《Meteor High》Chapter 2: Ride to school


As Victor walked away from the kitchen, Beth stuck her head out of her room.

“So are you taking me to practice?” she asked.

Victor let out a tired sigh and relented to his sister.

“I guess so. Go get your stuff and come on.”

“Aren’t you going to put on some clothes?” She asked. Victor looked down and saw he was still wearing his pajama bottoms and a tank top.

“Thanks for reminding me.” He said as he walked back to his room and closed the door. He walked over to the closet, digged out an old pair black jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and his dad's old military jacket. Victor laid everything on the bed then walked out of his room to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

After the shower he went back to his room, got dressed, and slipped on a slightly beat up pair of black vans. Grabbed his bag and car keys, he walked out off his room and headed towards the kitchen where Beth was already on her second plat of pancakes. Victor grabbed a plate off the counter and went to the table.

As he was drowning pancakes in syrup he looked around then asked "Where's Mom?".

“She went to work already.” Beth answered.

When the two were done eating, they put their plates in the sink and walked out the door.

When they got to Victor's car, an old black 1969 Boss 429 Mustang, Beth paused and rubbed her hands over the slight faded hood.

“It’s so unfair that granddad gave you this car. I mean, I get my license in two years.” She said, a huge frown on her face

Victor just opened the door to the car and gestured for her to get in. When both were in, he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.


As the two neared Beth’s school, she suddenly broke the silence.

“Are you picking me up too?”

“Yeah I am, so be in the front of the school.”

Victor parked in the front of the old middle school building, Beth opened the car door but lingered outside.

“Victor… I heard what you and mom were talking about in the kitchen.” She said looking slightly worried.

“Do you really think it’s all just a joke?” She asked.

“Yeah I do.” He responded lightheartedly.

“Victor...what if something happens to me or you or even Mom?” She asked.

“You don’t have anything to worry about. Even if somthing were to happen, I won’t let anything happen to you or Mom. I promise.” He said.


“Well…ok, bye.” She closed the door and starting running to another group of girls with the same uniform on as her.

After she was left Victor sped away from the school building, wondering for the second time if he was making a mistake.


After thirty minutes of driving, Victor finally arrived at his school parking lot.

Another thing I hate about this school, it’s too damn far away from our apartment.

As he was parking his car he saw his friend, Drake, running over from the fountain in front of the school.

“Hey Victor, did you see the news this morning?” asked Drake swipping his long unkempt blonde hair out off his eyes. Drake was your typical LA beach stoner. His parents were two of the biggest names in silicon valley, which allowed him to live a pretty care free life.

“Yeah I did, don’t tell me you believe that?” Victor asks.

Drake moved his mouth to respond but a cold whiny voice called out before him.

“If we did we wouldn’t be here.” A tall pale youth cam up from behind Drake, giving Victor a disapproving look.

"Daman." Victor greeted. Daman was a scholarship kid like Victor, but unlike him he was completely willing to kiss the ass of anyone that could prepel him into a higher position.

“I thought you would have fled town like the rest of the drones.” Daman ignored Victor's greeting and kept speaking.

“What do you mean?” Victor asked.

“Most people in town took off this morning. There’s only like two hundred of us in school and like five teachers are here.” He said.

As the trio walked inyo the school building, a huge modern style building with glass windows covering every inch, they ran into Raman, Drake’s brother.

“Yo, what up lil bro and little bros friends?”

Raman was the senior to know at the school. If you wanted to get into something fun or illegal, Raman was the guy to go to.

“What’s up Raman, why are you leaving so early? School just started?”Drake asks.

Raman always ditches, but never this early in the day.

“There’s no reason to stay lil bro. My teacher isn’t even here so, am out, see yah.” He pushed Drake out of the way and sauntered over to his car.

The three just looked at each other, shook their heads and continued into the school.


Entering the school, Victor saw just what everyone was talking about. Usually the halls are packed with kids by now, but today it looked like a ghost town.

They made their way to the classroom, where only tweleve people were sitting inside. Victor stopped for a second when he saw their teacher, Mrs. Butler, talking to someone that looked to be a parent . As three came in and took their seats, Mrs. Butker looked back at them and frowned.


Drake turned to the kid sitting next to him.

“Who's the guy talking to Mrs. Butler? " He asks.

“A new student is coming today. Man they couldn’t have picked a worst time to move here.”

“New student? We haven’t head a new student this whole year, and they pick today to come. That’s just bad luck.” Daman said.

I hate new students. It'll probably be just another rich kid who thinks daddy's money gives them keys to the city.

As the bell finially rang someone squeezed into the door just as Mrs. Butler was closing it. The girl gave the teacher an apologetic look, then looked around the room befor spotting Victor and coming to sit in the desk on the side of him.

“Hey Vic, did you hear about what’s going on outside?” She asked.

The girl was Alessia Holland, one of the most popular and beautiful girls in school. She was tall with long wavy brunette hair and sharp green eyes. She was the ideal of every girl and dream of every guy, but for some reason she choose to hang out with Victor and his clique.

“Hey Alessia! How’s your morning going?” Drake asked a huge dumb smile plastered on his face.

Drake had a thing for Alessia for a long time, but Victor didn't think she noticed him at all.

“Hey Drake, its going good.. if you don’t count that were all supposed to die today.” Alessia said plainly.

At that moment the parent Mrs. Butler was talking to left the room.

“Alright people stop the talking.” Mrs. Butler said.

“Today we have a new face joining us, her name is Emma Cambell.”

As she said that, the door opened and in walked one of the most beautiful girls Victor had ever seen.

She was just a little taller then Beth with long shiny jet black hair,full lips an flawless jade skin. She was wearing ripped black tights with a black skirt, an oversized grey hoddie with an indie band label and black combat boots laced all the way up. But what caught Victor's attention the most were her crytal blue eyes hiden behind a cute pair of round glasses.

“Ah, and there’s she is. Class this is Emma.” Mrs. Butler said.

“Emma would you like to tell the class a little about yourself?” She asked.

“Not really” Emma repiled.

“I don’t think I’ll be here that long to get to know any of you guys.”

“Well… ok, I need someone to show Emma to her locker and around the school.” Mrs. Butler said with little disappointment.

But Victor was too busy staring at Emma to pay notice that when Mrs. Butler eyes searched the room the landed directly on him.

"Mr. Miller.” Mrs. Butler called.

Snapping out of his trance Victor looked dumbly up at the teacher. "Huh?"

“Will you be willing to show Mrs. Cambell around the school?” She asked.

“uh..yes, absolutely...ugh I mean, I guess.” Victor stuttered over his words but his excitment at the propect was clearly seen.

He stood up from his desk and walked to the front of the class. As he walked he could feel an erie feeling on his back. He turne to see Alessia staring daggers at him but quickly turning her head.


“Emma this is Victor, he’ll be showing you around the school. Is that ok?” Mrs. Butler introduced the two.

Victor just stared into her eyes and awkwardly lifting his hand for a handshake.

Emma looked at his hand then back at Victor before chuckling slightly and clasping his hand.

Her hands are so soft.

“Yeah, that's cool.” Emma said.


As the two made their way out the room. Victor glanced at Emma and saw her staring right back at me. The two just stared at each other before both quickly turned away.

Out in the empty halls, there was an awkward silence. Before Victor motioned for them to begin the tour.

“So, where did you move here from?” He asked.

She was silent at first, but after a while she answered.

“All over, me and my Dad moved around a lot.” she glanced at him then looked away.

“Why?” he asked.

“That’s personal.” She answered.

As Victor was about to reply he felt a small vibration coming from the ground, but Emma didn’t seem notice it, so he let it go.

That quickly changed when the vibrations kept getting stronger and stronger. It felt like Victor's entire body was shaking.

The whole building began to visbley shake as the pristine walls were cracking and parts of the ceiling were falling from avbove.. Suddenly all the lights went out in the building, as a Huge deafening BOOM!! came from behind the school.

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