《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 17


"I never expected to meet you here Y/N-ah.Of course i planed to call you tomorrow to met up once a came back to Korea as well." Taehyung say's and hugs you tight again while being so exited to see you.

Tae was a friend you met in college when you were studying abroad and even tho at first he approached you with flirty intentions you managed to become friends by time.

"I am happy to see you too my taedy bear." You tell him while giggling at the fact that you had such a long time to use that silly nickname.

"The word is really small ,huh." Jungkook says as he comes and places himself between you and Tae separating you.

You look over at Jimin and you see his eyes that you could swear bloody fire could be seen in them.

You ignore his intense glare and turn around to speak to Jungkook and Taehyung.

"It was nice meeting you again Taehyung but i have to go. I am already too tired ." You tell him with a smile, now just trying to get out of the situation and Jimin especially .

You knew that he was Jealous , he makes it pretty obvious after all but that fact really pissed you off for some reason.

How can he demand you back whenever he wants when he has never confirmed his feelings towards you?

Are you just a subject that he can pull it close when he needs it but throw it away when he doesn't.

No matter how much you love him , you have no intentions of playing such a game, because you truly love him you have to show respect towards your own feelings and that is exactly what you are going to do.

"Oh, Since you are leaving i will take you home then Y/N-ah and we can catch up on each others news on the way. What do you say.?" Taehyung asks with eyes full of excitement and you feel bad to turn him down but since still you leave at a hotel you couldn't call him to pass by for a coffee or something.

"I am sorry Tae but it's okay you don't have too. There is a bus stop really near the hotel, so i will be fine." You tell him and smile at him .

"Hotel!!??You still haven't find a house Y/N-ah?" Tae asked now his eyes widen at the disbelieve that it's been over a month that you came here but still didn't found a place for yourself.


You glance over at Jimin for a moment before answering him.

"It's a long story but for now i guess i am in search for a place." You tell him and look at your feet wishing that he won't ask for more details cause you would never dare to tell them.

"Well, search no more Y/N-ah. Since i am back you can come leave with me. My house is big enough, no worries." Your eyes grow wide at Taehyung's words and you look at him shocked by his offer and so shocked seemed the faces of Jungkook and Jimin as well.

"What??!!Are you serious??!!Tae, i can't."You tell him while moving your hands in denial in front off your face.

"Why not. It's not like we will be sleeping together. Besides even if that was the case it's not the first time you would be sleeping with me Y/N-ah." Tae says and winks at you in an attempt to tease you about that night you had gone camping together and your tent got broken so you slept at the same tent with him.

Your face turns red a little knowing that his words might be misunderstood and you Just hit his arm playing mad at him.

"Ahh. Do you believe it guys.I even missed her little cute hits." Tae says continuing teasing you and you can't help but laugh at his playfulness.

"Hahaha,yeah hyung ..it's really Unbelievable!!" Jungkook says his tone full off sarcasm as indeed the situation had just become too dangerous and he could feel the tension that Tae had no idea that existed.

"So ,Y/N-ah , you have no excuses to not come . I am coming with you to take your clothes from that hotel room and move with me tonight." Taehyung says and grab you wrist then leans closer to your ear and whispers.

"I need someone to clean that house as well so..I am begging for your help." Tae says and after backing away from your ear smiles cutely and you just Scoff at his words.

So..he just needs a cleaning lady, huh.I should have known. Classical Taehyung.

You thing to yourself and you try not to laugh out loud.

"Sorry guys,I guess i have a lady to take home so i am leaving. See you tomorrow." Taehyung says and grads your hand pulling you down the hall.

Jimin suddenly scoff in annoyance while pulling back his hair aggressively and steps over to stop you.


You suddenly feel your body being pulled back and once you see that Jimin had grabbed your wrist you try to free yourself off his grip.

He drags you away with him leaving behind a confused Taehyung that followed you till Jungkook stopped him.

Jimin pushes you inside his office and slams the door behind him then looks at you with anger in his eyes.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? Are you really gonna go live with a stranger just like that.?!!" Jimin says his tone aggressive and demanding.

"Firstly,Taehyung is not a stranger .I have known him before i even met you and secondly,why not , i am a free woman after all." You response tired of his drama and try to get out of his office but Jimin grabs your wrist and pulls you back.

"FREE??!!Since when.?? Who said that you are single!!?" Jimin shouts at you this time and you feel yourself getting really pissed off.

"Why??!!As far as i remember i never was in a relationship anyway.I was just your toy to get revenge." You storm at him unable to contain your anger anymore ,even tho you had said to yourself that you would never use it against him.

"So, leave me the F*ck alone, okay. And i will go sleep with Tae and do whatever i please with him or anyone and you have no right to care." You let all your anger out with this harsh words that were hurting you while saying them.

The thought that you were nothing to him.The thought that he is just messing around with you was just killing you and making you mad day by day.

Jimin eyes have a light of insanity when he garbs you and pins you at the wall slamming you against it with great force that you let out a groan of pain once your back came in contact with it.

Jimin punches the wall with great strength and you just freeze as his fist passed by your face and scared you to death.

"Kiss him?!!Do whatever with him?!!Huh!" Jimin says and as you looked at his eyes you started feeling fear cause you had never seen him this angry before.

"Tell me.Tell me that you don't love me .Tell me that you have no feelings what so ever for me and then i swear i will leave you alone and even if i died i won't look for you any longer. Just look at my eyes and say it Y/N-ah." Jimin says , the tone off his voice steady and serious and his eyes from anger that were reflecting a moment ago now full off despair and plead.

His eyes made you weak and your heart beat was biting abnormally .His breath that was tickling your lips , this short breaths cause of the anger that he was keeping, that made you feel drunk as the desire to pull him closer grew on you bigger and bigger by the passing seconds .

You try to speak but you feel like your voice won't come out so you close your eyes and force your words out into a yell.

You breath hardly after you managed to get your words out and close your eyes while leaning your head at the wall.

You suddenly feel Jimin's lips being crushed on yours with aggressiveness and great passion and you return back the kiss letting yourself enjoy his touch that you so much missed.

Jimin kisses you like there is no tomorrow , your bodies now losing control and his lips burning you more than the fire of hell itself would.

Jimin breaks the kiss and now both are a mess while panting and breathing abnormally on each others lips.

"You are such a liar."Jimin speaks between his short breaths with his hoarse low toned voice that sent shivers down your spine.

"A liar that i will burn my soul with right this instant" He says and grads your waist pulling your body close to his and attacking your lips mercilessly .

----Time skip---

Jungkook taps his feet on the ground while whistling happily knowing that his hyung might have fixed things with Y/N-ah after all and looks at the elevator numbers that were going up .

Once the elevator door opens Jungkook steps outside and his steps come to a hold once he is face to face with Sujon who had since that night to show up.

"Jungkook. Can we talk for a while.?"

----To be continued....

Hello~~ people , author here^^

So i have some bad news to break to you.

I won't be updating for 2 weeks cause of exams periods and i really apologize about that but i have to focus on my studies for now.

I hope you will be still here when i update after 2 weeks and you won't drop the book.

Thank you all for your support till now and forgive me once again ^^


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