《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 22


Jimin walks down the stairs going to open his door that just rung.

He opens it and once he sees Sujon standing at his doorstep his face becomes cold and slums the door shut on her face without hesitation.

"Jimin!!Open the door please!!" Sujon bangs the door but Jimin ignores her and heads towards the stairs .

"Jimin!!!It's important!!We have to talk .I am pregnant!!!" Sujon shouts and Jimin's feet came to a stop as his head turned towards the door faster than it ever has.

In a matter of seconds Jimin opened the door and pulled her inside ,having a terrified someone might say expression.

"With a baby??!! Who's baby??!!!" He asks her and stares at her belly .

"NO!Don't tell me?!!" He says after a moment as unpleasant thoughts were passing in his head.

"I am sorry.I am pregnant. And it is yours!" Sujon's words made the blood in his veins freeze as he was looking at her with his eyes wide.

"Wait..wait,wait,wait. Why should i believe you? You might be lying. The kid might not even be mine or you might not be pregnant at all. You really think i would trust you just like that?" Jimin tells her now his face serious and collected as if her words just caught him of guard for a moment but now his brain is working normally again.

Sujon looks through her bag and hands a small envelope to Jimin then makes her way to the living room and sits at the couch even though no one had invite her in.

Jimin opens the letter and then after some minutes of staring at it he makes his way to her and takes a seat opposite her with his face as pale as a ghost.

"As the doctor said ,i am indeed pregnant and as you read there ,i became pregnant around that date which you ,yourself should remember where Jungkook was and that we were okay with each other then." Sujon speaks and looks at him only to see that Jimin seemed lost in his own thoughts.


This might have been to much to take all together .

"I know that you hate me so if you ask me to i will abort the baby."Sujon says and Jimin lifts his head and gives her a death stare.

"What do you think i am? I would never ask for such a think. What fault does he have that his mother is a untrustworthy person anyways." Jimin says and sujon lowers her eyes in shame.

"Just give me some time .I need to think about this." Jimin says and gets up to leave.

"I would rather abort it if he will have to live in such an environment. I want him to grow up in a loving family Jimin, so if you can not do that what is the point of keeping this child." Her words make him top and turn to face her once again.

"Wait a minute. Are you asking me to be together with you again? And pretend that nothing happened? Cause if that's what i heard you better wake up from that dream of yours." Jimin cuts her hopes off abruptly and coldly as he can't pretend not even for a minute that he is not feeling disgusted by looking at her.

"This is your child we are talking about Jimin. You should at least try to give him the happiness and the family he deserves. And besides you think i like this?Do you think i wouldn't rather be with someone who really loves me instead of just pretending he does for the sake of his kid?!" Sujon shouts at him as tears start rolling down her cheeks .

"!" Jimin shouts back at her losing his composition that he was trying so hard to maintain.

"Please just leave,I need to be alone." Sujon gets up and leaves while crying after the words that Jimin said and he, once the door behind her closed , plopped on the floor.


"What will i do? How did things got like this?" Jimin murmurs to himself while messing his hair in frustration.

"I wanna be with Y/N-ah. I love her but i can't let down a innocent life." Jimin's head now full with thoughts and questions that he find hard to give them an answer that won't require a sacrifice by his side.

"She is with Taehyung now.She doesn't love me and probably she never did.She won't get hurt by this right?" Thoughts of you start suffocating him again as your harsh words still linger on his head and put his heart in pain and misery .

-----Flash backwards to last night----

As fast as the unknown man closes the door behind them ,Sujon grab him and brings him in for a eager kiss.

The unknown man puts his hands around her waist and she immediately hops on him ,hugging his waist with her legs , still both kissing each other hungrily.

"You really are needy" The guy says in her ear as she pulled of his Jacket and throw it to the floor of the unfamiliar hotel room.

He throws her to the bed and starts eating her neck while she closed her eyes enjoying the pleasure this stranger was giving to her.

"O my god , you are so good!!" She says between her moans as he had found her sweet spot and was making her go crazy.

Sujon push him away and takes her shirt of then puts his head back close to her implying for him to continue.

The stranger trails down her upper body leaving behind sweet kisses and teasing love bites that made Sujon rather impatient.

"P..lease..ah.. just... take your clothes off already." She says while her breath was now a mess and her eyes clouded by lust and desire .

"As you wish." The stranger takes of his shirt and Sujon bites her lower lip while seeing his fine body.

"You are so damn attractive." Sujon says as she pulls him under her and starts trailing with her hands his chest while kissing his lips roughly.

Suddenly Sujon's head feels rather dizzy and her vision becomes blurry till she finds her vision turned blank.

Taehyung waits a minute after she had pasted out on him and shoves her away slowly.

Why the hell did that drug took so long to give an effect? I should have put more on her drink ,i knew it.

Taehyung gets up from the bed and lift from the floor his shirt and his Jacket that was lying nearby.

She touched me almost everywhere ,damn. Now i have to go home and clean myself with bleach.

He thinks irritated as he starts buttoning up his shirt and fixing his messed up hair.

He takes the needle he had prepared that was on the inside pocket of his Jacket and approaches Sujon's body that was now lying unconscious on the bed.

"I am so sorry miss big sister of Y/N-ah but for some odd reason i can't seem to trust you at all."

Taehyung says while extracting a sample of blood from her arm.

"I think i should ask for an award after this performance of mine." He talks to himself after he ensures the sample on it's case and puts it back on his pocket.

Now for the last touch .

Taehyung starts and undresses Sujon completely and then covers her with the thin sheet covers of the hotel's bed before leaving her alone on the room .

Y/N-ah.What i just did might not be the best thing but for your happiness i would do worse.

So ,have trust in me and just wait a little more my friend. I got you.

---To be continued....

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