《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 26


Taehyung ,Jungkook,Jimin and Sujon were waiting at the hospital were all the bodies of the bus accident were send. The police had sent them there after confirming the name of Y/N-ah in the list of the people that were on the passengers list.

"Why are they taking so long?" Jimin says while pacing up and down in the hall, worried to death about you.

A Doctor walks towards them and they all stand up while Jimin feels his heart beat increasing .

"We are sorry but as all the other bodies that were involved in this accident ,cause off the explossion the identification is really difficult .Please pass at the section B were metalic belongings of the passed away ones can be found. You will learn if one of the dead bodies is the one you are looking for."

The doctor turns around and leaves while they run down the stairs towards section B .

"Name please."The nurse tells them while she has the list on her hands .

"Y/ L/N."Sujon tells her and the nurse looks at her papers trying to find the name.

"Ah!You are lucky .A body is missing from the original passages list and it seems to be her.We have no belonging of her in our disposal, and as far as tge doctor's have said there is no matching DNA ."The nurse tells them and they all look at her with wide eyes.

"I am sorry but does that mean she is lost?" Jungkook asks her not understanding fully the meaning of her words.

"The bodies that we have identified till now had not resulted at having a muching DNA so there is a chance she might be alive somewhere ut as the police has not yet found any trays of her body she might as well be dead somewhere ."


Jimin feels his heart growing in full panic and nervousness at the news and as long as he doesn't know your whereabouts thus he can not be sure about your safety, he can not relax.

"The police is still looking for other bodies that may have been thrown away cause of the explossion.When we have news we will contact you." The nurse tells them coldly and leaves them there standing in daze.

How can he leave with all this questions.Without knowing if you are alive or not.

"Hyung, are you okay? "Jungkook asks Jimin as he sees his pale face and ready to collapse body.

This day has been to much for him and the thought only that he might have lost you forever made Jimin feel so weak and hopeless.

" I am fine. I need to be alone. "Jimin turns around and leaves his eyes lost in nothingness and empty the same his mind was, as he could not think anything at all but only your name that was repeatedly coming in his mind.

" Come on let's go.! "Taehyung says to Jungkook and grads his arm pulling him along.

" Where are we going Hyung? "Jungkook asks as he looks back at Sujon that they were leaving behind.

She was standing still looking down while tears started streaming down her face.

Jungkook had never seen her so sad, broken.. Alone.

" For now i just want to drink to death. "Taehyung tells him while speeding his pace and Jungkook just nods his head understanding well his feelings as he himself was nit in a better state either.

Y/N-ah, was someone he really thought of as a good friend. She understood him and stayed by his side. Helped him whenever he needed help. She was someone he respected and cared for and now that she might be gone forever, he sure needs some drinks too.



Jimin closes the door of his car and stands there looking ahead without making any moves.

The more he looks at the dark street in front of him the more he feels suffocating.

To him it looked like the dark shades were engulfing him, isolating him from everyone and everything.

He felt a loneliness he had never tasted before.

A loneliness not because you are alone or someone is missing.

He felt like a whole piece of his heart was missing.

A part of his soul has becoming empty, vanishing like it was being pulled into a black hole.

Jimin's eyes started to shed tears. Tears that even him hadn't realized that were streaming down his cheeks yet.

He lowers his head, and as his tears started falling on this trousers letting wet stains he realized that he was crying.

The despair now visible on his facial expression as he let's out a broken breath and closes his eyes tight, the pain taking over his body like the night taking over the day's sky.

"God. If i ever have asked you something forget them all. And for all my sins you are right to punish me but please, i beg you, Please, let her be safe. "

His pray echoing on the silent car and his mind repeating his prays over and over again.

He was not someone who often depended on god as he would always do things with his own hands, trying till the end to achieve them. Creating his life's miracles instead of waiting for God to make one for him but this time what he needs and wants the most is your safety, and that is a miracle he can not do alone.

-----time skip----

You open your eyes slowly and wait for your vision to adjust with the new environment.

Once the blurriness has left your eyes you look around realizing that you are in an unfamiliar to you place.

You make a movement to get up but you see the ropes that were tidings you on a black chair.

"What is going on? Where am i? " You panic as you try to free yourself but you are unable to.

" Help! SOMEONE HELP ME!! "You shout as louder as you could while looking around the room you were, scared.

" Shut up! I am trying to sleep. " A voice is heard and suddenly a lazy sleepy head pops up from the couch that was on your right making you look his way.

" W-Who are you?! "

---To be continued....

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