《Highschool Sweethearts》Chapter Five "Jack"


I woke up and got ready for school.

Walking to school knowing that Mary knew about me made me feel sick inside. I had never felt this way about one of them before.

She made me feel life and love. I saw her waiting in front of the school, I walked up to her "Hi" I acted as if nothing had happened "H..Hi" she looked so scared of me, I hated that. I have to get her part of the group so she stays with me "Tonight I need you to do something for me" she looked scared as ever "And what is that?" she looked away "Well, we are going to do another kill tonight and I need you to plagiarize a girls hand writing" she looked at me quickly in anger "How and why would I ever do such a thing" I grabbed her arms and pulled her close towards my chest, and she let me "I've seen you do it before with your dad's name, why? you ask...For me thats why" she wrapped her arms around my body in shivers "Fine, just tell me who and why?" I layed a kiss on her forehead "Her name is Bailey Winters and she is the popular bully of our school" She let go slowly "How is she a bully?" pulling herself together "She publicly humiliates students" Her eyes were shocked "What we do is we start with terrible rumours, to get the school against her. Then we get her parents against her and last but not least we get her to suicide or if she doesn't copperate we kill her and make it look like a suicide" she was biting her lip nervously "Where do I come in?" I like her already "After her 'Suicide' we have you write a letter saying things about how she was so deppresed and how people hated her" she started to shake "Fine."


The bell rang!

Throughout class I couldn't help but feel sad about Mary. She couldn't leave my side no matter where she went. I love her way too much to let her go like the last ones.

After school we waited for Mary to meet at the groups secret place in the woods. "Hey girl, you ready for some fun" Shelia asked her "How do you define fun" she said charcastically "Killing evil bastards and bitches" Lesiley smiled for the first time since they met "Welcome Mary, to our special group" She nodded shyly "We have to start with the rumours" I said, Shelia raised her hand "Yes?" Brandon asked "What if we say she's been cheating on her boo thang with a teacher" Lesiley applauds her in a bitch way "Wow so original" Lesiley gave her cat eyes "No no that will work with Bailey Winters" Sheli gave a smirk back to her "Mary can you do the letter tonight?" she nodded "Yeah" she was so calm "Shelia Your on rumour duty, Lesiley your on school duty, Brandon your on parents and Mary..." Her eyes never lost their light, no matter what I said I knew she was mine "Your on the letter duty" Mary looked confused "What about your duty?" I smiled "I get to counsel" We all nodded "See you tommorow guys" We all split apart.

Mary's tight jeaned body walked fatser than usual, so I followed her "HEY, WAIT UP!" she ran, I caught up to her and blocked her path "Hey what's wrong?" I reached for her shoulders and grasped lightly "It's kind of hard to see you right now!" I knew what do to, the rest of them did the same thing. But I wasn't gonna let her get away. I pulled her in quickly and kissed her lips. She started to fight it but held her too close, She stopped fighting. She dropped her back back and I pushed her up on a tree. Her moans made me kiss her harder, I nudged my knees in between her legs making her legs wrap around mine. Till finally our lips let each other go with our foreheads still together "I won't let you go ever, you got it?" she looked into my eyes "Yeah" I pulled away from the tree, grabbed her bag and handed it to her "We'll work on that letter tomorrow, okay?" she nodded "See you tommorow, ma'lady" as I walked away I could hear her soft voice whispher "See you tommorow butler" and I kept walking.

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