《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 19


"Pregnant??!! With a baby pregnant??!!" You shout at her from shock as you feel your brain is having difficulties to function .

"I am sorry. I don't even know how this happened. I just have to abort it ." Sujon says and whips her tears of her cheeks .

"You can't do that. Please ,don't do that. It's a life that we are talking about.!!" You tell her as you couldn't bare the thought of doing such a cruel thing.

Yes, it is a problem that she is pregnant with Jimin but how is it the baby's fault that they are all so messed up?

It's not fair and besides Jimin has a saying in this too. She can't just do that without him knowing. It's his child too.

"Look..I ..i will help you. I will do whatever it takes. I can help you raise it and ...and if you don't want to let Jimin know it's your decision but just know that he has a right to know about this." You tell her as you pat her back trying to calm her down even tho you needed someone to calm you down cause inside you weren't as calm as you were acting in front of her right this instance.

You weren't happy about this but how can you let her kill the baby off. This is just too egoistic.

"How?!How can i raise this child if his own father hates me Y/N-ah. In what kind of environment will he grow up if his parents hate each other. I want my kid to grow up in a beautiful and nice family. But he loves you Y/N-ah. Jimin will never come back to me and as long as that perfect family is impossible to happen i rather no raise this child at all." Sujon shouts at you unable to control her emotions no more and buries her head in your chest while sobbing and crying .

Seeing her like that made your heart ache. She was your sister and you loved her even tho she made some mistakes in her live she did nothing wrong towards you, while you actually were the one that did her wrong cause you fell in love with her Fiance.

Cheating on him or not you had no right to go with him. If she loved him or not doesn't make your sin lighter.


You love Jimin with all your heart. He is the only one for you. But he was her's from the start and it seems you were just a passing by leaf that wafted in between them for a short while.

This child is like fate that is telling you that your love is impossible and that you should back off once and for good.

What kind of person would you be after all if you destroyed the happy life of a child for your own happiness.

"Don't worry sister. I will bring him back to you. I will sent him right on your arms just wait a bit and take care of the baby. I will give you the happy life you want, i promise." You say and tears start rolling down your cheeks as your words were ripping your heart apart.

You have to give up on him now.You had to push Jimin away. And the only way to do that is by hurting him and that killed you even more.

"I am so sorry Jimin. I love you so much but i..i have to.."

You hug your sister tighter as your heart was feeling like it was being squeezed as well by the thoughts that were now poisoning your head.

"Thank you Y/N-ah. You are really saving my life, thank you so much and i am really sorry." Sujon says between her sobs and you pat her back while keeping her in your embrace.

You were both crying your eyes out on the car you saying goodbye to the love of your life on your head and letting the pain engulf your body and soul.

Sujon was crying in your arms but you couldn't see that even tho her tears and sobs that were wetting your shirt were real , the smirk that was plastered on her lips was beyond real, it was the truth. A truth you were unable to see.

----Time skip---


You ring the bell and after some minutes the door opens reveling a surprised to see you Taehyung.

"Y/N-ah!!Wow. You came to visit me that quick?" Taehyung asks and smiles happily while pulling you into a quick hug.

"I didn't came to visit. Your invitation is still valid ,right?" You tell him and drag one of your two suitcases from the corner for him to see it.


"You kidding. Sure it is .Come in." Taehyung says while having a smile ear to ear and takes the other suitcase .

You sit on the couch and Taehyung after letting the suitcase next to the other comes your way jumping enthusiastically .

Taehyung was really happy that you really came to live with him but once his eyes fell on your face his smile disappeared and a serious expression took it's place while he took a seat near you.

"What is wrong Y/N-ah?! Did something happen to you?" Taehyung asks now worried about you cause he had never seen you so sad .He had never seen your eyes have such a shade of darkness and despair.

He lift your chin up and brings you to face him and while you see his worried orbs observing you , tears start to form in your eyes again.

"I..I..-" You tried to speak but nothing could come out of your throat. Your words had vanished as your mind was only repeating one word only 'Jimin'.

That's all you were thinking of. That's all that you wanted to scream but you had to shut your feeling , your heart,your soul that was only wanting him .

You throw yourself at Taehyung's embrace and as you start crying he hugs you back while feeling sad for seeing his friend like this and also he was wondering what or who could have brought you at such a mess.

You were always a strong person that never cried easily. Always standing on her own feet and giving courage and hope to those around her. Who would have dared to hurt you like this?

"Tae...I need your help.Please, help me." You tell him and back away from his arms to see his face.

"I will do anything for you. Who do i have to kill?!" Taehyung says half jokingly have seriously since he really wanted to find that person who made you cry like this and bit the shit outta him.

"I need you to tell a lie for me. I know what i am asking it may be too much but i have no one else. " You tell him and look at him with pleading eyes.

You knew he would help you but deep inside you wanted him to refuse cause you really hated what you were about to do.

"I will help you Y/N-ah but first i have to know why i am lying for." Taehyung says rather seriously cause he wanted to really help you and for that he had to know everything that he didn't.

You take a deep breath and start explaining the whole story cause you knew that you could trust him .You of course skipped some parts cause they were to embarrassing to even thing of much more speak them.

When you finish Taehyung's facial expression wasn't shook or blank from the shock as you expected to be. He had a serious and mysterious expression, like he was calculating and thinking hard.

"So..you sure you want my help?!" Taehyung asks and you nod as a response.

"Then i am going to help . I will do as you say for now Y/N-ah but from this moment i am starting my own game." Taehyung says and leans closer and pecks your forehead then gives you a reassuring smile while he gets up and goes takes the suitcases and heads up the stairs.

You look at him as you were actually confused by what he said but since he would do what you asked , you suppose it is enough.

Beep beep~~

Your phone beeps and you open your bag and take it off then open the text that Jimin had just sent you.

"Where are you baby?! They said you left the office. Didn't we said i would pick you up?"

Another sound is heard and a second message appears on the screen again from Jimin.

"Y/-ah,why are you not getting my calls? It sends me to voice mail. Are you okay? Please ,call me back, i am worried."

Your tears touch the surface of the screen as they started falling again for the third time today.

Why??!!I don't wanna leave you.I don't wanna hurt you. Please!!Please forgive me Jimin.

----To be continued.....

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