《School of Madness~ One Piece x Reader (AU) [#Watty2015]》What Happened?


There's a pulse that leaves you and your eyes narrow before you suddenly headbutt the guy that pinned you and throw him off before leaping up and diving into Kid's side knocking him out of the way. You feel the bullet pierce your shoulder. You straighten up, holding your shoulder, cold eyes locked on the one who fired. Spandam freezes in shock and you twist about with a growl, fist connecting with his face, you felt a crack against your knuckle right before Spandam goes flying through a building. You stagger a bit and look back, meeting Kid's shocked gaze.

"Idiot... I would miss you," You breathe. He blinks and blushes heavily, but before he can say anything, a growl draws your gazes to a leopard as it readies to pounce. "Fuck," You huff, staggering back only to stagger back into someone.

"I don't think so flea bag," Law's voice growls near your ear and suddenly the leopard is sent flying. You relax and look over to meet silver eyes. "I've been looking for you," He whispers. You chuckle and everything goes black.

"Damn, shit still hasn't calmed down!"

"This place really has gone mad..."

"Where did all these bastards spring up from anyway!?"

"No one knows, they just suddenly popped up after you two got captured, and that was about a day ago,"

"We were out a day!? Shit..."

A loud crash, finally fully wakes you and you flip your bed onto it's side. "Gin! We're under attack!" You shout out, army crawling for the closet.

"Really ___-ya? That's how you're gonna walk up?" A smooth voice draws you to the present and you look over at the relieved, handsome face of Law. Your eyes tear up and he stiffens, eyes widening in slight alarm.


"Law!" You cry, tackle hugging him. "I've missed you so much!!" You whisper. He relaxes and chuckles.

"Careful, don't over exert yourself again," He rumbles, hugging you back. You kiss his cheek cheerfully.

"Shishishi! You're feeling better now huh?" Luffy chuckles from the mattress he sat on.

"Luffy! Come here you little cutie! I've missed you too!" You giggle, crawling over to him. You give him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.

"Wow boss, she must've really hated being alone with you," Killer's voice makes you look over to see him nudging Kid playfully.

"Shut up." Kid growls but freezes, looking over to see you looking straight at him. Pink plagues his cheeks as you crawl toward the mattress where he sat. "Wh-what are you doing?? L-lay down, stop moving! You're... Injured," He growls, getting more flustered the closer you got. You suddenly hug his neck, face buried into it. Kid freezes, face flushing arms outstretched because he legit did not know what to do with them. The other guys snickered at how he was handling this.

"Don't scare me like that asshole," You whisper, shaking slightly. No response, Kid's mind had checked out. You pull back to look at his beat red face. You blink and smirk, kissing his forehead. "Poor guy, you must've been sheltered huh?" You tease. He snaps back into life then.

"Shut up! No I wasnt!" He objects. You giggle and he scowls.

"Nice to have you back Kid," You murmur with a smile. He blinks and blushes again, looking away.

"Go say hi to everyone else already idiot," He huffs. You nod, and give Killer a hug.

"Nice to see you moving again," You tell him. He nods.

"Right back at you." He replies. You get up, staggering slightly before looking around. The room was crowded and even had some faces you didn't recognise. You gave a hug and a kiss on the cheek to Sabo, Ace, Zoro, and Usopp before turning to the people you didn't know.


"Okay, I don't know you guys, but my name is ___," You tell them holding out a hand to a raven haired girl with odd blow eyes.

"My name is Robin," She introduces.

"Bartolomeo! Nice to meet you ___-sempai!!" A green haired guy gushes. You pause and glance toward Law who offers a shrug.

"We've already met yoi," Marco huffs.

"Alright... Obviously I've missed a lot... Who's gonna tell me what?" You ask, sitting down next to Kid.

"I'll do that," Law tells you. You turn your full attention to him, which makes him smirk in satisfaction.

((Okay, guys/gals, I'm going to try something new, I hope it works!))

#Law's P.O.V Flashback#

He shifts, frowning a bit. Why would it take an hour for you to return with Kid after seeing that Killer guy? Something wasn't right. "I'm going to take a walk," He decides out loud, getting to his feet.

"I'll go with you," Sabo says, getting up as well. Law glances at the blond, seeing he seemed troubled too.

"Alright," Law tells him, what's wrong with having a little back up? With that they both head out.

"Is it just me, or does it feel like the dam is about to burst?" Sabo comments. Law glances at him.

"Something definitely isn't right," He agrees, looking ahead. He wasn't sure why, but the need to check on you grew as they went down the stairs, and before he knew it, he was almost sprinting for the infirmary with Sabo close behind. They enter the infirmary and he spots Killer, but no one else. He goes to the blond's bedside. "When did Kid-ya and ___-ya leave?" He asks. Killer raises his eyebrow.

"A half hour I think, why?" He replies. Something in Law's eyes then makes the injured blond try to sit up. "What's going on? Didn't they go back?" He questions. Law and Sabo exchange a look.

"You don't think..." Sabo trails off, frowning worriedly. Law's fists clench, he felt that if he didn't see you soon, he'd loose it. He starts for the door and Sabo swiftly answers Killer's question before hurrying to catch up to the dark haired male who had an alarming vibe coming off of him. "Uh, Law?" He says warily.

"If something has happened to her, I will destroy this whole school..."

*To Be Continued...*

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