《Obey Me! x Reader - Oneshots? (Requests Open)》Nightmare - Satan x Reader


I pant as I run through the darkened forest. In the dead of night; no light source other than the moon shining through the towering trees above me. My lungs feel like they’re on fire, pain shoots through my whole body. My lungs ache as I gasp for air, I’ve been running for who knows how long. My skirt and jumper were stained with mud and dirt from the few times I stumbled, my knee was bleeding from when I skid on it earlier, it stung but it was nothing compared to the pain in my lungs and yet, I was still running. Running for my life from who knows what; all I knew was someone was after me.

“I see you stopped running? Best to give up. You’ll disappear here too.” A women's, nasty, raspy voice called from somewhere behind me and just then it was like the story Satan told me echoed in the forest around me.

Earlier today, Satan and I were in the forest and he told me an awful story about how a boy came here, to this forest at the dead of night and was never heard from again. They found no evidence of anyone being killed, no blood, no body, no visible evidence. It was like he disappeared from existence. Even his close friends never heard another word from him. Of course, when Satan told me this, I began to tear up slightly out of fear. He laughed at me slightly, telling me that I was ‘cute’ when I was scared. He pet my head and I latched onto his arm until we go home. This was in the afternoon and for the rest of the day I stuck close to Satan.

I can’t seem to remember exactly how I got here, in this forest, in the dead of night. ‘I’m so scared, I don’t want to disappear like that boy did! I want to go home, to the House of Lamentation, I want to have breakfast and laugh with everyone... I-I don’t want to die here!’ I thought to myself as I continued to run only to get my foot tangled in tree root that was sticking out of the ground. I tried desperately to force my foot free of the root but it was all in vain; the voice was coming closer and closer. Eventually I began to cry and saw two massive dark hands reaching out for me from the darkness.


“You’ll die here. So, say goodbye, human.” I screamed and cried. The last thing I heard was a cackled laugh as the hands closed around me.

I woke up with a jolt, panting with a cold sweat. I sat up slowly and shakily on my bed. I immediately decided to check my DDD for the time, it was so early, I had barely slept. I should probably go back to sleep, but how could I. At this point I was too freaked out to do anything, I was still shaking, my face was stained with tears. I threw the covers off of me and looked at my clothes, a nice, clean, night dress; not a single mud stain in sight. However, my knee did have a small plaster on it, I completely forgot that I had fallen in the forest earlier today. I throw my head back in relief for a moment before getting out of bed and wandering to my door.

I silently wandered to the room of the only person I could think of in that moment, the cause of my nightmare, Satan. Hesitantly, I knocked on his door softly. In honesty, I wasn’t expecting an answer at this time but I heard some shuffling coming from his room and the door opened. Satan stared at me for a brief moment before wiping his eyes tiredly.

“Hello Y/N, do you have any idea what time it is?” He covered his face to muffle a yawn.

“S-sorry...” I began to tear up again, standing awkwardly outside Satan’s room because I had no clue how to get my words out in that moment.

“Are you crying?!” Satan asked, surprised.

“It’s your fault, stupid!” Not wanting him to see my cry I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled my face into his chest.

“What do you- ohhh. Did you have a nightmare or something about that story I told you earlier?” He pet my head gently and embarrassed, I nodded with my head still nuzzled into his chest. “I see. You want to sleep with me?” He asked looking away slightly.


“Y-yes... please.” I said softly as I brought my head out of his chest.

Satan let me enter his room and we both got into bed. As we lay there, staring at each other awkwardly Satan let out another yawn and I soon followed, yawning softly. Just then Satan wrapped his arms around my back and brought me closer to him, pulling me into his chest protectively. For a moment my eyes widened. His room smelled like the crisp paper of the books it was filled with, a relaxing smell and Satan smelled nice too, like caramel. I felt my face heat up.

“S-S-Satan?” I manage to stutter out as he places a hand behind my head and begins to pat my head affectionately.

“Shh, let’s sleep like this, I promise, I’ll keep you safe ok?” He rested his head on mine.

“O-ok... Thank you!” I close my eyes slowly and eventually fall asleep in Satan’s arms.

I wake up feeling warm as someone plays with my hair softly. My eyes flutter open slowly to be met with a pair of mischievous green eyes staring back at me. I smiled softly, a blush creeping up my face slightly as I recall the events of last night that brought me to where I am now; in Satan’s bed, my face INCHES away from his. Noticing my blush, he smirks slightly at stops playing with my hair only to pat my head.

“Good morning, my dear Y/N.” His smirk changed to a more genuine smile.

“M-morning! I’m sorry about last night...” I trailed off slightly.

“It’s alright, I guess I shouldn’t have told you that scary story. But... if you want to make up for it, a good morning kiss wouldn’t go amiss.” His smirk returned and I died on the inside at his words... Was he being serious?! “But that is only... If you really want to make up for all the trouble.”

“A-alright!” I sat up and leaned closer to Satan.

I’d never kissed anyone before, I was so nervous. I was also a little sad, I didn’t know I caused that much trouble for Satan. ‘I need to do this! I need to apologise for any and all trouble I caused, even though now I think about it... It is kind of his fault for sharing that stupid story in the first place. I better do this, it's not like it’s a chore or anything... I suppose I wanted to do this for a while, but that doesn’t make it any less embarrassing!’ I quickly closed my eyes and pressed my lips against his softly for a moment. I then opened my eyes but as soon as our lips separated, Satan brought his hand to the back of my head and pushed my head forward slightly so our lips would touch once again. I closed my eyes once more. His kiss was a little more harsh and needy but filled with love. This kiss lasted significantly longer, ending with us gasping for air.

“Best morning in a long time.” Satan smiled at me.

“I-I love you...” I leaned forward and gently kissed his cheek. His eyes went wide for a moment, almost as if in shock.

“You... you shouldn’t suddenly say such things you know!” He pouted slightly as a blush crept is way up his face. “I... love you too Y/N.” He said softly as he pet my head.

The best morning of my life!

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