《Obey Me! x Reader - Oneshots? (Requests Open)》First Date - Mammon x Reader



Movie nights were always fun in the House of Lamentation. I almost always sat next to Mammon because I thought his reactions (mainly to horror movies) were funny. I’d usually have something to tease him with the next day like when he would wrap his arms around me tightly and whimper or shake when he was scared during horror movies, sometimes he would even scream; my ears would normally hurt after a movie night. We would also rotate on who’s choice or what genre we would watch and tonight was finally my turn... and Asmo’s. I chose (F/M) and Asmo chose some weird romance movie.

We decided to watch (F/M) first and Asmo’s afterward but after (F/M) finished, I started getting a little tired. I didn’t want to be rude and go to bed early because Asmo loved this movie and I didn’t want to offend him by leaving early. However, tiredness eventually overtook me...

Mammon POV

During Asmo’s crummy romance movie I felt something on my arm. I turned my head to the side to see (Y/N) resting their head against my shoulder, I felt my face heat up and I look around at my brothers who all seem to be occupied with the movie. I hesitate for a minute before lifting my arm and putting it around (Y/N)’s shoulder causing her head to lightly fall onto my chest. ‘How am I supposed to focus on the stupid movie now!’ I thought to myself before I heard a whistle from behind me.

“Isn’t that something you should do when you’re alone stupid-mammon?” Levi asked, rolling his eyes.

“No one asked ya, ya weird otaku-thing!” I replied with a huff.

“Soooooo... asked her out yet? Hmmm???” Asmo questioned, wiggling his brows.

“Shut up!” I replied, my face becoming slightly redder.

“You haven’t!” Asmo gasped.

“You know, if you don’t make a move soon, I might just have to step in.” Satan smirked before continuing “besides, I’m sure she would be much happier with me, rather than a money hungry, no-good troublemaker.”

“Enough already! I asked her out!” I replied angrily. ‘Who does he think he is calling me a no-good troublemaker!’

“You have? When?” Beel asked as he stuffed his face with what popcorn was left in his bowl. “Are you gonna eat that?” He asked pointing to mine and (Y/N)’s shared bowl, causing me to roll my eyes.

“Earlier today! And she said yes! We’re going out tomorrow, got a problem with it?” All my brothers looked at each other, with the expectation of Belphie who was sound asleep, snoring away in the corner. “Ugh! I’m going to take (Y/N) to her room and go to bed to rest up for my date! MY date!” I lifted (Y/N) carefully and left my brothers in the living room, after a few moments of silence I could hear the room burst with laughter.

‘I’ll show them! I’m sure (Y/N) will go on a date with me! After all, who wouldn’t? I’m great!’ I attempted to hype myself up but in reality, I was dying on the inside. ‘She’s just so... weird. She's perfect and human! She’s gorgeous, she's funny and she can see past my greed. Not like it’s THAT much of a problem anyway though! It’s only a problem from time to time! I don’t know if I can do this...’


Before I knew it, I had reached (Y/N)’s bedroom, I opened the door with a bit of struggle and walked in. I quickly placed (Y/N) in her bed, putting the covers over her gently. I then turned to walk out but heard light rustling of fabric behind me; and something brushed against my back before latching onto the back of my coat.

“Mammon?” (Y/N) called out in a tired voice. I turned around and sat next to her on the bed.

“Sup?” I tried to play it as cool as possible.

“Did you bring me here?” She wiped her eyes lightly as she sat up.

“Y-yeah...” I replied, not looking her in the eyes as I recalled my brothers teasing.

“Thanks! I owe you one.”

“Then... uh... h-how about we... go out tomorrow? Just... uh... just the two of us?” I struggled to get out all the words.

“Oki!” She said happily, with a yawn.

“I’ll come by your room at 10 sharp.”

“Oki-doki! Goodnight, Mammon!” She replied with a tired smile... ‘So cute!!!’

“Y-yeah... goodnight...” and with that; I left (Y/N)’s room, my face felt like it was going to burn off... that was a lot harder than I thought it was.


The sound of my alarm ringing loudly woke me up, much like most mornings; if it wasn’t my alarm it was usually Mammon. I don’t even remember how I got in bed after movie night, in all honesty, I guess I fell asleep. I sat up slowly and turned my alarm off, wiping my eyes. I throw the covers off me and fling my legs over the bed to get up and stretch. I then go to the wardrobe in my room to change my clothes. I eventually just decide to wear my casual clothes, I brush my hair and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth before going to get some breakfast.

During breakfast Mammon stares at me, his face slightly pink... he’s acting a little strange but I just eat my breakfast and rush back to my room before deciding what to do with my day since everyone else seemed kind of distant. Just as I got to my room, I heard a knock at the door. I quickly made my way to the door and opened it to see Mammon. He had a goofy grin and light blush spread across his face.

“Remember we’re going out soon, I said I’d get ya at 10 sharp.” He said, with the same goofy grin.

“Wait what?” My eyes widened.

“Huh? I brought ya to your room last night and ya basically begged me to take ya out remember?” He said with a slight smirk.

“Huh! You mean - like on a date?!” I asked, freaking out on the inside.

“That was the idea, stupid human. Tch.” He frowned.

“Huh! I don’t remember that at all!”

“You should be grateful that the great Mammon would even consider taking ya on a date ya know!”

“I am! I’ll get ready for our date now! I’m sorry I forgot... I must’ve been really tired but I promise that I’ll make it up to you!” He pet my head softly, keeping his hand on my head as he let out a soft whisper.


“You already look perfect to me...” My cheeks almost immediately turned a deep crimson.

I made mammon wait outside my room so I could get changed into a cuter outfit but I couldn’t decide what to wear. I was starting to get frustrated with myself after 15 minutes of trying to decide what to wear so I told Mammon to wait for me in the living room while I could get everything ready. After Mammon had left, I grabbed my DDD and called the best fashion expert I know, Asmo. After explaining my situation; Asmo told me to meet him in his room. Not only had he picked out 3 outfits for me but he also helped put some makeup on me. Out of the three outfits I chose the first, a (F/C) dress that ends at the knees, a pair of tights and a pair of (F/C) pumps. He also gave me a cute matching over the shoulder bag to go along with the dress. Since it was Asmo; I didn’t bother to ask why he had clothes for me... or why he knew my shoe and clothing sizes...When I was dressed and ready for my date, I thanked Asmo and walked to the living room. Mammon was sitting on the couch facing the TV so I took this opportunity to sneak behind him and cover his eyes.

“Guess who!” I giggled.

“Alright, alright (Y/N)!” He uncovered my hand and turned to face me; eyes wide as his sunglasses slid off his face slightly.

“Oh... you don’t like it?” I frowned.

“I NEVER SAID THAT. You really are a stupid human sometimes ya know!” He proceeded to bonk me on top of my head as he stood up and gestured for me to link my arm with his shyly. I liked my arm with his and we went off on our date, even though we left the house an hour earlier than we were originally going to.

At first, we went to a café, it was pretty basic. Mammon wasn’t exactly acting like himself which made me a little sad but we had (Favourite Drink) and Mammon bought me a cream cake to share with him. We had casual banter while we were in the café, but Mammon was still acting a little off. As we ate the cake; Mammon got some cream on his nose. I giggled and wiped it off for him, his face was bright red, it was so cute.

We later went to a small arcade, here Mammon started acting more like his usual self, mainly because he was competitive and liked to gamble but I could tell he was trying to keep it under control for me. He would always do things for me and never tell me or pretend he didn’t do them for me. He’s such a tsundere as Levi would say. At the arcade there were tons of claw machines and racing games and the like.

There was one claw machine with an adorable bat plushie. I tried getting it twice and failed, after my second attempt I gave up with a pout but Mammon grabbed my wrist and guided my hand on the machine. He was so close; I could feel his chest against my back. His arms practically caging me to the machine, he warm hands on mine, helping me with the controls on the claw machine. His face was also extremely close to mine and I could feel my face becoming hot. Just then Mammon jumped back fist-bumping the air with a massive cheesy grin on his face.

“We did it (Y/N)!” He bent down to collect the plushie and gestured it towards me. “And I believe this is for you.”

“Mammon...” I looked at the ground for a moment.

“Hm? What’s wrong?” Mammon walked closer to me and I immediately wrapped my arms around him, hiding my head in his chest. “W-woah! (Y/N)! W-what are you-”

“Can we stay like this a little longer?” My voice was slightly muffled in his chest. He smelled like car air freshener...

“J-just a little... not like I like it but you clearly do.” He wrapped his arms around me gently and rested his head on top of mine. “You better not do this with any of my brothers ya hear?”

“Jealous?” I giggled, pulling away from the hug slightly.

“N-no!” I pouted at his answer slightly and his eyes widened before he looked away and crossed his arms. “Maybe...”

After that happened, we walked hand-in-hand back to the House of Lamentation. Mammon’s hands were bigger than mine and warm, comforting. Just before we walked back through the door I turned to Mammon. Neither of us spoke and I began to fidget with my new bat plushie for a moment. I was surprised when Mammon decided to speak up first.

“Thanks, I had a good time.” He smiled a smile that could make anyone’s heart melt.

“No, I should be thanking you for taking me our and spoiling me. I really enjoyed myself today so thank you!” His eyes widened for a moment before he burst out laughing at my response. “What’s so funny!?”

“This is why I love ya!” His head snapped up to look at me for a moment, eyes wide, much like mine in that moment. “No... I mean uh-”

“I love you too, Mammon!” I said with a serious expression and a blush creeping up my face.

In that moment, we stared into each other's eyes and could almost feel our souls connect, we didn’t even notice the distance between us get smaller until I closed my eyes and felt soft, sweet lips on mine. I felt warm and fuzzy in that moment. My first kiss, my first love. I was filled with so much hippieness I felt like I might cry in the moments that followed when our lips parted and he took a step back, his face redder than a beetroot. I opened the door to the house and grabbed Mammon’s arm, wrapping my arm arms around it as we walked into the house.

And this was the start of something beautiful.

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