
‘Hello Tori, it has been a while since you disregarded your family to side with those traitors. So has this lower realm treated you nicely? How about that useless baggage called Tor that you fled with, is he still alive? Does he know what you did to him?’ The commander of the army spoke in words soaked with sarcasm as he took domineering steps towards Tori clearly showing a level of disrespect which the other soldiers did not even dare fantasise about showing even in their dreams.

‘oh, I see my useless brother put the equally incompetent Pete on the job. Do you remember when I was two and you were thirty years of age, can you remember how I beat you and my brother up before taking my leave?’ Tori responded as she began walking forward, silver aura enveloping her and rising like smoke into the atmosphere. ‘Say my name again and continue your disrespect then maybe I will give you a reminder class on why my title couldn’t be taken away even when my brother and you his lackeys keep spreading lies and calling me traitor.’

With each footstep her power kept growing and the commander felt a total suppression of his aura and even though the girl right in front of him was far younger and the mask covered up her expressions, her every actions gave off royalty and without realising it he had bowed with both knees and was now looking up at her in reversal of their situation seconds ago.

‘what’s my name?’ Tori asked as she stood in front of the kneeling guard captain, her eyeballs pitch-black and the aura she had been releasing was so baleful no one on the base made an attempt to contradict or intercept her. ‘Moo… moon princess, your brother had asked us to recover you from this realm even if we need to use force to bring you back from here, that is why I showed so much hostility towards you.’ Pete the commander responded clearly shaken to his core he even had to use both hands to support himself to keep from falling over.


‘mhm, this is the normal incompetent, ass preserving Pete I know, always blaming others to save his own skin, now you blame your king in the face of danger. Well today I just came to let you all know that I have been seeing your scheming and plotting and have been quiet since all I want is to be with my husband.’ She said in a calm voice looking over the thousands of soldiers as she both threatened and insulted their commanding officer. ‘You have let my silence look like ignorance and slowly you threaten the life of my husband and your despicable technology has found its way into his region. Now to my point, from now on any attempt on the life of my husband or his home will be met with hostility from me and trust me I will destroy all your bases in this realm and still force my way up to finish what you had all started over ten years ago.’

‘Princess since your birth no one has denied the fact that you are bound to become the second goddess within your lineage and that is why you are so valuable to us and the Devine empire, that is why your brother was uncertain to send the sages after you, but if you refuse this gesture and continue your unfilial character, not only you and that animal Tor, but everyone you have grown to cherish over these years will all die, since all we need is for your body and the power within you to be present during the ceremony.’ Pete said obviously angered by the embarrassment he was being put through in front of his men and also the fact that the king had told him it would be preferable if she agreed to coming back on her own.

‘hmmm threats, threats and more empty threats. Maybe I should cut out that tongue and see if something else comes out.’ Tori responded with a smile that showed that instead of his provocation to have worked it amused her and she stretched her had slowly reaching for his tongue as she commanded him to open his mouth which he did, but before she could cut his tongue she received a mental message from Lexi.


‘Hey Tori I’m done so what do I do now? And why can I feel such a scary atmosphere’ Lexi asked from the room where the mainframe was kept. It was a highly advanced room with many computers and a lot of supporting processors and screens which all fed the mainframe. She removed the Flash-drive and stored it in her pocket.

‘Oh so soon? And I was just about to punish a foul mouthed doggy, anyways you leave first and I’d return once I’m sure no one is following.’ Tori responded her attitude totally different from a second ago.

‘Hey are you communicating with someone? I can feel the disturbance in the air, Five of you go check out the mainframe room.’ One of the soldiers just below Pete’s rank unable to read the situation spoke to Tori before commanding some soldiers but instead of Tori to reply him, she clenched her fist and a blackhole engulfed him grinding his body into bits of flesh as he screamed in agony, the other soldiers were terrified while Tori just stood there calmly. ‘Does anyone else want to find out about my communications? Oh by the way incompetent Pete, the magic I just used belongs to my husband. Pray you never meet him in a fight or this life I just spared would be kaput.’ She said making hand gestures before withdrawing her aura and everything was calm again. By this time Lexi had followed the stream of electricity till she was beyond the border of the formation and then she materialised. ‘I might actually be good at this spy shit’ she giggled, but once she jumped from the land in the skies aiming for the ground, a round of arrows blanketed the skies as if chasing her.

‘Ok I am going now and you should all take my advice seriously especially you incompetent Pete.’ Tori said in a joking manner as she began swaggering away from the base. ‘I don’t know what you came here to do ‘moon princess’, but in all honesty your friend should be dead by now, as I told you your brother was hesitant to send the sages but in the end he did send two.’ Pete said as he was still on his knees but the pressure had been cancelled and he was able to articulate himself again and was even laughing cautiously.

Tori stopped and looked at Pete who felt a shiver go down his spine since he was scared that she would come back and finish him for real, but instead she began laughing and said ‘Joke Joke, what is a sage who comes in contact with lightning?’ Everyone was quiet and surprised by her reaction. ‘Well roasted! You’re all no fun, Lexi would laugh when I crack it later, I hope you would send the barbecue to my brother once she is done.’ Tory finished and left the formation leaving a bunch of bewildered soldiers.

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