《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 27


Daerin thanks politely the barman who gave her back her jacket that she had forgotten that night her brother Taehyung took her with him so suddenly asking her to help him carry his drunk friend home.

She turned around to leave by is met with the crowd that were crazily dancing under the loud music and the colorful lights of the club.

She sights as she really dislikes such noisy places and even the previous time she had come only cause it was her best friends birthday and she wasn't allowed to not participate at the festivities as her bestie ordered her and she went along with it just cause that was her special day.

Daerin really regreted it a lot though as not only was bored to death and annoyed by all those thirsty creeps that tried to flirt with her that night but thanks to her own brother she had to carry his drunk friend home by herself, and she did heard even a small thank you in return.

Daerin takes a breath and enters the crowd squealing between the different bodies that were crazily dancing at the energetic beats of the music, at her attempt to pass through and arrive at the exit.

Suddenly a hard grabs her wrist and she found herself in contact with the chest off someone who was keeping her in his arms securely while taking her deeper into the left of the clubs area.

At the beginning she got startled and tried to push the man away but when he looked over his shoulder at her she just froze and let herself be pulled by him wherever he was taking her.

"Sorry to drag you like that. I just thought you needed help. "Jungkook tells her as he let's go of her wrist since they now had successful managed to get out of the club and it's noise environment.

" It's okay, thanks. "Daerin says and bows at him then turn to leave by Jungkook stops her by pulling her arm.

" Amm.. Sorry, if you are alone i can drive you home as a thank you for last time. "Jungkook offers and Daerin looks at him a little flustered at the fact that he remembered her.


" You remember what happened that night? "She asks curious as he was really drunk to remember his own name much more a stranger he met for the first time.

" Taehyung hyung told me in general what happened and that you helped me go home. I am really sorry to have been a burden to you. "Jungkook says sincerely and Daerin's hear felt for some unexplained even to her reason disappointed cause that Means he really does not remember neither what he did nor what he said.

" If it's as an apology i will accept your offer then Jungkook - shi. "She says and gives him a bright smile that turned her eyes into sparkling cat like orbs that made her look ten time more attractive that she already was.

By the way, why were you in a club again? Where you drinking?" She asked him showing him a worried look that for some reason made Jungkook want to smile as he find it cute that even though he barely know him, she still worried about him.

"Actually i was together with your brother, he left some minutes before a notice you. And yes if i could i would drink till death today as well as your brother would as well but i told him that Y/N-ah would be really mad at us if we did so we both left without drinking anything."Jungkook explained as bis expression became dark and deeply sad.

Daerin just nod her head understanding well that she stepped on a painful field as it seems and he was not in the mood to talk about it and she respected that.

---time skip---

"Can't you at least untie me. I won't run i promise. "You tell the unknown guy that was sitting comfortably on his couch eating while watching his TV, totally ignoring your presence.

" Hey!!! I AM TALKING TO YOU!! "You shout as you were really mad at his behavior and tired as well by those ropes that were really tight, and every time you moved a little, they hurt like hell.

" Yah, just because i didn't covered your mouth doesn't mean you are allowed to shout at me. Be quite or i will stop being so nice. Understand! "The guy respond nonchalantly and coldly then continued eating his meal totally not giving a f*uck about you.


" How can he be like this?! God why am i even here and ehy did he kidnapped me? I don't even know him! "

A sound is suddenly heard and he looks at his buzzing phone on the table then picked it up.

" You have 3 minutes. Speak! "He ordes then looked at his watch.

" Wow!! Well when he says 3 minutes i guess he means it"

You think to yourself as you gaze at the unknown man that once the time he put came to an end hanged up the call with out a warning.

He puts his phone down and then looked at you, a gaze that made you fear as his eyes and aura was really intimidating.

"W-What?" You ask your heart trembling as he got up and made some steps near you.

"You are lucky. It seems you will soon have company. "He says with his expressionless face and picked the knife that was on the table.

He went behind you and you suddenly feel the tight ropes losing up.

" Make one wrong move and i won't hesitate to kill you on the spot. Understand.?! "He says and you quickly nod while not daring move from the chair you were sitting.

After a half an hour of silence that was really torturing your mind the quietness got disturbed by the door's bell that ringed three times.

He got up to take the door and left you alone but still you did not moved or tried to escape as his words were still ringing on your head and he did seemed like some who jokes around.

As footsteps are heard and the figure of the owner comes to sight your eyes widen and you stand up i shock.

"Sister!!! O My God!! Did you got kidnapped too? "You ran at Sujon's side and immediately pull her behind you trying to protect her.

" You sick bastard!! Just what do you want from us!? Let her go, now!! "You bravely shout at him as you tried to protect your sister and if course the baby she was carrying as well.

" Sujon, it seems you will come to hell with me. "The guy says looking at you thinking how innocent and naive you may be.

" Please , you will take your money so just leave us alone for a little, Agust "Sujon asked and the guy that it's name seems to be Agust left to another room.

" W-What is going on?!! "You ask as you look at Sujon with a hella confused face.

Sujon hugs you tight and started crying while you were left speechless in her embrace.

" I thought i lost you. O My God, i thought you were gone forever. "Sujon says between her sobs hugging you tighter and tighter each passing minute.

She was at the hospital, thinking that you were probably somewhere dead cause of that stupid bus accident.

Yes, she had ordered Agust to kidnap you, but she didn't knew about the time or way he would do that since he doesn't like people getting involved in his work.

Sujon had realize how much you mean to her the moment she thought you were dead. As they say you can value something enough till you lose it and that was her case, as the pain of losing you was to much to bare.

She thought she had lost her whole world as you were the only one that always no matter what believed her and supported her. Loved her sincerely without expecting anything.

"Sister, please stop crying and explain to me. What is going on? "You ask as you slowly push her Away to meet her eyes.

" I am sorry. It's all my doing. It's my fault that everyone is suffering. Jungkook, you and mostly Jimin, especially now that he thinks you are dead. "Sujon says while cleaning the tears that where still flowing down her cheeks.

" I AM WHAT!!??!! "

----To be continued......

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