《Be Mine》// e i g h t e e n //
:: chapter eighteen ::
Dara took a small glance at Jiyong as the latter focused himself in fixing one of his client’s motorcycles. She pouted as she heaved a sigh. She was now sitting on his bed doing her homework in calculus that was about to wreck her brain into tiny pieces as she tried solving every single number written on her book. She pouted again as she stared longingly at the back of her boyfriend who was just meters away from her. She heaved another sigh without noticing it was loud enough for him to hear. ‘Baby, I’m just here no need to miss me,’ he said as he reached for the wrench and continued working. Dara pouted more. ‘I’m not missing you!’ she stubbornly said as she crossed her arms on her chest and huffed. ‘Really?’ he asked still not looking at her and still rummaging for the right tool. ‘Yes,’ she replied, certainty can be found on her voice. ‘If you say so,’ he shrugged again not looking at her making Dara gasp.
‘Yah!’ she exclaimed as she stood up in the bed and jumped her way to him. She hugged him tightly from his back. ‘Of course I miss you,’ she whispered as Jiyong rolled his eyes as a smile slowly spread on his lips. He gently removed her arms around him as he faced her. ‘Baby, we’re together in the same house,’ he chuckled. ‘But you’re far from me!’ she said throwing a tantrums. ‘I need to work,’ he said still chuckling. ‘But I need you!’ she said insisting. Jiyong rolled his eyes. ‘Need me? For your calculus homework?’ he asked Dara turned red as she smiled sweetly at him. ‘Quite but I need you more on my side than do my calculus homework,’ she said biting her lips as Jiyong chuckled. He moved closer to her as he lifted her, bridal style and laid her gently on the bed.
‘So what do you want?’ he asked hovering above her turning her into tomato faced. ‘You,’ she said smiling. ‘As you wish who am I to defy thy majesty?’ he said as he leaned down and claimed her lips. Dara quickly clung her arms around his nape and pulled him more as their kiss grew, as it suck all the air inside their body as they completely feel that everything was meant to be.
Jiyong slowly pulled himself away from her as he landed a quick peck on her lips. ‘Naughty,’ he smirked as he tapped the tip of her nose. Dara let out a frustrated groan. ‘Dara Park,’ Jiyong warned. ‘What Mr. Mine?’ she asked innocently while batting her lashes. ‘Just do your homework,’ he said as he pulled her to sit down. Dara let out another frustrated groan as she pouted her lips and no one in sane mind can resist the cute creature in front of Kwon Jiyong right now. Jiyong let out a defeated sigh. ‘Fine I’ll help you,’ he said as he stared at her eyes. Dara’s lips curved into a victorious grin as she picked her pen and book. ‘Cheater,’ Jiyong muttered as he pulled Dara to sit down between his legs. ‘I am not a cheater,’ Dara said while smiling innocently. ‘You are a cheater you’re using the fact that I can’t resist you when you’re being adorable,’ he said clicking his tongue. Dara started laughing. ‘Oh! I love you Kwon Jiyong!’ she said between her laughters. ‘I love you more,’ he answered as he gave a quick peck on the crook of her neck.
‘Yah!’ she exclaimed as she flipped her body facing him. ‘Stop doing that!’ she said almost like begging. ‘Doing what?’ he asked innocently. ‘Kissing me on my neck!’ she answered flushing red. ‘But your neck is sexy,’ he stated matter of factly. ‘Yah!’ she exclaimed as she scratched her head. She rolled her eyes as she leaned and kissed him on his lips. ‘Please I wanna do my homework! Don’t distract me!’ she said begging in an exaggerated way making Jiyong laugh. ‘Okay, I will not distract you,’ he said as he made her face her book once more but stole another peck on the crook of her neck. ‘Kwon Jiyong!’ Dara exclaimed as Jiyong laughed and apologized yet did the same thing that lead Dara to chase him over in his apartment.
‘I wanna do my homework now!’ Dara whined as she sat down still huffing from their little chase. Jiyong quickly went beside her. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said as he gently held her wrist and check her pulse. Dara smiled as she threw herself on him making them stumble on the floor with her topping on him. ‘Gotcha!’ she smirked as she kissed him which he welcomed. ‘That’s not a good joke,’ he said as he pulled himself away from her irresistible lips. ‘I’m sorry,’ Dara said sincerely. ‘Just don’t do it again okay?’ he said. ‘As you wish who am I to defy thy majesty?’ Dara said giggling as Jiyong shook his head. He then gently sat down while cuddling her on his arms. ‘Let’s do your homework,’ he whispered in her ear as she nodded in agreement.
After almost an hour they finally finished her homework. Dara stretched her arms upward to remove the numbness of her body. She then stared at her notebook with a grin on her lips. She doesn’t know why but whenever it was him who was teaching her she could easily understand it. She stared at Jiyong as the latter stood up and paced to the refrigerator. He was wearing his old worn out jeans paired with white long sleeves t shirt, and as usual his hair was tied in a bun and he got tons of accessories on his arms. She stood up as she went to him and suddenly hugged him. ‘I have a hitch that you’re addicted to me,’ Jiyong said chuckling as he grabbed the box of fresh milk out of the fridge. ‘I am,’ Dara proudly said giggling.
Jiyong then leaned his back on the sink as he drank straight from the box while Dara was still hugging him. ‘How can you be so good in calculus? So cool in an old jeans and shirt? So handsome and sweet?’ she asked. ‘Am I?’ he asked back. ‘You are,’ she answered with certainty in her voice. ‘Really?’ he asked once more as Dara nodded. ‘Then pick me,’ he said with a smile on his lips. Dara’s brow furrowed as she stared at him puzzled. ‘Pick you for what?’ she asked. ‘To be your future husband,’ he smiled. ‘You are my future husband, my eternal lover, my other half. There’s no other guy for me other than you,’ she smiled. Jiyong then placed the box of the milk on the top of the sink as he ran his fingers on her cheeks and jaw line then pulled her for a sweet and blissful kiss.
It was passed eleven and he was still not sleeping for he was caressing her hair staring at her sleep and wait for her to say his name. It became a habit that he knew he will never ever remove from his system. The habit of staring her while she sleeps in his arms while her warm breath touched his skin and in moments he would hear his name. It was those simple things, those seemingly small things that surprisingly make him happy for no apparent reason. He heaved a sigh as he recalled what happened when they were on their way home from school. If only he knew that those people whom he had beaten long ago would be walking on the same path he would have just brought his bike.
He admitted he got so many people who have grudge against him. He can’t almost count them and he was aware that one day they will come to seek revenge and he was never afraid of it, he was even looking forward to it but that was all in the past. Just thinking about Dara, how fragile she was, how she was everything to him, filled him nothing but fears. And when they bumped into one of the gang that hold grudge against him, he was afraid beyond words and just thinking of the possibilities was driving him out of his sanity. The five member gang stared at him and in snap he knew what they were waiting for. He can’t risk Dara’s safety nor wanted her to see how he beat people using the hand which holds her. She had seen him lost himself once and for him that was enough he never wanted her to see him in that state ever again.
When he felt that everything will turn out the way he was thinking he just let go of his pride he almost knelt down before them for their forgiveness and for them to leave them alone but Dara stopped him, she hugged him before he was able to do that while saying, ‘Don’t do that you can defeat them they’re worthless,’ She was smiling at him telling him she was proud on who he was though he finds himself as nothing but a worthless demon. Then she stared at gang and gave them a taunting smirk while declaring that he could beat them in a snap. He could of course he wasn’t the fearsome Kwon Jiyong for nothing but if he beat them it will go on, they will still look for him to quench the grudge in their chest and the cycle could go on forever. They will haunt him for revenge and worst Dara’s life will always be in line for she was his weakness, his own kryptonite. He tightened his hold of her and just a thought of her paying for every stupid act he had committed in the past was crumbling him to pieces. He can’t even bear even the thought of it. He kissed her hair as he heaved a sigh and slowly pulled himself away from her.
He stood up and quickly grabbed his jacket, keys and helmet. He glance at Dara’s sleeping figure as a faint smile emerged on his lips. ‘I’ll be back soon,’ he whispered as he carefully opened the large door of his apartment which was similar to the metal door of garage. He then carefully pushed his red bike outside then after closing and locking the door he sped off, off for his freedom, off for her safety, off for the forgiveness of everyone he had caused pain.
It was almost three when he was able to return, he might have acquired some small cuts and bruise but he returned happy. He didn’t expect that he will actually earn their forgiveness but he was willing to plead for it, but upon saying everything he wanted to say he quickly earned their forgiveness. He chuckled a bit when he remembered what one of them said. ‘Oh so you finally found a life, man you’re boring! Now I have to find another playmate! Tsk! Invite me at your
huh?!’ And he even said it like he was threatening him. ‘Too bad we will lose one of the greatest players out there... Oh well I think Kwon Jiyong suits you more than the demon G-Dragon,’ the other smirked at him. He was surprised but thankful at the same time that they all let him off the hook.
He removed his helmet and closed the door as he removed his jacket and went to the bed only to see Dara sleeping on the couch. He smiled as he tossed the key to one of his metal shelves and walked to her. He then scooped her up which stirred her from her sleep. She quickly wrapped her arms around him as she snuggled to him. ‘Sorry I made you wait,’ he whispered as he gently laid her to the bed. ‘It’s okay as long as you’re going to comeback,’ she whispered snuggling close to him with eyes still closed. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her and made her lay on top of him as he caressed her back. ‘Where have you been?’ she asked, her warm breath touching the crook of his neck. ‘Fixing my life,’ he chuckled as Dara fluttered her eyes open. ‘Fixing your life?’ she repeated. He nodded.
Her lips curved into a smile as she closed her eyes and snuggled more to him. Jiyong tightened his hold on her as he fluttered his eyes close. ‘I love you,’ he whispered there was a long pause he even thought that she already fell back to sleep but then she answered him. ‘I love you more,’ she whispered with a raspy voice as his lips curved into smile. Then there was silence as the only thing they can both hear was their breathing and their heartbeats that screamed nothing but each other’s name, then in seconds both drifted to sleep.
Dara can’t control herself from giggling there they were walking their way to the school wearing the same clothes that they bought yesterday. She heard the loud explosion from the sky indicating the beginning of the school’s annual cultural festival. There were no words right now how to describe her excitement that it made her heart pound on her chest loudly and slowly she felt like she was lacking air. But what made her happier was she was holding the hands of the man she loved so much as they walk their way to the school. A smile was emerging on her lips but she tried to suppress it by biting her lips. Jiyong squeezed her hand making her glanced at him. ‘Too much excitement is not good for you,’ he warned in a serious tone. ‘I keep telling all of you that I’m better now, I have a new heart,’ she pouted like a child making him broke into chuckles. Jiyong gave a quick peck on her lips making her smile. ‘I’m just reminding you,’ he chuckled as they continued walking to their school.
The festival was more than what Dara had ever imagined in her entire life. It was full of life, it was built with fun and everything just seemed so perfect so fun that she even wished that it will last forever. She watched the plays, played the
, watched the performances, bought everything that her eyes landed on and what made it beyond perfect was the fact that Jiyong was with her to share all the joy she was feeling. And with him everything just became so perfect.
It was almost time for the closing ceremony and like every tradition in every school there was a huge bonfire on the middle of the field as music was everywhere, it was one thing that she had been waiting her whole life, to dance with the guy she loved the most. As all the students went to their position with their partner she smiled as Jiyong pulled her and hold her gently ready for the dance. She glanced around and saw a lot of students who were in love not just him, not just her. She laughed softly upon seeing Seung Ri and Chearin who were still bickering but none the less in their position ready for the dance. She pointed them to Jiyong making the latter shook his head in disbelief before breaking into small chuckles. ‘They look good together,’ she said as she stared at his eyes. ‘But we look perfect,’ he smiled at her as he pulled her closer to him. ‘Agreed’ she giggled as the music started and so they moved, letting their bodies moved to the rhythm, letting their heart beat together with the memories as they both drown in the music and in the eyes of each other.
Then in one swift move they switched partners and every time they do all Dara can do was to laugh and say hello to her partners while Jiyong would roll his eyes then pout cutely as he stared at her girlfriend laughing with the other guys who were beat red upon just holding her. ‘Hey stop being a big jealous boyfriend here, it’s just a dance,’ Chearin clicked her tongue as she shook her head in disbelief. ‘But they!’ he tried to reason out but failed as he heaved a sigh and took her hand and made her spin gently then they continued dancing. As the music went on they danced and switched partners endlessly and it felt like forever, and one last switch and she’ll be back at his arms. And as the music neared its end they switched partners and finally she was back at his arms. He let out a breath of relief mixed with frustration as she chuckled. He quickly embraced her tightly making her broke into another giggling spree. ‘Let’s never do that again,’ he sighed. ‘Ji!’ Dara exclaimed as she giggled. She pulled herself away from him and pinched his cheeks. ‘Cute,’ she smiled at him. ‘Cute jealous boyfriend,’ she added as the both chuckled. Jiyong then wrapped his arms around her waist as they both paced to the vacant seats and sat for awhile before they go home.
It was almost eight in the evening when they decided to go home. They were walking their way to the school’s gate when all of a sudden Dara saw a familiar figure which made her heart thumped loudly inside her chest as a smile emerged in her lips. And without any words she let go of Jiyong’s hand as she dashed her way to him who was standing next to his black Audi. ‘Oppa!!’ she shouted as she threw herself to him. They almost fell but good thing he had a great balance. She hugged him tightly as he did the same. ‘How did you know I’m here?’ she asked. ‘Well, I wait in the house but since you’re still not there I thought you’re still at school. And you were, is the festival over?’ he asked with a smile on his lips. ‘Of course! It’s already eight!’ she answered giggling. Sanghyun chuckled as he ruffled her hair. He was more than happy to see her full of life, to see her finally doing what she wanted the most, living a normal life.
Before Dara was even born her parents separated as her mother had enough of her father who was neglecting them out of work, they separated and knowing she could not give Sanghyun, their eldest child, a life he would have together with his father even though it hurts like hell she left him to his father. They got divorced as the two migrated to America and they never saw each other again, until her mother pleaded to her father for financial assistance when she found out that her heart had a hole on it and the only way to survive was through machines. Her father and Sanghyun immediately flew back to Korea only to see her skinny, weak and on the verge of dying. And for Sanghyun it was too much to take, they never left her side, he loved his sister so dearly and he even wanted to stop schooling just to stay beside her all day afraid that she might be taken from them, from him. With that Dara became the string that bound them to each other as they need one another for strength. Their parents might not have been back together but then it gave them a chance to stay close with each other.
‘Where’s dad?’ she asked. ‘London, for some trips,’ he answered nonchalantly. ‘But he told me to give you this,’ he said with a smile as he opened the door of his car and pull out a paper bag and handed it to her. Dara excitedly grabbed the paper bag and saw more beautiful notebooks and pen inside it. She smiled at him. ‘Dad really knew what to buy me!’ she giggled. She has always been fond of writing and because of that she had tons of notebooks at their house, full of her stories, full of her musings and all the things she had realized and imagined. She then grabbed Sanghyun’s hand as she pulled her towards her friends who were just staring at them while they were talking.
‘Guys I wanted you to meet the best big brother in the world! Park Sanghyun!’ she said proudly as all of them let a sigh of relief for the reason oblivious to her but made her chuckle anyways. Sanghyun bowed down to them as he thank them for taking good care of her, making them also bowed down to him. Dara then introduced them one by one. After doing so she bounced her way to Jiyong as she wrapped her arm around his. ‘Oppa, this is Kwon Jiyong, my boyfriend,’ she smiled as she glanced at Jiyong was stiffened and was just staring at Sanghyun. Then everyone started noticing the cold air as the silence continued. Sanghyun clenched her jaw as He quickly pulled Dara from Jiyong. ‘Ouch!’ Dara whined at the sudden action of her brother. ‘Don’t hurt her,’ Jiyong said with voice trying to stay firm.
‘I would not let you be with my sister,’ Sanghyun said with finality as Jiyong’s jaw clenched. Dara stared at Sanghyun disbelievingly. She then pulled herself away from his hold. ‘What’s wrong with you oppa?’ she asked as she walked towards Jiyong only to be pulled by Sanghyun. He gripped her arms tightly as Dara let out a pained wince. Jiyong stopped him. ‘Don’t hurt her,’ he said now more on pleading. ‘You’re out of this!’ he gritted at him as he pulled Dara to his car as Dara let out a cry of pain because of his tight hold. He opened his car and pushed her inside then slammed the door of the car. ‘Listen I don’t want you near my sister ever again, G-Dragon,’ he ended in a hiss as Jiyong tightly shut his eyes and fluttered it open only to see him slam the door of his car and speed off and by looking at it, he knew he and Dara was arguing.
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