《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 24


"Give me one more" Jungkook orders the barman for another drink even though he already had drunk too much.

He learned that Sujon is pregnant with Jimin's child today and he was a complete mess as he still has not managed to get over her, much more now that she will be back with his Hyung again.

This whole situation is really painful for him and even though he knows well that drinking will not help him , at least it will make him sleep for a night without thinking off her till his mind drifts to sleep.

After an hour or so Jungkook was once again wasted and his consciousness started drifting away slowly.

A girl that is sitting at the opposite side of the bar has been looking his way for some minutes now but Jungkook has not notice anything and just keeps drinking .

"Brother,it's me. I will sent you the adress and come immediately.I need your help." The girl says and ends her call then takes a sip from her drink waiting for the man she called to come.

Her brother doesn't take long and as he enters the dark and noisy club he looks around for some seconds to spot his little sister then approaches her.

"Daerin, what happened? I came as fast as i could. What's the matter?" Her brother asks her panicked as he thought that something had happened to his little sister.

"I am fine Taehyung-ah, don't worry .I called for something else." Daerin says and shows with her finger at Jungkook's direction.

"He is a friend of yours and cousin Jimin right? I saw him and after a while i recognized him from the picture you have on your instagram."

Taehyung just sighs deeply and approaches Jungkook that was barely keeping himself awake.

"Hey, you had enough man.Let's go home now." Taehyung tells him and pulls away the glass off his hand.


"Hyung !!What are you doing here??" Jungkook asks him while leaning his head on the counter.

"Well good thing you actually recognize me Jungkook but you really should not drink this much." Taehyung says and pays for Jungkook's drinks then grabs his Jacket and tries to pull him off his chair to sent him home.

Taehyung almost fell from Jungkook's weigh on his shoulder and he looks at his sisters direction giving her a smile that implied that he need her help.

"Just till his car please." Taehyung says and Daerin face palms then heads and grabs the other arm of Jungkook.

After some minutes they finally plop Jungkook's body on the back seat of his car and they both stop to catch their breaths.

Beep beep~~beep beep~

Taehyung answers his phone and his sisters eyes from tired turn angry as what she understood from the phone call didn't please her much.

"Sorry but it seems i have to go somewhere." Taehyung says and laughs nervously under his sister's intense gaze.

"Are you kidding me? What will happen with your friend then? You are not expecting me to sent him home instead are you?" Daerin tells him and he just smiles cutely trying to convince her.

"I love you little sister and i will sent you his address with text." Taehyung shouts while running away waving and smiling while his sister is left with no words standing by Jungkook's car who was a complete stranger to her.

---Time skip---

"Why the heck did he had to be so heavy!" Daerin complains while she places Jungkook's body on his bed after a really long and tired for her ride to his house.

"I hate him.Just how could he let me like that and leave. What kind of brother is he anyways. Aghhh i shouldn't have called him at all." She continues her mumbling while positioning Jungkook's body better on the bed and then proceeds to take of his shoes so he can be more comfortable.


"I love you...come back to me." Jungkook mumbles on his sleep and Daerin looks at him now understanding that he became like that for some woman.

She stares at his face for a while thinking if it's okay to leave him alone at this state as he seems to be having a fever of some sort .

"Maybe i should see how high his fever is first." Daerin thinks and goes closer to Jungkook to touch his forehead but once her hand came in contact with Jungkook's skin, he grabbed her wrist firmly.

She tried to pull away by reflex but his greep was strong and firm.

"Are you my guardian angel?" Jungkook speaks and opens his eyes slowly while she just looks at him a little startled.

"N-No, s-sorry.Just sleep now okay." Daerin says and smiles akwardly .

"You are so beautiful .You must be an angel for sure." Jungkook speaks again and even though his eyes were barely open his gaze for some unknown reason made Daerin's heart beat abnormal.

"T-Thank you but you are just saying that cause you are drunk."She tells him and softly pushes his hand away since his grip had loosen up .

Jungkook just gives her a sweet smile before turning around and falling asleep again.

Daerin gets out of his room and closes the door behind her while taking a moment to collect her heart beat that was playing her unwanted games.

"What is this?! O, come on, Daerin, you can not do this. You don't even know him.Get yourself together.!!" She thinks to herself while shaking her head then runs out off his house quickly.


"Seriously !!Why can't you keep some off your weigh to yourself?!!" Taehyung complains as he cares Jimin up the stairs of his house .

Jimin had called him after he got to drunk and even though he would rather die than call Taehyung unfortunately he didn't saw well the name and instead of calling Jungkook ended up calling Taehyung.

"I hate you." Jimin tells him after Taehyung helped him sit on the corner of his bed.

"I carried your ass all this way and that's all you have to say. You ungrateful bastard." Taehyung says while touching his now hurting back.

"Get out! I will pay you for today if that is your issue now just leave me alone." Jimin says and lays on his bed.

"One day you will be thankful to me you know.And i really don't understand why are you mad with me." Taehyung tells him since he is not supposed to know anything about Jimin's and Y/N's relationship.

"By the way, were is your girlfriend Jimin-shi? I didn't saw her around?" Taehyung asks while thinking that Sujon should be here at this hour but at the same time is glad that she is not since she would obviously recognize him.

"I don't know and i don't care. Now leave." Jimin orders him coldly and he does as he said understanding very well that Jimin is not in the best off times.

"That bitch has really messed all my friends up. I should have come earlier." Taehyung thinks to himself as he gets down the stairs.

Beep beep~~ beep beep~~

Taehyung's phone rings indicating he has a text and after rolling his eyes in annoyance he takes out of his pocket his phone.

"Mister Taehyung,

The diagnose off the blood sample you brought is finally out.

Please come collect them whenever you find the time

-Doctor J."

---To be continued....

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