《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 21


You look at your reflection at the mirror and feel disgusted as you hated yourself so much after what you did to Jimin.

Or at list what he thinks you did even tho you did not in reality. The image of his hurt expression kept flashing on your mind all day making you want to die as his tears felt like they here dropping on your soul like bitter poison.

You punch the mirror hard causing it to break and your fingers were now covered in blood as the shattering pieces scattered all over the floor.

Taehyung rushes into the bathroom after hearing the breaking noise and once he sees you crying and your hand covered in blood panics.

"Y/N-ah!!What are you doing?!!Are you crazy?!?" He comes and hugs you tight as you start sobbing loudly in his arms.

"I am the worst Tae. I -I..I hurt him." You say and your tears can't stop while the pain in your heart was so much that you almost felt numb and lifeless.

"It's okay Y/N-ah,It's will pass by time. Don't worry i got you." Taehyung says and keeps you in his arms tighter as you let yourself cry your heart out not caring about anything but the image of the heartbroken Jimin that you made reality.

"Cry! Cry as much as you wish, till you feel you have no more tears but never dare to blame yourself Y/N-ah cause your intentions were good. " Taehyung tells you and pats your hair trying to calm you down and comfort you as much as he could even tho his attempts were going in vain cause your sobs and crying did not stop at all.

"I love him Tae, i really do.How , just how am i supposed to leave without him.Seeing him happy with someone else, i ..i am not strong enough." You tell him your words muffled by Taehyung's shirt that you had buried your face into .


"I promise you my friend, I swear no matter what i will find a way to get you out of this situation. Just wait a little more Y/N-ah and have trust in me ,okay?!" Taehyung says while he feels his heart getting filled with sadness at seeing you so broken and helpless.

"You are too kind that's why you are not fit for this kind of jungle called society . But i will always have your back my friend, just the way you did when i needed you." Taehyung thinks to himself and continues to keep you warm in his embrace .

---Time skip---

Sujon sits at the purplish pink couch of the bar that she was an hour already that she has been in.

She pulls away her long hair from her neck and with a handkerchief dries of her sweat that was created by the dancing that she had.

She was feeling lonely at home and since she had a long time to get out to have some fun she decided to come to this new bar that didn't had long that had opened to check it out since most of her coworkers said such good words.

It wasn't much fun tho to be in a bar alone cause you had no one to dance with but fortunately for her it didn't took long for guys to notice her and considering her attractive looks, it was not surprising at all.

She danced with some of them but got tired pretty easily and now came back to rest a little at her table before going for another round of dancing which she was pretty good at it.

Sujon takes a sip from her non-alcoholic cocktail and suddenly her eyes catch the image of a guy who was looking her way with a playful but intense gaze.


After some minute of looking at one another Sujon gives him a smile as she thought that the guy was pretty cute and handsome as well.

That smile it seems was all the unknown to her man was waiting for as he gets up and makes his way to her table.

"Hello beautiful." The man says and gently kisses her hand as a gentlemen would and Sujon can't help but smile at the way the young man in front of her was flirting her.

"Hello ." Sujon says plainly and takes another sip from her drink.

"Aren't you feeling lonely all by yourself?" The man continues his talk while checking her from head to toe and liking what he is seeing .

"What if i am? Will you make me company?" Sujon answers him and bits her lower lip provocatively giving him a sign of approval that she does not hate the idea of it at all.

"I am always available to keep company to a lady that is worth my time." The man responds as he gets a little closer to her and puts his hand on her thigh squeezing it lightly.

His touch sets a flame in Sujon's body and smirks while taking his hand and moving it between her legs.

The guy leans in to her ear and with his deep voice that turned Sujon on so badly whispered .

"Are you sure you can afford me tho.? I can get pretty wild." The guys bits her ear seductively and a small moan escapes Sujon's lips as she now wants him pretty badly.

She didn't came here tonight to find any kind of company whatsoever nor she is actually pretty easy to get but there is something in this guy that is making her forget things that she shouldn't.

His seductive voice and mesmerizing gaze , the way he speaks and carries himself. His tall frame like someone might say that he could easily be a model and his distinctive handsome futures that made him look unreal would be enough to make you unable to resist him.

"I can manage , i assure you for that." She says and gets up getting her purse making towards him a sign to follow her.

The Guy licks his lips while looking at her back that was cat walking towards the second floor where the private rooms were.

"Game on Baby."

---To be continued...

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