《Battlegrounds Of Celestial Beings》Adjustment


Few hours later when the sun is setting down, Ezra and his classmates with the exception of Alice who were fiddling with stones and using to draw some funny figures on the ground, were getting used to the strangeness of things and accepted it gradually.

At this moment, a guy stood up and lightly cough to call everyones attention.

"Guys? What do you think about this situation?"

Ezra looked at the speaker only to found it to be Leo. Come to think of it, because of the situations earlier he wasn't able to observe everyone and know who they were so taking this chance, his eyes casually scanned their faces.

'Aside from this arrogant prick, and Alice, I only know the identity of two more person, the class monitor nerd named Hikaru and the cold and mysterious beauty whose name is Qingyue. As for the rest, i don't have much impression about them maybe because i am always sleeping and not interacting with everyone aside from Alice.'

"Maybe its those things from the novels, the thing wherein you would be transported into another world and only the chosen would survive"

The class monitor Hikaru suddenly answered.

"Eh? So you mean were chosen?"

Another guy answered hoping to get an answer that would clarify him of his current situation.

"I don't know, Its just that, those novels that I've known were like this"

Hikaru answered his question with a voice that seemed unable to convince everyone, but, due to them not having enough knowledge to identify things, some of them believed and started to go near him and ask some questions.

"Thats right maybe thats the reason."

"Class monitor what should we do next then."

"Yeah, you're right class monitor you have the most knowledge in this regard so we're going to jump in your umbrella."

"Actually, I am not sure but according to those novels the one who summoned us should appear by now"

The class monitor Hikaru was pressured by their non-stop questions and was forced to answer with a pathetic shout.

*Clap* *Clap*

"Okay guys, stop pressuring Hikaru. Too bad, We don't have a teacher to guide us so we need to rely on ourselves and think of what would be our next move."

Leo once again steal the limelight by clapping. He also state what everyone was thinking and assume the position of being the leader of this situation.

"How about we search for other survivors first before we makes a plan."

This time, the cold beauty named Qingyue makes a suggestion.

"O-Okay. Ye-yeah let's do that"

Leo, Who were usually full of arrogance suddenly stutters and couldn't respond immediately because of this sudden suggestion. It is not like he was shocked by the answer, but was surprised that it was Qingyue who answered his question. Not just him, but everyone can't respond immediately at this rare scene of Qingyue speaking. The the whole year that they're classmates, the amount of times that she speaks could be counted on one hand. The first one was when she inteoduced her name, the second one was when she was pestered by a lot of males making her say a single word, 'Scram'. After that, she never speaks again making everyone feel reserved and stop bothering her, and now, is just the third time.


Her voice still lingers in their mind not knowing how to react at all even after a whole minute passed, Even Ezra, was no exception.

If Ezra knows Hikaru because he is a class monitor and a nerd one at that, He decides to give attention to Qingyue only because of her beauty. Only Alice were comparable to her in this regard but the difference in characteristics and attitude were vast. If Alice were a cheerful and jolly type, then Qingyue were the silent and mysterious type. They're like ice and fire, Alice attracts attention due to her cute actions while she pique everyones curiosity with her ice cold attitude.

Ezra even remember when the first time he saw this woman he also couldn't take his eyes off her like any normal guys would and asks Alice about who she is making the her fumed and furrow her eyebrows for a whole day without talking to him. The next day Alice still didn't recover and still pouts her mouth and looks at him with grieving eyes everytime he tried to talk to her making him wryly smile at himself, she only returned to normal after he promised to treat her at a 5 star restaurant nearby making him unable to smile afterwards because of the glutton one who ordered every dish that is available.

Wanting to swipe those unhappy thoughts in his mind, he again stare at this cold woman, Qingyue, only to find himself mesmerised and his eyes were locked on her.

Her rich and soft ebony blue black hair not only looks flattering, but also describes how mysterious and cold she is. Her bluish eyes were so deep and serene that makes an impression that she'll stay tranquil even if a meteor strikes at her. She has a small straight-edged nose and soft rosy cheeks that makes those lookers wants to pinch her like there's no tomorrow. Her natural peach colored cupid's bow shaped lips complimented her heart shaped chin perfectly as if the god of love came down from earth and charmed everyone. Her evenly shaped soft and white neck combined with her milky white skin were like a magnet that makes everyone want to take a bite. Her body were perfect, having a hourglass and long white slim legs that makes majority of women blush with shame at her ovarall destructiveness.

Alice who were about to get another stone to play with suddenly felt her scalp tingle out of nowhere making her look suspiciously at Ezra. The moment she saw how stupefied Ezra by the sight of another woman, her eyes suddenly turned murderous and her face became totally devoid of emotion. She slowly reached his waist and furiously pinched it to awoken him from stupor.

Ezra, feeling his waist being pinched suddenly wants to scream but when he felt some cold killing intent, he forcefully halted his mouth from making any noise to make sure that he'll avoid a catastrophe that was much more dangerous than the earthquake from earlier.


"Heeey Ezzraaaa, Would you allow me to dig out that eyes of yours? You'll allow me right? Right? Don't worry it'll hurt a bit."

Ezra slowly moved his head to glance at Alice when he suddenly heard a question that would decide his life and death. What was more scary is Alice's brightest smile that looks like she really was happy for him, but, her eyes says otherwise.

'I really wish I could say no but I could only think of it and it is out of the options to say it or I might really die'

Feeling the nearness of death, Ezra couldn't answer and prayed in his heart that this demoness would suddenly turned into an angel and forgive him just this once, but his future is grim, because these kind of prayers wouldn't work and would do nothing in his case.

"Is everyone done staring?"

A voice suddenly saves him from his current predicament making him wanna go towards that speaker and kowtow to her.

"O-oh. Then where should we go first"

This time, Leo managed to stabilize himself and ask Qingyue like he was passing the position of being a leader to her.

"Then let us go towards the cafeteria while looking for survivors in the classroms that we passed by along the way."

No one disagreed with her as they think that this is the best approach for now.

"Well, we need to look for foods or else we might starve to death so I think that it is a good idea."

Everyone nodded at the same time as they were thinking the same thing. When Ezra suddenly voiced his thoughts and destroyed everyones fantasy.

"Wait a minute! Stop! Don't you notice something strange?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Everything's strange anyway"

"Yeah right so what could you be possibly talking to?"

"If you don't have a good suggestion then better shut up and follow the plan"

Everyone became dissatisfied because it is a plan coming from a goddess so they tried their best to look cool by contradicting her and maybe, they might be noticed by Qingyue.

"Mr. Ezra, Could you please clarify what do you mean by that?"

Alice who heard her call his name suddenly felt curious on the fact that she knows his name despite Ezra being an introvert who only introduced his name once during the first day of school class.

"Don't you think that this classroom suddenly looked like it aged hundreds of years all of a sudden. Starting from how the color of the paints faded, up to how fragile the stones and how dusty it is. I noticed it earlier, At first I didn't put too much thought into it but when I saw those trees outside that looked like they're about thousand years old, Maybe, the time progressed fast while an earthquake happened, and the foods------"

At first, his words doesn't have that much impact to his classmates, aside from making them observe their surroundings and nod in agreement. It is just when he reached the part about the food did they suddenly became aware on what he is pointing to.

"You me-mean? We won't be able to find some food anymore?"

When they heard the class monitor's shakeful voice,

a foreboding feeling enveloped everyone knowing that his words makes sense.

"But, If what you are saying is the truth, then how comes we are still the same as before?"

Leo, wants to prove himself this time by asking this question.

"I don't know. Just like what everyone thinks a while ago, everything that happens were strange to begin with, so something like this wouldn't be called strange anymore. It is just a theory so don't really mind it if it doesn't makes such sense. We still need to hold the belief of of having food in this kind of situation after all."

His last words were like a slap to everyone. Forcing them to blush when the he revealed what is on the mind of everyone.

On his side, Alice couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of their classmates who looked away or looked down. This doesn't go unnoticed by Ezra but when she noticed his stare she instantly looked away and pouted unhappily.

"Unfortunately, You were right in that regard, We need to hold our belief and think possitively or else we might mentally collapse. And also, according to you, the time that passed during that earthquake should've been a hundreds of years, so electricity might not exist anymore, let us also look if waters from faucets are still drinkable, or it might not have water at all.

Ezra was surprised and amazed by Qingyue's calm analyzation that differs from everyone making him put his evaluation of her a notch higher than before.

"In that case let us go and start searching for food and survivors before the night arrives"

Leo who was always starving for attention became jealous on how Qingyue initiates the conversation with Ezra and immediately said something in order to insert himself and glared hatefully at him, making him wonder on what he have done.

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