《Battlegrounds Of Celestial Beings》The 'Cold' Qingyue


An hour later.

They reached the cafeteria running into another 83 students, with the help of the lights of their phone, along the way making them numbered a total of 115. In these numbers, 5 of them were professors, around 40 of the students were slightly injured including Ezra, and 10 couldn't even walk properly.

Along the way several students also vomits while passing by dead bodies when they walk towards their destination, Fortunately, Ezra seemed like he adopted and only furrowed his eye brows during the process.

The cafeteria of Diamond City University really lives up to its name and reputation, because 115 people, wasn't even enough to occupy a quarter of this luxurious cafeteria's first floor, while this building has a second floor, a third floor, and a rooftop.

The higher you went the more luxurious it was, For example the first floor was an open area style of dining, while the second floor contains private rooms with toilet that makes one comfortable by having his or their own personal space without worrying about anyone seeing or hearing what they're talking about. The third floor was even more sick, aside from having a bedroom was well as a toilet and bath within, it also has a balcony, the whole scenery of the city could be seen when one stand at that place.

While the rooftop was mostly used for night party's, The rooftop has several area's which satisfies the rich young masters or mistress, It has a pool that was big enough to accomodate around 200 people at once, in the middle of the pool, a jacuzzi that was full of bubbles and dripping with rose petals exist which attracts girl's attention due to its romanticness. There as also a bar with a dancing platform as well as a mini garden beside it in a corner. And lastly, there were also several rooms for who knows the reason of what it is used for.

Moving on, the place still seem as old as the hallways and classroom, but unexpectedly, it is less devastated compared to other places, But they still need to move fast because it is already dark outside and they're already having a hard time looking for food due to minor absence of light.

As per agreement, the students who were injured badly were assigned to search for supplies at the first floor together with some weak women.

The second floor would be searched by slightly injured one excluding Ezra because Qingyue insisted in having him in together search the third floor and go towards the rooftop even if the cost was her shoulders that would helped him and allow him to lean on.

This suggestion were instantly opposed by several boys including Leo mostly because of jealousy, and Alice who said that she should be the one who assist him if he needs to and not her. While Ezra who is the focus of the argument, drooped his shoulders in sadness when they didn't allow Qingyue to 'take care' of him.


When Leo asked on why should Ezra be with them, Qingyue answered saying,

'He observe things better than you who do nothing but use your mouth to argue with whoever stole your limelight'.

Although Leo shut his mouth after those words, this statement still escalate his anger and jealousy towards Ezra and blame him for this.

Ezra on the other hand, was helding himself back from smiling simply because hearing those words from Qingyue makes him happy.

'A beauty speaking up for you really felt good'

This didn't go unnoticed by Alice who, once again pinched him in his waist secretely while smirking.

Using their phones to light up their way, they realized that the theory that Ezra convey's earlier might really be the case. Because aside from dead bodies, Collapsed woods from furnitures and dust filled decorations were the only thing that they found. As for the food supplies, there was none.

This strikes everyone's moral and several students who have a weak personality starts to panic. They reach the rooftop in a while hoping to find some supplies that could help them satisfy the needs of their stomach.

The pool on the rooftop resembles a dry lake now that it lost its water for a long time. The counter at the bar was filled with cracks all over and all of the wines, beers, and other drinks were missing for another strange reason. The garden now vanished and what was left was a flat dry soil that cracked and lost its nutrients. Lastly, the rooms in the most corner of the rooftop were like the rooms in the third floor which were filled with dust and broken furnitures as well as decorations.

Luckily, the place seems like it was unoccupied when the earthquake happens because no dead bodies were located at it, just this thing allow the students to sigh in relief and makes things easier to search for, specially that they only use the moonlight to proceed searching in order to conserve the usage of battery of their phones.

"Nothing, We couldn't find anything at all."

"How are we going to live now?"

"Im hungry damn it why the hell is this happening"

Why everyone is on the verge of crying, Ezra walk towards the railings of the rooftop and observe their surroundings.

'How far does this forest extends to?'

"So what do you think? Any idea on what should we do from now?"

His thoughts was snapped when he was shocked by Qingyue who without emotion suddenly appears at his side and asks him this question coldly.

"I dont actually know, I can't see any kinds of fruits in those trees due to the darkness, If this keeps up everyone might die due to hunger and dehydration in no time. Its been twelve hours since we last ate and drank so majority of them are probably going out of their mind. There is also a chance- Nah forget it, why are you asking me anyway it is better to ask those proffesors, they might give you a better answer than mine?"


Ezra couldn't help it and asks this question that bothers him since this cold but beautiful woman was giving him attention much more than what he expected.

'Maybe she already fall for my irresistible charms and now is asking for my attention and notice this secret of hers'

At this outrageous thought, the eyes of Ezra suddenly became smug and look at her with such teasing eyes.

"I don't know what are you thinking about but I am suddenly having an urge to dig that eye of yours. As for your question, you think critically more than those idiots over there, those professors also aren't any good at all. Sigh, the thing that you're about to said earlier, carry on with it."

At first Qingyue frowned by how Ezra gazes at her, suddenly it turned cold and somewhat hateful when she spoked the words professor and lastly, it turned indifferent at the last part. Although the expression wasn't that much, Ezra still found it cute at all, This is the first time that he saw her having a different expression up close so he took his time gazing at her beautiful face at this short time. Good thing Qingyue is facing het face towards the forest making those other students unable to see this sudden adorable appearance of hers.

But he instantly looked away and hesitated when he hears what Qingyue says at the end.

"Its just- It is just a chance okay I am not telling that it will happen-"

While he is still hesitating, He was silenced by the cold gaze that Qingyue gives him.

"Stop with those nonsense talks and go straight to the point."

While her forceful words were like an inescapable net that makes me unable to escape the question anymore.

"What I mean is with the current situation, we might be in a place where no law exist, those professors wouldn't be able to do anything in front of a large number of students or they might be the one that would instigate a chaos. When one found a food, murder might happen and the urges specially when a beautiful girl like you is here, I don't need to say more."

Smiling wryly, Ezra looked at Qingyue and found her face still calm. Suddenly, a thought came into his mind.

"You - you've thought of this before? Oh, i get it now. So thats it. The reason why you starts to establish your foundations as a leader earlier was because of this right. Well with your reputation and beauty that makes every students put you in a high place, you could do it since they still have no idea about the possible situation. You are amazing."

This time, the signature indifferent face of Qingyue suddenly shook and was exchanged into shock.

"It looks like I am still underestimating you. Yes, you're right, I realized this earlier and i know that by only making everyone or even half of the students was the only way to escape this predicament."

The shocked countenance of Qingyue slowly disappeared. She raised her head and look at the skies, the moonlight shone on her revealing her exquisite face. This scene, struck him hard, the sorrow on her face was etched deeply in his mind. The moment he saw this, He wants to swear that he'll protect her no matter what, but there is something that hinders him from doing so.

This didn't last long, In an instant, the emotions that she showed to Ezra vanished and she returned to her usual self. But, now, Ezra have a glimpese of who she is. No matter how cold that exterior of her personality is, in the end, she is still a woman.

"Oh, by the way you are also one of them"

Qingyue who all of a sudden, was full of hatred and killing intent, directs her gaze towards Ezra.

"Huh? One of what? Wait you mean- Hey its not-"

Ezra suddenly became flustered by Qingyue's sudden change of temper. Anxiety enveloped him and couldn't find the right words to defend himself.

"Pfffft. HAHAHAHA! He-hey. Haha, I'm sorry. HAHAHA. I am just kidding, why are you so nervous? Or maybe I am right? That you really are planning something? You perv."

Once again, Ezra's world was shaken when Qingyue laugh for the first time. Unknowingly, the emotions of Ezra became unstable in a single conversation, the intensity is turning up and down. The laugh that he is seeing right now, He didn't know why but he is having a feeling that he must treasure it. His heart, beats fast, at this moment, he seems to forget everything aside from Qingyue. His world halted itself from turning and his sight was fixed on her. How he wish, that he could possess that laugh alone. His strong will and mentality is starting to collapse, He, who was determined to stay away from Qingyue because their worlds were thousands of miles apart, is starting to change his desicion.

'No, no. I shouldn't. I must focus on how would i get away with this current circumstances first.'

Shaking his head a little bit, He suddenly notice that Qingyue weren't at his side anymore and is moving towards the group of female students who is now crying as they talk. He slap his face lightly as he tries to hypnotize himself by thinking some strategy when a dire situation comes.

Little did they know, that this short conversation that they make, attracts the attention of several people. Alice who were staring at them deeply and profoundly with a calm countenance. Leo who is very angry and is clenching his fist in jealousy, And lastly, The class monitor Hikaru who is fixing his glasses and is smirking cunningly.

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