《Obey Me! x Reader - Oneshots? (Requests Open)》Playing Nurse For A Day - Sick Lucifer x Reader


“No way! He’s actually sick?!” I yelled in surprise and worry, everyone at the table looking up from their breakfast to stare at me.

“Demons get sick too ya know, just cuz we ain't human doesn’t mean we don’t get sick.” Mammon replied, seeming a little happier than usual.

“B-but Lucifer? I always thought he would at least be more cautious about things like this.” I said quieter, looking down to my plate at my breakfast; which I wasn’t really in the mood to eat.

“Well it’s only a cold; besides, it is kind of your fault.” Satan replied with a smirk from across the table.

“Don’t remind me...” My expression somehow got even sadder as I recalled the events of last night.

After dinner, not too late; Lucifer came to my room and asked me if I wanted to go on a brief walk with him so he could take a short break from his paperwork and get some fresh air, of course, I agreed happily. We decided to take a small walk through the woods. During the walk, every now and again I would look at his hands which were by his sides, wondering what it would be like to hold his hand even just for little while. The warmth of my hand held in his, his hands were bigger than mine and he always seemed to wear those gloves; I bet his hands are soft like the almost porcelain looking skin on his face. He never seemed to have a single blemish it was almost amazing to me. I lived for the moments in time where a blush would appear his face. For some reason those moments or moments where we were alone made my heart pound harder and faster than ever before just like now.

“Y/N? Y/N!” Lucifer called my name, snapping me from my thoughts causing my cheeks to gain a crimson tint.

“Hm? Ah... pardon?” I asked embarrassed.

“This is the lake I was talking about yesterday, isn’t it nice?” Lucifer looked forward towards the lake.

“Ah... y-yeah! It’s gorgeous.” I smiled at him before looking towards the lake.

The lake seemed to be quite deep and was a deep blue colour. The lake was reflecting the moon that was rising so slowly behind us as time almost seemed to stop. The leaves on the trees around us rusting in the wind, the flowers blowing to the side the wind pushed them slightly, some petals scattering past us. I walked closer towards the lake, turning around to give Lucifer a closed eye smile. Just then we heard a loud noise coming from behind where Lucifer was, this gave me a small fright and I ended up jumping back slightly, losing my balance and falling back into the lake behind me... the worst part was I couldn’t swim.

I tried to flail around hoping to keep afloat but it was to no avail and almost felt like something was dragging me down, my body started to feel heavy and cold as more of the icy cold water entered my lungs. I was so afraid and soon I felt nothing; the world around me became a haze before turning black. Was this really my end?


I sharply inhaled before I began to cough up water. It was painful. I had my eyes open too and I felt gentle yet cold arms shift me into a sitting position, patting me on the back softly as I finished coughing up the water that almost killed me. After I had finally finished coughing, I heard Lucifer’s voice from behind me.

“Y/N? Are you alright now?” I tilted my head to see his face which showed a look of both worry and frustration.

“Y-yeah... d-did you save me just now?” I asked, a red tint crossing my face.

“Yes, I did. What were you thinking getting so close to the lake! What if I wasn’t here to save you? What if you died and no one knew about it?” Lucifer began to lecture me before finally saying, “What would happen to my brothers? Or me...” I didn’t manage to hear the last part because he said it in almost a whisper.

“I’m sorry.” I sat up and looked at him. He must’ve thrown his coat and shoes off before jumping in because they were dry and messily lay on the ground distances apart. His clothes and hair were soaked though. “Lucifer... Thank you!” I wrapped my arms around him.

“It’s alright, never come here alone ok?” I nod in reply to his question and let him go.

Lucifer stands up and puts his shoes on, picking up his coat which is usually draped over his shoulders. He stands in front of me, offering a hand which I took without question, even his gloves were drenched. The night air was cold against my wet skin, hair and clothes. The air was so cold it almost stung. It took me a few moments to realise that I only had one shoe and the other was nowhere to be seen, probably in the lake, my legs were a bit wobbly too. Just then Lucifer draped his coat over my shoulder and lifted me gently.

“I’m sure Asmo will help you find new shoes tomorrow if you ask him. For now, we should get you back home and in a warm bath, we don’t want you getting a cold and you seem tired. I can’t exactly blame you for that.” Lucifer said as we walked back to the house, carrying me, almost cradling me into his chest.

“Y-you too! I don’t want you to get sick either! Aren’t you cold?” I asked as I shivered slightly.

“I’m a demon so it’s harder for me to get sick. Don’t worry about me, I'll be fine.” He tried to give me a reassuring smile.

It was a long way back, I fell asleep in his arms on the way home, safe and as warm as I could be given the circumstances. He woke me up when we finally go home. I went for my bath, thanked Lucifer again and then I went to bed. That’s all I remember really other than the scent of his cologne which was mostly washed away; still, it was comforting.


After breakfast which I had only picked at, I found myself wandering to Lucifer’s room. I didn’t want to be a nuisance but I was already standing outside his door, too hesitant to knock. I felt somehow lost without him like a lost little puppy without their master. Eventually, I hesitantly knocked on the door but I received no reply. I called out his name and said I was going to enter. I opened his door slowly and to my horror, he was sat at a desk in his room doing paperwork. His face looked slightly flushed, he kept sneezing and coughing every now and again. He was dressed in his everyday clothes, quite messily... His hair was unkept for once. My eyes were wide as he barely noticed my presence until I entered, closing the door behind me, rushing over to him.

“Lucifer!” I yelled angrily, standing in front of him.

“Y/N?” He asked, his eyes looked slightly glazed and tired.

“What do you think you’re doing!”

“Wor-” He sneezed loudly into a tissue, sniffing afterwards.

“You’re sick! You need to rest! I’m so sorry, this is all my fault. If you hadn’t saved me you wouldn’t be so sick right now... so will you please... let me take care of you until you get better?” I fall to my knees in front of him, tearing up under the pressure of the guilt I felt.

“I’m fine- although... being taken care of by you doesn’t sound so bad-” He coughed lightly.

It took some time and a lot of tugging on Lucifer’s arm but I finally got him to get into bed. I placed the blanket over him and tucked him in gently. I took his temperature and did various other checks before going to the kitchen and gathering the medicine he would need from a cupboard along with a glass of water. I also made some toast and buttered it, putting it on a plate and taking it back to his room in case he was hungry.

The day was quite long. I brought him all his meals including lunch and dinner and brought his medication when he would need it. I told him to feel free to request anything of me since this was my fault but he only really asked for a lullaby after lunch when he felt tired. I tried my best to sing a comforting lullaby, stroking his hair lightly as I did so. He took my other hand and held onto it. As I thought, his hand was soft and warm and his touch was actually gentle. He fell asleep holding my hand, watching his sleeping form was comforting and made my heart almost pound out of my chest; he looked like a peaceful angel. I suppose he was once... He woke up when I tried to wriggle my hand away from his at dinner time, I felt so bad for waking him up but he smiled at me with tired eyes and shakily raised his hand, rubbing my cheek gently for a moment. This caused a red hue to cover my face.

Nothing really happened again until after dinner; after I took his plate back to the kitchen and returned to him, he began to say strange things despite looking a bit better. He also seemed to act somehow strange and a bit clingy but it's not like I disliked it... in fact, I thought it was quite cute I must admit.

“Y/N?” Lucifer called my name.

“Hm?” I hummed in response, sitting next to him.

“It was cute when you were tugging on my arm, trying to make me go to bed earlier. Not to mention your reactions when I touch you, whether it's your face or hands. I’m lucky to have you around but its unlike me to say such things so let's perhaps use this illness as a small excuse.” Lucifer smirked.

“H-huh? What are you saying?” I asked, my face turning a red hue.

“Why don’t I show you?” He responded, pulling me close to him on his bed.

“Eh! B-but Luci! You’re sick!” I squealed slightly.

“I feel so much better though, besides Nurse Y/N, if you get sick... I’ll take great care of you. I promise.” He said, staring deeply into my eyes before bringing his face closer to mine, closing the distance between our lips. Even his lips were soft, they tasted like custard which we had for dessert.

Our lips for parted if only for a moment before he closed the gap again. I think I understand now...

“Lucifer.” I said his name once our lips parted once more.

“Hm?” He hummed in response this time, staring at me with the same tired looking eyes from before.

“I-I love you.” I finally understood why my heart pounded so much and had the confidence to say those words.

“I love you too.” He chuckled, pulling me into his arms, kissing my forehead. “Shall we sleep? My beautiful Y/N?” My face reddened even more at his words if that was even possible. Luckily, he couldn’t see my face as it was nuzzled into his chest.

“Y-yeah... goodnight, Luci.” I replied. My voice muffled by his chest.

“Goodnight, Y/N.” And with that, we fell asleep, my face nuzzled into the chest of my beloved.

However, the next morning I woke up and felt a little iffy. Don’t tell me I actually got sick...

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