《Obey Me! x Reader - Oneshots? (Requests Open)》Instincts - Tiger Mammon x Reader


Another day in the house of Lamentation. I’d like to say another normal day but a lot happened and in honesty I’m not sure if any day here is ever normal. This time Luke and I wanted to bake a cake for everyone and Luke just HAD to add his ‘special’ ingredient... an ingredient that turned out to be a potion that turned the brothers into animals and Beel almost ate me, not very fun... but then again, he would’ve probably tried to eat me at some point regardless of whether he turned into a man-eating lion or not.

Even though I almost got eaten, I have to admit that all of the brothers were adorable in their new forms. Beel became a Lion, followed by Satan becoming a cat, Belphie becoming a fox, Levi becoming a giraffe, Asmo becoming a bear, Mammon becoming a tiger and finally Lucifer becoming a wolf. I should probably add that they didn’t fully transform, they grew ears, tails and had more animalistic instincts, like how Levi wanted to eat leaves and Beel wanted raw meat; which they managed to get control of eventually and they also gained some abilities but that’s not really important right now.

I have to admit that I absolutely adore Mammon and right now I really really want to pet his tiger ears! He’s so so cute!!! Not that he isn't normally cute but this form just makes him look so so precious! It hurt when he ran away when he first transformed but at the same time, it was so sweet, he ran away from me in order to protect me... he’s such an idiot but in that moment... he was like a knight in shining armour. MY handsome, adorable yet tsundere knight in shining armour. I can’t exactly remember how, when or why but since coming to the Devildom I managed to fall in love with him and seeing him like this right now makes me want to scream... he’s... just... TOO CUTE!!!

“Y/N! Oi, Y/N! Quit daydreaming and start cleaning!” Mammon complained while his tail wagged behind him causing me to giggle. “What’s so funny?”

“You’re just too cute!” I burst into a fit of laugher as his face turned a bright crimson and he crossed his arms.

“W-whatever! Just start cleaning!” He turned away, his tail still wagging and his ears twitching slightly.

I started to focus more on the main task at hand. After baking the cake, we didn’t exactly clean up so Mammon said he would help me clean now; he’s so sweet when he wants to be. I started moving some things to the basin to get washed when a knife slipped from my grasp and cut my finger slightly, I dropped everything else I was carrying and winced in pain slightly. My finger started to bleed quite a bit even though the cut wasn’t too deep. Just then Mammon rushed over to me.

“Are ya alright?” He asked in a worried tone as he noticed the dishes, I dropped on the floor.

“Y-yeah. I just cut my finger is all.” I show him my finger, the blood slowly flowing from the small cut. “M-Mammon?” He just stood there, silent, his eyes twitching slightly.

A few moments later he took my hand rather roughly, my E/C eyes widened for a moment as I was caught off guard. I watched as he slowly brought my cut finger closer and closer to his face then to my surprise and shock; he began to lick the blood from my finger gently before placing my finger in his mouth. At this point I was scared. I called his name, once, twice, three times but he just continued to suck the blood from my wound, gripping my hand even tighter. His claws began to scratch my skin lightly as I stood there frozen in terror, unable to move.


“Mammon! Mammon, please! You’re hurting me, let go!” Eventually he opened his mouth but I could tell he was going to bite my finger as he grazed his teeth along it lightly. “MAMMON!” I screamed, my eyes tearing up as he finally looked up at me, his eyes wide in pure horror as he pushed my hand away from him and turned his back on me.

“Get Levi to bandage that for you, don’t let the others see it. I-I'll be in my room.” And with that Mammon ran off and left me alone in the kitchen.

I fell to my knees trying to compute what had just happened to me; holding my injured hand to my chest. My eyes continued to water, tears falling slowly. My hand was still sore from his vice-like grip from a few moments ago and his claws had left a few small scratches on my hand, they stung slightly but I have to say the heart wrenching pain I felt when he ran off was the worst pain I’ve experienced in a while. I could almost feel my heart sinking and I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn’t notice Lucifer towering over me.

“Y/N?” I looked up at him, my face stained with tears as more threatened to spill. His eyes widened. “Are you alright? Did something happen with Mammon?” He offered out his hand.

“L-Luci...” I hesitantly took his hand and stood up. “Mammon... He tried to bite me because I cut myself." I showed Lucifer my hand.

“Come on then, we better get that bandaged. I’ll talk to that idiot at some point.” He took my hand gently but I ripped it away from him and shielded it with my uninjured hand.

“I told you, I’m in full control. I won’t hurt you.” He said, sighing slightly.

“You promise?”

“I swear to Lord Diavolo. Now let’s deal with this ok?”

“Ok... but you shouldn’t swear to your boyfriend.” I giggle as an irk mark is almost visible on his forehead... but he DID NOT deny it...

Once Lucifer had finished disinfecting the cut and wrapping up my hand so the rest of the scratches left over by Mammon’s claws wouldn’t bother me too much; I ran off to Mammon’s room. I made sure it was ok with Lucifer first and at first he was against the idea but I am stubborn so I got to do what I wanted in the end and Lucifer agreed to clean the kitchen for me... but I do have to help him with paperwork next week. I mean I guess it’s not so bad though, I’d do anything for Mammon, that white haired idiot that I love so much.

I rush to Mammon’s room and knock on the door several times, impatiently. After a few moments I hear rustling in his room and the door finally opens, he stands there and stares at the floor for a few moments, neither of us quite knowing what to say to one another. He looked a little angry... At first, I was so happy and excited to go see him; I wanted him to know I don’t blame him but now that I’m here; I have absolutely no clue what I should say or do. Was this a mistake? I look to the floor, unsure whether I should leave him alone for a while or not. I’m not normally the kind of person to think about things so much, I prefer to just do what needs done, but here, I’m not sure what I should do.


After a few minutes of standing there in silence he looks at my now bandaged hand. He then slowly attempts to close the door to his room but I quickly push my way in and wrap my arms around him, digging my face into his chest. Mammon seemed shocked for a few moments but he eventually put his arms around me gently in return and we stood still just like that for a few minutes. His scent was soothing somehow which was kind of funny, he smelled like car air fresher.

“I’m sorry about earlier, you probably shouldn’t be so close to me Y/N, I don’t want to hurt you again...” I push myself back from the hug before taking a deep breath, reaching my hands up and SLAPPING my hands onto both sides of his face. “Ow! What are ya doing!”

“Mammon! Who are you?” I ask with a deadpan expression.


“Who are you?” I repeat myself.

“What do ya mean? Is this the idiot sandwich meme from the human world or somethin’?” He questions, clearly confused.

“I’ll tell you who you are! You’re THE ‘Great’ Mammon. The one and only Great Mammon! You're sarcastic, needy, greedy and funny. You’re adorable and sweet when you want to be but you also act very strange sometimes! You’re always there for me when I need you, always protecting me, which you clearly enjoy even though you act like it’s a chore! You’re also extremely stupid sometimes, like right now. Do you seriously think I’d blame you for my hand being hurt? It was my fault and even then, look, you’re in control right now. You didn’t do any real damage and if I hated you or was afraid of you; would I be here, so close to you?” I almost spill my heart out with determination clear in my voice.

“Y/N... Hey wait a second did you just call me-” Mammon's face begins to turn a bright red hue but I cut off his sentence quickly.

“I suppose... If you want to make it up to me, you could let me do something. Like... I don’t know. Play with your tiger ears.” I say in my most innocent voice with the most innocent smile I could muster.

“F-fine. Just- be careful, they’re sensitive.” He replies, his face turning even redder if that’s even possible.

Mammon then walks over to his bed and takes a seat but out of sheer excitement I jump on him and hover over him, my eyes sparkling. I was so so happy! I get to play with Mammon’s ears! He is so cute! I love him so so much!!! I reach up and touch his soft, fluffy ears. On the outside they were soft with small hairs and on the inside, there was a lot of softer white fluff. As I played with his ears they twitched and I noticed that Mammon had his eyes closed tight the whole time and his tail was wagging slightly before I felt it wrap around me lightly.

“Did you just... wrap your tail around me?” I froze for a moment and looked down at Mammon, his eyes now open and his face as red as ever.

“Y-yeah... Sorry, I’m not fully in control of my tail.” He looked off to the side to avoid my eye contact.

“You’re too cute!” Without thinking, I lean my head down and lightly press my lips against his forehead a few times. It took me a moment to realise what I had done and when the realisation hit me, my body froze. “M-M-Mammon! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t thinking and I-I...”

Mammon then managed to flip me over while I was a stuttering, blushing mess. He hovered above me and I lay still with wide eyes. He was still blushing but he had a small smirk crossing his face which caused my face to start reddening even more. He stared at me for quite some time lightly stroking my cheek with the back of his hand. He then stared directly into my eyes and spoke very quietly into my ear, almost whispering.

“Do you trust me, Y/N?” He asked, his breath tickling my ear slightly.

“Of course, I do!” I replied.

“Close your eyes for a minute.” Mammon said quietly into my ear once more.

“Why?” I questioned.

“Just do it if you trust me.” I closed my eyes just as he asked and at that moment, I felt his lips graze against mine.

My eyes widened when he finally pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back of course. In that moment, I thought I could cry. Was it possible? The demon, the man I loved, really loved me back? My heart felt like it may explode with the amount of overwhelming love and joy I felt. I never want this moment to end. His lips actually tasted like vanilla which was kind of strange but I didn’t care, the only things that mattered in that moment were Mammon and the feelings we shared. Eventually our lips parted and he hovered over me once again.

“I-I love you, Mammon!” I smiled up at him.

“I love you too, you idiot.” He pressed his nose and forehead against mine and looked into my eyes for a brief second before giving my lips a quick peck and hovering over me once more. “I think it’s my turn now...”

My blush deepened and I just stared at him hovering above me, just staring into my eyes. He was smirking which was making me feel like he was planning something and I’ve known Mammon long enough to know that when he plans something it almost never ends well... After a few more moments I heard a small chuckle and he placed his hand on my cheek gently once again. He lightly stoked my cheek for a few moments and I couldn’t help but lean into his delicate touch so it made me pout slightly when he took his had away from my face. It’s not like him to be so bold so I did love these moments, when he would pat my back or head or scruff up my hair and his hugs were the best but now, I would have to say the affection I love the most from him now is his warm, gentle kiss.

I was then distracted from my thoughts because I felt his weight shift slightly before he placed all his weight down on me, placing his head gently against my chest. I felt like my face was going to explode... my hearts practically beating out of my chest, his arms were still at either side of me. What was he planning now?

“Uhh... M-Mammon?” I managed to call out his name.

“Shh, it’s time for a nap.” His voice was muffled against my chest and it tickled slightly as he spoke.

“Huh! But-” He cut me off before I could say anything else.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tease you later! I promise.” He looked up at me for a moment to send me a sly wink before placing his head back on my chest.

It didn’t take very long for Mammon to fall asleep and once he finally had; I placed one of my arms around his back and I placed my other hand on his head, stroking his soft, white hair lightly; I tried to avoid touching his ears because he was so precious that I didn’t want to wake him. Eventually I too fell asleep; holding the one I loved close to my heart... literally.

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