《Obey Me! x Reader - Oneshots? (Requests Open)》Sweet Tooth - Beelzebub x Reeader


It’s been a few months since I had originally come to the Devildom, I absolutely adore it here. Even though sometimes thigs have been rough and I’ve almost died a few times; I still manage to love this place and everyone in it. There are some things of course that still confuse me about this place; like if Lord Diavolo and Lucifer are actually an item or not but I wouldn’t dare ask because I don’t feel like I’d manage to survive the punishment I’d get for asking that.

The best part about the Devildom is the people I met along the way; Lord Diavolo who is actually quite kind and cheerful most of the time which was a surprise at first since he IS the future King of the Devildom; Barbatos who is Diavolo’s butler and is kind yet slightly more reserved, he also manages to remain calm and collected in almost all situations; Simon a humorous and kind angel, who is easy to get along with but he can indeed be strict when he has to be; Luke who is also an angel but a little more difficult to get along with, he can be narrow-minded at times but he is also extremely honest (is also a little defensive about his height, he also tends to have a lot of small outbursts which made people give him the nickname of chihuahua) and there was another human named Solomon, he always seemed to be confident and quite knowledgeable. Solomon also had strong powers and is considered as ‘The Greatest Sorcerer’.

Then there were also the 7 demon brothers who I live with in the house of Lamentation; Lucifer who seems so harsh and cruel but is actually very caring deep down, he’s the oldest of the 7; Mammon the 2nd oldest and a lovable yet greedy idiot who was challenged to the task of showing me around; Leviathan the 3rd oldest who is often an overwhelming, envious otaku; Satan, the 4th oldest who I thought was only ever filled with wrath and hatred but is actually a cat loving book worm; Asmodeus the 5th oldest and the self-loving, self-proclaimed cutest/hottest demon in the Devildom; Belphegor the tired 7th oldest who took a little more time to warm up to me and finally Beelzebub, my lovable boyfriend and the 6th oldest who is almost always hungry.

Beelzebub and I have only been dating for a few weeks but I must say, these have been that happiest weeks of my life, filled with sweet moments that I’ll always remember, filled with love and a lot of food... Beel usually has a bit of a hard-time-sharing food with others but he seems to really enjoy sharing food with Belphie and I. I like seeing Beel happy, especially when he likes the food and sweets, I make for him by hand, it makes my heart almost explode.


Today I had decided to try make Beel some fudge brownies to say thanks for being the best boyfriend anyone could ever have, he’s sweet, protective, cuddly and fun. Even though we haven’t been together for too long I want to do something special just for him! Last night, I asked Satan and Asmo to take Beel out for a few hours to which they agreed. They should be gone for around 2 hours or so which gives me just enough time to make the brownies and have them all ready for their return. I’m so excited! I waited in my room, playing around on my DDD until I got a text from Satan saying they were about to leave.

I quickly rushed downstairs to the main entrance to see them all off, giving Beel a quick goodbye hug. It was warm, just like all of Beel’s hugs and he smelled like axe body spray which was strangely comforting to me each and every time we hugged.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come too Y/N?” Beel asked with a hint of sadness in his voice and a frown on his face.

“I’m sorry Beel, I have some homework to finish. I’ll go next time, I promise!” I smiled sweetly.

“I can try help with your home-”

“No, no! It’s alright! I know what to do, now go, enjoy yourself! I’ll still be here when you come back.”

“Do you two need to flirt in front of everyone all the time?” Satan sighed.

“This is precious though! We’ll be back soon!!!” Asmo said excitedly while practically pushing Beel out of the door, firing me a wink.

After I was sure they had all left I BOLTED to the kitchen, grabbing all the ingredients and equipment I would need to make the brownies. After spending quite a few minutes looking through the cupboards, I managed to find all of the ingredients needed; dark cooking chocolate, butter, eggs, white sugar, plain flour, vanilla extract, a pinch of salt and some cocoa powder.

It was a relatively short process but by the time I put them in the over I was already exhausted from all the running around I did to find everything. I’m also have flour and other ingredients all over me, so I should probably try clean up before everyone gets back. As I sat down to take a break while the brownies were in the oven, I received a phone call. I quickly rushed over to my DDD to see who the caller was, it was Beel. Of course, I picked up the phone as fast as I could.

“Hi, YN. I’m coming home soon. Are you finished with your homework?” He asked in a slightly cheerful tone.

“Yeah almost. Did you have fun?” I asked in return.


“Yeah, do you want any sweets or anything brought in?” He asked as I started cringing slightly... I told Asmo and Satan to keep him away from food stores!!!

“No, no, I’m alright but thank you!” I politely declined.

“You sure?” He asked.

“Yeah, oh! I’m sorry I gotta go. Sorry! Love you! Bye!” I tried to quickly hang us as I forgot to set the timer for the brownies.

“Love you too, I-” I accidentally hung up on him too early so I didn’t hear the last part of what he said.

After hanging up I set a quick timer on my DDD, luckily my phone call was right after I put the brownies in the oven which means they haven’t been in very long, two minutes at best. I set the timer for 13 minutes and waited for the brownies to finish cooking before taking them out of the oven to let them cool. As they cooled, I decided to dash back up to my room and change clothes as my clothes were covered in flower and ingredients. I grab my now dirty clothes and put them into my clothes basket before rushing back down stairs. When I arrive back into the kitchen, I quickly clean everything up and put all the brownies onto a plate. Then I decided to leave the plate of freshly made brownies in the kitchen with a note next to the plate in my neatest handwriting ‘For Beelzebub!’ and then I decided to wait for their return near the entrance.

After sitting there, waiting, for around 10 minutes, Asmo, Satan and Beel finally returned. I quickly ran to Beel, giving him a hug and showing him the brightest smile, I could muster. He smiled in return which caused me to blush slightly.

“Beel... I have a surprise for you! In fact, it was me who asked Asmo and Satan to take you out today.” I grabbed Beel’s arm.

“But I thought you were doing homework?” Beel seemed very confused.

“That was a fib so I could make your surprise! Come see!” He followed me to the kitchen as I tugged on his arm.

I was so excited to show Beel the brownies I practically slaved over while he was away but to my absolute horror, there were only crumbs left on the whole plate; the two culprits sitting together on the floor, Mammon and Levi. I knew they ate the brownies because there were crumbs on their faces and both of them looked like chipmunks, ramming so much food in their faces. They stared up at me for a moment, a look of fear spread over their faces but instead of lashing out at them, I just turned away and BOLTED to my room unsure of what else to do. On the way to my room I ran past Asmo and Satan who looked at me with a look of confusion and called out to me, but I ignored them and kept running.

When I finally got to my room, I locked the door behind me and sat on my bed, wrapping a blanket over myself. In honesty, I know it’s a silly thing to get upset over but I can’t help but cry a little... I worked so, so hard to make those brownies for Beel and although the overall process wasn’t too hard or too long; I still poured my heart into them. It’s just so... unfair! Those two know they did wrong because I even put a note saying it was for Beel. After a few minutes of silently sobbing into my pillow, I heard a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” I said sniffing slightly.

“It’s me, can I come in Y/N?” Beel asked in a gentle yet worried tone.

“One second!” I replied as I rushed to open the door.

As I opened the door with the blanket still draped over me, Beel stared with slightly wide eyes. I had to look up to see Beel’s face which was usually care free but he seemed slightly surprised for once. I also noticed a large, white paper bag being held in Beel’s right hand; I wonder what’s in it.

“Have you... been crying?” His look of surprise, turned to one of sorrow as he asked me.

“Uhh- yeah... just a bit. But! I’m ok! I’m sorry that you didn’t get to have your special surprise because of those two idiots! I even put a note with your name on it next to the plate... those jerks...” My eyes threatened to spill slightly as I spoke but a warm hand wiped them away for me.

“It’s alright, Y/N. Though, I will get them for this later, I’ll just eat Mammon’s credit cards and some of Levi’s Ruri-Chan figures then we can watch them cry.” He giggled so sweetly despite sounding like an absolute sadist.

“Alright... I’ll make more! And... I’ll make them better! Just for you!” My face started heating up as I said this but my voice was full of determination.

“I’m so lucky!” Beel smiled at me, looking like a puppy before leaning down and lightly pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. “I know you didn’t ask for anything but I bought a few cakes and sweets...” He chuckled lightly, showing me the bag in his hand more clearly, “so what do you say we eat these, watch a movie and cuddle for a while?” His cheeks turned a pale red colour and I nodded.

“Sounds great!” I smiled brightly.

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