《Highschool Sweethearts》Chapter Seven "Mary"


It was the day of prom.

I woke up feeling sick to my stomach.

Yesterday a student was killed, they say she wasn't innocent but I think she was in some way.

The plan they told me about was a complete lie, they killed her in her own family store. Bailey Winters was dead and I was the one who did it, but I wasn't alone. Jake made me do it, he made me plagiarize her handwriting and then he made her shoot herself in the head...

I wasn't just going to prom with a killer... I was going as one too...

Maybe i'll feel better when Shelia gets here.


The door bell rang, I ran to the front door, Shelia and Lesiley stood with bags and bags of stuff, "Hey!" I said excitedly "Gurl my arms are killin' and my thighs are chillin' open the damn door and let's?" She looked at Lesiley waiting for her to finish the sentence... More like speech "Let's... Get our prom on!" she said tierdly "Okay follow me!" They walked in the my room and threw the bags on my bed "It looks like a fucking ball room in here" Shelia looked at me "Ok, let's get promified" Lesiley smirked "You suck at this" Shelia copied her smirk "Not as much as you do" they both laughed "We get it, hate love relationship! Now let's get ready!" We all scattered around.

I did my hair in a ponytail with a 50's curl to the tip and also curled my bangs to the side.

Shelia had short shaved black hair so she wore a green headband with a bow.

Lesiley layed her golden blonde hair down and went curly with the ends.

I did all of our make up because Shelia is "Terrible at doing this shit!" and Lesiley just doesn't "Want to do it bitch!"


Finally it was dress time.

I has six inch heels and I was 5' 4 girl!

And my pink dress, hair and body was beautiful in this moment.

"I want to get FUCKED TONIGHT!" Shelia holding a bottle of liqour in her hand "Oh my god did you drink that!" Lesiley asked "What do you mean? This is my third bottle!" She shouted "SHEILIA SHUT UP!" I tried to be serious but she was too funny "Hey, hey Mary!" She whispered "Do I look like a sexy, fat green peper or no?" I was laughing so hard I almost peed myself, Lesiley started to grab on to the bed to stableize her laughter.


"The boys are here!" Shelia ran out of the room to the front door Lesiley and I followed "Why hello my fellow other gender friends" she said slurring "You druck Shelia?" Brandon asked "Yes I like pineapple!" Lesiley and I laughed in the kitchen "Hello?" Shelia waved then into the kitchen "Wow.." I smiled "Well? How do I look?"He nodded "You look-" Brandon cut him off "Hot!" He shouted "BABE!" Lesiley smacked his arm "OH! sorry?" We laughed. Jack raised his eyebrows "Well... Let's get our prom on?" Shelia hit Lesileys arm and smirked.

Jack drove us in his Toyota minivan that just fit all of us. The whole drive Shelia had her tongue down her dates throat, Brandon had his hand under Lesiley's dress doing... Stuff.

Then Jack and I were just laughing to ourselves, ignoring the Bailey Winters thing, being teenagers tonight.

We finally got to the school parking lot "Damnit you'd think they would have more parking for all the students" Jack said

"Everybody look for spots or anyone pulling out" Shelia nudged Lesiley. Brandon laughed not getting the idea of the joke. "AHA THERE BITCH!" Shelia jumped around pointing "OKAY! CHILL OUT!" Jack pulled in the spot. Brandon and Lesiley rushed out "Okay guys we are spiking the punch!" Shelia cut in "NO I AM..." her date looked at her funny "I mean... WE ARE!" Shelia took charge of that "O...Kay we will put out the weed cookies then?" Shelia nodded "YEAH" Jack clapped "Ok we'll follow you in a minute" They all got out of the car and headed in while I sat there looking at Jack confused "...So?" He smiled "So I wanted to talk to you about the whole.. Bailey Winters thing" he lauged "You know what, I won't say anything about what you guys do. All I want is you, I don't want to be killing students... Or anyone in fact... I just want to date and be with you?" He grabbed me and kissed me. Not too much pressure but just enough to get a moan out of me, he let go and confronted my eyes "Ok, let's go" I smiled and got out of the car.


We walked into the gym where they were throwing the prom, holding hands and smiling. "Picture?" A student asked "Oh, yeah right" he laughed. I stood back to him with his arms around my waist, I could feel his breathe escape his lips to my neck "Say PROM!" we smiled and sung "PROM!"

As we entered the decorations of blue ballons and blue/Crystal white lighting scanned the room. Little white clothed and roud tables surrouned a dance floor, full of hot, sweaty teens, teachers crossing their arms at the view and popular, over-rated music.

We danced "What if they know, or they find out or-" He grasped my hand and pulled me in closer. I stared deep into his eyes, suddenly seeing the future I really wanted. He leaned closer and whispered "I love you" then he kissed me with so much meaning with every second that passed. We kissed until I had to pull away for a breath. He chuckled a bit and, cradled me into his chest.

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