

’Owww! You hurt me really badly miss moon princess I’m not giving.’ Lexi said feigning hurt and playfully acted as though she wanted to throw the enchanted flash far into the rubbles of the forest where the fight had taken place, although at this time not much traces of the ‘Earth shaking battle’ (from the perspective of the spectators) could be seen. When she looked at Tori she saw no traces of amusement or panick, just calm eyes, the ones which threatened without an effort. ‘You don’t need to be so mad I’m giving it to you, I’m sorry.’ Lexi said as she realized Tori was not in the mood for jokes so she apologized and handed the flash over.

’Thank you.’ Tori said snatching it and then staring at it like her only jewelry in this world. Lexi would have giggled but she didn’t because she knew Tori was not in a fun mood and she didn’t ask for praises. ‘What’s worrying you baby? And why is that flash so important to you? What is on it? Would you please tell me?” Sometimes Lexi would forget just how young Tori was because her power was comparable to hers ‘The Daughter of Kyros The Lightning god,’ she was always referred to as ‘Crimson Soldier.’ (It was crimson princess but she broke the bones of everyone who called her that. But back to the issue). She had always had unsurpassed power and could even go toe to toe with her ‘dad,’ while every time she fought with Tori she always felt there was more that she (Tori) was always holding back, like an ancient beast showing restraint on it’s own. This made Lexi to never worry about Tori’s age and treat her as a twin.

’No it’s nothing, I guess I should go see Tor now.’ Tori said somewhat passively with a sad look in her eyes that most people wouldn’t notice. ‘Hey you’re about to go see your love and you have that kind of look. When I dreamt about giving my baby away I expected her to be ecstatic and immediately kick me out.’ Tori said in a soothing manner as she stroked Tori’s long black hair, you could tell that she was trying to be caring but the role seemed too awkward for her to be playing. ‘I mean coming from me this may sound weird but I’m scared.’ Tori replied in a quiet voice. ‘Huh? Scared? You? Plea...’ Lexi leaned in and she could see tears in her eyes, that made her re-evaluate the situation totally, she had truly never met this side of Tori, this fragile thing that looked like it was about to break, although she didn’t like it she still thought it was beautiful.


‘What if he doesn’t like me? What if he hates me? I know he can’t remember me but what if he leaves me after I help him? In my head I just can’t win, I’m not good enough.’ Tori said as Lexi watched her with complex emotions. After a bit Lexi slapped Tori causing her mask to fall on the ground revealing her beautiful face, and a full view of her large golden pupils while tears stained her cheeks. ‘I can’t listen to anymore of this cheesy none sense, who is more beautiful than you? Who is more graceful? Who will conquer the universes? Is it not you? Is that not your bride price? Don’t make me ashamed of being your sister.’ Lexi said looking at Tori forcing contempt she did not have, she was staring at Tori expecting a retaliation but instead there was a long uncomfortable-silence.

’Ive decided, even if he hates me I will make him love me he has no choice, it is his fate! You are right Lexi I was acting like one of those man crazy girls please forgive me.’ beautiful Tori looked up at Lexi with a smile brighter than her usual one. ‘You’re welcome anyways what is on the flash, I’ve been dying of curiosity.’ Lexi said switching the topic relieved now that Tori was back to normal. ‘You know? It’s a surprise!’ She said acting cute again which made Lexi giggle also. ‘Hey don’t give me the guards’ treatment okay?’ She said in between giggles. ‘Never.’ Tori replied.


The Delights was very noisy and was filled from top to bottom, over the little time that passed there had been gossip of what went on in the village and lots of people both regular humans and mages were coming for various reasons but most mainly wanted to gain information about the event ‘no one knew about.’ The gossip was making its rounds and everybody heard it, ‘GODS SIGHTED!’, ‘THE SECOND COMING!!’ and ‘BUDDHA HAS SUCCEEDED HIS CULTIVATION!!!!’ Were just a few of the headlines that were trending in columns and social medial, but needless to say both Tor and Tori had no idea that these ridiculous ideas were making their way around.


Tori was walking through each door slowly, she now had her mask on and she was like a ghost, everywhere she went people avoided her but did not even realize she was there, she even passed through doors and walls like they were thin air. ‘I’m sure he’s upstairs, I passed by the kitchen and got him his favorite meals, he better eat or I will kill Jin by myself.’ Tori said with a devilish smile and when she realized she had the ‘oh no’ look on her face. She then giggled and hurried up the stairs, she seemed to be thinking of something that made even her extremely happy.

’Young lord I have brought your food.’ The room had an oppressive aura and Tor was lying on the bed, his eyes closed and it was dimly lit at most. ‘Leave it there and get out.’ Tor responded without reacting in anyway, most people would have felt fear from the pressure being exuded by Tor at the moment but she just stood there looking at him. ‘Ah so rude. Well little Jin is sick so I’ll give him a pass this time.’ Was what Tori thought but she did not say it. ‘Hmmm? You’re not getting lost. So are you an assassin? I’m in a bad mood I wouldn’t care that you’re a little girl.’ Tor said calmly as the pressure in the room increased threefold throwing everything around but Tori stood in the middle of that chaos not flinching and all the food on the plate was in tact, while she was happily staring at Tor.

’Look at you laying in bed blaming yourself all day for something you could not have predicted. Who’s the little girl? You’re the little girl!’ Tori replied being unable to keep her servant act up. In the next second Tor appeared in front of her, they were face to face and when he opened his eyes his pupils were blood red but when they met with Tori’s golden pupils, surprise could be seen on his face. ‘Who are you and you didn’t get in here through the door, what clan are you from?’ Tor asked inching even closer to her face, searching his memory, he had a nagging intuition that he had met this girl before and it seemed deep down he was kinda happy to see her. ‘Now you ask the right question. Don’t worry about the dets though, but I am your wife Tori, a pleasure to meet you Lord Tor.’ Tori did a cute courtesy while Tor stood there stunned, at this confused masked girl, but when he looked at the tray of food she had been holding on to, it was obvious to him that he definitely knew this girl. The storm in the room died down and all that was a Tor who was skeptical and a Tori who was on the moon!

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