
‘Young master, the great elder celebrates you!’ The leader of the squad said as he and his squad bowed before Tor. ‘Wait aren’t those ‘the fortress terrors’?’ Asked one of the remaining mages who had fought the horde. ‘you’re joking right? What are they doing in this small village? And look they’re bowing to that kid who killed the last elder.’ Another observer stated in awe. Tor simply nodded at the praise the leader had delivered from the Great elder. ‘Jin’s core is damaged what do I do now?’ Tor said clearly ignoring the cheering crowd as he looked straight to the leader for an answer since he knew Ter would have a solution for him. His sorrow and rage was still present which made the leader nervous. ‘Reporting to young master, the great elder said to wait here for some time and you would get a fitting reply. Please you are to hand custody of the young lady to us.’ The squad leader replied with his head down, but as soon as he raised it and wanted to walk towards Tor to take Jin, his eyes met Tor’s and a shiver ran down his spine causing him to slide back and get in a defensive pose and his right hand grabbed the hilt of his blade. A second later he realised what he had just done and adjusted his posture to a bow again.’I am sorry I was being very disrespectful, please forgive me.’ He said with his head bowed low. ‘Tell uncle Ter i will protect Jin until I hear the solution.’ Tor said in a calm voice as he turned around with Jin in his arms, headed for the ‘Lightning Delights.’


A masked girl stood in a region of land as she looked up her gaze locked on a large floating piece of land above the clouds. ‘You’re there aren’t you Lexi?’ Lightning seemed to land right next to the masked girl and when the light died down, a girl with purple eyes, dressed in leather armour and holding a spear appeared. She was clearly around May’s age and lightning kept running around her body without her even using her mana. ‘you know you can’t escape me.’ She said with a smile, ‘so where are you going?’ She continued as she also looked up not being able to see a thing. ‘up.’ The young girl replied. ‘Tori I don’t understand what you’re saying. Are you alright? Do you need a doctor? Or maybe you need Tor.’ Lexi said trying to tease Tori as she giggled, usually that would be enough to get Tori flustered and throwing cusses at her, but today she seemed serious and focused. ‘up to ‘The city of Liberation’s outpost.’ The masked girl replied and with a light jump vanished from sight after which a sonic boom sounded out and the ground which she stood upon caved in due to the momentum. ‘Hey Tori slow down .’ Lexi turned into lightning and followed after her.


In the outpost which was floating, there was a whole army base with manned guns, defensive protocols and a castle like structure deep within. There was no one in sight as Tori and Lexi stood outside the formation. ‘So, are you not worried about Jin?’ Lexi asked trying to understand what they were doing there. ‘I am, that’s why we’re here. Take this Lexi.’ Tori said handing a small rectangular thumb drive to Lexi. ‘Whats this Tori, is it a super secret weapon that we’d use to take out this whole army and blow up the base?’ Lexi asked anticipation clear in her purple eyes as sparks of lightning were given off. ‘you could put it that way.’ The masked girl replied giggling. ‘so what is it called?’ Lexi asked her face close as if listening to a secret. ‘Flash-Drive’ Tori replied giggling. ‘huh are you making fun of me? So its just a flash drive? Boring. What’s next are we not going to fight?’ She asked as a sudden feeling of regret for going there washed over her. I would prefer if you don’t, we aren’t enemies yet.’ Tori replied looking at Lexi with her golden pupils. ‘oh, golden pupils, fate! This means we will be enemies, muahahaha ok I’ll let it go for now cause knowing you it’d be more fun later. So what am I to do with this flash drive?’ Lexi seemed to enjoy conflict and anticipated war with this ‘alien’ entity. ‘you slot it in the mainframe for five minutes and you let it do its thing, I imbued it with devourer mana.’ Tori responded and Lexi was staring at the flash drive as if she wanted to take it apart and understand it. Devourer as the name implies means to eat whatever the wielder wishes. In this case since the flash was imbued with that magic, it was clearly going to eat all the information on the base’s mainframe. ‘oh I like it. An army with no information is a crippled one. Allow me to find the mainframe.’ Lexi said as she closed her eyes following the electricity routes routes, sieving out devices sensing the hidden guards. As Lexi was focused she didn’t notice that Tori had used ‘Devourer’ on her erasing her aura completely. ‘I’ll be right back.’ Lexi said and and vanished deep into the army base. ‘mm, I’ll distract them.’ Tori responded and stepped into the defensive formation.


The moment Tori stepped into the formation, she let her aura run wild and before her fifth step, an army of five thousand had assembled before her and in unison they knelt in salute. ‘we greet the ‘Moon Princess’.’ Tori only glanced over them not even acknowledging the greeting. ‘Tell your commander to come greet me.’ She said in a calm voice disregarding the high ranking soldiers who had tried to speak to her.

A few seconds later, a man of about forty years of age was seen speeding through the air from the distant palace and with a loud boom sound, he landed in front of Tori, the smile on his face not being able to mask the savagery in his eyes.

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