《Be Mine》// s e v e n t e e n //
:: chapter seventeen ::
Dara was biting her lips as she was tapping her pencil on the table trying to focus at the meeting she was currently into with her boyfriend fiddling with her hands under the table. The festival was nearing and in order to prepare for it a meeting inside the student council headquarters was being held every day; and today is no exception. Dara stole a glance at Jiyong mentally telling him to stop playing with her hand since she can’t focus on the meeting. But the guy was so busy playing with her hand as he pressed each fingers of her like he was playing a piano that he failed to notice her glancing him. Don’t get it wrong but Jiyong was never a part of the student council nor the committee assigned on this task, he was there because he wanted to and to make sure that they never overwork her which was never good for her.
Dara rolled her eyes as she gave up giving him a warning since she was pretty enjoying what he was doing as well. She bit her lips trying to suppress a giddy smile form spreading on her lips. ‘Park,’ the student council president called her as she jerked up and pull her hand away from Jiyong making the lad grimace as he threw a death glare on the student council president. He was pretty much enjoying himself then he will just barged in he can’t even get why Dara was helping him anyways. Jaejoong, the student council president, smiled at Dara as he pushed his glasses in place. ‘If it is okay with you I’ll be assigning you on the stage... you’ll be the team leader for that. Your team will be assign for the stage set up, instruments, performance, sound system and everything about the stage,’ he said in a businessman like manner. Jiyong grimaced. ‘Why don’t you do that yourself,’ he remarked coldly as Dara glanced at Jiyong who just shrugged. There was a weird silence hanging in the room as the officers glance back and forth at Jiyong and Jaejoong. ‘It’s too much you know,’ he defended himself while stating a fact. Jaejoong faked a cough. ‘Okay I’ll—‘
‘No, it’s okay I was really planning to volunteer for the stage team. I’m glad that’s what you assign for me,’ Dara said smiling at him as he grew red making Jiyong groan as he rolled his eyes. ‘Ji,’ Dara muttered as Jiyong smiled innocently at her. ‘Yes, baby?’ he asked as Dara lightly shook her head while chuckling softly. Sometimes he could be really childish but adorable at the same time. Dara stood up. ‘I’ll be checking the needed things now,’ she bowed down to Jaejoong as the latter did the same. ‘Thank you so much for your work Park-sshi,’ he said in thanks as he handed her the folder she will need. ‘No problem, anything for you,’ Dara replied making him blush red again as Jiyong held Dara’s hand while seemingly throwing another tantrums, he was being all jealous right now with no means. The other members just snorted suppressing their laugh at what they were seeing in the school’s former bad boy who was being all childish right now.
‘We have to go before he does something ...,’ Dara said smiling as she slowly dropped her gaze at Jiyong who was staring back at her with a proud smile on his lips, knowing he won in the battle that never did start. ‘Adorable,’ Dara giggled as they both paced out of the room.
Dara stopped on her tracks as she turned her body facing him. Dara smiled as she tiptoed and planted a small kiss on his lips. ‘Why are you so adorable when you’re jealous,’ she whispered smiling. Jiyong rolled his eyes. ‘I’m not jealous,’ he hissed. Dara crossed her arms on her chest. ‘Really?’ she asked slitting her eyes on him. Jiyong let go a deep breath before his lips curved into a smile. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. ‘Fine, I’m jealous,’ he admitted kissing her hair. Dara laughed as they both started walking again.
‘Seriously?’ she asked laughing. ‘Seriously,’ he answered rolling his eyes. ‘Why would you?’ she asked. ‘Why wouldn’t I?’ he asked back. ‘Because I’m yours,’ she smiled at him making him chuckle. ‘Okay stop being adorable Ms. Mine,’ he said while shyly covering his face with his palm. ‘Why should I?’ she asked innocently. Jiyong stopped on his tracks and stared at her; then in seconds they were in a staring game. Jiyong leaned his face forward. ‘I might not be able to control myself,’ he whispered huskily on her ears as Dara’s blood raced to her face. Jiyong chuckled seeing how cute she was when she was all red. He leaned down and kissed her forehead as he laced his hand with hers. ‘You know what let’s get to work so we can go home early,’ he said as Dara nodded to him in agreement.
Dara was still checking things around while Jiyong was sitting far from her, watching her and never get tired of doing that. He will watch her talked to her team members, watch her think, watch her walk. He would watch her every move, like he was counting her every steps and he never got tired watching her. He stood up upon seeing Dara gesturing him to come to her. Without asking he did. A smile tugged in his lips as he stood up placing his hands inside his pocket. How good it is to think that forever it will be like this, for eternity he will be bound under her spell and he will embrace it with all his heart and with every bit of his soul.
Upon reaching her he quickly jumped on the stage as Dara held his hand and pulled him with her. ‘Just one last thing and we’re good to go,’ she smiled at him as he nodded. ‘I just need to check the piano,’ she smiled at him as she motioned him to sit down with her sitting beside him. She then cracked her knuckles and tested the piano as she run her fingers on the few keys. Then she glanced at him with a smile while he looked at her puzzled. She then started playing the piano as he stared at her in amazement. ‘I never knew you play piano,’ he whispered as he moved closer to her and listened to her playing then on the right cue she started singing while still staring at him.
Say it's true, there's nothing like me and you
Not alone, tell me you feel it too
And I would runaway
I would runaway, yeah
I would runaway
I would runaway with you
He stared at her as he drowns himself in her angelic voice, in every note played by her fingers. A smile crossed his lips as he felt her voice just touched her heart. He had heard of the song countless times. He even despised it, telling how senseless it was. But now that she was the one singing it and knowing by heart that it was for him, he couldn’t agree more to the song. Dara stared at him with a smile in her lips, and love mirrored on her eyes.
Cause I have fallen in love
With you, no never have
I'm never gonna stop falling in love, with you
Jiyong clapped his hands together with the other staffs as Dara bowed down to them smiling as she wrapped her arms around Jiyong after the latter stood up. She lifted her gaze to him while biting her lips. He patted her on her head as he leaned down and gave her a quick peck. ‘Thank you,’ he whispered. ‘Anything for you,’ she mumbled with a smile as she pulled away from him and held his hand. ‘Let’s go?’ she asked as Jiyong nodded. ‘Yup, let’s go,’ he answered with a smile as they both walked to their things and after she said her last reminders to her staffs they both walked their way home, to his apartment.
Sandara Park’s To-Do List: J
1. Go to an AMUSEMENT PARK!!
2. To learn how to ride a BIKE!!
3. Shoot a ball!
4. Make Kwon Jiyong smile and laugh
5. To play piano and sing for Kwon Jiyong
After dropping their things at his place and changing clothes they both went to a grocery store to buy supplies. He was wearing his usual thing, faded jeans, converse, t shirt and jacket. She was wearing her usual thing black skinny jeans and a pink coat. He was standing outside the door waiting for her as she grabbed two beanies with her. ‘Sorry for the delay,’ she said with a smile. ‘It’s okay,’ he smiled as he grabbed the beanie and gently placed it on her and wore the other. He offered his hand as Dara giggled placing her hand on the top of his as he laced their fingers with each other. And with that they started walking aiming for the nearest grocery store. A smile tugged in his lips as he felt her warm hands holding his, as he hear every stories, giggle and even breathing of her.
He remembered in everywhere he go he will drive his bikes, either of the three. He hated walking because in doing so he can feel that he was alone, that there was no one beside him to hold his hand, to guide him, to tell stories just to blow the cold silence in the air. He was aware that he was all by himself and walking will just prove it. But now he felt like he love walking because it will give him reason to hold her hand much longer, to hear her voice much longer, to spent much longer time with her. He smiled as he glanced at her. No doubt, she was his everything now.
After some while they finally arrived at the grocery store they then pull a shopping cart. ‘This is fun,’ Dara giggled as he nodded in agreement. He used to shop here for supplies and when he does everyone was just giving him cold shoulder since he was surrounded with rumours that made everyone shudder at his presence. And like always everyone was staring at him right now, eyes in shock, mouth nearly hanging open. They then drift their gaze at the girl who was all smiles talking to him as they walk to the dairy section of the grocery.
A smile crept its way to his lips he doesn’t know why but it seems like everywhere he go the world just keep on noticing how he came to life, how he just changed from nothing to someone, how happy he had become just because of her. It was not just him who was noticing all the changes, the whole world was with him and somehow that gave a warm feeling inside him.
Dara bounced her way to grab a box of fresh milk and place it to their shopping cart. ‘I love milks,’ she smiled at him. He nodded. ‘I noticed that,’ he said in agreement. ‘And I love you,’ she smiled at him as he chuckled. ‘Can’t get enough?’ he asked rather conceited. ‘Too much of you will never be enough,’ she answered with a smug smile on her lips. Jiyong smiled as he raised his arm and gestured her to come closer to him, and she did without asking.
Jiyong then claimed her lips barely caring even if they were in a public place. It’s not he doesn’t care that they were in a public place but when they were together, when she was so near that her aura was enough to squeeze his heart from too much unexplainable emotions everything just disappear it was as if they were the only one in the world. They’re the only one that matters, nothing else. It was as if they were inside their own world. He would not even be shock if one day even breathing comes second to her.
Dara pulled herself away from him as a smile drew in her lips. She giggled. ‘I think you got it wrong,’ Dara said giggling. ‘I think it is you who can’t get enough of me,’ she said crooking her brow as she pushed the cart. ‘Yes you did,’ he said chuckling as he joined her in pushing the cart. Dara then stopped at the meat section as both of them stared at the frozen goods. ‘I saw your study table Ji,’ Dara said without looking at him as she grabbed a pack of chopped meat. ‘Yeah it’s a mess, sorry,’ he mumbled. Dara grabbed a pack of bacons. ‘Don’t buy that, that’s not good for you,’ he said as he gently grabbed the pack of bacons and place it back. Dara chuckled at him.
‘I’m not talking about how messy it is,’ she said as they started strolling again. ‘Oh,’ Jiyong mumbled as he finally got her point. Dara was talking about the books, magazine, printed materials scattered on his table if it was before he was hell sure those materials were about motor bikes, engines, cars and everything related to his job but now it was nothing like that it was all about heart transplant, heart disease and everything just about her condition. ‘Ji you’re worrying too much,’ Dara said chuckling.
‘Should I not?’ Jiyong asked as he grabbed an apple. ‘Yes,’ she answered. ‘Why?’ he asked as he stared at him. ‘Because I will never leave you,’ she said surely as she grabbed the apple he was holding. ‘How sure are you?’ he asked as he grabbed a pack of strawberry. ‘Cause I can’t bring myself to...’ she smiled at him. ‘And you’re not allowed to,’ he smiled at her as he wrapped his arm on her shoulder. ‘I think we got enough, let’s go,’ Jiyong whispered as Dara nod in agreement.
Jiyong was placing what they were buying when Dara suddenly bolted up. ‘Ji I forgot the pancake mix, I will just get it!’ she said as she ran away from him. ‘Don’t run!’ he yelled at her. ‘I’ll be fine!’ she yelled back as Jiyong rolled his eyes, at times she can be really stubborn. He then grumpily pushed the things they bought as the cashier cleared her throat which snatched him from his reverie. ‘I’ll pay using credit card,’ he mumbled as the cashier nodded and proceed in punching the things.
Dara was scanning at the shelf when she suddenly bumped into someone. ‘Sorry,’ she bowed down at him. ‘No it’s okay,’ he said as his deep yet soothing voice made her look up to him. ‘Have we met before?’ they both asked which surprised them. Dara quickly covered her mouth as the guy drifted his gaze away from her. Dara laughed as she grabbed the pancake mix. ‘I have to go, my boyfriend is waiting,’ she said with a smile as she strides away from him. He was not moving, he may not also be breathing but it was as if he his soul left his body.
He never saw her before, he was hundred and one sure about that but her smile it was all familiar, her eyes it was as if he had been looking to those all his life and her innocent face there was something in it that tells him that he would be looking for her, he will yearn for her. She was his beautiful stranger.
And he knew he will soon be searching for her.
-------- :]]
//author's blabbering//
hello! this is for those who are asking where is TABI in this fic LOL. OTL. I think this is short and this is not also edited. I'm so sorry guys! I'm really busy these past days. Just to give you a peek on how busy I am... I'm an engineering student who is working on post lab reports and thesis. So I'm so sorry for not updating often ;A; please forgive me. More than that please stay with me.
This was supposed to be posted together with the upcoming update for RaC and Mr. and Ms. Stupid Liar but i feel bad for not updating this week so here it is. Thank you for those who are waiting and for the love and comment you are giving me. I love you guys. And thanks to MAJO for my beautiful poster!! I need to update to use it :D thank you so much!! This is for you also!
So I hope to see you soon and to my subbies for RaC and Mr. and Ms. Stupid Liar see yah soon!! :DD
that's it for now!
bye bye!
mbie's out
p e a c e !!
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