《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 25


"You are not answering so i am leaving you this voice mail. Tae i will be going out of town for some hours, i will come back till midnight i suppose.Bye~." You close your phone nd put it back on your pocket then head inside the bus .

You took a message from your grandmother and you needed to go visit her today so you had to take the bus for her village as it was the only way to go there.

You look out the window as you wait for the bus to start .Once again your mind drifts to places as you got closed in your own word.

The bus rides on the road with spead but you were just looking at the passing buildings as they were fading away by time.

----Time skip----

"Thank you so much doctor. You are saving so many lives." Taehyung says as he smiles widely at his older friend.

"You know you made me do something illegal just for your favor.You owe me big time Taehyung-ah." The doctor tells him and smiles a little as well while patting his shoulder.

"Jin hyung , don't worry i promise i will make it up to you.But i have to go now." Taehyung says and gets quickly out of his hyungs office full of exitement.

"Y/N-ah,Jimin-ah..here i come."


Ding Dong~~

The door bell rung and Sujon run towards the door while Jimin just stayed still on the couch watching the screen of his TV.

"Jungkook-shi!!"Sujon says as her eyes grew wide at the unexpectance of seeing him again.

"Sorry but i am invited." He tells her simply and makes his way inside not looking twice her way.

"Jungkook-ah!!What are you doing here?!" Jimin asks him surprised at his presence at this late hour.

"What do you mean hyung?You called me over!" Jungkook tells him and looks at him confused.

"I did not man."

"I have the text right here." Jungkook says and scrolls at his phone to find the text.

"I did not sent that,What is going on?!" Jimin says not understanding why Jungkook took a message in his name.

Sujon for some reason starts feeling uneasy by the situation and when the bell rings again she gets startled for a second.

She head towards the door to open it since she was already near enough and once he is faced with the person behind it, she froze in place.


"Good evening Sujon-shi.May i come in." Taehyung speaks at her politely and makes his way inside without waiting for her reply.

"Hyung,what's going on?!" Jungkook asks with a lost expression on his face.

"Is this your doing?!" Jimin says and now he looks pretty unpleased.

"Stop being so moody Jimin-ah,you are gonna love me in a little." He tells him teasingly while smiling sweetly.

"You better explain now or i am kicking you out." Jimin tells him seriously as he was tired enough of his work day to now deal with Taehyung's jokes.

"Okay, i will get on the main part then cousin." He says and turns around to look at Sujon.

"C-Cousin!!??"Is all she managed to say as she couldn't believe what was happening to her.

What kind of bad luck is this??!

Sujon after a long time felt her self in danger and she really didn't know what to do but is still okay .She has needs too, yes the fact that she slept with Jimin's cousin will make her look even worse but she still has his baby inside her so she can still win this.

"I took a blood sample of your lovely and pretty careless girlfriend i must say and today i got the answers." Taehyung simply states and all the others are left speechless and in awe just looking at him .

"And yes, i know what you are thinking .I just drugged you and didn't really slept with you that night.Sorry about that." Taehyung smiles while looking at Sujon who was now more than surprised that was before but terrified and Taehyung knew the reason why well enough.

"What?!!She tried to sleep with you??!!" Jungkook shouts not believing at his ears while his heart and mind started going numb and blank accordingly.

"Wait a minute before i get crazy.Taehyung-shi,how did you know she was pregnant and why would you care to take a blood sample.?!!" Jimin asks with the eyes as someone could carecterized as the most confused man on earth.

"Long story and i have no time but it's only one thing you have to know for sure and that is this letter." Taehyung says to him and gets an envelope out of his Jacket's inside pocket.

"NO!JIMIN WAIT!!" Sujon runs to him and grubs his hand.


"Please let me explain first . I really didn't mean to do it.I had no choice.You would never come back to me if i didn't do anything.I really love you Jimin-ah." Sujon begs him while griping hard on his hand and Jimin after staring at her for a minute shoves her away so he can be free to read that envelope.

Jungkook's eyes widen and lifts his head to meet Sujon's eyes .He still can't believe what he just read and how low the woman he so much loved and still loves has fallen just to get his Hyung back.

"You...You were lying!!!!You are not pregnat!!!!!" Jimin says as the letter slips of his hands cause he was lost and too shocked from the truth he just got informed.

"How could you?!!I was starting to look forward to that baby.To play with it , to see him smile at me.Just...how dare you play with my feelings a second time!!!" Jimin's eyes by lost in shock minute by minute turn in anger as his voice tone roses word by word.

"I..I ..You left me no choice.What did you expected me to do?! You can't just let me behind like this after all the things we have been through together Jimin-ah.I love you!". Sujon shouts at him now tears scrolling down her cheeks but unfortunately her tears don't win anyone anymore,not even the man that still has feelings for her.

"I swear to god ,if you weren't Y/N-ah's sister i would have sent you to prison." Jimin tells her while gritting his teeth in anger and frustration.

"Jimin-ah,it's okay now .Calm down.And as about you miss, i think you left no place for yourself in this house ."Taehyung tells her politely and calmly and Sujon gives him a look of hate and pure anger before turning around and running up the stairs to gather her stuff.

"Hyung,are you okay?" Jungkook asked Jimin whose expression seemed nothing but healthy at that moment.

"Come on man,get yourself together .Y/N-ah is waiting for you so you can't die." Taehyung says and pats his back while Jimin's pale face turns to look at him once again with a confused gaze.

"She is with you now.She doesn't love me.She always loved only you." His own words were stabbing him hard as the image of you saying them played before his eyes.

"It was all a lie .She did it all for that baby.She is kind and stupid like that.That's why i had to find out the truth and save her from the sobs and tears she shead for an idiot like you." Taehyung's words made Jimin's face lit up like the forth of July and he instantly hugs him tight while smiling like a little kid.

"Well, well.Look who likes me now ."

"Shuut up!I have to go find my Y/N-ah!"

Jimin grabs his keys from the table but Taehyung stops him.

"She is not in Seoul.She went to visit her grandmother and her bus arrives at half an hour i think. We can go take her all together."

Once Taehyung finished his words the words of the reporter on the Tv drew Taehyung's attention and shoved them all aside to get closer to the TV.

"The bus had 13 citizens inside and unfortunately all off them died instantly at the moment of the crush.

The bus deviated from the road and ended up destroyed into the deep woods then cause of gaz lick the bus exploded as such most of the victims are not in a easy recognizable condition.

The list with the name of victims has yet to be public from the authorities."

Taehyung's face goes white and as his legs became weak he falls on his knees in front of the TV.

"Hyung, are you okay?!!"Jungkook runs by his side and shakes him but he just stares at the TV screen not responding to him.

Jimin looks at his unexpectedly condition then at the TV news and his body started to tremble like he was being put in a fridge.

His heart beat froze and from his eyes tears started flowing that even he himself hadn't noticed.

"She..Y/N-ah..was on that bus ,right?" Jimin utters this words that were the most terrifying words to him that had ever spoken.

Jungkook looks at both now getting on the situation and steps back ,his mind lost and blank.

"She..was in that bus.!!"

---To be continued....

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