《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 18


Jungkook places the cup of coffee in front of Sujon and take a sit opposite her, still not having said a word after he let her come in.

"So,have you been alright?" Asks Jungkook after a while of silence trying to start the conversation .

"I have had better times to be honest but it was bound to happen one day." Sujon says while giving a forced smile and taking a sip from her bitter coffee.

"I am glad you came to talk with me tho. We have to clear things between us don't you think?" Says Jungkook while playing with his fingers nervously even tho he was observing her and the feeling that he missed her grew up on him.

Now that Jimin had found out everything and they have broken up ,Jungkook still hoped that Sujon would understand that he had always been there for her and that he loves her and she will come to his arms and finally be only his.

"Jungkook, i think i owe you an apology." Sujon tells him and looks at him with cold eyes.

"It was all my mistake and i just dragged you with me. I was vulnerable and you comforted me that night,i am sorry to have start all this." Sujon says and Jungkook just looks at her, his face portraying confusion but sadness as well.

"Did you came her to say that all the times we were together were a mistake to you. That all the words of love you whispered to me were a lie." Jungkook says the sadness and bitterness he was feeling obvious in his tone.

"I am sorry ,i really am. I always loved Jimin and i don't even know why i did that with you, that night. Even tho at that time me and Jimin were not together i still loved him but for some reason i just wanted to forget him for a night." Sujon continues her speech trying to justify her actions as much as she can even tho she herself doesn't understand them completely.

"Forget?! I guess i never did a good job then, cause you never forgot about him." Jungkook says and Sujon just lowers her head knowing very well that her words are hurting him.

"Did you always thought only of him? Were you every time that i was touching you thinking of him?" Jungkook asks his tone raising as his blood had started boiling and his heart was ripping apart.


"Don't say that, of course not. When i was with you i just..even tho my feelings for you were not like the ones i had for Jimin, i still love you Jungkook." Sujon says and makes her way to him and reaches her hand to touch his hair but Jungkook shoves her hand away.

" What kind off love is that? A love in which i will never be the number one in your heart, what could i do with such love." Jungkook's eyes became teary as he met her eyes and while his heart was aching he now knew that his love has no rescue.

His love for her was always pure.He really cared for her sincerely. She was always the only one for him even tho she wasn't completely his.

He loved her to an extend off crashing his own ego and pride , his own values and morals just to have her for a night in his arms, just to hear her whisper in his ears that she loves him back.

His love was true but from the start one sided and even tho there were many signs to prove that, he ignored them cause he really didn't want to face the truth . That for her ,he was just for entertainment and comforting. Said in simple words a nothing that was just pacing by from her life.

"I am sorry, i never meant to deceive you. It's just that my feeling got confused over time and -"

"That's enough!I heard enough. " Jungkook interrupts her and moves away from her heading towards his door.

"I got it. I understand it all now so there is no need for you too continue. I will move on just like you are, don't worry about me. "

Jungkook says and opens the door indicating that he wants her to leave.

Sujon slowly grabs her bag from the couch and heads towards him her steps heavy and slow while she kept looking at her feet while walking.

"I wish you have a nice life and someday for you to be happy Jungkook." Sujon says once she got near him and pecked his cheek then left .

Jungkook slammed the door close and sat on the floor .

His heart was breaking and he was in pain and as tears started rolling down his cheeks he just closed his eyes and wished for him to vanish so this pain would go away as well. So the woman that he loved so, could be erased the same way she just walked out of his door and of his live.


------Time skip-----

You are at your office working like usually when your phone beeps indicating you received a text.

You look at it and you smile to yourself once you see it's from Jimin.

"We will go home together tonight. I will be waiting for you to leave together so text me when you are done.

PS:Can't wait to have you in my arms again,My Y/N-ah. ;)"

You send him a quick replay and refocus on your work when a sudden beeping again distracts you.

"What does he want this time!!??"You say irritated at him cause he is distracting you but once you look at the ID you freeze for a moment.

You think if you should do what the text says and after a moment you gather the courage and get out off your office heading to the parking lot of the company where your sister said she was waiting for you to meet up.

You arrive there and spotted her car and slowly made your way towards it.

You were nervous to face her after what you had done to her. You had betrayed her and went with her Fiance behind her back . She will have any right to be mad at you but you had prepare yourself to hear her.

We just have to talk things out. We were both a mess in this after all. We can understand each other if we just communicate.

You think to yourself and you open the door of her car and get in.

"So...What's up." You say after a minute as the atmosphere was awkward between you two but it seemed your playful words didn't help either as she still remained silent and you face palmed in your head multiple times.

"Are you two together now?" Sujon asks going straight to the point and you hesitate to answer.

Yes , you made up yesterday but you still weren't sure if you can call that together. He obviously has feelings for you but he never said anything about wanting a actual relationship with you.

"I don't know, i guess we just ...like each other." You tell her as the situation was confusing even for you and that was the only answer you could say without moving from the truth.

"You love him don't you?" Sujon asks and this time turns and looks at you in the eyes .

You hesitate to answer once again afraid that your words might hurt her.

"I do, i am sorry.I really didn't mean for something like this to happen. I had met him before in New York and i fell in love with him before even knowing he was your Fiance . I swear ,please believe me." You tell her in a desperate tone as you didn't want your sister to think that you are some kind off slut that steals other woman's man.

Sujon just nods silently at your response and looks away from you , her eyes sad and teary.

"I guess i have to disappear for a while then." She says in a low tone and your eyes look at her in wonder and confusion.

"Why?!It's okay,sis. We can fix things up.Just stay with me and talk to me. If we try we can be like we used to .Please don't push yourself away from me. I never meant for this to happen.I love you." You tell her and take her hand in yours while your eyes became now teary as well.

"Y/N-ah,you don't understand. We can't fix it. I..I.-" Sujon says and looks your way again now tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I am pregnant Y/N-ah. And it's Jimin's."

-----To be continued.....

Author's note:

I know i said i won't update for two weeks but i swear its 3 am and i can not focus if i don't get this out of my head😂😂

i guess i have become obsessed and can't stop wanting to make you suffer.😂😂

To my friends that are reading, this is a chapter as thank you for your support that keeps me going this bloody exam nights

I love you all❤❤❤

bye bye ~😊

ps:άμα θέλετε να με βρισετε , κάντε το σε dm παρακαλώ, μην χάσω καμία βρισιά δεν κανει😂😂😉😂

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