
Tor said that in a calm voice but the mana in the entire village was chaotic and seemed to be converging where Tor was standing. The elder named Ku was about to respond but in the next second Tor vanished and appeared to his right flank, he reacted quickly putting his arm out to block protecting his ribs but once his arm made contact with Tor’s kick the sound of bones shattering rang out and the force propelled him like an arrow. As elder Ku was sent flying, the other elder was put on guard but before he could even attack Tor, he vanished again and landed on the flying elder Ku’s chest and with the weight of Tor and Jin landing on elder Ku, a boom sounded out and the sound of elder Ku’s body sliding through the earth before ploughing head first into the village walls.

‘you hateful brat, how dare you sneak attack your elders. I will make sure to capture you so the senior elder can give you a slow and painful death as a sacrifice to the blood beast.’ The elder said enraged as he put up a barrier and the area around got colder with violent winds spiralling through the entire area. ‘with just this little bit of power? Well even if you could capture me I’m afraid your Senior elder at the moment is just too dead to judge me.’ Tor responded with an amused smile as he began to walk towards the elder. ‘Hahaha little boy do you not fear that you would enrage me and I could mistakenly kill you because either way you would end up a blood sacrifice like the rest of the dead.’ The elder said as he charged at Tor at a very fast pace, in a few seconds he had already reached tor and using the skill ‘frozen palms.’ Each of his attacks were quick and seemed lethal since he was going for Tor’s vital points and mostly concentrating on Jin who was unconscious but none of his attacks even seemed to graze either of them since Tor’s evasion always made it look like his attacks were totally uncoordinated. Tor finally got tired of watching the clumsy elder attack as he did a leg sweep when the elder attacked, this made him lose his balance and the bone in his leg seemed to have cracked but before he could even express his pain Tor vanished and appeared in the air as he kicked the elder in the head and this made him fall with a very loud boom sound which led to a lot of dust getting kicked up from the sheer force of the elder’s impact with the ground.


‘A pair of useless trash. If you have any moves bring them out because I want to end this and attend to Jin.’ Tor said in a voice that seemed to want to expose his impatience and the fact that these two had pushed Jin into such a state, he decided that he must bring them pain before they died. As Tor held Jin in his arms he had assessed he condition and her core seemed to have cracks all over like something was trying to break out from it, although he did not understand exactly what was happening he knew Jin was in danger because the mana coming from her was very unstable. ‘Ah you little cocky bastard, now I’m pissed! Hey we are being looked down upon and you are trying to take a nap?!’ Elder Ku stood up screaming as sounds of cracking bones could be heard and his eyes looked like he had gone berserk. ‘‘Soul burning ice!’ The other elder screamed as he stood up in the next second his look matching that of Elder Ku. ‘Even if our souls will be extinguished after this move, we must drag you who has shat on our honour to the depths of hell with us, don’t even think of leaving here with your life!’ The other elder said as he and elder Ku made some hand signs which created runes that were dancing in the air, as they were preparing their attack Tor did not make any moves to stop or avoid it but rather stood there watching them quickly prepare the attack.

‘Who wants to go to hell with you two? I just came to hand you both your visas.’ Tor responded with a smirk and both elders noticed the disrespectful smile on his face which caused their anger to go up another level, but they had already run out of powerful moves that were meant to give them the upper hand. ‘Eat this brat!. The elder Ku screamed, after which he shot thick blue ice at Tor and his mana could be seen depleting at extreme speed while his body began drying up. Once the ice hit the barrier around Tor which only activates when the attack is life threatening, it vanished which totally shocked both elders. ‘Help me brother I do not believe that with us both burning our life forces we can’t kill this little twat.’ Elder Ku implored the other elder hastily. ‘Fine but you will repay me when we reincarnate.’ The Elder replied looking as though he was happy for Elder Ku to owe him in his next life. ‘That is no problem as long as this fool’s soul never reincarnates!’ Elder ku responded with a laugh.


The other elder joined in pouring all the ice and mana in him but the barrier only showed ripples and a bit of frosting but swallowed the ice which was attacking it. As Elder Ku and his suicide partner were putting their backs into it, Tor immediately vanished and appeared behind elder Ku, ‘I believe you did it this way, soul crushing ice?’ Once elder Ku turned he was petrified because he saw his worst nightmare which was Tor holding on to the sleeping Jin and his leg was up the sole facing elder Ku and spatial ripples were seen before the same blue ice came pouring out at Elder ku and in seconds elder Ku was frozen in the terrified position and his core was heard shattering before his body crumbled and turned to little ice crystals which flew into the air, nothing left, not body, bones, core or soul. The other elder could only watch since he had finally expended his mana. He looked as scared as Elder Ku due to the fact that even his soul would be extinguished.

Tor walked confidently towards him as he fell on his knees and even before Tor could speak he began to knock his head on the ground. ‘Please anything but that, please I beg of you do not extinguish my soul. I have eyes on the top of my head but failed to see Aso Rock, please young hero kill me in anyway but that.’ The elder pleaded seriously that those who were in the village were gathering to watch what was left out of it. ‘old goon, earlier you were talking all big and saying how you were ready to die but now you beg for your soul like a kid being flogged for not doing homework? I am sorry but mercy has never been my favourite word. Sayonara.’ Tor responded as he raised his foot and the spatial ripples began appearing again, but the Elder wasn’t ready to give up. ‘you said you’d give us a ticket to hell…’ The ice blasted out and had the same effect as it did on elder Ku, flesh, bones, core and soul, all gone in a flash. ‘i lied’ Tor said as he stood there holding on to the sleeping Jin as the sun rose, the people who were gathered were cheering and screaming while a dozen figures with cloaks and masks descended upon the village.

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