.

"You ,You were a one night stand for me that night as well and the second time you were just a threat to me and my sister's relationship. By time you became my sin cause you were attractive but that is all you were. I am really sorry but i just thought i loved you cause Taehyung was not around and i know i can not find any excuse for what i did to you but i am trying too be honest with you now." Your gaze unmoved as you stared into his eyes strongly.

Your lies were ripping you apart and you knew that Jimin was too. You would really be nothing but a bitch in his eyes after today and you can not blame him for thinking like that.

"So,it's final.Your love was all a lie.Were your touches meant for him too.?Your words of love, your sweet kisses and caring eyes. All of these were never meant for me but for Taehyung all this time?" You could see his pain even though this time his face showed no expression at all.

His face like an empty chell and his eyes reflectting nothing but your face . Jimin did no move yet it seemed to you like he was grabing you and holding you tight screaming to not push him away , to love him and hug him back.


His eyes seemed like they were begging for care ,for a lie that would make him feel better .For a miracle that would make you love him.

If only he knew that you love him more that he could ever wished you to.

"I am sorry , truly but i can only offer you my friendship if you want it." Your words muffled as the lump on your throat was getting harder to hide.

"Friendship?!!Sorry, i can not be your friend.Never." Jimin turns around and leaves closing the door behind him calmly.

Your eyes follow him as he calmly walks away and your pain grows more and more as you gaze the back of the only man you ever loved leaving far away from you .

------Time skip---

"Jimin babe, you came home. Welcome back." Sujon smiles sweetly and gets up from the chair heading towards Jimin that was standing by his house's door.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin says after shoving her arms that went to hug him away from him.

"What do you mean?We have to start living together again so you can take care of me and the baby. You don't want me to have any accident and for the baby to die, do you?"Sujon says as she follows him close behind while he throws at the couch his briefcase and takes off his Jacket and losens up his necktie.

"I suppose you are right." Jimin coldly says and heads upstairs ingoring Sujon's presence.

After Jimin took a shower and changed he came back and sits at his couch turning on the TV.

Sujon that was cooking in the kitchen after seeing Jimin she lowers the stove and goes to sit beside him .

"Say Jimin,don't you think it would be better if we did a small wedding. Also i was thinking that we can do it at your mansion since people really loved it and i like that place too. About the wedding dress i haven't desided yet though but i won't take long and.." Sujon happily rumbles about the plans she has made for their near future.

"Shut up.When did i say that i will marry you?" Jimin interrupts her and looks her way now pissed off.

"What do you mean. Didn't we said that we will give a happy family to our baby?!" Sujon retorts back at him and gets up to follow jimin that was now two steps away from her.

"I agree, i will give him a family as you wished but i will never make you my wife. I don't think that you being under my name will change anything about our baby's happiness." Jimin closes the door of his office at her face and Sujon just stands there for a while not believing what just happened.

She grabs her Phone to make a call to someone she sweared to never talk again.

After three beeps the line picks up and sujon's hand trembles only by hearing this man's breathing.

"I have a job for you to do."

The line stays quiet for a while, thing that makes her sweat from nervousness.

"Tomorrow.You know were . If you are not there on time know i will be on time at your death."

She hangs up the phone and lets out a breath not even she knew she was holding.

"He is not someone you can ask help from without a price, i just hope that my payment will be enough."

----To be continued....

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