《Be Mine》// s i x t e e n //
:: chapter sixteen ::
He was stole from his slumber by the almost faint sound of his alarm clock. With his eyes closed he reached for the device and pressed it to snooze. He slowly fluttered his eyes open as his lips curved into a small yet full of happiness smile as her sleeping figure welcomed him. He snuggled her closer as she automatically wrapped her arms to him. ‘Good morning,’ he hoarsely whispered as he kissed her hair. She slowly opened her eyes as she lifted her head staring at him. ‘Well, good morning back Mr. Mine,’ she answered in a hoarse voice. Jiyong leaned down claiming her lips kissing her early in the morning. She responded to his sweet kiss as her hand crawled to the back of his neck.
With eyes closed he leaned his forehead with hers. ‘Sweet,’ he muttered still panting. Dara let out a chuckle which sounded beautiful than any symphony he had ever heard or played. He opened his eyes and stared at the girl that changed him, that made his world finally turn. The girl that brought him to life. ‘I love you Dara,’ he whispered as if he was breathing out his life for her to live. She fluttered her eyes open as she laced her fingers with his. ‘I love you too,’ she answered back with her sweetest smile. ‘Always and forever,’ they both said as they laughed that they actually said the same thing at the same time.
Dara sat up and stretched her arms upward as Jiyong wrapped around her waist with his chin leaning on the crook of her neck. ‘Skipping class sounds really tempting right now,’ Dara pouted as Jiyong let out a chuckle. ‘Bad student,’ he mumbled as he got of the bed and stood up staring at the cute pouting creature in front of him. Dara stood up on the bed and went close to him. Jiyong grabbed her waist and lifted her as he placed her gently on the floor. He pulled her by waist as their forehead leaned on hers. ‘I would always love waking every morning seeing you first,’ he mumbled. ‘Me too,’ she smiled as she pulled away from him. ‘Better take bath now, since we will still eat right?’ she asked smiling. ‘Yup,’ he answered with his lips pressed together.
Dara chuckled as she grabbed her towel and went to his bathroom. When she grabbed the knob she snapped her head on Jiyong who walked towards her and placed his hand on the top of hers that was holding the knob. She felt like her soul left her body because she can feel his warm body pressing hers. ‘Do you wanna know another tempting thing?’ he whispered on her ear, huskily. Dara turned beet red as she swallowed the unknown lump on her throat. ‘W-what?’ she asked, stuttering, almost out of voice. Jiyong bit his lips trying to hold his laughter longer. He then wrapped his arms around her waist almost making her jump, she felt like in no time she will have seizure.
‘Marrying you,’ he whispered as he fluttered his eyes close with a smile on his lips.
Dara took seconds before everything sink in. She smiled as she held his arms. ‘That’s really tempting, more tempting than skipping class,’ she chuckled. Jiyong pulled away from her as he made her face him. He pinched her nose gently. ‘Yep more tempting than sex,’ he said smirking as Dara flushed red. Jiyong rolled his eyes. ‘I swear today’s going to be the rat’s death,’ he growled in a low voice. Dara laughed as she opened the bathroom’s door. ‘I’ll take a bath now so you can plan his death,’ she said laughing. Jiyong nodded as he walked to his bed and sat down.
Dara’s lips curved into a satisfied smile. She just finished fixing Jiyong’s necktie and she was huffing with pride with what she did, despite it was just fixing his tie. Jiyong pulled her by waist and gave a quick peck on her lips. He can’t just get enough of her, he felt like they were a newlywed couple, he never felt that alive before. He can remember his excitement every morning like he was moving in light speed just to see her, but now everything just seemed so perfect for him. Everything was like the way it’s supposed to be.
Dara smiled as she pulled away and put her scarf on as she grabbed her bag, Jiyong did the same with the addition of her given pink beanie. They then started walking their way to his favourite cafe, the cafe that served his breakfast for almost three years. Dara was again doing all the talking while he would be listening to her, answer briefly, smile, and laugh.
After a not so long walk they finally arrived at the cafe. The cafe looked like it was stuck on the Victorian era. Wooden gothic designed door, green vines wrapping on it. Dara smiled as Jiyong pushed the door and the bell rang. The owner and as well as the chef smiled at Jiyong, he was about to greet him but was stopped by the appearance of the girl trailing behind him. A girl who has a heavenly smile. ‘Good morning,’ he greeted using his cracking voice out of age. Both Jiyong and Dara greeted him back, bowing down to him. ‘Good morning,’ the girl smiled. ‘Morning,’ Jiyong said with a smile. The owner was stunned at first seeing the guy who was seemed to be void of emotions from the day he met him smiled at him. His old and cracked lips curved into a happy and proud smile.
‘Finally found a reason there son,’ he said as he motioned the two to a high stool in front of a wooden bar. Jiyong smiled as he glanced at Dara who was tilting her head in confusion. ‘Found a life, I guess,’ he answered back to the owner as he stared at him. ‘I’m glad,’ the owner breath out in honesty as Jiyong held Dara’s hand, both paced to the two high stool.
After waiting for minutes the owner served them their breakfast, rice omelette, with Spanish frittata, French toast and glass of warm milk. ‘You eat a lot and a healthy menu too,’ Dara smiled as she looked at Jiyong who nodded in agreement. ‘I got heavy works so I do need it,’ he said as he fed Dara a French toast. Dara took a bite at the toast as her eyes landed on the owner. ‘Wow, you’re really good in cooking sir,’ she said smiling while showing a thumb up. ‘Thank you sweetie,’ he answered back with a smile.
After that the owner were staring at couple who was eating. He never saw Jiyong that happy before, he always wear a straight face, no, a hardened face. A face that proves that he went into tons of battle he survived though he died inside. A smile curved on his lips as he saw how happy they were, how attentive he was and how perfect they look together. The couple were already finished eating, when he walked his way to them and with a smile asked her. ‘Since you were my first customers, let me give you and extra service,’ he smiled as Dara and Jiyong glanced at each other before staring at the owner. They then agreed to him though they were confused.
‘I can read your future through your palms, let me give it a try young lady,’ he said as he offered his hand. Dara smiled and was all excited as she gently placed her hand on his. ‘I want to hear that I will be forever with Jiyong,’ she said happily and innocently making Jiyong chuckle. The old man laughed, ‘Such innocence,’ He then stared at her palm reading every line on it as her future played vaguely in his mind. He closed his eyes to sort his thoughts and what he was seeing after reading her palm. He snapped his eyes open quite shock that he even let go of Dara’s hand in an instant.
‘You were graced with a second chance?’ he asked still shock written on his face. Jiyong’s brow furrowed as he felt like he will not like what he’s about to hear. Dara nodded, rather proud. ‘Yes I am,’ she said smiling as her hand automatically went on the top of her chest as it felt her heartbeats through her skin. ‘Dear your second chance is---‘ the owner wasn’t able to finish what he was saying when Jiyong stood up out of the blue. ‘We’re done eating thanks for the food,’ he said as he placed his payment on the top of the wooden table. He held Dara’s hand quite tightly that Dara glanced up to him, worrying. ‘Ji,’ she called out. ‘No Dara we will not hear his prediction out,’ he gritted. ‘Especially if it involves you dying,’ he said jaw clenching as his body trembles.
He hated it. He hated how fate keeps on reminding him that he could be actually just borrowing her from God. She’s an angel and he knew that. She’s someone that doesn’t even exist, everything about her is just too good that you will even doubt if she’s real. And someone like her deserves to be with God, but he hated that fact. He never recognized God, he never asked for his help, never did he called upon him and he never feared him. But now knowing that he was up there looking at His missing angel, he can’t help not to fear him, to the point that he’s willing to kneel down before him and beg for him to never take her away from him.
Dara smiled as she stood up and locked Jiyong in her arms as the lad automatically shifted his body and embraced her back face burying on her shoulder. ‘You do know that I will never leave you right?’ Dara asked gently, Jiyong didn’t answer. The owner just stared at the two still drown in what he read as he stared at them. ‘Who told you you’re allowed?’ Jiyong asked back as Dara chuckled. ‘You worry too much,’ Dara said as she pulled away from him. Jiyong smiled as they grabbed their things and bowed down to the owner.
‘I’m sorry,’ Jiyong said. ‘No it’s okay son, it’s my fault anyways,’ he said smiling earning a nod from Jiyong as they started pacing out of the door. ‘Thanks for the delicious breakfast,’ Dara smiled sweetly to the owner before opening the door. They were about to step outside when they were stopped by the owner’s words. ‘Fate can always be defied, can always be rewritten, can always be changed... and I know you two can,’ he smiled earning a smile from the couple. ‘I know,’ Jiyong said as they both paced out of the cafe.
When they were outside they were welcomed by the happy rays of sun. Jiyong can’t help not to stare at the blue sky painted with clouds and sunlight. He let go a sigh as he can’t help not to be thankful for this another day given to him, to her, for the both of them. In short span of time he learned the value of time. He glanced at the girl walking beside him while humming a song. He smiled, in a short span of time he also learned how someone can love a person so much that even words will find it hard to describe. Jiyong reached for her hand and laced his fingers with hers. Dara glanced at him with a giddy smile on her face. ‘Mine,’ he mumbled with a proud smile on his lips. Dara chuckled. ‘Yours,’ she answered back with a giggle.
Seung Ri was hiding his ass behind Chaerin who can only roll her eyes as they entered the room. He let out a sigh of relief upon seeing that neither Jiyong nor Dara has arrived. ‘You do know that in any minutes they’ll be here soon,’ Chaerin said blowing her bubblegum as Seung Ri shouted earning all their classmates attention. Then he stared at Chaerin with his puppy eyes silently pleading for her to rescue him since he got enough bruises from her. The girl just ignored him and walked her way to her seat. ‘Right on cue,’ she grinned as Jiyong and Dara who were holding each other’s hand walked inside their classroom. In seconds they were greeted by everyone as Dara greeted them back.
Seung Ri swallowed the unknown lump on his throat as he slowly turned around only to see the smirking face of Jiyong. He then fell to his knees as he pushed himself to them. ‘Please forgive me! I will never ever do it again!! I promise!!’ he pleaded while hugging Jiyong’s right leg making the lad roll his eyes as everyone stared at Seung Ri in disbelief. Chaerin burst into wild laughter seeing him all scared an pleading. ‘Yah rat! Be a man!’ she shouted still laughing. Seung Ri ignored her as he pleaded on Jiyong more, he rather be like this than die with his bare hands. Dara stared at Jiyong.
Jiyong let out a groan knowing what she was trying to say to him. ‘Fine,’ he mumbled defeated. ‘Stand up idiot,’ he said as Seung Ri glanced at him like he saw a miracle as the heaven’s opened up. He then stood up and glance on Dara silently thanking her. ‘Thank—‘ he wasn’t able to finish what he was saying when Jiyong suddenly spoke. ‘Listen up everyone,’ he called as all attention diverted to him. ‘Seung Ri here volunteered to be the class slave for the whole week, so if you got errands or want some food or want someone to shine your shoes then Seung Ri is the name you need to call,’ he said as Seung Ri’s jaw fell on the floor with Chaerin laughing harder as Dara snorted stopping her laughter and so were their friends. ‘Just tell me if he defy you and I will execute his punishment immediately,’ he turned to Seung Ri as he cracked his knuckles making Seung Ri stepped backwards. Jiyong walked passed to Seung Ri as he pulled Dara with him. ‘Sorry,’ Dara mouthed as Seung Ri stared at her pleading.
Jiyong sat on his seat as he stared at Seung Ri who was still stunned and was just looking at him. Jiyong rested his elbow on the desk as his cheek leaned on his palm. ‘It will be nice if you will call us master and mistress,’ he said smirking as Dara turned to look at him, he just shrugged. ‘I’ll look forward to your work, slave Seung Ri,’ he said as Seung Ri fell on his knees as he stared at the ceiling while dramatically shouting ‘No’. Everyone burst into laughter and after just minutes his hell started as everyone just keep on ordering him making Dara shook her head.
‘Don’t you dare help him,’ Jiyong whispered on her ear. Dara turned red as he felt his breath brushing on her nape as she turned around to face him. ‘But isn’t it too much?’ she asked worried. Jiyong rolled his eyes as he slumped his back on his chair. ‘No, it’s the lightest thing I can give him since you don’t want me to send him directly to hell,’ he said smiling innocently. ‘Ji!’ she exclaimed. ‘Yes baby,’ he answered still smiling adorably at her. Dara covered her face as she started giggling out of giddiness. ‘Uggh! I hate it when you do your aegyo I can’t argue with you anymore!’ she exclaimed. ‘You mean like this?’ he asked as he leaned forward to her and started his parade of aegyo like puffing his cheeks, pouting his lips and almost just everything that can make your knees wobble. Dara was giggling at how adorable his boyfriend looked right now without both of them noticing that everyone was staring at them, even slave Seung Ri.
Seung Ri let out a sigh as he rolled his eyes. ‘Fine, for the love of the two, I will be slave Seung Ri,’ he muttered as he stared at the two and how idiotic Jiyong looked to him right now. But still he can’t deny that he will definitely someone every girl will dream of, the only guy that deserves that giggling girl in front of him. ‘I’ll cheer you up slave Seung Ri,’ Chaerin said smiling while miraculously popping beside him. ‘No need
,’ he said smirking as the lady rolled her eyes. Then she drifted her eyes to the couple who was once again lost on their own world. ‘Adorable isn’t it?’ she asked as Seung Ri nodded. ‘Very,’ the latter added.
‘It is like everything is perfect,’ Chaerin said. Seung Ri glanced at her then drifted his eyes back to the couple. ‘But nothing lasts forever,’ he said in a serious tone of voice making Chaerin stared at him. He looked at her and their eyes met. Chaerin smiled. ‘Only them will lasts forever,’ she said as if it was a law, a universal truth. Then she blushed as she felt their hands brushed on each other, that it gave her an unexplainable surge of electricity running wild inside her body as it went straight to her heart that was pounding crazily. ‘How about we make it only them and us,’ Seung Ri said without looking at he held her hand and interlocked his fingers with hers. She smiled giddily to herself. ‘Yeah, that sounds good,’ she mumbled. ‘Only them and us,’ she added.
//author's blabbering//
I received two banners! One is for Oh yeah! and the other one is for Be Mine! And I know I just got to update to thank everyone! Gah! I've been dreaming for my entire author life to receive banners from you guys! I was so touched ;A; Thank you very much! and Sorry for the wait I was just to busy this past week! I'm so sorry! but here is be mine! I didn't have the time to edit it since I'm already writting chapter seventeen! haha Thank you for your comments, love and just everything! Thank you for being the best reader any authors would love! Gah! I'm just so happy right now! thank you again!
BE MINE banner from monsterLEA :D Thank you dear! I also want to thank those who messaged me! And to my dongsae for OH YEAH's banner! I love you bby-daragon! hehe :D I love you everyone haha :DD
soon? haha XD
i love you guys :D
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