
Lexi looked up at the skies as she landed, she could tell there was something blocking the sun because of how dark the land looked when she landed but at this time she was quite surprised because all the arrows emitted dark smokey whisps which would send shivers down anybody’s spine.

’Hahaha, are you scared? I already saw you when you snuck in little rat, now it’s too late for you to sneak out.’ Although a long speech it was one that boomed across the vast expanse of arid land. It was obvious that this was a tactic aimed at inciting fear in the heart of the target who was currently looking up at the hail of arrows falling towards her but in that moment her body lit up with lightning and her expression and surrounding were very clear, she had a smile of excitement as she formed two swords made of lightning. ‘A military base should have at least this much.’

Lexi began moving at lightning pace as she blocked the arrows and a circumference was created around her the arrows could not get near her. ‘You’re good but too slow.’ The masked archer appeared as if from nowhere, he had three arrows nocked in and each charged with enough mana to destroy a few duplexes. ‘Blame yourself in your next life for overestimating your abilities.’ He said in a tone dredged in mockery as he let go of the arrows but in a flash. Lexi appeared in front of the arrows blocking two simultaneously using the swords made of mana and for the last one she caught it between her teeth and crushed it with a loud boom, dust rose all around the area where they were standing. ‘Ah what a nasty bitch. She even had the guts to underestimate me, one of his majesty’s inquisitors. I wanted to give her a slow death for stupidity.’


’Ah ok I see, so all the inquisitors can do is trash talk women and don’t even have any balls. It’s ok your king must be a eunuch, anyway I am out of time so I’ll be taking the eye you use to aim now.’ As the dust settled the valiant figure of Lexi with a drawn bow made from mana and an arrow that looked like it was ready to rip a hole in the vortex. ‘Bye bye’ she said with a cute smile as she let go of the arrow which made the deafening sound of thunder. From this proximity the archer knew he could not dodge and he knew that even blocking with all his might would leave body parts missing, but he still had to try he had hope since his comrade would soon appear, he always wanted a favour from him and now would be the best chance to act.

Immediately the arrow left her bow she vanished in the other direction thinking of her appointment with Tori while the archer was blocking the arrow with all his might and calling onto his comrade who was close but more interested in chasing Lexi. By the time the new inquisitor reached he knew he had to help the archer because his mana was about to be finished and even if the arrow did not kill him the backlash would be severe. The inquisitor immediately initiated contact with him transferring mana into his body to help boost his defense. And in that moment the archer cut off the circulation of his own mana to instead circulate the one being sent to him but in that split second a gap was created in his defense and suddenly the arrow seemed to gain a life of it’s own sliding through in that split second. ‘No!’ He seemed to resign to fate, and the arrow penetrated his left eye making it explode in his head with a small boom and his gut wrenching cry rang out in the barren landscape.


‘Oh quiet down, with the amount of force it came I was scared it would make quite a mess. Don’t worry now brother-in-law you owe me.’ The archer’s screams intensified and in between there seemed to be the loud yet incoherent shriek of ‘who?’ Hidden within. ‘You of course’ the other inquirer said laughing as the archer covered his eye socket which had now stopped bleeding but the shock, pain and even the phantom pain all hit him at once, even the inquirer did not dare carelessly chase after Lexi. ‘We really did underestimate this small earth didn’t we Noula?’ The inquirer asked his soon to be brother in law but all he got back were his shrieks as replies. ‘Ok let’s go back we’ll have you good as new when the doc sees you. Well almost, make sure to cover it up and don’t scare the doc, she’s pretty!’ And the archer shrieked his curses while covering his eye as they left.


’We greet the ‘young lady’ The Moon Princess’ Three guards from the spatial fortress who were left after the others went back to report to the Great Elder appeared out of nowhere not far from the village gates, in front of Tori who looked like a gentle princess with her back to them. ‘Would you like to see the young master? Should we announce you?’ The elite guard who seemed to be in charge spoke In a flirty tone as tho to tease Tori. ‘Anyway since you are here you must go see the great elder first and then we can decide...’

’Shhhh.’ Tori put her index finger to her lips while hissing which caused the guard who was speaking to be quiet thinking that Tori was rude despite her having shown Tori respect. ‘Be quiet you’re ruining my scenery, better yet disappear I don’t want you to pollute my air and if you breathe a word of my business to anybody it would be the...’ she suddenly slowed down at the end and stopped abruptly as if catching herself but the guards could tell what she had been saying because the moment the calm pretty gaze looked at them they felt shivers go down their spines even without any pressure whatsoever being exerted from Tori. ‘I mean it’s a surprise, don’t tell anyone.’ She said acting extra cute but the guards were already scared by her first statements. ‘Ok my lady we will...’ Tori glared at the three and before they could finish their statements they had already disappeared.

Lightning shimmered as soft giggles could be heard, Lexi materialized behind Tori. ‘ guess who?’ Tori turned around in excitement. ‘You have it? Gimme gimme.’ Tori said excited. ‘Hmm if I didn’t know you any better I would say you don’t love me and you are only using me.’ Lexi said jokingly. ‘But I don’t and you are very very useful’ Tori replied while giggling devilishly.

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