《Obey Me! x Reader - Oneshots? (Requests Open)》Obey Me x Reader (Kinda-Crack Fanfiction)


Yet another morning in the Devildom, I’m awoken by the familiar sound of my DDD receiving a message. I open my eyes and yawn as I sit up and begin to stretch before grabbing my DDD. I open my DDD and open my messages app, it’s a message from Lucifer.

‘Good morning Y/N, I’d like you to meet me and my brothers in the dining room as soon as possible.’

‘I’ll be there in 5’ I reply before quickly changing and rushing to the kitchen.

As I arrive in the dining room, I notice everyone but Mammon is accounted for. I hope he hasn’t got himself into any trouble again... I take a seat beside Satan and we decided to wait for Mammon before discussing what we were called down for. Around 15 minutes later Mammon arrived and Lucifer began to speak. We were to go on ANOTHER retreat to the castle because Lord Diavolo wanted to have a karaoke night. Only to make it better, the retreat was TONIGHT and we have 20 minutes to pack before we leave. Of course, Asmo was the first to rush off to begin packing, he had a lot to pack after all (considering he packs almost everything!!!)

I walk back up to my room and begin to pack essentials, my toothbrush, DDD charger, a change of clothes, sleepwear, etc; nothing too over the top. I finish packing pretty quickly and so I decided to see if anyone else needed help packing, but as I walked over to my door, Mammon stormed in closing it behind him. I blinked for a moment confused as to why he suddenly stormed into my room.

“Alright! This time! You’re sharin’ a room with me! Got it? You should feel grateful that the great Mammon has offered for you to stay in a room with him!” He proclaimed with his arms crossed and a faint blush crossing his face.

“I thought the rooms were planned by Diavolo? I’m sorry Mammon, I’d love to share a room with you but I don’t think that’s our decision to make-” I was cut off by the sound of my door opening once more.

“It’s not and I’m afraid to disappoint you Mammon but I do believe Lord Diavolo said Y/N would be staying in a room with Solomon and Siemon. Anyway, are you two finished packing? We’ll be leaving in 7 minutes.” Lucifer stated before wandering off.

“Man that sucks!!! I know! I’ll ask someone to swap!” Mammon said extatically causing me to giggle. “H-Hey! What ya’ laughin’ at!”

“Nothing! Nothing! It’s just... I doubt they’d swap with you but it’s sweet of you to want to be with me.”

“Be with- NO WAY! ME? The great Mammon wanting to be with a human?! Yeah right! I’m going to finish packing!” And with that Mammon left, his face beetroot red.

Eventually we all gathered at the entrance of The House of Lamentation and from there we went to the palace. Even though it was my second ‘retreat’ there it was still pretty amazing! We were all told our rooms and as Lucifer said, I was to share a room with Siemon and Solomon. We each took our belongings to our rooms. We also took some time just to relax and talk. Solomon and I began to talk about things back in the human world... I’d have to go back there one day... but... I’m not sure if I can leave. I frowned at the thought but just then the door opened.


“Hi hi!” Asmo popped his head around the door, smiling brightly. “May I come in?”

“You already have.” Solomon replied in a sarcastic/salty tone.

“Ooooohhhh sarcastic, are we? Well maybe-” Asmo turned his head to face me but I was looking back at the floor, still frowning. “Hm. Y/N are you ok? You look all depressed.”

“O-oh yeah! I’m fine really!” I gave him a slightly pained smile.

“Oh, that’s right! After dinner were having karaoke! Are you any good at that?” Asmo smiled, putting his hand on my back gently.

“Oh no! I’m no good at things like that! It’s embarrassing!” I shook my head and giggled slightly.

“Awww but you're cute when you're embarrassed!” My face turned a slight reddish colour at Asmo’s words.

“Ahem! We’re here too you know.” Siemon let out a laugh and the rest of the room filled with laughter.

‘That’s right, I haven’t gone home yet. They’re all here with me now.’ I think to myself as I smile softly to myself.

~Time skip because ya boi lazy~

“Who’s first on karaoke?” Lord Diavolo asked as I tried to shrink myself down so I didn’t have to embarrass myself in front of everyone; but just then I saw it, the massive grin on Solomon’s face as he spoke out.

“What about me and Y/N sing some songs from the human word?”

“Wonderful!” Lord Diavolo replied with a wide smile.

“Come on then Y/N.” Solomon held his hand out for me and I took it.

“Solomon, I hate you!!” I whisper-yelled at him as he chose a song and handed me the mic. “What song did you pick anyway?!”

“You’ll see.” He smiled and faced the tv as the song title appeared. Sweet Caroline. I turned to him with a look that could kill and he just smirked back.

At the end of the song I returned to my seat and curled into a ball of embarrassment and regret. I didn’t want to look anyone in the eye and on the inside, I was screaming. Just then I noticed someone patting my head and I looked up.

“You did good.” Beel said with a smile. He had icing from desert on his cheek.

“Beel you’ve got food on your face.” I giggled and wiped it off for him.

“Thanks.” He said with a smile that could make anyone's heart melt. (Well, maybe not Solomon's.)

“BRING OUT THE BOOZE!” Mammon and Asmo yelled in unison as Barbatos proceeded to bring out a trolley of expensive looking booze.

After a few more songs (and several more drinks) I realised, Levi only really knows anime or video game music, Satan is surprisingly a really good singer and Lucifer must really like boy bands because he has only been singing songs from a demon boy band called Two Directions.

Suddenly Mammon grabbed my hand and pulled me up, dragging me to the front. He then grabbed two microphones and shoved one in my hand and put on a song I had never heard before. Of course, I didn’t do well and I kept getting all my words and the timing messed up. At the end of the song and after Mammon finished laughing at me, he told me to put on a human song for us to sing together because he could “sing anything perfectly.” So, I chose Ra Ra Rasputin. Of course, Mammon could barely keep and was confused. It was also rather evident that he and the others were starting to get tipsy... except Asmo because he decided to down 3 bottles of really strong booze... in the time it took me and Mammon to sing two songs...


“Heyyyyyyy Y/N! No fair! I never heard that song before!!!!!!” Mammon whined, pouting slightly.

“How? You put on a song I’ve never heard before! Besides...” I slide Mammon’s sunglasses off his face gently and put them on “’I can sing anything perfectly!’” I quoted him as he began to pout more, an obvious blush crossing his features. I then take his glasses off and attempt to return them but he puts them back on me.

“They look better on you.” He said, hiccupping lightly due to the booze. I couldn’t help but blush at his words as we returned to our seats.

The next singer up was Asmo who had decided to sing some human music... romantic music... in... Italian, I’m 90% sure he was saying the words wrong as well, I don’t exactly understand Italian but I'm sure he doesn’t either... He was extremely drunk but he gave it his all, even though he didn’t even understand a word of what he was singing. The only question I would ask is ‘Why Italian’ but Asmo passed out soon after finishing his song. Next up was supposed to be Beel but he must’ve been very hungry, he ate 2 microphones, luckily there were plenty backups and Barbatos disappeared for a few minutes before returning with a mountain of food on a trolley. Poor Beel, he must be hungry...

“Y/N pay more attention to meeee!” Mammon complained, hugging me to his chest tightly.

“Maybe she doesn’t want to! She probably wants to be with me instead of a no good like you!” Satan grabbed me out of Mammon’s grasp.

“What's that s’posed to mean! I’m your biggg brother!” Mammon slurred his words, grabbing my Left arm as Satan clung to my right.

“Can you quiet down! You’re being too loud for me to nap!” Belphie yelled from behind us.

They spent around 15 minutes fighting over me, in that time Belphie fell asleep, Beel ate all of the food on the trolley, Diavolo and Lucifer had a duet, Lucifer sung more boy band songs and Solomon tried to teach Luke and Siemon the Macarena. Levi was also remaining quiet, clinging to a figure of Ruri-chan in the corner of the room, rocking back and forth while talking to it.

Lucifer decided to get some fresh air before singing another song and Satan decided to tamper with the microphone, when Lucifer came back, he noticed and grabbed another microphone but while he was singing both Mammon and Satan kept booing constantly at the top of their lungs. Lucifer then proceeded to send a death glare to them, did they get the hint? Nope, they just clung to me more while booing.

“Hey Luke!” I shouted over to the chihuahua.

“What?” He seemed a little annoyed...

“Why don’t you sing?” I asked, curiously.

“No thanks.” He replied.

“Come on Luke you’ll sing with me” Siemon smiled, standing up.

“I don’t wanna.” Luke stated but Siemon grabbed his arm anyway. “SIEMON I SAID-”

They sung a few songs I had never heard of and Luke stared at me with a beetroot red face the whole time, it was adorable! Poor thing though, I hope he’s having fun though! Eventually he eased into it and began to smile more, but he still had a beetroot red face.

I don’t know how or when but after some time we all must’ve fallen asleep because when I woke up, Mammon and Satan were both clinging to my arms, snuggling into me. Then I felt something near my leg... for some reason Asmo was clinging to my right leg. I don’t even remember him waking up. I don’t want to move too much in-case I wake up Satan or Mammon or Asmo. I try to look around the room as much as I can without moving around too much. Barbatos was nowhere to be found. Luke was curled in a ball; asleep, Lord Diavolo was clinging to Lucifer in his sleep, Belphie and Beel were sharing Belphie's pillow, Levi was asleep clinging to his Ruri-chan figure and Solomon was wide awake, staring at me with a smirk.

“H E L P M E” I mouthed to him but he just held back a laugh and whispered.

“No, I don’t think I will.” He then proceeded to whip out his DDD and take pictures which caused my face to go 90 shades of red.

“I’ll get you for this one day!” I whisper-yelled at him.

“I’d like to see you try!”

ANNNNDDD... We never had another karaoke night.

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