《Highschool Sweethearts》Chapter Six "Mary"


I woke up to the image of Bailey Winters letter. I felt so sick to my stomach it was making me feel weak.

I also rememered tonight I was going dress shopping with two my new friends? I had a wonerful dream about Jack, also our kiss yesterday.

The tree, his lips and words 'I won't let you go ever, you got it?' What he said was so... I don't know? Catching is the only way I could possibaly put it. It was running through my head so much. But i'm not going to let that ruin my saturday night. I got dressed and packed my purse for some damn shopping!

I heard honking out front "Hey Mary let's got!" I ran downstairs "Where on earth do you think your going?" mom was in the kitchen drinking some tea "I'm going prom dress shopping with some friends" Mom's eye light up "Your going with Jack!" She became seventeen years old again "Yes!" She ran to her purse and took out fifty bucks "Mom I have fifty already" she walked up to me "Well now you have fifty more, go on now...Bye" I ran outside to the car.

"Let's shop!" Lesiley was driving "What mall are we going to?" Lesiley looked in the rear view mirror "Blue Creek Mall duh?" I laughed "Oh yeah, because I would know that" Shelia turned around "Do you shop much?" I shook my head "No, i'm not very good at picking clothes" Shelia laughed "I can tell" we all laughed "Put some music on Shelia!" Lesiley demanded "Damn girl hold your horses!" Shelia put on Britney Spears.

As soo as she pressed play the car boomed and played 'Baby hit me one more time' LOUD! "WHAT THE FUCK!" Lesiley shouted as she pulled to the side of the road. Shelia fumbled with the AUX cord "I can't figure it out!" she started pressing a bunch of bottons on the stereo.


All I did was leaned through the middle of the car and lowered the volume"You have the volume on high!" Lesiley stared at Shelia as we sat in scilence for a good... minute.

"Mary!" Lesiley yelled "Yeah?" she passed me the cord "Play some damn music!" I put QUEEN on "YES!" Shelia screamed "This is the best" I laughed. Lesiley turned to me at the red light "Nice choice... salad legs" she said looking at my feet and i nodded and accepted that as a compliment

We got to the mall and I followed them to a shop called Bailey's Dresses.

I saw a dress I liked right when I walked in, It was short, pink and it had silver rinestones on the chest lace.

It was perfect... But then again i'm going with a murderer and nothing nor nobody is perfect

I was at the register paying for the dress "What did you get?" Lesily and Shelia popped over my shoulders. "I got-" Shelia cut me off and pick the dress up "This is cutem too bad its small" I reached for it bu tshe pulled away "Yeah like your fat ass would ever be that small" Shelia laughed and handed it back to me "What the hell Shelia?" I said taking it back to the registar "sorry" The registar laughed "It's totally cool, at least you have friends right?" I smiled.

After she gave me my bag and said "That you for shopping" and whatever she usually says next, I saw Bailey Winters and the girls staring at her "Hey, is that?" Shelia nodded "Come on let's follow" I know whats happening "You set this thing all up, didn't you!" Lesiley "No I swear, he knew you wouldn't do it" I sighed in whatever gesture "Fine let go"

We followed her to a storage room, Jack and brandon were there "Hey what took you so long?" Brandon said holding Bailey down on her knees.


Lesiley grabbed my purse "HEY!" she held out the letter. Jack looked at me "Turn away" but I didn't. He walked up to bailey and forced the gun in her hand and made her shoot herself. "GIVE ME THE LETTER!" I froze "QUICK!" I snapped out of it and I handed him the letter. "GOOD!" He shouted "NOW LETS GO!"

We all ran back into the store. The group slipt apart frantically. We heard security on their way infront of us. Only Jack and I alone, what would we do?

"They're gonna know it was us!" I said frightend "Don't worry I got a plan" I looked at him worried, then he pinned my back to a scanner and kissed me... More like made out with me.

The security guards passed by "Kids" A security guard said laughing by us. They passed and ran into the storage room. Jack was still kissing me, he finally let go breathing heavely. "Eh hmm, let's go find the others.

I nodded.

We walked out of the building together and found Lesiley's car "What the fuck Jack!" Shelia said walking to the door "What?!" Shelia waved me to get in the car, we waited in the car for Lesiley.

"She had no idea we were doing this" Lesiley said "I may have told her you guys were just shopping?" Lesiley's eyes grew angery "That poor girl doesn't need this, and I know your sick plan Jack, I read your journal" He was shocked "You, what?" She smirked "Thats right, you killed your parents because they were too demanding and now your looking for your own Mrs.Wifey so you can fufill daddy's last wish." Shelia honked she waved at us telling one one second.

"Now i'm gonna tell her everything, and to stay the fuck away from you... You... PSYCO!" she went to walk away but he grabbed her wrist "Tell her anything... and i'll kill your family, Brandon and little Brandon Jr... Slut" she looked at him in fear "No!" he smiled "Good." he let her wrist go "Now shut the fuck up or i'll do even worse than what I said" She ran to the car "Oh, and Lesiley?" She turned "Tell Mary i'm picking her up at 4:00 o'clock tomorrow" he winked at her.

She got in slowly as if she had seen a ghost "What did he say?" I asked "To have a good prom" Shelia budded in "And?" she frantically started the car "And... He said to tell Mary he'll pick you up at 4:00 O'clock" I smiled "4:00 O'clock?... Fancy" Shelia and I laughed while Lesiley drove me home.

That night in my room after dinner:


Hey gurl Lesiley u and me r comin ovr and we hang out and girl bitch stuff?


Yeah sure, if it's no problem.

Oh and you really need to leard how to type.


I'm black Mary... I spell gurl like this on purpose.

lol...Bitch (Knife emoji)


Oh, no!

I mean the spelling of... everything.


I know bitch!

I'm coming over tomorrow so be repared for big black thunder!


What about your guy's dates?


It's all good we are all going together.

U also have no say in it cause i just set it up!

Goodnight bitch!


lol... Great!


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