《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 20


You sigh deeply as you look at your ceiling , thing that you did all night long cause you couldn't sleep.

The words of your sisters ringing on your mind but the words that Taehyung said to you yesterday night as well.

"I understand you Y/N-ah , your position is really awful and i really admire you for what you are willing to do for the happiness of that child but are you sure that child is Jimin's? I mean you said yourself that she was cheating on him with Jungkook, what assures us that the kid is not his?"

Taehyung words had really made you think a lot and even tho you didn't doubt your sisters words you wanted to make sure before you do what you had in mind to make Jimin hate you forever and push you away of his life.

You grab your phone and call Sujon not caring much if it's still 6 am.

After some beeps she finally answers and you could tell immediately that she had been sleeping and you just woke her up.

"Y/N-ah, is something wrong? Why are you calling so early?" She asks and you just take some time before you answer thinking how you should ask her without sounding offensive.

"Sis, well...i really don't mean anything by it , and i am really asking only because i really want to help you and to ensure that the baby will have the happy family that it deserves but...are you sure it's Jimin? Like how are you so sure?" You finally manage to say and you instantly feel bad for making such a question that you know very well can be hurtful .

Sujon takes a minute before answering and you can hear her disappointing sight that left her mouth.

"It doesn't correspond with the date Y/N-ah . Jungkook wasn't even here when i according to the doctor got pregnant , so it is not his. " Her words make you want to cry once again as the little hope you had just vanished.

"I am sorry Y/N-ah. I know you love him yet here i am being selfish and making you push him to me just because i am a coward and don't want to raise my child alone. I am an awful sister Y/N-ah. Please , forgive me." You hear her muffled voice probably from the tears that she was trying to hold back and your eyes became teary as well.

"Don't say that. It's all my fault . I was the one that got between you , i should be the one apologizing. Just take care of the baby, okay. Leave the rest to me.I love you , okay." You tell her as you try hard to keep your voice from cracking and after she says bye you close the phone and cover yourself under your blankets crying once again.


You feel a touch that pulled your covers away from you and as you lift your head you look at Taehyung with your red puffed eyes.

"Come on crying beauty , i made breakfast ." Taehyung says and gives you a smile but you don't move from your position.

He seats at the edge of you bed for a while without saying a thing then he suddenly hops above you crashing you with his body weight .

"Yah, Get off ,you are heavy!" You shout at him and he just laughs at loud as he hops up and down squeezing you to death.

He finally gets up and you lift yourself into a sitting position while feeling that he had just broke every bone of your body.

"Great~~!Now that you are awake make yourself human and get your ass down for breakfast, you little lazy ." He scoffs and pretends he is mad but can't help but giggle while he makes his way out of the door.

---Time skip---

"Hyung, what are you doing? I said to sign this paper not the folder." Jungkook says and giggles a little at his Hyung that seems to be out of earth completely today.

"Oh, yeah,sorry, i was spacing out." Jimin says and pulls the paper away from Jungkook's hand and signs it.

"That's what i am saying hyung. Why are you like this today? Did something happen with Y/N-ah?" Jungkook asks and takes a seat waiting to hear his Hyung's reply.

"Well...i am not sure if something happened. It's just that we were supposed to go home together but she left without telling me and i couldn't reach her at all after that. No text replies ,no answering my calls. I am just worried. And she still haven't come to work either."

Jimin says and throws the pen on his desk while looks at his phone still displaying no calls from you.

"She has tho, I just saw her some minutes ago on my way here. She was with Taehyung Hyung. I guess he might have gave her a lift or something." Jungkook says nonchalantly as he passes the next paper that need to be sign but Jimin was now staring at him with wide eyes.

"With Taehyung??!! Together??!!" Jimin says and Jungkook just gulps thinking that he just uttered and information that it would be better if he had just skipped .

The door to Jimin's office suddenly flew open disturbing Jungkook's and Jimin's conversation and as Taehyung makes his way in, both Jimin's and Jungkook's faces ,each for different reasons grew tense.


"Good morning my friends, ahh, and it sure is a wonderful morning." Taehyung says full of excitement and lets his body plop on the black leather couch.

"Good morning Hyung but why so happy man?" Jungkook asks him and gets up to go near him with a smile on his face.

Jimin just looks back at his papers not finding the will to be polite or friendly towards his cousin for the moment.

"Of course is because of a woman, why else." Taehyung says and ruffles the hair of Jungkook that sat beside him on the couch while giggling.

Jimin lifts his head and looks at their way once he heard the word woman and his heart started growing uneasy.

There is no way he is talking about Y/N-ah. She loves me so she would never do such a think to me.

Jimin thinks to himself and refocus on his work putting his heart at ease and putting his trust in you.

"And what did that woman do that made you so happy, hyung?" Jungkook asks with intentions to tease Taehyung but instead his answer made him feel a little embarrassed that he asked.

"Gave me one of the best sexual experiences i ever had in my life." Taehyung responded and winked at Jungkook as he just looked away laughing awkwardly .

"I shouldn't have asked." Says Jungkook and gets up coming to sit back at the chair and continue his paper work with Jimin.

Taehyung laughs at loud at the youngest shy reaction and gets up going near Jimin's chair.

"And i own it all to this man right here." Taehyung says while taps Jimin's shoulder and he looks up at him with a confused face.

"Because if you hadn't hire Y/N-ah here i might not have found her again so quickly." Taehyung speaks again trying to explain once he sees their confused expressions.

"Sorry, come again!" Jimin says as he blinks his eyes multiple times rapidly .

"Wait hyung, you don't mean that Y/N-ah is the woman that you just talked about?!" Jungkook asks his words forcing one another to come out as he was regretting every word more than the other as they left his mouth.

"Of course i am talking about her. But seriously tho, who knew she could be so fire at bed." Taehyung says and bits his lower lip at the thought .

Jungkook froze in place once Taehyung's words left his mouth and looks at Jimin with feared eyes.

Jimin suddenly gets up from his chair his expression plain and cold .

"Excuse me for a moment, I will be back." Jimin turns around and leaves collected and serious ,his step steady and heavy and his head high while his expression cold and without any feelings whatsoever being displayed on it.

It didn't took long for his steps to finally bring him in front of your desk and you slowly lift your head to met up his gaze even tho you already knew why he came.

Your heart in pain once you see his hurtful and pleading gaze and you gulp down the lump that formed on your neck trying to successfully complete this suicidal mission .

"Tell me it's a lie. I beg you, just lie to me and i will believe you. Please Y/N-ah, tell me that you didn't betrayed me for real." Jimin's words like knifes on your heart and his eyes full of despair and sadness that had you on there center made you feel like you were about to go insane and made you hate your self till the point that you wanted to rip your own skin off.

"I am sorry. I guess you are just someone with a nice body that can make you feel good for some nights. It's just that i suppose i can't bring myself to love you wholeheartedly , enough to be loyal to you." Your words poison to your own veins and you were dying inside even though your face was plain and expressionless .

Jimin suddenly falls on his knees, his eyes full of tears and his gaze looking at no where. He seemed devastated and completely destroyed and you get up and leave your office not baring to see him like this anymore, your feet trembling like hell at every step you made away from him and your heart crying black tears at the thought of how much you just hurt him.

---To be continued...

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