《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 28


You look at her while you feel your blood boiling inside you.

"What do you mean you told him to kidnap me?!Why?! " You shout at your sister after she told you that not only everyone were worried that you might have died cause you were supposedly caught into an accident but she had paid this unknown guy to kidnap you as well.

"I am sorry. I was just trying to keep you away from Jimin."She tells you in an attempt to defend her actions.

"If it's about the baby you could have just told me to go away and i would. I would never want to be a threat to your baby's life. "You tell her, giving her a disappointed look, as you really couldn't understand why did she had to go so far.

" She is not pregnant, you idiot! "A voice is heard and you turn around only to be faced with the owner of it that was no other than the guy that had kidnapped you.

Sujon's eyes widen and a clear confused expression can now be seen on her face.

" Wait, how do you know that!!? "Sujon asks the guy and he just smirked before coming closer and standing beside you.

" Sujon-shi. We have so many years without meeting each other. Things change, i changed too."He says , his eyes shooting flames towards Sujon, like he had a hatred hidden towards her.

"Wait a minute!!!! WHAT DOES HE MEANT YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT!!! YOU FREAKING LIED!!! "You shout as you were completely losing your mind and the proof was the fact that you sweared cause you almost never do that.

" Y/N-ah, i can explain, just please listen to me! "Sujon's attention is back at you and she tries to come closer but you back away immediately.

" What can you explain. That you made up a lie just to take him back?! Do you even know how much pain i went through, how much pain i made Jimin go through?! " You say looking at her as your eyes got filled with tears thinking about the terrible thing you said to him and how painful it was seeing him broken because of you.


" I know, i know. It was wrong of me, i now understand that. When i thought i lost you i understood how cruel and egoistic i have been towards you. Please don't hate me. I am willing to fix it all. "Sujon replies and tears fill her eyes as well, looking at your gaze that for the first time ever was looking at her with disbelief and disappointment.

She was just a person that got lost on her way, a person that after achieving some things in her life found herself instead off feeling happier she felt empty.

Things got out of her control as her emptiness could not be filled whatever she might have tried. That till she met Jimin.

Sujon for the first time felt that his love and care was what she needed yet as time passed she started wanted more and more.

She wanted to be loved more, to always have a embrace ready waiting for her but even though Jimin loved her, he was not with her 24/7,so she started feeling lonely.

Jungkook was the outcome of that lonely feeling. He went to him when Jimin could not fill her, and as time passed she went to him even for just a physical contact that could make her feel loved and needed.

Her desire to be something to someone, to be important and wanted is what made her fall to this dark path.

A path of egoism and lies that can have only one destination. And that unfortunately for Sujon is what she hates the most. Loneliness!

The moment she thought you died the whole world came crushing at her. The things she did, the lies she said, at the end Noone needed her a d loved her more than you did.

You were the only one that whatever happened always stayed and supported her. The one that understood her and always put her first. The one who truly always cared and loved her was always you.


Your crying eyes that were looking at her made Sujon feel guilty so she slowly kneels before you, with her head hanging low.

"I am truly sorry! I did so many terrible things and i can't really explain why but i realized that the only thing i need is my sister by my side. I love you Y/N-ah! "She tells you with her cracking voice as she was sobbing hard on the floor.

You kneel down near her and hug her softly while crying with her.

She was your sister. The one that would save her money to buy you sweets when you were little, the one that made you smile when you were feeling sad, the one that would take you with her so you won't stay alone at home.

She was your sister, the one you always loved and cared for, the one you trusted and looked up to.

"Everyone makes mistakes. I did too. Everyone deserves a second chance but this will be my last one towards you so please, don't throw it away. "You tell her as you give her a small smile then get up.

" I have to go. I have to find Jimin. Can someone tell me where am i? "You ask looking towards the guy that kidnapped you as you had to know where you were to know which way to go.

" You can take my car. I will return tomorrow. "Sujon says as she gives you her keys and you smile at her, thinking her.

" And you are at Daegu Town. "The guy speaks nonchalantly and you smile at him as well before rushing out the door.

You start of the engine and put on the GPS to guide you back since you really didn't know the roads at all.

Sujon looks at you from the window and her eyes follow you till you are no longer in her sight.

"Well, well. Now it's only the two of us. You don't expect that i will tell to stay here, do you? " The guy says as he sits comfortably on his couch.

" I had no such intentions but can i make you a question? How did you knew about my pregnancy? The only information i gave you was about my sister and were to find her to kidnap her? "Sujon asks him as she really was curious but frightened by him as well.

" Baby, i might have been a gangster on our high school days but that doesn't mean i would really end up a serial killer of some sort. I appreciate the money you put in my account though. " He smirks as he was really enjoying her confused state and Sujon just starts getting annoyed by his arrogant behavior that had not changed since back then, that they were classmates.

" Suga, Speak clearly, damn it!! . "She says the annoyance visible on the tone of her voice think that made him smile more in satisfaction.

" Sujon-shi, i am now a doctor that has nothing to do with illegal actions, and as to how i knew, i have to tell you that you were not careful enough. "

Sujon looks at him with widen eyes understanding that she was actually been tricked but by who?

" You may come out know miss Y/L/N-shi"

Some steps are heard and from the inside door that slowly opened a female figure made her appearance. A figure that made Sujon go speechless.

"Mother!!!! "

----To be continued.....

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